Hello My beauties :) I hope you are all well
You know at this stage that I have already tried some of Human + Kinds amazing products and absolutely loved them. Their All in One Hand, Elbow and Foot cream is amazing and I have it in my handbag full time :) :) I also adore their All in One Facial Cleanser which has become my one of my favourite cleansers I have tried :) Their Age Spot Remover cream aka moisturiser is amazing and I have been using it constantly since I got it :)
I was so so happy when Human + Kind sent me Their new Shampoo & Conditioner Duo to try out :) :)
I absolutely love the packaging as always its very easy to find Human + Kinds product simply by they bright and colourful packaging :) :)
They have 3 different types of Shampoo & Conditioner duos and of course different colour coded squirty bottles to identify them
You can get The one for :
All hair types Which is what I will be reviewing today
Sensitive Hair & Skin: Which is perfect for anyone sensitive out there
Dry Hair: which is of course need for ones who do alot with their hair like dying and styling :)
The shampoo and Conditioner costs €7.95 each and is 100% natural with No Petrochemicals No Animal Testing Paraben Free and SLS Free.
SLS free ??? I hear you say well to be honest I did not know the meaning either until I looked it up and found out it is actually beneficial especially if you suffer with sensitive skin and are prone to breakouts
SLS stands for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is basically used in all beauty products that has a foam to it. Shampoos, body washes, toothpaste, shower gels etc. SLS is very drying on the skin and hair resulting to dry skin as you notice when you get out of your shower SLS strips the skin and hair of its natural oils leaving them dry so we then have to replace the oils with moisturiser or oils afterwards.
I know I personally love my products especially when in the shower to foam up and I knew this was going to be an experience trying something that doesnt not contain that ingredient
First of all let me talk about the Shampoo & Bodywash.
I love the idea of this been a shampoo & bodywash because normally I wash my hair before I jump into the shower reason is I dont like the thought of shampoo residue on my body as I know it can be drying. Where as with this little beauty I dont have to worry where I start.
This is suitable for all hair types and especially for people who are on the go all the time. It contains ingredients like Aloe vera which is always good for your hair and skin
Avena Sativa which is used to soothe sooth and nourish the skin. It also helps hair by improving conditioning and manageability. Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil Grapefruit Peel Oil is high in the anti-oxidant Vitamin C which helps to fight free radicals and prevent skin damage. Grapefruit is also high in keratin a protein building block of the skin and hair.
My Thoughts
The first thing I noticed was the Grapefruit scent which is lovely and very natural. Even though I did notice the scent did not linger as much as normal shampoos maybe because its all natural with no perfume scent. When I first started to wash my hair i did notice that there was very little to no lather while washing which was very strange to me but I soon got used to it. I also noticed my hair was squeaky clean already after just one wash. I to be honest was not satisfied with the shampoo for one reason, my hair felt like wire before I put the conditioner in and more wiriery than normal instantly I knew why. I have dyed my hair alot and also suffer with dry hair so instantly I knew this shampoo was not suitable for my hair. As far as using it for a body wash well it was beautiful and my skin felt so smooth and soft and not one bit dry.
I have been using this shampoo on my childrens hair and the shine you see on their hair is amazing.
Now we have the Conditioner for all hair types. Human + Kind promises With the ingredients such as Hops extract softens and thickens the hair while Oat Kernel extract helps to add shine and increase manageability.
I have to admit I was very very pleased with this conditioner. While using the shampoo and it leaving my hair feel extra wirery I needed instant relief my hair felt so matted and not with the falt of the shampoo but more to my fault for years of dying and have very dry hair. I was sure this conditioner was not going to be enough for me but I was wrong. It gave my hair instant relief and literally my hair felt softer. I couldnt believe it :) And wow when I blow dried my hair after my first use of the conditioner I instantly seen the beautiful shine. My childrens hair especially the girls hair looks so healthy and shiny too I have been asked a couple of times how they have such shiny hair.
As you can tell by my review its a 50/50 result for me especially. The shampoo did not work for me but the conditioner certainly did. With the result of the conditioner I do want to try out the Shampoo for dry hair as I have a feeling I will get a better result :) I will be sure to let you know how I get on with that with a whole new review. If you are looking for an all natural shampoo and conditioner for non damaged hair or simply for your young family This shampoo and conditioner is 100% for you but for anyone who has badly damaged or dry hair it will not be suitable :) :) Dont worry I will not keep you in too much suspense with the result of the dry hair one as I am now as i type this buying it online :) Check out Human + Kind Website for more information :)
I hope this was helpful to you all
Until next time
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for reviewing this, I was not familiar with these products. :)
Really great review, the conditioner sounds amazing!
So do you wash your hair in the sink before you hop in the shower? Interesting idea, I like it.
Katie Larkin Yes hunny I have a shower over my bath and I wash my hair before having a proper shower sometimes when in a hurry I will jump in the shower wash my hair first and then have a good ex-foliating shower to make sure no shampoo is left
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