Oh my gosh ladies and gents just take a moment to read the invitation I received last week......... If you got an invitation like that wouldn't you be extra excited and dying for the day to arrive :) :) This is my first ever invitation I got to go to a Bloggers Event hosted by Benefit which made me all goose pimply and extremely excited :)
Well Sure I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas day to come and when it finally arrived I was in the clouds for the day until the time came to go to the event. We were told nothing apart from what was in the invite but we did know of course that Benefit was launching something new :)
Of course our destination was to go to The Dundrum Shopping centre in Dublin and to meet up at the customer services desk and that's what we did. I had the lovely company of Sarah aka Adoreabubbles all the way there and back. She is so funny and great to chat with :) We bumped into our fellow blogger beauties some we have met on numerous occasions and some new faces.
As we arrived we were greeted by the lovely staff of Benefit including The lovely Sofia who invited us. To our surprise there was also an officer to greet us too, who then ordered us to go with him (in his rough and ready voice) haha ;) we had to follow him of course :) Well would you refuse a man in uniform ;) Yummy !!! oops did I just type that lol
Anyways huh hum . As we were ordered outside we were amazed to see a huge truck and were ordered to get our butts inside we were "Under Arrest!" :) :) As we Entered our "Prison" We were greeted by the Fabulous and very handsome Mark Rogers (Starstruck!!!!) I love this guy and his work :) :)
As we all marched into the truck we had no idea what to expect and of course we were "ordered" to put on our new outfits. As I heard laughter in the air I pulled on my overalls and stared at the set up of inside the truck/prison lol AMAZING
Of course as we sat and listened to the wonderful Mark tell us why we were there everything fell into place :) He started by showing us this amazing ad and to be honest I cant stop watching it Its amazing and so unexpected
Its basically about a Woman who is a robber, the cops are after her, they catch her, put her into the back of the car, and as they are driving along she (in handcuffs) reaches for her bag and pulls out this New They're Real Push Up Gel Liner Pen, she applies it creating a beautiful cat eye look and it ends with her looking fabulous for her mug shots. LOL Priceless and so typical of us women (even on the way to prison we gotta look our best ;) Check it out I know you will love it :)
So Mark gave us a lovely insight to why They're Real Push Up Gel Liner Pen was created and showing us literally how this product works. Put it this way we bloggers are super dooper excited as this is been released next month here but already highly talked about on YouTube. I do believe this is going to make best seller as its one of a kind and no company has thought of this.
Ok enough chit chat and let me show you more pictures of course you may spot another New product which will be released at the same time Can you see it :) :) :) Plus do not worry you will not be waiting long for my reviews on these products as I am already playing around with them ;)
The Lovely Leanne Woodfull :)
With the Fabulous Mark Rogers Love this guy xxxxxx our nice picture
Here is our lovely goodies we got to take home with us thanks to Benefit. As you can see we had the best fun ever and thanks so much to Benefit Ireland for hosting what can be said an unforgettable time :) Are you as excited as we are about the new products ??? :)
Keep your eyes well and truly peeled For some Benefit Reviews here on my blog very very soon :)
Until Next Time

The Lovely Leanne Woodfull :)
Our bold picture He is hilarious !!! :)
Sarah aka Adoreabubbles wanted this truck for herself :)
Here is our lovely goodies we got to take home with us thanks to Benefit. As you can see we had the best fun ever and thanks so much to Benefit Ireland for hosting what can be said an unforgettable time :) Are you as excited as we are about the new products ??? :)
Keep your eyes well and truly peeled For some Benefit Reviews here on my blog very very soon :)
Until Next Time

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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