
Sunday 22 December 2013

Irish Beauty Bloggers Secret Santa: The Reveal

What Better Way to get into the Christmas Spirit than to get involved in Secret Santa Awwww I love Secret Santa.  I used to alway get involved in school in work (when I was working).  I missed it after I left work and school that was until the wonderful Aisling from Total Makeup Addict came up with the Idea that The Irish Bloggers get together and play secret santa amonst ourselves.  Of course I jumped to the chance As I love all the mystery and secrets involved in it.  
Of course it is exciting from start to finish and I am even still excited about the reveal from everyone.  I cant wait to see who everyone got and what everyone got :) :) And of course cant wait to see what my receiver thought of her present.  
So we all agreed to spending €20 each not including postage on our receivers which was perfect and well affordable and to be honest put us to the test on what to get at that budget.  I was super excited when Aisling revealed who I was buying for as I absolutely love her blog and read it all the time :)  Dont worry I will post at the end who I sent my gift to and post a link to her so you can see what i got her.  

So the day came when the postman knocked on my door and handed me a parcel.  The poor postman nearly lost his fingers as I snatched the parcel off him (thankfully he is easy going and found it funny) 
I had all the time in the world to open my gift as my kiddies was gone to school.  My sister was beside me telling me to hurry and open as she is just as excited as I am lol 
Here is how my parcel was presented :) Now obviously I am not going to show you the front with my address lol but there was a lovely bow and all on the box 

Opeing it up I see beautiful colours and a card but I decided not to read the card until I opened up the box.  Inside was this beautiful toiletry bag with some fantastic colours which actually made me think "Africa".  Inside this beautiful bag was my lovely lovely gifts. 

 One thing I Noticed staight away was a Bandana.  In a way I was a little confused but also open minded as I always am.  Another thing I noticed was an unusual bar of chocolate one I have never seen before.  Next I noticed a small pack of worm sweets.  I love sweeties I have to admit.  Next was 4 little gifts all wrapped up for me to open awwwww I was like a little kiddie on Christmas morning my sister beside me iching to open them for me I slapped her hand and told her no.  She replied "Nina Pleeeezzzz Can I open one " I replied "No hands off their mine act you age you would think you were 5 not 25" "Speak for yourself she says"  In all fairness she was right hahahaha So I allowed her to open one.  

Each and every gift I opened Were eye openers and items I never tried which was even more excited but two items in particular caught my eyes.  Both gifts were made from the same brand which I had never heard of.  I read the back and its says its and african company Hmmmmm.  But I thought It was Irish Bloggers.  Now I was confused.  A Bandana,  A Bag with African Colours and two items from an African Brand.  This is where both myself and my sister look at each other and then the card.  

Well let me Tell you Now...... Nothing prepared me for what I was about to read on this card.  First of all my secret santa revealed herself (we had a choice to reveal ourselves to our receivers or not) I am so so so glad she did because I was absolutely overwhelmed with the thought that went into these gifts.  Everything had its own meaning I love it.  
By the time I had finished reading the card both my sister and I were in tears I could not believe how thoughtful this woman was.  
Let me show you the card and you will see why she had us in tears!!!!! Click the photo to bring it closer if you need to :) 

WOW!!!!!! Are you in tears?  I bet you feel warm inside.  What an amazing thing to do.  First of all not only did she think of me she thought of my children, buying them sweeties and also the most amazing thing buying the Bandana in which the donation goes to a charity for Cancer Suffers.  Words can not described how much that means to me and I will never ever forget it for as long as I live !!!!!!!!!! My son was very moved by it also when I told him and wanted to thank her himself and here is how he wanted to thank her :) 

So Cindy From Girl With The Skew Earring I thank you from the bottom of my heart from one of the most thoughtful amazing wonderful Christmas present ever I will never ever forget it.  My kiddies loved your sweeties and I surely loved the peppermint bar yummy.  As for all the beauty items I am already Loving the hand sanitiser and the hand lotion they smell amazing so amazing I want to try more items and was even onto the site to see if they ship to Ireland.  Expect some reviews up soon on my new items :) :) 
Cindy you have a heart of gold and You have made a life long friend in me hunny.  We are sending you Huge hugs your way :) :) :) 
For everybody else please check out Cindy's Blog.  She is a hard working mum herself who has alot of hidden talents.  She is originally from African and Living in Ireland 7 years now and as you can tell yourself has an amazing heart :) :) 
Thank you Aisling from Total Makeup Addict for arranging this because without you I wouldnt have made yet another amazing friend :) :) 

I decided to reveal myself to my receiver because I am so glad my secret santa revealed herself.  I will post up her blog post when she has it published later so you can see what I got her.   Overall as you can tell I enjoyed every last bit of this and I hope we can do it again next year there is nothing as great as making people smile after all Tis the Season to be Jolly :) 

Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck an Laughter  

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Oh Nina this is so heart-warming and touching, what a very kind and thoughtful person Cindy is. This is a Secret Santa swap to remember forever. The eyeshadow palette looks beautiful too. Enjoy your goodies.

    Fiona @

  2. Well I'm bawling! What an amazing gift x

  3. Oh wow that's such a thoughtful gift! I hope you enjoy it all xxx


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