
Sunday 29 December 2013

Blogging Goals 2014

Hey everyone I Hope you are all well.  I have been spending the last couple of days reading alot of blog posts from people I follow and came across two of the same post from different people with the title Blogging Goals 2014.  I like this idea and thought I might join in and do one of my own.  So I sat back and thought of what I could do to for 2014 on my blog.  I too want to improve my blog as we all want to get better at what we do Right? So let get down to what my goals are :) 
  1. Interact with and Support more bloggers:  I have to admit I dont think I a too bad in this department but I could do better.  I find I do support alot of my fellow bloggers by reading their posts but I do notice I read their posts but hardly comment on them which is not fair.  There is nothing I love more than seeing my readers comment on my posts so I should be doing the same 2014 I will comment alot more and try to get to know more of my fello bloggers.   
  2. Better Time Keeping:  For the past nearly 3 years of blogging I have never had set days I post up blog posts which worked out for me in the past for i have noticed That time wasnt exactly on my side for the past few month which lead me to post up alot less blog posts.  2014 I am going to plan my time more which means that certain times of the day is going to be dedicated to my blog and my blog only to ensure my posts go up on a regular basis 
  3. Be More Confident:  in 2014 I aim to start doing tutorial blog posts.  Its only really been in 2013 I have had the confidence to post up looks I have created with products I am reviewing.  I think I have learned alot in the past 3 years on my own and I aim to work on my confidence to share what I have learned.  We all find a reason to put ourselves down no matter how much we learn and do but not any-more I shall change for the better and hopefully I will get the continued support I have been getting from you all :)  I also have a few things planned in 2014 that will help with the confidence building so I am super excited for that change on my blog :)  
  4. Guest Posts:  I have been thinking about this for quite some time as I am a huge believer in supporting fellow bloggers.  in 2013 I did a series (that worked out brilliantly) on Sharing the Love which involved a questionnaire for Bloggers and I did a featured post on them I loved sharing other bloggers with you all.  So I will continue this in the future only this time it will involved Guest post where other bloggers will get the chance to do a post of their own on my blog I love it :) 
  5. Be more personal:  I think at this stage Been the age I am and from the personal posts I have done that I should share my experiences in life more.  I have been through alot at my age and chatting with some of you over my experiences I have shared in the past has really made me think that I could help people out there in the world.  Goodness knows I didnt go through things in my life for nothing either and I am sure alot of people out there would like to know they are not on their own.  Life is too short to be sitting and suffering and if I can help one person in a year I would be happy so I plan on writing more personal posts about situations big and small but if this does not interest you please let me know
  6. BARGAIN HUNTING POSTS:  I am a bargain hunter as you all know.  To me its become a normal thing but I have heard alot of people say to me "how do you do it"  Well I plan to share with you how I bargain hunt and how I save money with everything from clothing to Christmas to food to beauty products If you want to see this let me know For instance I completely transformed my sitting room before Christmas and I to be honest am shocked with the money I saved If I had have bought everything brand new example:  Buying a 42" Flat screen TV for what would have cost brand new about €1000 I got it for €150 :) BARGAIN :) 
  7. Supporting my Country:  I made this goal in 2013 and will continue to do so in 2014.  Ireland has become bigger and better with the product industry and i love how we are becoming known to international countries.  I felt very ashamed at the beginning of last year that I wasnt as familiar with Irish brands as I should have but not anymore and even now more and more Irish brands are arising I love it.  We are a little country with huge potential and I want to help show that in any way I can 
  8. Bring back my videos:  Yes I know I have been saying this for the past 6 months now and still havent made any but to be honest every time I planned it something came up but I have worked out a plan that will work and this is why I putting it down here I AM COMING BACK :) :) My plan?? I am going to start of with one video per week to see how I get on.  One video will not be much to start off with but its managable and at least I can keep my promise If I get to do more all the better :) :) I got a taste of editing again with my Christmas Vlog and It reminded me of how much i loved making videos :) I cant wait to come back and plan to make my first video next week (when kiddies go back to school) so excited :) 
Ok I think I have thought of everything but of course we all like to make goals everyday in life and I might add more for my blog in the future but for now these are my set goals.  I would love for you all to suggest something new for me or some ideas in what you would like to see from me in the future after all you are the ones who read my blog.  :) I love you all for the continuous support you have given me thank you so much :)  I am so excited to hear your thoughts and if you are a blogger who would like to do a post like this please put you links to the blog post below I would love to have a read 

Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 


I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 28 December 2013

Christmas Vlog 2013

Hello My Beauties I hope you are all well :) 
Well Christmas was a very memerable one for us this year.  We Changed out plans for Christmas and decided to go to my dads for christmas Dinner.  I loved the thought of everyone together under the same roof :) 
Well in the morning I was at my own house of course awaiting Santa to arrive.  The kiddies woke up at 5.30 and we automatically rushed downstairs to see what he brought.  
I decided to make a vlog on their little faces when they seen what they got.  
I Hope you enjoy 

The highlight of the day was actually when there was a power cut for over 5 hours lol.  Someone seemingly lit a Chinese Lantern and blow up the box in the town and everyone was without power for that time.  It was actually quite fun.  Everyone had to put away their phones, tablets, Ds's etc.  and actually play games and sing songs.  It really opens up your eyes that technology is taking over more than you know.  But it was the best 5 hours of the day I will never forget it.  
Thank goodness for the torch on our Iphone They saved the night.  
Over all we had a lovely Christmas.  Tell me about yours :) 

Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 22 December 2013

Irish Beauty Bloggers Secret Santa: The Reveal

What Better Way to get into the Christmas Spirit than to get involved in Secret Santa Awwww I love Secret Santa.  I used to alway get involved in school in work (when I was working).  I missed it after I left work and school that was until the wonderful Aisling from Total Makeup Addict came up with the Idea that The Irish Bloggers get together and play secret santa amonst ourselves.  Of course I jumped to the chance As I love all the mystery and secrets involved in it.  
Of course it is exciting from start to finish and I am even still excited about the reveal from everyone.  I cant wait to see who everyone got and what everyone got :) :) And of course cant wait to see what my receiver thought of her present.  
So we all agreed to spending €20 each not including postage on our receivers which was perfect and well affordable and to be honest put us to the test on what to get at that budget.  I was super excited when Aisling revealed who I was buying for as I absolutely love her blog and read it all the time :)  Dont worry I will post at the end who I sent my gift to and post a link to her so you can see what i got her.  

So the day came when the postman knocked on my door and handed me a parcel.  The poor postman nearly lost his fingers as I snatched the parcel off him (thankfully he is easy going and found it funny) 
I had all the time in the world to open my gift as my kiddies was gone to school.  My sister was beside me telling me to hurry and open as she is just as excited as I am lol 
Here is how my parcel was presented :) Now obviously I am not going to show you the front with my address lol but there was a lovely bow and all on the box 

Opeing it up I see beautiful colours and a card but I decided not to read the card until I opened up the box.  Inside was this beautiful toiletry bag with some fantastic colours which actually made me think "Africa".  Inside this beautiful bag was my lovely lovely gifts. 

 One thing I Noticed staight away was a Bandana.  In a way I was a little confused but also open minded as I always am.  Another thing I noticed was an unusual bar of chocolate one I have never seen before.  Next I noticed a small pack of worm sweets.  I love sweeties I have to admit.  Next was 4 little gifts all wrapped up for me to open awwwww I was like a little kiddie on Christmas morning my sister beside me iching to open them for me I slapped her hand and told her no.  She replied "Nina Pleeeezzzz Can I open one " I replied "No hands off their mine act you age you would think you were 5 not 25" "Speak for yourself she says"  In all fairness she was right hahahaha So I allowed her to open one.  

Each and every gift I opened Were eye openers and items I never tried which was even more excited but two items in particular caught my eyes.  Both gifts were made from the same brand which I had never heard of.  I read the back and its says its and african company Hmmmmm.  But I thought It was Irish Bloggers.  Now I was confused.  A Bandana,  A Bag with African Colours and two items from an African Brand.  This is where both myself and my sister look at each other and then the card.  

Well let me Tell you Now...... Nothing prepared me for what I was about to read on this card.  First of all my secret santa revealed herself (we had a choice to reveal ourselves to our receivers or not) I am so so so glad she did because I was absolutely overwhelmed with the thought that went into these gifts.  Everything had its own meaning I love it.  
By the time I had finished reading the card both my sister and I were in tears I could not believe how thoughtful this woman was.  
Let me show you the card and you will see why she had us in tears!!!!! Click the photo to bring it closer if you need to :) 

WOW!!!!!! Are you in tears?  I bet you feel warm inside.  What an amazing thing to do.  First of all not only did she think of me she thought of my children, buying them sweeties and also the most amazing thing buying the Bandana in which the donation goes to a charity for Cancer Suffers.  Words can not described how much that means to me and I will never ever forget it for as long as I live !!!!!!!!!! My son was very moved by it also when I told him and wanted to thank her himself and here is how he wanted to thank her :) 

So Cindy From Girl With The Skew Earring I thank you from the bottom of my heart from one of the most thoughtful amazing wonderful Christmas present ever I will never ever forget it.  My kiddies loved your sweeties and I surely loved the peppermint bar yummy.  As for all the beauty items I am already Loving the hand sanitiser and the hand lotion they smell amazing so amazing I want to try more items and was even onto the site to see if they ship to Ireland.  Expect some reviews up soon on my new items :) :) 
Cindy you have a heart of gold and You have made a life long friend in me hunny.  We are sending you Huge hugs your way :) :) :) 
For everybody else please check out Cindy's Blog.  She is a hard working mum herself who has alot of hidden talents.  She is originally from African and Living in Ireland 7 years now and as you can tell yourself has an amazing heart :) :) 
Thank you Aisling from Total Makeup Addict for arranging this because without you I wouldnt have made yet another amazing friend :) :) 

I decided to reveal myself to my receiver because I am so glad my secret santa revealed herself.  I will post up her blog post when she has it published later so you can see what I got her.   Overall as you can tell I enjoyed every last bit of this and I hope we can do it again next year there is nothing as great as making people smile after all Tis the Season to be Jolly :) 

Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck an Laughter  

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 20 December 2013

My Experiences Shopping with

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well today.  Unfortunately this is going to be one of those blog posts that are going to be a rant more than a rave.  I am not sure if you recognise the above picture or the name of this website but if you are a long time on facebook I am sure you have come across adverts of this website alot as they are constantly on it.  Plus as you see they have 1.1m like in which you would presume would be a good thing.  
As you can see this site sells lots of women's clothing and also men's clothing for extremely cheap prices.  Now the shipping depending on where you are can be expensive too for instance it could come up to costing the same amount as your shopping list but converting the money to your currency it still works out alot cheaper buying the clothes and paying shipping than buying the same clothes here.  Alot Cheaper!!!!  They do both men and women's clothing plus shoes and accessories.  They have thousands and thousands to choose from.  
Sounds great right????? 
Well let me tell you That's where is couldn't be anymore wrong.  I never ever had to do a blog post like this and feel that I shouldn't either.  To be honest even if I have a small bit of problems with anyone I would normally let it fly by my head and leave it at that but I am making it my mission to warn each and every one of you out there about this company.  Plus I have already informed them that I will be giving a bad review about them so what comes next is on their faults not mine!!!!!!!!!! 
First of all I ordered 4 items from this company Mens clothing in particular for Christmas presents for my loved ones (pretty darn excited about it too as they are clothing that cant be bought from here)  As you can see I bought the following paid shipping and also insurance  PLEASE CLICK PHOTOS IF YOU CAN NOT SEE THE WRITING ON THE PHOTOS :) 

As you can see All the details are there apart from person details I of course blurred out.  I ordered these items on the 19th of November and the money came out of my account of the 20th.  I made sure to order that early so that my items would arrive at the latest Christmas week which would have given them a full month to get here.  I got an email from the company that day of my order and nothing else after that no confirmation email no receipt as such nothing so I gave them the benefit of the doubt !!!!!!! Here is the only email I got from them 

Week 3 and a half came and no sign of my package.  Now I know you are all thinking why leave it so long to email them well on their policy they state:
That processing time takes 3-5 days and then shipping will take about 5-25 days so that's why I waited so long.  When I message them on their site to ask them how long more will it take this is the conversation that happened to my fury that is!!!!!!

So as you can see yourself by this weird conversation that they literally forgot all about my order and never bothered even posting it out either that or they are scamming me out of my money.  No Emails nothing from them No help and purely bad customer care the list goes on.   So I have to wait now until Tuesday to see if they actually refund me of my money or not which I have this horrible feeling will not happen.  I then decided to check out their ever so popular facebook page to see if they have anyone else looking for their order and I was shocked with the amount of people in the same boat as me.  Some people have been waiting longer for their orders and getting the same treatment and crappy customer service like me.  Some have never even got their refunds they were promised.  I was actually going to wait to see if I get my refund before posting this up but I am too angry to do so I want to warn you all out there NOT TO ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE you will be done!!!!!! Some man commented he spent €500 on the site and never got his order not only that but didn't get his money back either that was a year ago !!!!!!! Check out their facebook page and your will see the amount of comments is crazy!!!! 

 I hope this blog post was helpful to you all and I will let you know if I do get my money back or not so check back next week to see If I do but after this article I doubt very much I will but I don't care at this stage as long as I get to warn as many people as I can about this that's all that matters :) :) 
Let me know your thoughts.  Have you been a victim of this crowd ? 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

P.S  I am happy to report after 2 month I did get my full refund back thank goodness I paid through paypal :)  

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 15 December 2013

The Body Shop Body Butter Lollipop Gift Set

Hello my beautiful fabulous Gorgeous readers How are you today :)  So Since my last blog post I have been to the doctor and she actually told me I was sicker than I thought with a Sinus throat and chest infection but thankfully with a little help from some antibiotics I am mending very slowly.  
So with feeling unwell and not been able to wear makeup this past 2 weeks I have bee feeling yucky as we do ladies so to snap myself out of the whole poor me stage i have been treating myself to alot of hot baths and some self pampering (anything to feel a little better eh?)   I have also been treating myself to some beautiful scented moments with these fabulous body butters from The Body Shop :)  Well if we cant look good when we are sick and constantly blowing our noses we can surely smell good cant we :) :) 
Thanks to The Body Shop They have saved me from completely going insane haha 

From the moment I set eyes on this beauty I wanted it all for myself.  Ok yes Its the perfect perfect gift for anyone for Christmas but to be honest once you buy this you are going to find it very hard to part with it.  The packaging alone its FANTASTIC and as part of The Body Shops's Christmas range its perfect I would just love to keep it in this packaging forever :) 
I am sure alot of you out there have tried The Body Shops Body butters If you havent you really should as they smell and feel amazing against the skin.  

These are the 5 wonderfuls scents you will be getting :) (Please excuse the date stamp in the above picture as I didnt notice I had it on :) 
In this Gift set you are getting 5 different scents to try out which I mentioned already and you are also getting a very decent amount in each tub a full 50 mls :)  If you were to buy these separately for 50 mls you would pay €7.95 per tub This is where the good news comes in when you buy the Body Shop Body Butter Lollipop Gift set you are getting 5 different scents to try out :)  Music to our ears :) :) and all of this will only cost you €29.95 :)  You are getting a tub of 

  • Coconut Body Butter
  • Shea Body Butter
  • Moringa Body Butter
  • Strawberry Body Butter
  • Satsuma Body Butter

  • This Body butter contains Community Fair Trade virgin organic coconut oil which in fact is amazing for dry skin.  It gets rid of flaky skin.  It helps sooth the skin especially after shaving I sure can vouch for that.  Coconut oil is actually one of the best things to put on your skin and the fact you can get it in a body butter and smell like coconut is an added bonus I love the scent as its not overpowering.  Perfect for Normal to dry skin.  I  love this scent its beautiful and the scent lasts all day.  

    Awwww This has to be one of the more popular Body Butters in The Body Shop.  Shea butter is incredible for the skin especially dry skin.  Shea Butter contains a very important Vitamin which is Vitamin A and the reason its important is because it helps with some of the following,  very dry skin, dermatitus, ezcema and much more.  It also contains Vitamin E.  The scent does smell a little nutty as describe but is very mild.  This is suitable for people with very dry skin.  I am loving this one iat the moment as my skin is extra dry and I find it quenches my skins thirsty brilliantly and lasts all say long I love it and Highly recommend it 

    Oh boy the scent of this little beauty is amazing I want to go back and get the body mist of this and I will I tell you :) :) :)  I have to say its one of my favourite scented body butters.  It explains on the site that it has a delicate white floral scent which is true and lingers all day long.  This Body Butter is perfect for Normal to dry skin and feels amazing I will surely be repurchasing :) 

    Oh this is a favourite in my house and not by me by my beautiful babies.  They absolutely love the sweet smell of strawberries from this Body butter and to be honest it works amazing on their skin.  I used this alot on their skin in the summer when the weather was surprisingly hot and when their skin was dried out from the sun.  With them dipping themselves into the pool and coming back out into the sun their skin was put through the mill (do not worry I had them well protected with SPF) but this body butter was so soothing and kept their skin moisturised every single day :) :)  When they seen this in the lollipop gift set they jumped with joy haha.  This is suitable for normal to dry skin 

    Another beautiful scent and perfect for summer time because of its orangey scent.  This is suitable for Normal skin.  The scent is delicious and lingers all day.  The Fact this is for normal skin makes it a little thiner than the rest which is fine if you are in a hurry and dont want to wait around for you skin to dry.  I have been asked a few times what scent of perfume im wearing when I have this on but I get shocked face when i say its the Body Butter :) 

    I really think this is the perfect gift for anyone who loves a little pampering.  For this time of year everyone needs that extra moisture and with such cute packaging that comes along with it they will love you :) 
    If there is someone in your lip who loves Lip Balm you can also get the Lollipop Gift set filled with yummy fruity Lip Balms :) For an added bonus buying these gifts sets also help the Body Shop as they are now planning on raising £200,000 to help build 5 new schools in India Ghana, Honduras, Nepal and Northern India, By donating that money from the sales of all the Christmas stock so when you are buying a gift for someone for Christmas in The body Shop you are not only Making the person you bought the gift for Happy but you will also be helping The Body Shop raise that money to build them schools 
    Sweeeeet :) 
    Until next Time 
    Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

    I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Sunday 8 December 2013

    NYX Bohemian Chic Palette

    Hello My beauties How are you all today?
    I feel I need to explain why I have been so absent from blog posts.  I was telling you all in my last blog post that my kiddies were sickly and that I had no time only to look after them.  Well surprisingly enough I ended up catching what they had and have been suffering the past week with it.  I never normally get sick and never have been to the doctor but to be honest i feel a doctors trip will be in need tomorrow as I can seem to fight this one on my own.  So my apologies for been so slow but you know as soon as I am feeling better I will be back to regular posts again.  Today in fact I have a new blog post for you simply because I miss blogging so so much and even if it takes me forever to type it up I will get it posted :) :) 
    Todays blog post is on the NYX Bohemian Chic Palette.  I was attracted to this palette for quite some time now and I finally got the chance to purchase it when Cherry Culture were doing their amazing 40% off everything sale a couple of months ago :) 
    This palette is not entirely new It was released about a year ago

    I have to say I love matte eyeshadows and that's what I attracted me to this palette.  I was a little sceptic about the fact that the pigmentation would be  a let down as there is alot of drugstore brands out there who dont have the best matte eyeshadows.  Matte eyeshadows are amazing for natural looks, for people who have hooded eyes, for blending and of course brilliant for women of age.  As shimmery eyeshadows always highlight problems such as hooded eyes and fine lines.  So its nice to have matte eyeshadows in your collection for them reasons. 
    As I mentioned before I got this palette at 40% its marked price but its normal price is only $16/€11/£10 from Cherry Culture 
    That in my eyes is an amazing price for what you are getting in this palette :)  

    The packaging is plain and simple a black plastic palette with a built in mirror.  The lid is sturdy and secure :) :) 
    Inside the palette is what's more important :) :)  When you first open the palette you see 18 beautiful neutral eyeshadows and then there is a tray to open underneath where you get 6 more eyeshadows and 2 blushes :) :) 

    Nyx state that these eyeshadows are matte but my first impressions was that there was a few well at least half of the eyeshadows looked like they had a little shimmer in them.  When I finally swatched these babies they sort of confirmed what I thought.  They are more demi-matte than matte but in no way shimmery.  
    Starting with the top row of shades these eyeshadow are in fact nicely pigmented considering they are demi-matte shades.  They feel soft and creamy.  There is some shades on the first row that need a little more swatching than others due to lack of pigmentation but with a little more swatching they appeared nicely.  Another thing I noticed was some were more chalky than others but with a good primer they settle beautifully on the lid.  With all these shades you have the option of dozens of day time looks which is perfect for any working/travelling/school going  woman as they are all in the one palette.  :) 

    The second layer included 6 more shades which are a little more pigmented and colourful simply for pop of colour or for that nice little change from the simple browns.  I love how nyx included these to the palette for that extra option.  Not only that you are getting 2 beautiful shades of blush one is more on the neutral peachy side and the other gives a nice rosey healthy strong glow to the cheeks.  I have to admit the second row was more impressive to me as they were not as chalky as the first plus have a lovely amount of pigmentation without making the effort to layer.  

    So honest opinion? 
    I have to say This palette is worth every cent you can create alot of neutral looks with it.  Its handy for travelling and also a nice gift to give to any young teen who is been introduced to make-up.  The shadows go on sheer but can be build able and with a good primer they last all day long.  It would not be one of my favourite palettes but I have certainly got worse palettes.  Marks out of 10 would have to be 7 :) :) 
    Have you tried this palette yet?  Would it be something you are looking for?
    Until next time 
    Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

    I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Sunday 1 December 2013

    The Christmas Tag

    Hello my beautifuls.  I hope you are all well.  After a full week and half of looking after my poor sickly kiddies I have ended up been catching their flu and chest infections but at least they are on the mend.  So this morning I was planning on doing a blog post after a lack of posts all week only I woke up miserable and stuffed up and not in the mood but I refuse to sit around feeling sorry for myself and wanted to do something different today.  Just as I was sitting thinking of what to do up pops this Tag from Knickers & Nail Polish and I though yeeeee I am doing this :) Check out her version here :) 
    So enough chit chat and lets get down to it :) I love Christmas I have already got into the spirit by bringing my kiddies to see santa yesterday and they loved it such little cuties all excited and looking forward to the big day.  The Tag is basically 10 questions all to do with Christmas :) :) So here goes :) 

    1.  Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
    I have never had the experience of having a Real Christmas Tree in my home or going up.  It was always Synthetic.  I remember my nana having a real Christmas Tree one year and the smell was beautiful but with 2 of my babies having asthma I am afraid it might effect them so its synthetic all the way.  

    2.  You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
    Ok I might be a bit boring here in the Coffee department but I always stick to my Lattes especially in Costa but if I was been adventurous I would only go as far as a hot chocolate :) 

    3.  What’s your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
    I dont stick to a scheme really I go all out with colours.  The more colours the better as I say.  I love a colourful tree and decorations and thats what you will see in my home :) :) 

    4.  Giving or receiving?
    Awww I would have to say both.  But giving I find more fun as there is the whole picking out the present wrapping and of course giving makes you feel great.  Then seeing their faces after they have opened it is the icing on the cake I love it.  

    5.  To mince pie or not to?
    Sorry i am not a mince pie person nor am I a Christmas cake or pudding person I just could never get into it I hate the smell and the taste of all three :) 

    6.  What's your traditional sunday lunch?
    Mmmmm We are not starters people but its the big lunch we go all out on oh yeah.  Turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, roasties, brussels sproats, carrots and lots and lots of gravy oh my dinner is covered in gravy yummy and of course after that is the lovely traditional trifle mmmmmmmmmm love it.  There is also another tradition we have in the evening we get some of the turkey and ham lefts over and lots of brown sauce and salt and sit infront of the tv and eat it yummy 

    7.  Christmas day fashion
    All morning we go around in our new pjs and then before dinner we jump into the comfiest clothes we possible can after all we need as much room as possible to fit in that fantastic Christmas dinner :)  Last year we staying in our pjs all day long it was heaven 

    8.  What's your favourite Christmas song?
    Oh there is too many to choose.  Shaking Stevens Snow is falling,  Mariah Carey All I want for Christmas, Oh holy night I dont have a particular favourite all of them get me into the spirit 

    9.  What's your favourite Christmas film?
    It has to be Home Alone the first and second one.  Its not really a christmas one but Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was always my dads favourite film to watch at Christmas and its rubbed off on me I just have to see that film every Christmas :) Jingle all the Way is my kiddies favourite oh and the Old Santa Claus film I love it 

    10.  Open presents before or after lunch?
    Ok when growing up we were not allowed to run down to see what we got until my mum and dad got up first and that tradition goes on in my home I understand why my mum and dad did it now as I would hate to miss my kiddies faces Christmas morning :) :)  Presents get open after dinner of course when all is settled which is lovely as the mornings can be hectic with all the toys :) This year will be different because for the first time since I was a kid we are all going out to my dads house for Christmas day there will be 17 of us in the one house I can not wait as there is going to be lots of present opening at the same time that day :) :) 

    So thats it I have to say doing this tag has put a smile on my face and made me more excited for Christmas.  Only 24 days to go yeeeeeeeeeeee 
    I tag you all to do this.  Make sure to let me know If you have taken part 

    Until Next time Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

    I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Wednesday 27 November 2013

    Bourjois Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix Foundation

    Hello My beauties I hope you are all well.  I am tending to sickly kiddies at the moment the poor things are running temperatures and have a chest infection awww the joys of the winter sicknesses :(.  Hopefully they will pick up soon as I hate to see them unwell.  
    You all know at this stage that I am a huge huge fan of the Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation I have been ever since seeing Sineady Cady's from The Makeup Chair review on it well over a year ago.  I always seem to go back to it even after taking a break to try different foundation. Then I heard early this year that the "old version" was been discontinued NOOOOOOOOOO . That day I went straight into Boots and stocked up on my shade  I got 3 bottles in total and was happy.  Of course when they ran out there was More panic!!!!! That ment I finally had to convince myself to try the New Bourjois Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix Foundation which made me edgy because to be honest once you are used to something its very hard to like another dont you agree!!!!!! Anyways I thought mmmmm I will give it a go after all Bourjois has been impressing me quite alot lately and hopefully the only thing they changed was the bottle and not the formula 
    To remind you what the only packaging looked like check the picture below 

    Well the first thing I noticed that changed was in fact the bottle to an even bottle in my opinion as it is now glass instead of plastic :)  It looks more presentable and more expensive looking :) :) 
    The pump is basically the same thank goodness as I love a foundation with a pump its so much more hygienic and more controllable.  

    Bourjois Say:   
    Bourjois’ new Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix foundation is enriched with a fruit therapy formula to enhance your complexion.

    Apricot for radiance
    Melon for hydration
    Apple to protect your youth

    It is also enriched with crystalline pigments to even out the complexion while letting in the natural light for that healthy looking glow.

    I have to say I found the Foundation no different in scent I get a slight floral scent but nothing OTT and to be honest Its practically non existent when on the face which is a good thing as I hate any sort of cosmeticy scented products near my face or lips.  
    The consistency is a little more runny than the old version which in fact is nicer as it applies a lot better in my eyes.  I find I apply my foundation alot quicker than before.  I apply with my Blank Canvas Flat Top F20 Brush and its looks amazing either that or I use my amazing Beauty blender also from Blank Canvas 

    In the summer when i was all Tanned hence the word WAS I was in the shade 53 but with it been November my tan has faded a bit so I opted for the shade 52 which was my normal shade before the summer.  
    52 is the 2nd lightest shade in the range.  As you can see it has a yellow tone to it where as the older version had more of a neutral tone.  
    When i first applied this I found it to be way too pale for me.  It did oxidise a little but still looked very pale so the next time I applied it I mixed with with my near gone number 53 and its the perfect shade.  I know I will become paler in the winter so until then I will continue to mix :)  
    I found this absolutely lovely against my skin, very lightweight like as if I am not wearing any foundation at all.  I am still getting medium coverage from this foundation which is exactly what i wanted.  What I love more about this foundation is that it does not soak into my fine lines or large pores its amazing I love it :) 

    I also recommended this to someone last week and she has reported back saying she is in love with this too.  
    I absolutely love that this is giving me the healthy glow it promises because with the weather change and the heat in the house it has dried out my skin a little and I need that extra boost which is what I am getting :) :) 
    Another great thing about this foundation is that it photographs brilliantly even with flash photography :) 
    Here is a photo of my wearing the foundation without it been mixed 

    Here is a picture of it mixed with shade 53 using flash photography (This picture was actually taken by a professional photographer with a huge camera with a huge flash)  I am in the front row in the cream top :) :) 

    Overall I am very pleased with the foundation and glad to say there is not a huge difference made to the formula I highly recommend this to everyone to try.  Anyone that I recommended the foundation to has always reported back to me saying they love it.  For the price you are getting an amazing foundation which only needs a pump or a pump and a half to do the entire face.
    You can purchase this foundation in most drugstores 
    and also from 
    For anyone who is looking for a foundation thats 
    Medium coverage
    Gives a natural looking glow 
    Long lasting 
    Easy to apply 
    Does not soak into fine lines and pores this is surely the one for you 
    The only downfall???? There is not enough shades to choose from.  The shades available would be suitable for pale and medium toned girls anyone with dark skin tones will be disappointed.  Hopefully that will change soon :) 
    Have you tried this foundation yet?  
    Until Next Time 
    Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

    I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx