Hey my beauties How are you all doing today :)
Well now I had to put my serious thinking hat on for todays topic
"Life's A Lesson" What is the single most important lesson you have ever had?
Wow that is a tough one as my whole life has been just one big lesson believe me. I haven't had the easiest life but I know for a fact people have had worse but instead of dwelling on the hard times I have turned them into life's lessons.
Today I rattled my head of what one lesson points out to me and then bam this is one lesson I have learned that will benefit others ;)
Been a teen and going into my early 20's Smear tests were never really mentioned. Not like they are today. But after I had my first child about 2 years later someone asked my in conversation "Have you had your smear test done" I looked at them and shrugged my shoulders and said "no" I wasnt really bothered I just thought aww just another test
My mum I dont think ever had a Smear test done and I never thought any more about it until one day I read an article in a magazine about a girl at 19 diagnosed with cervical cancer and she was dying. In the space of a month all I was hearing was the words "Smear Tests" and "Cervical Cancer"
I took this as a message and finally booked myself in for a Smear Test. I think nerves was always getting in the way as I heard stories (as you do) and I didnt know what to expect. I went In and got my test done which was not at all bad. I found it a small bit uncomfortable but that was it.
It was done in 5 minutes and I thought no more about it.
Until one day about 2 weeks later I got a phone call from my GP telling me the results came back abnormal. He reassured me that sometimes it will come back abnormal and that I would have to get another test done to see clearer results
I went to a clinic where they carried out another Smear I thought that this would be the end of it and thats why i decided to go there on my own. The results came through again abnormal so they had to carry out another test called A colposcopy
This is basically the same test as a smear only the doctor looks at your womb through a Microscope
The results came back that I had high abnormal cells which were not cancerous but if not treat may turn cancerous in the future. Some test will come back low abnormal cells and can go away on their own
So what next?
I had to have treatment there and then under a local anastetic and the procedure took about 15 minutes Basically the doctor had to burn away the abnormal cells which doesnt hurt at all. I did feel a little sensitive and felt a little pain the next day which felt like very faint period pains but my mind was at ease.
I have to say that day was a lesson learned.... I went around thinking I didnt need this done I was fine and the results will be clear............. If I had continued with this attitude Those abnormal cells would have turned into something alot worse
I am not saying everyones results are going to be the same by no means at all but what i am saying is that If there is important tests that need to be done to help provent something serious in the future do not refuse.
Have you went for your Cervical check
Especially you mums out there??
For more Information on this please check out this website
So that is one of my most important Life Lessons Learned I hope this helps someone out there who had the same attitude as me
Stay healthy ladies
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter
I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for sharing your story and really poignant lesson. I'm sure there are many women that need to learn this lesson too.
Ooer I'm one of those who never even thinks about this kind of stuff, maybe I should reconsider... thanks for the food for thought! X
I love how everyone has really put their own spin on todays topic. It's amazing how public perception of smear tests have changed, very thought provoking post.
Thanks :)
Thanks for sharing this! I'll definitely be going for my smears as soon as I'm 25, it's always better to know!
Jess xo
Thanks so much everyone for your feedback :) :) :)
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