
Friday 20 December 2013

My Experiences Shopping with

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well today.  Unfortunately this is going to be one of those blog posts that are going to be a rant more than a rave.  I am not sure if you recognise the above picture or the name of this website but if you are a long time on facebook I am sure you have come across adverts of this website alot as they are constantly on it.  Plus as you see they have 1.1m like in which you would presume would be a good thing.  
As you can see this site sells lots of women's clothing and also men's clothing for extremely cheap prices.  Now the shipping depending on where you are can be expensive too for instance it could come up to costing the same amount as your shopping list but converting the money to your currency it still works out alot cheaper buying the clothes and paying shipping than buying the same clothes here.  Alot Cheaper!!!!  They do both men and women's clothing plus shoes and accessories.  They have thousands and thousands to choose from.  
Sounds great right????? 
Well let me tell you That's where is couldn't be anymore wrong.  I never ever had to do a blog post like this and feel that I shouldn't either.  To be honest even if I have a small bit of problems with anyone I would normally let it fly by my head and leave it at that but I am making it my mission to warn each and every one of you out there about this company.  Plus I have already informed them that I will be giving a bad review about them so what comes next is on their faults not mine!!!!!!!!!! 
First of all I ordered 4 items from this company Mens clothing in particular for Christmas presents for my loved ones (pretty darn excited about it too as they are clothing that cant be bought from here)  As you can see I bought the following paid shipping and also insurance  PLEASE CLICK PHOTOS IF YOU CAN NOT SEE THE WRITING ON THE PHOTOS :) 

As you can see All the details are there apart from person details I of course blurred out.  I ordered these items on the 19th of November and the money came out of my account of the 20th.  I made sure to order that early so that my items would arrive at the latest Christmas week which would have given them a full month to get here.  I got an email from the company that day of my order and nothing else after that no confirmation email no receipt as such nothing so I gave them the benefit of the doubt !!!!!!! Here is the only email I got from them 

Week 3 and a half came and no sign of my package.  Now I know you are all thinking why leave it so long to email them well on their policy they state:
That processing time takes 3-5 days and then shipping will take about 5-25 days so that's why I waited so long.  When I message them on their site to ask them how long more will it take this is the conversation that happened to my fury that is!!!!!!

So as you can see yourself by this weird conversation that they literally forgot all about my order and never bothered even posting it out either that or they are scamming me out of my money.  No Emails nothing from them No help and purely bad customer care the list goes on.   So I have to wait now until Tuesday to see if they actually refund me of my money or not which I have this horrible feeling will not happen.  I then decided to check out their ever so popular facebook page to see if they have anyone else looking for their order and I was shocked with the amount of people in the same boat as me.  Some people have been waiting longer for their orders and getting the same treatment and crappy customer service like me.  Some have never even got their refunds they were promised.  I was actually going to wait to see if I get my refund before posting this up but I am too angry to do so I want to warn you all out there NOT TO ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE you will be done!!!!!! Some man commented he spent €500 on the site and never got his order not only that but didn't get his money back either that was a year ago !!!!!!! Check out their facebook page and your will see the amount of comments is crazy!!!! 

 I hope this blog post was helpful to you all and I will let you know if I do get my money back or not so check back next week to see If I do but after this article I doubt very much I will but I don't care at this stage as long as I get to warn as many people as I can about this that's all that matters :) :) 
Let me know your thoughts.  Have you been a victim of this crowd ? 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

P.S  I am happy to report after 2 month I did get my full refund back thank goodness I paid through paypal :)  

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Posts like this are Really important so, thank you, for sharing - I feel good knowing I should ignore this company. I really hopwe your money is returned, quickly, and with no more fuss.

    Their capital letters at the end of their last message to you made me mad on your behalf, So rude! xx

  2. none of these chinese wholesale sites are very trustworthy i'm afraid. the customer service people aren't exactly fluent in english & the clothes are normally quite poor quality too. i'd steer well clear of the lot of them. plus $40 shipping seems ridiculously excessive!! x

  3. Oh my gosh, what a horrible experience. It makes me so mad that companies think they can get away with this. :(

  4. That's terrible customer service Nina, I hope you get your refund soon. They should be ashamed of themselves, you can't run a business like that. I completely understand why you put this post up to warn others, it had to be done.

    Hope you have a good Christmas! Xx

  5. wow, I'm shocked and at a loss for words...that is so horrible! The answers you got show clearly that they don't really want to interact with their customers, just horrible!!!!!Thanks for the warning and I hope you get your money back! :-*

  6. if it isnt refunded ask your bank about a charge back. they may be able to get your money back.

  7. wow that sucks. Thank you for the post and I hope it will be useful for someone who debates whether to order from them or not. I personally will never order from them.

  8. Glad I found your post on Facebook I was looking on their website the other day. The same thing happen to me with Sammy Dress and I almost had to involv
    e Paypal to get my money back.

  9. Absolute scumbags. Thanks for posting this Nina. I don't like the way they wrote "please be patient" in capitals either, like they genuinely can't be bothered with you. I hope you get your refund ASAP, and I will stay well away from them. are really reliable if you are looking for a similar site x

  10. Thank you all for your comments and I do promise to keep you all updated Yes the Capital Letters really bugged me too but I too held my ground with them I have not only posted this post up but I am currently doing more about it Nina will do her best not to be defeated :)

  11. Thank you for blogging this. I almost spent over $300 on this site, but thought to read reviews first...thought it might be too good to be true! I will not be doing business with them.
    Thank you!

  12. Thank you so much I was soon going to order now I am saved. Such awareness is so much important.well done .God bless you!!!

  13. SAVED!

    I just saw this site on a FACEBOOK ad, and it sickens me that they will just blatantly scam people.

    I was just about to place an order when I thought, hey, I should check this site on google first. Good think I did.

    And btw, great blog, and thanks for sharing

    (Ps. Can't belive facebook will allow this scammers to place ads, I guess as long as they PAY huh?)

  14. thanks so much for warning us as I was so close to order something from this site :O

    I hope you are getting your money back soon!!

  15. I had just bought some items from the site Buy trend and then i checked to see if it was a scam because there were other sites with the same kind of clothing and it was so i called my credit card company and they said that if i dont recieve my order or money they said they will deal with it. I bought things for 102 dollars and am very mad!!! So thank you but the problem is that by the time people check to see if its a scam its too late so someone should post it on the website or share it on facebook!!! Fast man these China crap is pissing me off!!

  16. I have reported them to FB and Paypal. Also have sent in a dispute with the US attorneys office.

  17. Hi Nina,
    I was just going to place order. Then i decided to check reviews for this particular website as this website are never safe. Thanks to your review. It saved me from spending $200. I hope you get your refund. This people are aweful. It's hard to even start conversation with them as they are so dumb.

  18. I was about to get mad about it too but, you gotta think realized their half way around the world so it well take some time before u get the items and I got my and rosewholse is legit

  19. Thank you for the warning. I was just considering buying from them!

  20. Wow! Thank you for sharing your experience. You're helping us readers out by not having to go through that hassle!

  21. I am soooooo glad I read this post... I was just about to place a $400 dollar order through this site. Ugh... people need to get it together. Thanks Nina!

  22. I buy online all the time. The fact that they r half way around the world isn't an excuse. Amazon and ebay are far too but they get the job done. A similar site called is also based in china but they deliver EVERYTHING on time everytime. I have bought from them about 4 times and on my 4th order some items were out of stock so they sent me the available items and then returned my balance to my online account and I was later able to order other items using this balance. Their items take no more than a week to arrive and an agent will email you if there is a problem or vice-versa.
    Now a few things to note about rosewholesale is that they do not have a specific billing address. They don't list any courier options. They take days to respond to your querry and when they do its either the agent seems not to understand english or the message is automated. Furthermore, most of the reviews on the site don't seem to be from genuine customers.
    Right now, my bestfriend is going through a tough time because she ordered items worth about $400 two months ago and she's been emailing them with no response. 2 weeks ago she received a shipment notification and now she's been told that her stuff has arrived but she needs to pay another $350 to customs for freight and VAT in order for them to be delivered to her. What is the expedited shipping fee for if whenyour order arrives you have to pay for it again?
    I wish we could find them and sue them but unfortunately this is as far as we can go.
    PLEASE PLEASE do NOT do business with rosewholesale! Please.
    Good day, XO!

  23. Thank you so much for posting this. I also had a very bad experience with this website and am now out $300 dollars. I didn't get all the items I bought and the clothes are very poor quality. Sadly there is not much that can be done with online transactions such as these so warnings like your post can hopefully help others make the right decision.

  24. Hi Nina did you get your money back? I have the same ploblem now -.-

  25. Should have read this before buying. Only received one of 2 items. Not a happy camper. How did you get your money back?

  26. Hi everyone,

    I just ordered some clothing on rosewholesale from fb. Question to you all, has anyone got their orders and are they legit? Also they've now emailed me because Im a new customer they want me to send a copy of my photo id and the credit card to show the number at the back of it...did those who bought from here go through the same process? Pretty scary comments about them, hope I'm not another victim, but by the sounds of it, maybe. I'm just upset that Facebook lets these types of businesses advertise online and they are always on my advert side...curious to hear from you all.

  27. You just saved me - BIG TIME!! >.< Thank you!! <3

  28. Is all lies,I ordered 4 items including shoes. they have very nice shoes n their prices er also cheap. I also paid through PayPal n I got ma orders safely n was happy for de items fit gud.

  29. I am so mad I ordered two really nice dresses and a pretty back pack on march/4/2014 and today is march/22/2014 and I still haven't received my items and I paid for the 3 day service I will never do this again.....

  30. Uf...I was just going to buy a Coat...thanks for the the way, does anybody know where I can buy coats like the ones on the web? thanks Nina, thanks :D

  31. To "Dee" who mentioned that this company asked for a photo of the credit card including the number on the back..

    I hope you didn't give that to them! If you did, I hope you're checking your statements to make sure they haven't committed any fraud with your information.

    Never, ever provide photos of your credit card to any company overseas or online!

    I've never heard of any business even asking for that. I run an online dog boutique, and I've certainly never needed to ask a customer for information of that kind at all. I use Paypal, so I never see their card or the card number, period.

    And that's how it should be!

    Glad you got your money back, Nina.

    Happy shopping to all

  32. Thanks for the post Nina. I was ready to spend 200$ but based on the comments I will better not do that.. I am wondering, has anyone received all the items that ordered???

  33. thank you so much for this review nina! my friend and I were ecstatic to find such cheap beautiful clothing. she found dresses she loved, and I found trenches and jackets. glad I found you at the top of my google search for reviews! keep up the good work, Nina! <3<3<3

  34. So I saw the advertisement on Facebook and was wow’d by the prices. I knew the items were going to be from china so I knew what I was getting myself into. I bought two watches and a necklace totaling less than $15.00. For the price that I paid the items were not that bad. It took about 6 weeks to receive but that was expected as I’ve purchased item from other sites that ship from china and that’s usually how it goes. All I can say that if you do order from Rosewholesale just know what your are getting yourself into.

  35. Hi Nina,

    Did you get your money back? I should have looked for reviews about rose-wholesalers before placing my order. It's just started as your story after two weeks and no word from them, i followed up with them then they told me that they have only one item of my four items i had ordered and want to keep my money till they can stock the rest then send them to me. I just told them to refund my money . Waiting to see if they refund. $700 . Did they refund your money...i was buying items for a business am starting that's why its a bigger amount. I am sooo sad.

  36. Mary I did write at the end of the post a little update in red that I eventually got my refund hun so make sure they give it to you xxxxxx

  37. I am so thankful I found your post before ordering. I was just about to buy a bathing suit for $10 and it felt too good to be true. Thank you for saving me from making a huge mistake. :)

  38. What a saviour! Thank You Nina. I was about to check out after spending lots of time, I mean a lot of time shopping through hundreds of their clothing. I was up to a little over $ 200.00 on my orders when something told me to check their reviews. Now I am happy to know that because of your post, you save me a lot of money and not to mention aggrevation. Speaking of aggrevation , I am very much feeling it now, because of the time ai just spent. Lesson learned for future online shopping, check the company's reviews first! Thanks again for spreading awareness to online shoppers like me!

  39. I wish I read your review before purchasing one affordable cape coat from them. They emailed me saying they will process my order as soon as they get my payment, which was immediately, but I haven't seen them process anything yet. Granted it's been 2 days, but they DID tell me it'd be immediately after receiving payment.

    I paid $25.xx including shipping for the product and now I think this company got my money and I won't get the product. I saw the cape coat on a fashion blogger's website since she received it courtesy of RoseWholesale so I thought it'd be legitimate but after seeing your review, it seems like a scam.

    I feel sad now. I work hard for my money since I don't get paid very much per hour, and to see my money go down the drain really upsets me. I will give them a few more days and if they don't send it out I will ask for a refund immediately. I did payments through paypal so in case something doesn't work out I think I can raise a dispute with PayPal for a refund.

    Thank you so much for raising awareness of this awful website

  40. So I just immediately called Paypal to raise a dispute for my purchase because I have 45 days to report the issue and don't want to forget it after being busy with work and what not. So they extracted the money from the seller's account and put it on hold, give the seller 10 days to respond, and if they don't my money gets back straight to me. I thought to write this as a comment to let others who are reading know there is a way out if you paid with paypal and fell for the scam like many of us did.

  41. Thank you very much for posting about them! I thought, the prices seem too good to be true and after ordering some shoes not realizing it was coming from the UK in the past and hit with a heavy duty, I thought I'd better google the company. I'm so glad I came across your review first! Thank you very much!

  42. thank a lot i was just about to spend $300 us with them God bless you my dear because i dont hve it was just abt to do buying and selling hve u knw about any trusted websites maria

  43. Thank you for posting this! Just like so many others before me, I was about to order and stopped to check out a few resews first just to be safe... SOOO glad I read yours.
    Do you or anyone else know how to delete an account?
    The Privacy Policy states: How do I unsubscribe?
    You can unsubscribe by using the link from any email newsletter or your personal subscribe setting after logged in.
    Of course there is no link in any email Ive received and no link on their site or my account... big surprise there...! Any advice? Cheers :)

  44. The negative reviews are absolutely correct. I am in the midst of a string of 'back and forth emails' to rectify missing items, dirty items and wrong items received. They have low grade communication skills but are very well trained in 'avoidance and delay tactics'! Save your money and buy something of quality (not quantity). - REMEMBER: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!

  45. So glad I found this blog about this company. I stumbled across their website last night, saw their prices and thought this is too good to be true there has to be some kind of catch. Glad I was smart to do some research on it before deciding to purchase anything from them. I'm so sorry for your experience with them, and I thank you for your rant.

  46. Horrible experience, waited over 20 business days for my order to arrive, even though I paid for it to be shipped in 6-8 business days. Slow to respond to customer service emails, didn't refund my shipping despite several legitimate complaints. Awful experience, wouldn't recommend shopping here.

  47. I'm so glad i read this. i was planning on getting a couple of dresses from that site for my bridesmaids for my wedding but looking at the prices i thought it too good to be true. It's awful what they put you through but you are doing a great thing by warning others. I quite often read reviews for all online shopping websites to see if they can be trusted and so far I have found if they are cheap clothing then stay away from it

  48. Like so many others, I googled reviews for and came across your awful experience. I believe is another that is a hit or miss type of seller. It's a wonder these companies 1) stay in business, 2) have any repeat business. They obviously stay in business somehow!

  49. Nina, so glad you posted this. I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw their awesome prices and started loading my cart. Then I started to look for reviews, --always a good exercise-- and found your's. Thanks so much! You saved me some headaches:-) Micha

  50. Just to let you know they also troll on facebook under the site . They don't even bother to try and alter the basic construction of their sister site to look like a different site. Thats what tipped me to thinking they were a scam and doing a search.

  51. Hi, Nina. You see, I wasn't actually going to buy a thing from that website. But anyway, I just looked for some information about it and found your blog. So THANK YOU for sharing your experience that honestly. And I'm really sorry that you had went through this, it's such a shame! But Nina, I wish you the best and thanks again!

  52. I bought a top that was 6 dollars. It looks and fits horribly. It was a print that and it was like a mouse made the construction because its completely out of balance! The clothes don't look like what's in the pics.

  53. the clothes i bought don't look as good as they did in the pics. poor construction, ill-fitting.

  54. OMG Nina, I was in a similar situation with them. That exactly happened to me also + one of the jacket they send passed colour to my expensive Blouse and bag. I hate this company. I want to raise a complain against them.

  55. Thank you Nina, and so sorry this happened to you. I was about to order a few things for my daughter, but there were no reviews on their site. Glad I checked it out first.

  56. Ugh, this site has the cutest clothes! with the Asian models and really cheap prices I was really suspicious...Thanks for this!

  57. Hi Nina I am in the process of making a complaint with pay pal, but cannot continue with my form as pay pal want the link of the item I purchased and won't accept as a link.... what link can I use as it has to begin with "https" if you can help.... I mostly appreciate your help Nina.

  58. Mary You abviously have an account with rosewhole sale after making an order so go sign into rosewhole say click "myOrder" click the order you made and copy the link in the address bar either that or print screen the page and send it to pay pal hunny

  59. Hi Nina, I want to thank you for your response to my quirie with you, and to let you know that the company offered half the price I paid and I get to keep the useless dresses, but I refused. So now I have an escalated dispute open with Pay Pal..... still waiting for Rosewholesale to reply to Pay Pal. I will keep you posted. I want to thank you so much for your blog and your time to let others like me know of how we are not the only ones with poor quality products form this company. Love you Nina ;)

  60. Thank you so much for this review, I was seconds away from ordering something from this site and thought I might just Google them first and check out some reviews. So glad I did!

  61. This is rally a good post. It has good rate of shirts for men. The price of shirts is also effort able.
    Buy Mens Clothes Online

  62. Hi Nina. Am so angry.i got 7 item for 135.still waiting it was this weekend I saw your comment and my palpable didn't go through. My debt card just went through. How do I get my money. Because I call the DHL tracking and they told me they don't have am item for me. What can I do to get my money back

  63. I too have been duped by this 'company'. I ordered two items, received ONE and that one looks nothing like the photos on their site. I have yet to receive a reply to my threat to turn them into the BBB.
    Not my first time being swindled by a company in China ...but certainly my last! Why do we Amercans send them so much business? I'm done!

  64. Thank you so much for this blog. Seriously, saved me from a headache; for I was about to buy some items from them. Sorry, you had to experience this…

  65. I was really excited when I discovered Rose Wholesale because I have ordered from a wholesale company in China before and NEVER had any problems with my orders. They even hold my money in 'escrow' and won't pay the shipper until I receive the items and advise of such. (Aliexpress) and even refunded my money PROMPTLY (and included return shipping in my refund) when a product I received was defective. SO...there are some legit ones out there. HOWEVER...from what I am reading about Rose WholeSale...they are NOT one of those companies. I was going to pay for my daughter's order as a birthday gift so THANK YOU EVERYONE for the 'headsup'. While I know you can't please everyone all the time and I take complaints with a 'grain of salt', there are WAYYYYYY too many complaints to NOT see the red flags. ANYONE who places an order with Rose Wholesale AFTER reading what has happened to so many other customers .... well, let's just say they have the LEAST right to complain. I will keep looking OR go back to the site i KNOW I can count on!p.s....a seller on AliExpress even tried to 'scam'me and AliExpress caught it and not only stopped the transaction from continuing, but they also shut the seller down. I guess I will check out their site for clothes.

  66. Thank you! I was about to place a large order for Christmas. I am deleting this website and going somewhere else. I'm thankful to my niece who said good them and see what comes up before you order from them.
    Thank you Thank you for saving me trouble.

  67. Wow... OMG.....I was close to been a victim too...just yesterday I wanted to make payment and I decided to find whr rosewholesale is located and I found dis....thank you guys I will forever be grateful

  68. Blogs like this are important because it will save many people stress & financial loss. These people are quite obviously a poorly run outfit bordering on criminal, it's a wonder that FB don't remove their ads.

  69. Wish i had read this before i ordered...i have a wedding in 2 weeks been waiting for an email about my purchase no package yet guess i better get shopping again maybe i will at least be able to recover my money! lol!!

  70. I only wish I'd found this post before I placed an order..
    Same story, it's been three weeks and they still haven't shipped my order.
    Customer service says some of my items are out of stock, but instead of letting me know they waited until I contacted THEM, then asked if I'd mind waiting or if I'd like the other items shipped. I asked for those in stock to be shipped immediately, and four days later still nothing. For three days in a row customer service has asked me to "give them two more days" while disregarding the questions in my emails.
    So frustrating!
    Good for you for posting about them, I hope others see this before they waste their time and money!

  71. I've unfortunately ordered from this unprofessional business too. Your correspondence are very similar to mine with them. My order were gifts for my daughter's bday who goes to college out of town. I ordered a month before her birthday and in the order it said I could expect the shipment within a week. My daughter's birthday passed a week ago and she left back to college without these gifts. I've sent four emails and get very similar messages that don't make sense. I've also left a voice mail and when calling it sounds like a voice mail from a house, not a business. No one has ever returned my call. In the messages they keep giving false dates that have already passed on when I can expect the shipment. I agree... something needs to be done to shut them completely down and to stop scamming shoppers!

  72. Hi all, too late for me. Posted an order 2 weeks ago and now I found I also paid by paypal, and wondering if anything I can do to cancel the payment now, anyone has done it? thanks!


  74. Thank you Nina for your post. I was just looking at their website this morning. They have a lot of cute items. Is there a company with similar clothing that you would recommend? Thank you so much for being honest! :-)

  75. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!! I am so very grateful to you for posting this. I, too, am a blogger and always check reviews before ordering from a ne site. You have saved me!!! So glad you got your money back. What a hassle though...THANKS!!!!
    xo Jeanne

  76. Wow, Thank goodness I searched before making a purchase from them. And Thank You for your post! I noticed pop ups on facebook, so I checked it out they do have great prices and nice style clothing. I guess if sounds too good to be true watch out!

  77. This happened to me through
    I am continually researching where I can get these items of clothing because they are super cute.. I waited and emailed and had no response.. finally I live chatted with a girl and they are issuing me a refund.. so let's hope I get that back in 5-7 days! I hope I can find these clothes through American websites!

  78. I'm currently one of their victims, I've recently purchased
    Some items myself. It's over 6 weeks no packages, no response, Finally I got to chat with someone an they said my items was out of stock and they would get it in 2 weeks. What? an you took my money? They do advertise some beautiful clothes an pricing is the catch.
    Thank you Nina for sharing, Unfortunately it's to late for me Payment went through PayPal. So hopefully I should get my money back. STILL WAITING.

  79. We just ordered a hacker and we got a confirmation email and got the item in what seemed like a timely manner.
    Whrn paying so little for price we didn't expect the highest of quality for the the price we paid the quality seems fine. It looks nice and doesn't have any flaws. Not the most expensive matiral as expected but looks nice.

    Just wanted to share the fact there can be good experiences too even though you have all had negative ones down.

  80. Thank you for posting this! I was about to order a jacket but $16 for a jacket just seemed a little too good to be true. Guess I was right! :-)

  81. Thanks a million. I was just fixing to order a blouse and decided to do what I generally do before ordering, and that's see what others say about the company.

    Being overseas, I don't know if we have a legal leg to stand on, or anywhere to even file a formal complaint.

  82. I have had a similar experience with this company. I ordered on 9/25/14 and nothing yet. I've contacted them 4 times now, and all they can say is "I'm pleased to tell you the order is on it's way? It is not here! Very disappointed.

  83. Thank you for your blog ! Iwas just about to buy from that site when i did a bit of searching and discovered your blog . Thak you again for saving me from an unpleasant experience !

  84. Thank you Nina for your post and thank you for everybody left your comments. I ordered 8 clothes from RW 11/5/14 and got confo & Tracking # from International Bridge on 11/7/14, but this confo & Tracking # are for only 6 of 8 items. Then I got 1 of 2 remaining item confo & Tracking # by Netherlands Post Registered on 11/14/14. Then I got 6 items by USPS on 11/17/14. My ordered clothes were in a thick vinyl bag and really taped up. There is no invoice or anything... Quality of clothes are a little cheaper than I expected but they are cheap individual, so I accepted. Then I have checked 1 of 2 remaining item tracking # but showing "no item found" for days. I have 1 more remaining item that not confo information or anything. Those items are the most expensive of 8 I ordered. I have tried to RW support Center by chat but even working business hours, chat is always "closed", so I tried to send message, but every time I choose "Question Type" small window shows up and saying "Please sign in" I already signed in, but the email support Center page doesn't work, so I called 917-621-0925 that suppose to be a in person customer center in NY, but it went to voice mail but this voice mail is very weird. A man talking something far away from phone for 1-2minutes and finally lady's machine voice says "This message is full" or something.... OMG.... I can't even reach to "Support Center" I am kind of lucky side because I got some my items. But I don't know what to do for the most expensive items... Should I wait or what?? I used paypal to paid....

  85. oh my friggin gosh i am so pissed right now i thought what great deals i also am in the same perdicament as you its been 41/2 weeks since last ordering my dresses and stuff i was"nt very to start with not receiving a tracking number like all other sites i use well i really dont want to be screwed over i also have referred them to friends i am going to feel so responsible as it is i could just cry so so sorry about your experience.

  86. thank u...thank u......thank u.....

  87. oh good grief, I just got my order.I wish I could post a photo because you would laugh till milk came out your nose. It is not even close to the photo, not one bit. I ordered this really cool looking jacket, like a band conductor, with epaulets and split tail. I got a very thin T-shirt material what looks like an old members only jacket.It's horrible, not even the same color. live and learn, I will be posting both pics on my facebook though!/Symea Rosales check it out

  88. Just got my first order.......two blouses size XL. (I wear a size 16). Well....they fit like XS. Yes, Extra Small!! I could get them over my shoulders and that's it!! Their size charts are very inaccurate. Unless you are a size 1-4 forget it. Their 2X must be about a size Small then. I'm very disappointed. No more ordering from them. Thanks for starting this BLOG. I did get my order fairly quickly though. Stacy, Southern California.

  89. Hello, Nina!
    I did my order yesterday for items that cost me 207$
    AFTER that i found out all the bad reviews and wanted to cancel my order immediately. BUT their custom service form is not working - keep saying: "Please log in" as I am already logged in... and can't contact them in any way. Could you PLEASE give me the e-mail you received your answers from? That would be a big help! Also i saw that the transaction is pending still in my bank account (i paid with a debit card) and i contacted my bank to eventually hold the transition if possible. still no answer... so any advice and info could help me!!! THANK YOU!

  90. Really terrible that it happen like this!

  91. Hi Nina, thank you for your post, I usually ignore those ads on FB, but I saw this gorgeous blouse that I just had to take a 2nd look at, and was about to order, was looking at the sizing chart. I have always been wary of online shopping. Then I recalled some of the awful experiences my customers had, I work for a bank's inbound contact center, so I get calls from customers about unauthorised "extra" charges on their cards, goods different/damaged, or non-receipt of goods, so I thought I'd better Google for reviews, cos' while my customers were alternately, ranting/raving or moaning about their plight, and revealed that it was their 1st time of that site extra, I thought to myself, why didn't they Google for reviews 1st?And also apply the maxim: When it seems too good to be true, it usually is! So thank you. :) Based on your communication with them, it sounds like a China site.

  92. Happened to me too! Haven't gotten my money back, tried calling several times but no response...Sad. Thank God it was only about $14, they can have it!

  93. had the same issue with I ordered in November and did not receive a confirmation receipt. It took four weeks to get my order and the material was extremely cheap. I tried emailing and calling for a return address to send the clothes back and could not get through to anyone. I should have done a bit of research beforehand. Evidently, there are so many angry people that our news station in Omaha just did a story on them.

  94. Forgot to say folks. Paypal have updated their policy to 6 months instead of 45 days to deal with a dispute - so its not too late to file a complaint & get your money back! Linda

  95. Thanks Nina. Just to let you all know that I have spoken to Paypal today & will receive a full refund on the shoddy items I was sent by this dreadful sweatshop.
    Stand you ground & don't let them away with it. Also ignore their advice to send things back using surface mail - takes up to 60 days - convenient for them - they hope you will give up or forget about it by then. Cost a bit more but I sent stuff back air freight - guaranteed delivery in 1week. Paypal are going to investigate & tell me they have the power to get them shut down! Linda

  96. Nina
    just came across your post. I to placed order in November and haven't gotten it. I am trying to get hold of New York district attorney office. I wished I had done looked for the reviews on this so called You know the old saying to good to be true usually is.

  97. thank you for taking the time to post this. I was considering placing an order, but wanted to check to see what the reviews were before I committed. I sure don't need the hassle and will shop elsewhere. Thank you!

  98. I am so deeply disappointed that I did not do enough research before my paypal order to this scam of an operation its exactly two months since I ordered (5/12/14) and they received payment and nothing. I was hoping to receive my goods by mid January taking into account the Christmas holidays but nothing its now 5/2/15. This is a money making scheme by telling you they will give your money back after such a long time and those not laying claim and making valid demands lose their money completely. DO NOT PURCHASE FROM SUCH UNETHICAL CONCERNS!!!!

  99. Hi, I am too another victim of Rose wholesalers. I placed an order in November and still point is how do we stop them? does anyone have a plan. Thank you for staring this post. Regards Roushal

  100. I bought 2 dresses from this site, and I got them in a week (in Canada). But they are so cheap, they are totally unwearable!!! The fabric is pure see-through thin crap, and the seams are so awful! I let 2 honest reviews on their site, I'm not sure they will publish them! Anyway, my daughter will have fun playing with those dresses. You are lucky you did not get what you order, you would have been stuck with crap!

  101. I had the same experience. I ordered at the end of November, thinking (silly me) that there would be plenty of time for the delivery by Christmas. is now almost March and I have yet to receive half of my order. I have requested a refund. We will see how that works out. They can charge great prices if they never intend to deliver them in the first place!

  102. I ordered to. Do u have the information to contact them in any way possible. Please someone e-mail me the information. It would greatly be appreciated. Thank you so much for this blog. Just wish I would have seen it before I ordered. Thanks

  103. Hello I was about to make a purchase but did research for the reviews first because I wasnt sure if it is truly a reliable online shopping. I really loved their dresses but now that I know its anohter scam NOp not falling for that. Your posts is really helpful.

  104. Does anyone have an address for these people? I ordered a jean jacket over 2 months ago and have yet to receive it. I have done numerous "tickets" on their website. Nothing! I also returned an item over 2 months ago and still have not rec'd my credit. I REALLY WANT AN ADDRESS FOR THESE PEOPLE TO SEND A CERTIFIED LETTER TO THEM TO THREATEN LEGAL ACTION. I cannot find an address and nobody answer the US phone number....ever. STAY AWAY FROM ROSE WHOLESALE!!!!


  106. I had the same experience as Nina, I ordered early in November in hopes of having my items for Christmas presents. When I contacted them (a week before Christmas) they claimed that the holiday slowed things up, but be patient. I contact them the week of CHristmas and they said, I actually had to wait 35 days, this was not on their site *up to 25 days). My dialog with them was so much like Nina's, I was back and forth with them about my order. Finally, I told them to keep their stuff and give me a refund. I paid through Paypal, so I contacted them and a dispute was launched. It took a while but I finally got my money back and I let them know under no circumstances would I ever try to do business with them again.

  107. OMG Nina, thank you thank you thank you!! For this warning. I was just about to start ordering then I thought let me GOOGLE Rose Wholesale Reviews and came across your blog! I truly appreciate your candid honesty about your experience with this JANKY company! I'm so ANAL I would have flown to China to GET my DAMN money BACK lol.

  108. I often buy wholesale mens clothing online from them and did not have any problems at all. I thinks it depends on seller.

  109. Thank you for sharing this information and Very good looking blog.
    The Cobbleroad

  110. I placed an order for 1 tank top and 1 romper last week. I checked my track number in DHL website that they processed until I received yesterday.

  111. Oh no :( I have just placed an order with them and read all this after i paid. I payed using my visa debit card not pay pal though.... I only purchased 2 days ago...

  112. How strange...I buy wholesale men shoes all the time, but did not have any problems.

  113. glad I checked....when I went on google I typed in "is Rose Wholesale...and before I could type another word "is Rose Wholesale legit?" came up...guess a lot of people are wondering. Your blog gave me the specific details I needed...thanks so much for posting about your difficulties with them. I also got the facebook ad and took a peek...thinking it was so great. Always pays to check many half baked companies online!!

  114. Hi there I purchased 2weeks ago now this got me paranoid af but I'm still gonna hold on to a glimmer of hope and let's see if I get it or not .but dam I be a fool sucked into this .no wonder I never trust to buy online pmo

  115. Yeah I payed MasterCard it was my boyfriends moms card and apparently more Money was taken out and I hope it wasn't these scam or whatever you will but his mom did other purchases (unrelated to my order) so it could have been her own purchases (unrelated to rosewholesale) sorry Mom if they did And I don't think I can get a refund let's to hopeing ):

  116. I wish I had found this blog before I ordered from this company! I had exactly the same experience. The dress I ordered was for my daughters wedding and of course it never came. I had to contact them to find out what was going on and got the run around. I am currently waiting to see if they actually return my money. What a scam of a company. Be warned's not worth it to buy anything from this company!

  117. Geez, I am sure I ran across this blog! I was getting ready to place a big order. I just was searching Rose Wholesale and this blog popped up first. So thanks for saving a KY girl a bunch of money and heartaches! Hey they do have some pretty clothes. They are nice ones. Can't buy them here , wish I knew where to get them like this!!! China I guess haha

  118. Thanks for posting this blog. I was getting ready to order a ton of pretty clothes. haha wish they had them here in the USA. Thanks for saving our hard earned KY girl money!!! Guess I will have to go to China and getem because I sure aint gonna wait 6 months to get them! haha

  119. Hi Nina,Thank you for blogging this. I was soon going to order now I am saved.I don't like the way they wrote "please be patient" in capitals either, like they genuinely can't be bothered with you. I hope you get your refund ASAP, and I will stay well away from them. You're helping us readers out by not having to go through that site.Thank you for sharing your experience.In my research for bargains, I found lot providing discount vouchers and coupons of beauty products including Super drug vouchers, but found a worthy site you can try it. It makes my shopping so happy and cheap.Great blog, and thanks for sharing

  120. Hi Nina, I ordered 11 items from this company paid for expedited shipping its now 11 days I received email confirmation of order and my payment to date no shipping information. I cannot get anyone to answer my qyestions or respond to my emails. I'm astound I didn't check for reviews until I came across your blog. Any suggestions how I could report them or get refund I can't lose my hard earn money.

  121. Very helpful review. I was just about to make a huge purchase with them spending a couple hundred dollars and yet again, my instincts told me to read some reviews. You saved me grief as all of the items I was purchasing was gifts to people for my wedding day. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your experience and making a difference in our lives. :)

  122. Thank you so much for you letting everyone know about this company. I was going to order from them too also zulily in the last week, something told me I need to see if there are any reviews on them both. Both of them are scammers. Which is sad to say. Because both of their sites I would have ordered from. To all the consumers out there if you don't know about a company look for reviews first. I always do this cause once upon a time I have been scammed. Thanks again for your review.

  123. My order came 2 months later. The clothe are really what they look like on the pictures and I did find mine to not be cheap made. However.... I ordered size XXL or 2XL as listed on their pages. The size that I got was indeed XXL but not American sizes. maybe it says that somewhere on there but I would say that their XXL is like a small here. I did not even bother with laying all the clothes on the floor to point out that I can not even get my head through the opening, they look like I robbed a child's closet on me. All I could do was laugh but I will never order from them again.

  124. I wish I had read your blog before placing an order with this company. I am now going on two weeks waiting for my order. I have received an order number and a tracking number, but the tracking number has no information. I contacted the company that is supposed to deliver my order and supplied them with the tracking number and they have no information my package. I was told they have not received anything and that I should contact the company. I went to the company's website to look for a phone number I could call and talk to someone in customer service, but the number they have on their website, cuts off every time I call it. I try sending them an email and the window to send email won't open. I want to request my money back but it's been impossible to get in contact with anyone from this company. I have a feeling I will not receive my order nor my money back.

  125. Very helpful reviews!
    I was about to purchase a few items myself but I thought it was very strange that they charge over $2 for a tracking number?? I work in logistics and freight and I promise you that you'll never be charged any amount for a tracking number, not by DHL,USPS, FedEx, etc.
    Its only upsetting now because I was looking forward to all of the cute clothes, guess I will be going shopping.

  126. thank-you for this review !! i would have hated to spend so much money and get terrible service!!!

  127. I am from England so i wanted to order clothes as they are really cheap on the website but i am not sure about the originality. Is there any suggestion for me from where to buy clothes?

  128. This was the worst company I've ever dealt with. Their products are VERY low quality to the point I was dismayed. I sent 4 requests to return them because you can't return their product without a response from them giving you instructions. Each time, I received an auto reply telling me I would have a response within 24 hours. Not one of them were responded to within even close to that time frame. Finally, I received a series of communications back and forth telling me to send photos of their deficiency. I kept responding telling them there was no "deficiency" but rather unsatisfaction of the product and asking for an address to return. As of now, there have been 12 correspondences each in which reply to me asking for photos of the deficiencies in order to return the product. It's been over a month and I'm still playing this game. I finally asked them to stop playing games with me and give me a clear response of how I can return the very cheaply produced products. I'm sure I'll receive yet another response asking me for a picture of the deficiency in the product. This company is a scam!

  129. Here is my experience: This was the worst company I've ever dealt with. Their products are VERY low quality to the point I was dismayed. I sent 4 requests to return them because you can't return their product without a response from them giving you instructions. Each time, I received an auto reply telling me I would have a response within 24 hours. Not one of them were responded to within even close to that time frame. Finally, I received a series of communications back and forth telling me to send photos of their deficiency. I kept responding telling them there was no "deficiency" but rather unsatisfaction of the product and asking for an address to return. As of now, there have been 12 correspondences each in which reply to me asking for photos of the deficiencies in order to return the product. It's been over a month and I'm still playing this game. I finally asked them to stop playing games with me and give me a clear response of how I can return the very cheaply produced products. I'm sure I'll receive yet another response asking me for a picture of the deficiency in the product. This company is a scam!

  130. I've made several attempts to provide feedback on this site and have been restricted.

  131. They are the worst kind of outfit, I ordered gods and they sent them to a completely different place, miles from me and then told me to go get them. its a 2 hour journey!!!

    NO offer of refund, no replacement, just repeated, I hope you receive your goods soon, go get them. Ive never received them

    Then the Coup de Grace, they offer me a 5% discount on future goods, they are on a different planet fro the rest of us, stay well clear #rosewholesales #neveragain

  132. Ouch, my stomach just sank to my feet and I tripped over it. Jeezze, saw a sweater on facebook my daghter-in-law wants, so on Nov 15 2015 I ordered it and paid for it (pay pal). Thought I had one gift on the way for her. Almost a month later and not one word. Never got a letter, confermation, recipt, nothing. My account says they are still processing it. My things from China are arriving! I still can't figure out where the hell they are located at! Boy I don't know what I'm madder about, myself trusting a place advertised on facebook, falling for it, finding your blog AFTER I sent them a support request on the most confusing page or do I really think I'm going to get a reply?!?!
    You all know what?? There are a ton of class action lawyers out there who I'm sure would take this case.
    I'm very upset. I order online because I had an accident and driving is hard for me. In the last 13 years I may have left 1 bad review. I don't like to leave bad reviews and give sellers every chance.

  133. Will it seem like i just joined the banwaggon... if i had seen these post i would've avoid this site. It was sent to me by a customer who ask to push an order, i took it she had some knowledge of it so i went and place her order.
    Every thing seem to be going down hill from there tracking number "one seem dead and the other stuck on updating (3-7 days shipping) I took the initiative of opening a dispute case on then i pay with paypal I'm waiting on respond ( they don't seem to respond to email and there is no telephone # to call) let you know if i have a favorable outcome.

  134. I don't understand why Facebook would continue to allow them to advertise given the complaints.


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