Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Blank Canvas Cosmetics Pro Brush Belt Review

Hello Beauties I hope you are all well 
Ah it feels great to be back blogging :) I had it planned to come back sooner than this but my baby boy is suffering with reflux which is a horrible thing for any baby to go through.  Since he was 5 weeks old he has had to deal with this and still is so forgive me for been slow coming back.  With been exhausted 90% of the time and been a full time mum of 6 one needing alot of my attention I bearly had time to sit down for a cup of tea never mind get back blogging plus I have so much to review its crazy :)  I have missed blogging & you all so so much and couldnt wait to be back behind the laptop :)  Jayden is fast asleep for now so here I am & This is where I will be every second I have free :) 

Of course my first review after 3 months has to be on the Blank Canvas Cosmetics Pro Brush Belt in which has been on my wishlist for a long long time now :)  I have alot of makeup brushes and I mean alot and Now that I am going free lance I needed something to make life easier for myself instead of placing my brush individually on a table each time I do makeup :)  
I spotted Sineady Cady with this brush belt and I just had to try it out for myself.  If you are a Makeup Artist, Freelancer or even in college studying Makeup you are going to want one of these I promise :)  Even if you are not all of the above and have alot of brushes this is such an easy way to store all of your brushes together :) 

This brush Belt is one of the most sold products from the Blank Canvas Website that at the moment :)  So grab while you can especially if you want to buy a close friend or family member one for Christmas or want to treat yourself to one because alot of the time this beauty is sold out.  At the moment its available :) :) 

This Pro Brush belt is made up of alot of separate compartments :) All the compartments are arranged perfectly on the belt and are all different sizes of course to fit all your different sized brushes :)   
You dont have to store just brushes in here though you can store makeup also :)  Your eyeliners, lip pencils, lipsticks and eye pencils even mascaras in the compartments :) :)  
The brush belt is made of Faux Leather and closes with zip :)  It also has a strap that wraps around you waist and closes with a clip :)  Whats great is that you can adjust the belt to fit you waist properly :)  Of course I have to mention that the belt has Blank Canvas Cosmetics name printed in the inside :) 

How love how easy this belt is to clean because lets face it your makeup brushes will make a mess :)  A simple wipe of a wet cloth and its as good as new :) :) 

This belt is so sturdy that you can fill it up with brush fold it and close it up using the zip.  Never once have I felt that the zip was going to burst.  Its like the Leather case has this build in elastic that stretches as you close :)
Just look how beautiful my brushes look together :)  

I love that this brush belt is at an amazing affordable price of €24.99 :)  I want to get another one :)  (yes I do have that many brushes haha) 
I highly recommend this belt to you all I love how organised my brushes look in here and the fact that I can bring alot more brushes with me on travel or to do a clients makeup and it doesnt take up too much room in my makeup box :) 
Need I say more :)  Its amazing :)  

Check out Blank Canvas Cosmetics website for more information.  If you are thinking of getting this belt for an extra little bit off the already affordable price Enter "NINA" in the discount code part at the checkout and that will give you a little bit of a discount :) as a treat :) 

I hope you enjoyed my review :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Why I have been away for so long - Celebrations - I had a Baby

Hello Everyone :) 
Wow it feels like I have been away for such a long time :) 
I missed you all :) 
Well I thought I would explain myself incase you did not see on Facebook and Instagram :) 
I have good reason for been absent ......... My little pride and joy in my tummy decided enough was enough and wanted to enter the world earlier than expected.  

Baby Jayden entered our lives 4 1/2 weeks early and surprised us all :) 
He was born on the 7th August at 18.03pm weighing 2.23 kgs/ 4lb 15oz :) 

Oh my goodness and did he enter the world with a bang :)  

I woke up like normal to prepare for the day ahead when suddenly I started feeling a little pain in my back and tummy.  I put it down to painful braxton hicks and ignored them.  I decided to go do the rest of my hospital bag shopping as I thought 4 weeks is not going to be long arriving :)  3 of my kiddies were at the last day of football camp so it was the perfect opporunity to get that done.  

So around 12 pm I started to feel those braxton hick even more but on a scale of one to ten pain wise they were 4/10 so again I put it down as not been in labour and went on shopping.  My kiddies were finish camp at 2 pm so we headed off to watch their final few hours.  By 2pm these braxton hick were beginning to get a little more regular and I started to think maybe they were not Braxton Hick and maybe proper contractions !!!!! :o oh oh panic started to set in a little.  I wasnt prepared I needed to get home finish getting my bag ready, get someone to look after the rest of my kiddies, get dinner for them and get to hospital.  

As soon as I got home at around 3pm the contractions were getting stronger.  Everytime I had one I had to stop and let it past.  I felt they were not lasting long enough and predicted they were lasting on 20 seconds so felt I still had lots of time.  So my partner started to panic and made dinner for kiddies while I concentrated on my contractions.  He was amazing he got someone to watch the kiddies, got my bag in the car and asked me to get into the car but I had to make sure that all was ok before I left.  it was 5 pm and I finally admitted it was time to go as my contractions all of a sudden started to last longer and were very close.  

I think I was in a state of shock but half way to hospital I finally admitted baby was on the way and FAST !!!!!! We were making a 40 minute trip and ended up in traffic !!!! I was finally panicking.  My partner rang for an ambulance as I feel the need to push.  The ambulance met us on the way about 10 minutes after calling them.  By the time I got to the hospital this baby was ready to come out to the world.  Only for my waters did not break he would have been born in the ambulance.  I got settled into hospital and 5 minutes later Jayden was born.  There was no time for gas and air no time for anything :)  The quickest birth I have had to date and all the births I have had so far has been quick :)  Jayden (my last baby) definitely beat his brothers and sisters :)  Even though he was born 4 1/2 weeks early he was well able to breath on his own and even greeted us by keeping his eyes open the whole time :)  He was and is so beautiful and perfect and I feel so lucky and proud :) 

Little cutie looks exactly like his older brother Cameron when he was born 
Forgive me for the way I look in the photo no makeup just given birth and totally exhausted does not do me any favours lol 

3 days after he was born he got the all clear to go home and that was like music to my ears :)  I couldnt wait to go home get settled and get into a routine as soon as possible and of course go home to my other babies whom I missed so so much :)  They could not wait to see their baby brother :) 

First time meeting his brothers and sisters :) 
Our lives and our house is filled with even more joy since baby Jayden was born and I am so so glad he decided to come earlier than expected as it gave the kiddies time to spend with him before they went back to school :)  I must admit since Jayden been here I have been extra extra busy and tired but thats what I love.  It may have held me back from blogging but to be honest I dont mind as I am now back blogging again on a regular basis :)  Jayden is finally in a routine which means I will be taking advantage on the time I have between feeds to blog and I can not wait :)  I have so much to blog about :) 

Its hard to believe that Jayden will be a month old in 2 days and the day after will actually be my due date in which I was suppose to have him.  I thank the lord he is doing well and putting up weight brilliantly he is now looking like a full term new born and beginning to outgrow his tiny baby clothes :)  
Here is some more snaps of him in the last month :) 

A Wind Smile I just had to capture :) 

The dummy is almost as big as his face lol 

Heres a Little slide show for you xxxx

Well now you know why I have been away and I want to thank you all who have been sending me all your well wishes and liking all my photos that I have been posting up :)  Thank you all for been so patient waiting for me to come back and I am looking forward to getting back to the blogging world again :)  I missed you all 

I hope you enjoyed this post :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The New Limited Edition PIPPA for BLANK CANVAS Palette Review

Hello Beauties :) 
I am so excited to be doing this blog post as I am very excited for both Blank Canvas Cosmetics and Pippa O'Connor :) 
You all know by now Who Blank Canvas is as I have blogged so much about this company and their products :)  Blank Canvas is one of my favourite Irish Companies who sell Amazing quality brushes and palettes :) 
I am not sure you know who Pippa O'Connor is so let me tell you a little about this beautiful and Inspirational woman.
Pippa is a Model mum and one of Irelands Leading beauty and style bloggers :)  She is a mum of one and is a happily married successful woman :) :) 
Her Blog is visited by thousands everyday and she now has a successful You-Tube Channel.  
She is not only a Model, A mum, a Blogger and Youtube fanatic but also an ambassador for Blank Canvas as she too adores Blank Canvas so much :) 
Una Tynan founder of Blank Canvas said that Pippa's work in developing this new product illustrated her great insight and awareness of make-up quality and versatility.  
She said at Blank Canvas we love working with ambitious, intelligent and strong femals and with Pippas Enthusiasm for everthing she does is admirable.  What they love most about Pippa is authentic personality, her honestly and her ability to inspire others so she was the perfect candidate to team up with to develop this amazing palette :) 

This palette only became available last week and because it is Limited Edition it has surely been top priority for everyone to buy including myself.  When I first heard about this palette I didn't care what price it was I just had to own it and the sooner the better as I have a feeling they will sell out very very fast.  Infact if you are interested in this palette yourself please take it from you jump straight onto Blank Canvas Cosmetics website and buy it because once the stock is gone its gone for good :)  

So lets take packaging :)  
As you can see the packaging is absolutely stunning.  On the lid is Pippas signature which makes it even more personalised :)  On the back is a fantastic picture of Pippa herself and a little information about her.  It also has pictures of what is in the inside of the palette :) :) 
The palette itself is very slim and very handy for carrying on travel.  The lid is held shut by a very strong magnet :) 

Isnt it so pretty and girly :) 

When developing this palette both Una from Blank Canvas and Pippa worked hard to develop this exclusive palette which is designed to stay true to the Blank Canvas high quality ethos and to Pippa's own love for fresh, natural make-up.  I have to admit my first impressions of this palette even before I started using it was very good I love the packaging, I love the layout and also the shades of the eyeshadows and face products in the palette.  

I also love how personal Pippa has made this palette to herself.  She named the eyeshadows and the face products after people in her life she cares about.  I can only imagine how proud she is to own something like this as every time I read the names I feel my heart soften :) 
K.D:  Is named after her granddad who was a very influential man to her This shade is a strong shade and he was the first person she thought of naming it :) 
Dodo:  Is named after her grandmother as they call her Dodo for short she wanted grandmother & Granddad beside each other :) 
Susu:  Is named after her sister :)  
Tobi:  Is the name of her first dog she ever owned 
Ollie:  Of course had to be in there after all he is her pride, joy and son :) 
Lily:  Is named after her current dog she owns 
Lulu:  Her most favourite shade in the palette (infact this name and the reason touched my heart the most it even brings a tear to my eye)  She explains this is named after her beautiful Mum who is shining bright from above guiding her and willing her on every single day :) <3 
Pipsy:  After herself as her friends call her Pipsy Pie
Amour:  She explains is a shade that brings everything together and Amour means Love which represents her husband :) 

Now lets Talk about these eyeshadows in which I have to say are absolutely stunning.  The quality is amazing and reminds me so much of the eyeshadows in my Lorac Pro Palette :) 
All shades are matte which I love as matte eyeshadow good matte eyeshadows in one palette is very hard to find and these ones are just mind blowing :)  When she choose the shades in this palette she choose brilliantly as they are perfect for day and night, for bridal looks, for mature women, for literally anyone :)  

K.D:  Is a deep Matte Black.  This matte black couldnt get any blacker :)  Its soft and creamy and so easy to blend.  What I love about this is it doesnt flake or create any fall out :)  I love that this shade can be used both wet and dry so if you are travelling you do not even have to bring an eyeliner you can just use this with a wet eyeliner brush :) 
Dodo:  This is a stunning rich chocolate brown which has a slight red undertone to it :)  This is perfect to wear with a deep smokey eye or to use in the crease and outer corner of the eye for a day time smokey eye :)  Again soft creamy and easy to blend I love how this shade brings out my hazel eyes when I use it :) 
Susu:  This is a great multi-tasking eyeshadow :)  Its a matte medium brown which can be used for the brows, for a transition shade, for blending, face contour shade etc :)  Soft creamy and easy to blend :) 
Tobi:  A warm soft brown another perfect transition shade.  I see a slight coral undertone to it when I use it and thats why I use this all the time for a transition shade :)  It looks stunning and works create to warm up any eye look :) 
Ollie:  A subtle warm toned nude-beige eye contouring shade.  The perfect blending out shade I have every used without it looking obvious on my eyes.  I love how well this works for me and use it every single time I apply eye makeup 
Lily:  A beautiful shade and one that surprised me the most to be honest.  I actually thought this shade was going to need packing on to be noticed but I was wrong.  A Very Pigmented Ivory-Vanilla shade.  It works great for an inner corner highlight or all over the lid and also under the brow.  I adore it :) 
The swatches below are made with no primer and are only 2 layers :)  Amazing :) 

Next up is the Face products :) 

Lulu:  Just look how amazing this looks in the pan :)  And oh my good this highlight shade is out of this world honestly :)  Its a stunning warm champagne highlight perfect for your cheek bones for highlighting under the brow cupids bow and even to wear as an eyeshadow in which I did today :)  
You get the most beautiful golden glow from just one sweep of this highlight :)  You are not left looking like a disco ball.  I have been using nothing but this highlight for my cheek bones since I got it I AM IN LOVE 
Pipsy:  A light Coral-Pink shade a perfect natural blush that is suitable for even the palest skinned people out there.  To be honest I have never been one to wear coral blushes but I am loving the effect of this shade on my skin Love it 
Amour:  A Perfect contour shade a matte brown which is perfect for both contouring and bronzing :)  I absolutely love how this is neither too warm nor too cold.  Its very buildable which means even the palest of skin out there can not over do it with this shade 

Here is a picture of me posing with my bump :)  Using the flash of the camera to show you how much of a fabulous glow you are going to get from LULU :) 

Isnt it amazing :)  
Here is a very simply day time look that I created to make myself look more wide awake and ready for the day as lately I have been looking very tired, wish washed and pale all because I am currently battling with been low in Iron due to pregnancy and the fact im over 8 months gone and a mum of 5 :)  I need every little pick me up I can find and thanks to this palette I can achieve that in a hurry :) 

In this eye look I used on the eyes LULU (which is the highlight) all over the lid and inner corner 
I used TOBI as a transition shade 
SUSU on the outer corner bringing it into the crease.  I built this shade up more on the outer corner bringing whatever was left on the brush into the crease 
I lightly added a little of DODO into the crease just to deepen daytime smokey look :) 
I used all 3 shades on the bottom lashline also.  Lastly I used LILY under the brow 

I think everything about this palette is beautiful and is well worth having in your collection especially if you like natural beautiful makeup.  The quality of the eyeshadows and the face products is brilliant and would match up to high end products. 
I do have to admit when I did see the price tag at first which is €34.99 I thought "Wow that is a bit over priced" compared to what Blank Canvas usually charges for their products which has always been super affordable but now that I have tried tested and love this palette for myself, its worth every last cent :)  As I said before the quality easily matches up to my Lorac Pro Palette in which costs no less than €50 - €60 euro per palette :) 
The good news is the palette is still available to buy from Cloud10 Beauty and lastly Blank Canvas Cosmetics but only while stocks last.  That is the bad news Its Limited Edition and selling fast so if you do want to get your lovely hands on it you need to grab it fast :) It is already sold out on Pippa's Website.  
 If you are buying it from Blank Canvas Website make sure to avail of my discount code which will give you a little off its price the code is "NINA" .  
*****Do not worry Blank Canvas Currently have no palettes left but are restocking them soon *****
I knew there would be such a high demand for these palettes so I just had to buy another for a give away for my lovely readers :)  So one of you lucky people is going to get their hands on this beauty and get to try it out for yourself :)  
Simply enter below and the winner will be chosen and announced soon :)  Good Luck :)  


I really hope you enjoyed this post :)  
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 20 July 2015

La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Repairing Barrier Cream

Hello beauties I hope you are all well :) 
Today I am going to share with you one of my most favourite and most effective Hand Creams I have been using to this day :)  Its the La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Repairing Barrier Cream.  
I am sure alot of you who have been following me for a while know that I do suffer alot with my hand been dry chapped and even splitting especially in the summer.  I have always suffered with dermatitous from a young enough age due to dry skin.  Most of the time I find using cleaning products can have a bad effect on my hand if I do not use gloves but call me old fashioned I never really like using gloves as I find they slow down my cleaning and I just find them awkward.  
Years ago when I first started cleaning my mums house there was no such thing as wearing rubber gloves in my house lol you just cleaned the old fashioned way and that way I am still stuck in.  

Unfortunately its not doing any good for my hands and lately even in the Summer time I have found my skin especially my hands to be extremely dry.  That of course is down to my pregnancy too.  I think this is the first summer I have experience my hands to looking like a 60 year old womans hands and even on the palms they seem to dry out that bad they start to split and bleed :)  Here is an example of how dry my palms alone have been getting 

These photos are not even picking up the dryness as much as it looks in really life but you can see what I mean.  

Hands creams are an essential to me all the time.  I do have my favourite hand creams for the different concerns I have.  Most of the time particular affordable hand creams have been fine for me to keep my hands moisturised but at times like this I need something better and more effective to fix them :) 
This is where this god send of a product does its job right for me :)  This is where I do not mind spending that little bit extra to pay for a hand cream as I know it is going to help my hands heal and also keep them moisturised.  

La Roche-Posay has everything you can think of to sort out your skin conditions.  
For over 30 years, La Roche-Posay has worked with dermatologists throughout the world to invent skincare and make-up products that meet their needs and requirements. La Roche-Posay also supports them in their training and their role of taking daily care of patients, through a number of actions including educational workshops for patients.
They have developed products for literally every man woman and child who have any sort of skin condition from products for 
Sensitive skin, dry skin, extremely dry skin, intolerant skin, signs of aging and wrinkles, Sebaceous scale patches, pigmentation problems, Dry scalp, sensitive scalp, makeup removers for problematic skin the list goes on and on :) 
La Rosay-Posay use the best ingredients in their products to help our skin.  One main ingredient I have seen on a regular basis in their products is Glycerin which is a humectant that can be naturally derived from plant oils.   Glycerin works to moisturise the skin by drawing water from the air into the skin's outer layer. It also forms a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss. 
Another main ingredient is Water (yes Water)  I know exactly what you are thinking how would water placed on the skin be beneficial.  Well instead of me going into too much detail you can click here to find out and believe me its very interesting :) 
So back to the review :) La-Roche Posay have lots of different ranges available :)  The repairing Barrier Cream is part of the Cicaplast range.  The Cicaplast range is designed to sooth and protect everyday irritations and dry patches :) 

The Cicaplast Mains Repairing Barrier Cream comes in a nice handy squeezy tube that fits perfectly in your purse handbag and even your pocket.  You have no excuse not to bring this little beauty around with you where ever you go.  The Repairing Barrier Cream is designed to 
  • Sooth and protect the skin's barrier.
  • Protect skin and provides an invisible and friction resistant barrier.
  • Quick-absorbing texture, invisible, non oily and non-sticky finish.
  • Contains 4% of Niacenamide and 30% of Glycerin.

The cream itself looks like Vaseline/petroleum when it first comes out which did worry me a little as I had creams that leave a oily base on my hands.  
Once I applied this to my hands that worry soon disappeared as my hands instantly started to soak up the product leaving them feeling ever so soft and looking instantly moisturised.  I couldn't believe how quick my hands felt less dry and more normal.  
It says on the box that you should apply this every 2 hours if your hands are very dry but I have to say I find the cream lasts longer than 2 hours at a time.  I have found if I stay away from water this can stretch to 4 hours before my hands feel dry again.  Of course if I am near water I would have to reapply.  
Within applying this cream for a week twice to three times a day you will find a huge difference in your hands.  The cracks, splits and dry flaky skin is no more !!!!! 

I bought a tube of this cream for my brother who is 25 and works with his hands for 12 hours a day 6 days a week.  He also goes to the gym every single evening for about 2-3 hours.  His hands are always dry sore and his palms suffer with very hard skin that feels like sand paper.  When he first applied the cream he couldnt believe the instant moisture he got from this in one go and the instant soft feeling he felt on his palms.  From that day which is about a year ago he still asks me have I anymore of the cream (you would think he would go and buy it himself right?! )  Typical younger brothers lol but if his hands are very very bad you would see him with a tube of this beauty :) 

Overall I have to say even though the cream costs a little more than most affordable creams I have used I would buy it over and over and over again :)  For 50 mls you will be paying around €7.50 per tube.  You can purchase this at any pharmacy stockists who sell La Roche-Posay and also online from McCabes Pharmacy Website 
As you can tell I adore this product and will continue to use it to protect my hands for as long as it is available 

Have you got a favourite La Roche-Posay product???? La Roche-Posay is doing generously donating €1 each for the first 10,000 selfies to Temple Street Children Universary Hospital for every selfie taken by you with your favourite La Roche-Posay product.  If you want to get involved :)  all you have to do is Take you selfie and upload here :)  Simple :)  #YouShareWeCare :) 

Have you tried this cream for your hands?
What is your thoughts on it :)  
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Soap & Glory 3 in 1 Daily Detox Vitamin C Facial Wash

Hello beauties I hope you are all well :) 
Been a beauty guru and walking into Boots to get 1 item you have to get can be very difficult all the time especially when you see new beauty and makeup products up on the top shelves :)  All Beauty gurus will be nodding as they read I KNOW IT :)   Well thats what happened to me the last time I walked into Boots a few weeks ago :)  I seen nothing but new products from different companies been launched and I was in heaven :) 
The first thing I noticed was this product.  The Soap & Glory 3 in 1 Daily Detox Vitamin C Facial Wash 
The First thing that attracted to this product of course has to be the packaging :)  Just look at it I love Soap & Glory for making both packaging and products amazing without been hard on the pocket :) 

Soap & Glory State:
Face Soap And Clarity is a 3-in-1 daily face wash with ultra-soft scrub-beads, plus vitamins, amino acids and Soap & Glory’s exclusive SUPERFRUIT YUZU complex. It cleans and purifies skin, effortlessly removes make-up, and gently exfoliates. In short, it’s one killer cleanser! 

• SUPERFRUIT YUZU - a skin energising, toning and brightening antioxidant complex pressed from natural Chinese citrus fruits
• a super-tasking VITAMIN AND AMINO ACIDS - to help refresh improve radiance and appearance of blemishes
• GLYCERIN - to help skin feel soft and supple
• gentle polishing MICROBEADS - to exfoliate and resurface the skin

I dont have to say much about the packaging as you can see Soap & Glory never fails with that department what I love is clear bottle and the fact you can see the product through the clear plastic bottle.  It looks so so pretty.  Another thing I love is the fact you get a squeezy bottle which means you can dispense just the right amount of product you want without dispensing too much :)  

The product itself is the main question in this review of course and the first thing I can cover about it is its beautiful scent :)  Oh my goodness I have spend ages trying to pinpoint what exactly this smells like.  All I can tell you is that it smells slightly fruity slightly sweet and has that slight medicated scent you find in the more expensive cleansers out there.  Altogether it smells devine and makes washing your face an absolute pleasure 

The cleanser itself is a sort of clear blue thin gel like consistency which has little soft pink beads mixed through.  You can smell the aroma the moment you pour this beauty out onto your hand.  

You only need a little over a pea sized amount each time you use this.  Simply dampen your face place a pea sized amount onto clean hands and massage into your face.  The gel with turn into a nice bubbly soft foam and you can rarely feel the beads are you wash your face.  I like to take at least a minute of massage before I  rinse off with warm water.  I do have to warn you not to let this near your eyes as it will sting really bad and you will be at risk of getting a bead or two in the eyes if you do. 
When you are finished rinsing pat your skin dry.  
I love how fresh clean and soft my skin feels after using this.  I face smells fresh and sweet and ready for the day ahead.
I feel this is the perfect mild cleansing face wash which also very mildly exfoliates for anyone with any skin type.  Its so easy to use and because the beads are no at all rough on your skin and only mildly ex-foliates your skin you can use this twice everyday :) 

My face has been extremely dry late and I have found that this face wash doesn't dry my skin out any-more which is perfect :) :) 
I will have to say that this will remove whatever make-up you have left on your face after you take your make-up off but will not remove heavy make-up :) 

Over all I would repurchase this again as I adore the scent and the fact that this is gentle on my skin but still cleans my face well :)  Not only that but I think the price of €8 is brilliant for 350mls of product.  Boots are having an offer on this at the moment so if you want to try it for a cheaper price you can get it now :)   Its gentle enough for my teen daughter and does not aggravate her acne  :)  

Have you tried this yet ?
Whats your thoughts on it ?
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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