Hello my beauties :)
I thought it was about time you all met someone :)
There is a reason why I have kept this someone to myself for this long and To some of you who hasnt see my post about about the reason you can click here to see it now :)
if you have click it and read it you will now know who you are about to meet :) It will also explain why I have been a little slower with blog posts especially in the past few months :)
Some of you may also say oh my goodness "Is she Crazy" or have other negative opinions about it but to be honest I dont really pay any attention to that or really care about negative opinions because I am happy about it and thats all that matters :) :)
Ok I am not going to let you wait any longer but this person you are going to meet is someone I havent even met in person yet!!!! Why ??? because...............................
Yes I am Pregnant :) :) To my huge surprise of course :)
But the reason I am so so happy about it is because I suffered 3 miscarriages since I had my twins and they were very very hard to cope with for a while and I was convinced that I was to have no more children :) I accepted that as I have 5 wonderful beautiful children already and they make me so so happy :) and of course very grateful :)
To my surprise just after Christmas I realised that time of month did not come and some body changes were already happening !!!! Sore boobs bigger boobs and sickness :) I knew in my heart that I was expecting again but had to check for sure :)
When it was confirmed I had very mixed emotions. Mostly happy and of course very very nervous !!!! reason been that I had already lost 3 in only a year and half.
So I booked myself in with the doctor and asked him to book me in for an early scan. I was asked for the early scan when I reached 7 weeks and 3 days. My nerves were beyond my control I felt sick, weak weepy nervous I was all over the place. Thanks to my sister and my partner they kept by my side as I awaited my first early scan

After a 1/2 hour of waiting which felt like forever I was scanned straight away and that glorious heart beat sound rang in my ears :) :) The heart beat was so so strong coming from that beautiful little dot on the screen I was so relieved :) :) Here is my first scan :)
I was told I have to come back after 3 weeks just to be safe and to make sure all is running smoothly as I was not out of the risk point just yet :) I was relieved to hear that too because I was still so so nervous :)
3 weeks later I was back at the emotional wreck I was at the beginning but also not in doubt too as I was suffering with any bleeding and found my belly was growing :) I was also still feeling a little sick in the mornings and going through all the symptoms like before :)
I had reached 10 weeks and felt that if the nurse confirmed all was ok at this scan I would actually relax a little more again :)
So like before I was called along with my lovely sister and partner by my side :)
Again the nurse check the heart beat which was super strong again :) I was so so so happy :) I also noticed just in the space of 3 weeks my little bundle of joy was getting bigger :) :) I could easily make out the baby this time and thats when the tears started to flow :) I instantly felt relieved :)
Wanna see ???
I was so so happy yet we still kept it a secret just until I passed the 12 week mark :) Of course the first people I had to tell was my beautiful babies :)
We were not sure how they would take the news as they were all used to just having us and each other around. I was especially nervous telling the twins as they were the youngest
To our surprise they were over the moon :) I mean I was shocked with how excited they were to hear they were going to have another brother or sister in the house :) I suppose with them been a little older they understand more and its easier for them not to feel jealous or left out in which they never would feel left out because we love each and every one of them the same and remind them that every single day :)
We decided to just tell our parents and keep it to that for a while just incase :) Of course the news was a bit of a shock but they were happy too :) reaching 13 weeks the nausea started to easy and I felt even more relaxed. I also felt my belly was expanding already and a nice wee bump was starting to form :)
I was so happy and content. The only symptoms I was going through at the time was tiredness and because I suffer with a bad case of IBS it seemed to have gotten worse around this time !! I was going through an awful time of it feeling sluggish tired sick bloatness everything so much so I was changing my diet all the time limiting what to eat was becoming more and more and was really getting to me but I didnt let it get me down I knew at some stage it would ease. I had an awful time and to be honest really frustrated as my appetite was getting more yet I was limited to what I could eat as everything seemed to set my IBS off :(
By 15 weeks I was starting to feel more pregnant as my bumb grew :) My IBS was still going strong and giving me a hard time but I kept strong hoping it would ease off. I was feeling down some days but thanks to my beautiful babies they kept my mind busy and stopped me from thinking too much about it :)
At 17 weeks well you can see yourself I am beginning to find hiding this bump a little difficult and to be honest felt it was time to let it show :) :) I felt happier that if people knew it didnt matter as I was in no danger not at this stage :) And At this stage I have been feeling my baby move :) :) Its so active its unreal at this stage :) To my surprise my IBS started to ease off a little which made me even more happier content and enjoying been pregnant finally :) :)
Now at 20 weeks I am half way there and super super excited. I am feeling really pregnant now and the only symptoms I am going through at the moment is happiness :) :) I am finding my walking pase is a little slower but of course this little bundle of joy is growing. Oh and another symptom I am going through alot more this time is having to run to the loo. Oh my goodness me I can pee around 20 times a day its crazy every hour on the hour I am running. I think the more children you have the weaker your bladder gets as mine is super weak !!!! Baby is super active alot more in the day and I find I can feel it more when placing my hand on my tummy :) I have even let my kiddies have a feel and each one has felt baby move :) I want them involved each step I take :) My little woman Mia kisses my tummy every single day which is so cute :) :) Cameron who is Mias twin talks to the baby all the time as I told him at this stage baby can hear sounds :)
the 3 oldest are amazed watching my tummy grow and grow and are constantly telling me "Mum your tummy is bigger today " :)
They are so helpful already I am blessed :)
Its been 10 weeks since I have seen my little bundle of joy until today :) :)
My 20 week scan date has arrived and I couldnt wait to see how much my little bundle has grown :) and here is him or her now :) :)
So cute right? I cant believe how big baby got in the space of ten weeks :) Everything looks normal and baby is measuring up to the right size :) Heart beat is great and of course the little monkey is kicking and jumping around there like crazy making the most of the space before growing more and more. Its not helping my bladder though!!! :)
I am so glad all is well with baby and the only thing wrong with me is I have to take iron as I am low which can easily be fixed :)
Its a relief that all is good and of course my bump is showing more this week :) Take a look :)
I can now look forward to getting bigger and bigger :) :) I have only 2 cravings at the moments :) Mr Freezes and Crunchy bread rolls :)
So there is my good and surprising news :) Happy to share with all of you now I know all is safe and baby is well :)
I bet that was a shocker eh? Dont worry this is not going to slow down or stop blog posts from me :) I was blogging while I had twins feeding them every 2 hours so I will be well able to continue blogging ;) Now that I feel alot better and able to enjoy been pregnant I can concentrate even better :)
If you would like me to keep you updated let me know :)
OH BY THE WAY!!!!!! My beautiful sister is sharing my happiness as we are both pregnant together she is 6 weeks ahead of me :) :) :) :) I am so happy for her and so excited to share pregnant time with her :) :)
Until next time
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!! You have such a lovely family, may God bless you all with health, love and happiness!! <3
Aww Nina, I am so happy for you :) you dont even know. I am sure you are going to do well. I cant wait to see this little cutie soon :) I wish you the best pregnancy Nina, you deserve it. I will be praying for you that everything goes well. I cant wait to find out if its a boy or a girl :)
Congratulations Nina! To you and to your sister! :D
Congratulations to you and your sister and thanks for sharing such wonderful news with us. X
Oh my gosh, what a wonderful time! I am so so excited for you. This news made me super excited!
Aw this is such fabulous news hunnie, congratulations xx
Such a sweet post! congrats you look beautiful, many blessings!!
oh wow! many congratulations, you are looking beautiful x
oh my, big congrats nina! :) you have such a cute bump
Congrats hun :)
Pink Frenzy
awwh congrats on your lil one x
Massive congratulations! xxx
Massive congrats lovely! xxx
congrats love!!
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