Hello My Beauties :)
I have often seen this type of blog post going round while I catch up on my favourite blogs :) :)
I have to say I really enjoy them and literally find myself nodding to every last one of them. So I figured it was about time I posted one up for myself, after all I am nearly 4 years blogging and found blogging has changed me and my way of thinking and how I live my life (of course for the better ;)
So from my own experiences and from my own habits I am going to tell you How I and the people around me can tell that I am a beauty blogger :)
Starting with weather :
You know your a beauty blogger when................
You know your a beauty blogger when................
- You have 3 to 4 different weather apps on your phone so you can check if the sun is going to be shining the next day
- You know exactly what time the sun is going to be shining in each window through out the day.
- You are sitting at home blogging or out shopping suddenly the sun decides to shine so you drop all run to get your camera phone and products and race outside before the sun goes back in behind the clouds.
- Spring and Summer become your favourite months of the year because the sun shine continuously and you get the best pictures ever
- You would even find you drag yourself out of bed at 6 am in the morning to see the sun rising and get you products ready for photos straight away.
- I found been a mum I have kids up and out to school, housework done all by 9.30 am just so I get my photos and swatches done :)
Social Media & Online shopping !!!!
- You know are a part of every social media site out there
- The first thing you do in the morning is check your emails, social media sites or any notifications you may have. You do this check about 4 or 5 times a day
- Your youtube subscriptions are full of your favourite beauty gurus and your become obsessed with watching their videos every single day
- Your family may actually tell you that you are neglecting them as you car constantly on your phone, tab laptop !!!! a little more than you should
- You become obsessed with online shopping a little more than you would like. The moment you see something new on their social media sites YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- You jump out of your skin when your favourite makeup brand announces that they have now got an online store :)
- You literally can not go through a day without taking pictures for Instagram be it food, makeup or even taking a selfies to show your Face Of The Day :)
- You become a stalker....... Obsessing over your favourite blogger/youtubers social media pages :)
Wishlists & Shopping
- You find you have a wishlist as long as the river nile and promise yourself with all your power that you will have everything ticked of that list or SO HELP ME GOD!!!!!!!
- You have finally got the cash to splash out on one particular product that has been on your wishlist for some time only to realise its either all sold out or not available anymore NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
- You finally got the email you have been waiting for: The product you have heard is been released is finally available to buy. You race to the next available store to buy it only its out of stock
- You are out shopping with your loved one and suddenly see there is new makeup stand there. You spend about a half hour swatching only to realise you have most of the products in your basket. You turn around to see your loved ones face which is not happy and you just gotta use those eyes to get what you want :) :) Always works !!!!!!
- You go into Boots to get one item only to notice there is a 3 for 2 offer going on and you walk out with a bag full of products GUILTY EVERYTIME!!!!!!!!
- You turn your children against any pharmacy, department store and of course Boots because everytime you pass it you just have to go in there for "a second" only to look at your watch and notice you have been in there for a half hour. OOOPPPPS :)
- You have now got the excuse that you need every shade of every product when questioned by a loved one "Do you not have that one at home already" "yes I do but not this shade and really need to get it for my blog"
- Someone decides to talk about makeup or beauty products to you when you meet them and its like music to your ears as most of your closest family has no interest and you cant understand why. So when someone decides to ask you a question you literally want to tie them to the chair and keep them there forever hahahaha ok
- You absolutely love Beauty Blogger Meetups after all you are surrounded by lots and lots of people who have the same interest as you its amazing and I try to go to every last one :)
- Swatching is a big thing in your life and maybe a little too much as you walk around with swatch stains on one arm which is something you are well used to but when you are suddenly questioned my someone "What happened to your arm" with a concerned face. You need to get the exfoliator out
- The postman becomes your best friend :) :)
- You so excited that a parcel has come in the door, you rip the box open, look in awwww at the products and cant wait for the sun to shine so you can take pictures of them before you swatch them :)
- You have a certain box in your room full of products that has to be pictured, swatched and tried :)
- When you have about 30 + lipsticks in your collection and you little woman gets a hold of one of these lipsticks and decides the wall could do with some colour. Its suddenly your favourite lipstick and you start going through every emotion you can think of.
- You spend hours putting on makeup, dressing up and doing your hair in preparation of making a video (even though usually your bottom half is pyjamas) or taking pictures of you wearing products
- Your book collection is replaced with makeup palette collections...... Honest I got rid of the books from my shelf and placed my palettes there instead :) :)
- You tend to take about 100 photos of the one object just to get the right one :)
- You literally fall to the floor throwing a tantrum because you have just broke either you laptop or camera. Its true I have broke both and the first time I fell to my knees crying the 2nd time was a little something like this...... lol
So there you have it some of the pointers of how you know when your a blogger :)
I really hope you enjoyed this post and let me know your points :) :)
Until Next Time
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ha that last picture made me cackle and of course most of these are so very true x
This post is fabulous - I can totally relate to the majority of these! I am counting the days until the clocks change and the evenings will start to get lighter :D
Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
I love posts this like, I can totally relate to all of those points!
HA! This post is SO SO true. Totally sharing it on Twitter.
LOL!!! I found myself agreeing with all of them!!!
These are so true! Thanks for a fun post! x
Pink Frenzy
This is such a fun post. Things we bloggers only understand. I so agree with the lighting part. :D
Loving that last pic and of course all the comments are true!
YES!! These are all so true! xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet
Haha! I'm not a beauty blogger but this was fun to read for a fashion blogger!
So so true :)
You need to get a lighting kit tho will save you so much hassle lol
Loved this post! Every night before bed, I check social media. Same thing in the morning too haha
I love posts like these! Totally relate to them xxx
Charli | Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger at CHARLI B
The weather ones don't really apply to me here in deepest darkest Yorkshire - no point checking for the sun! ;)
A lot of the others are very accurate though! x
hahahah many of them are true :D
I identify with so many of these! My postman once shouted after me down the street with a parcel because he'd recognised me haha...
Jess xo
Haha, good read! I definitely rush to get other things done so I can work on blogging!
I'm crying at the last picture!!! Love these posts! x
hahahah these are all absolutely true!!! :D
and awesome gif!
Alice | Alice's Beauty Madness
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