Hey my beautifuls how are you all doing first of all let me tell you this is just a post to tell you about my lovely haul i got from Darling Girl Cosmetics .
I will be reviewing these items seperately as i feel they deserve that hehehe
Well since i got these little beauties i have been having so much fun playing with them. This is not the first time i ordered off this site the first time i ordered a load of samples but never got round to doing a review on them as i hadnt started blogging at that time but now that im am blogging i couldnt or cant wait to share these with you all.
Let me tell you a little about Darling Girl Cosmetics and then i will go on and show you what i got :)
Darling Girl Cosmetics is a home based business in Texas USA :) (i love the idea of that all the family getting involved in a family business. Sorry im just big into family doing things together Big family gal i am) The owners name is Susan and from what i have heard and what i have experienced she is a lovely lovely lady and very helpful. My impression of her is she is out to please her costumers no matter what and that is what made me purchase off her again. Any question i had for her she was very quick to get back to me and very helpful very very impressive. They sell everything from Eyeshadow pigments, to glitters, to lip products to bath and body products anything :) and They are all animal friendly and full of gentle ingredients :)
From their site:
Our Mission:
At Darling Girl Cosmetics we believe that everyone at any budget should be able to have quality affordable makeup. This is why we offer two sizing options as well as samples of many of our products. Petit's (1/4 tsp jars), Full Size (3/4 tsp jar), and sample baggies with 1/8 tsp. At these prices you could buy several jars of our eye shadow for the price of one high end eye shadow with the same great quality.
So what did i order you order i hear you say well...........................
Look at the packaging on these aint they the cutest and really girlie :) this is how i got my lovely bits :)
Here is all my lovely goodies hehehehe now you can see why I was so excited :) :)
So let me begin by telling you what i got now i must remind you this is not a review but the reviews of each are to follow dont worry but if i review all of these together this post would be too long and you will end up googli-eyed reading hahaha
So heres a sneaky peaky at what i got :) in this picture is:
5 Watercolor Paint pots (in which i was most excited about getting and trying)
Next I got an eyeshadow pigment in shade "Irish eyes"
A liquid kiss luxe
2 Kiss you off: Color Rich Lip Balms
and a tube of Glitter Glue
And lastly
2 Luscious Lip Balms
Plus i got an bloggers package which only cost me $0.75 and that included 3 eyeshadow samples, 1 blush sample and a lip product sample.
I want to keep posting up pictures but that will spoil my reviews lol
I have been working on my review posts all week so you wont have to wait long to see them and lots more pictures swatches and lip swatches and of course my utmost honest opinion and experiences of these :) :)
Also Darling girl has a little promotion code for first time buyers in which i didnt even notice until after i purchased these (you can just imagine my jaw dropping when i seen this and then me kicking myself hahaha) so if you cant wait for my reviews and wanna buy i will post up this code now for you
For first time customers enter code NEWCUSTOMER for 10% off your order of $15.00 or more.
:) Anyway back to working on these reviews for you all
until then i hope this little teaser post gives you something to look forward to
:) :)
Chat soon my lovelies
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter
Nina C
:) :) :) :) :)
1 comment:
Aw it came wrapped up so nicely. I love that :)
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