
Sunday 2 June 2013

Sharing the Love #3: Interview with Dani aka The Glamour Nazi

Hey my beautifuls How are you all doing today :) 
Well its that's time again The Share the Love Interview I have formed for anyone who wants to take part and be involved in Nina's World.  
This is a great way for everyone to get to know more about the blogger behind the blog and also get to find new blogs to read.  If you are interested in taking part in my Interview and getting a spot in the next Share the Love post let me know by either emailing me: 
or leaving a comment below with you email address so I can contact you :) 
So this week we have the lovely Dani aka The Glamour Nazi 
She is Irish and lives in Dublin She is a full time make-up artist.  What I love about this girl is like me she is 100% honest in her reviews she will not hold back and even if a product is not good she still lets us all know :) Anyway I am going to whisht and let Dani take over :) 
Hit it Dani 

1.  Hey Dani Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
Hi, I'm Dani. I am a fully qualified make up artist from Dublin. I studied in Make Up Forever then went on to do an ITEC certified course in Facial Make Up before getting to do the incredible Pixiwoo make up course in London under the guidance of Samantha and Nicola Chapman. However make up jobs are hard to come by in Dublin as it seems EVERYONE is a make up artist. So this year I took the plunge and went back to college to study my other passion, English  - for secondary school teaching. I'm obsessed with turquoise nails, hot pink lips and makeup hoarding!

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
I started a blog a few years ago but had no camera and was really sporadic with posting. Last summer I decided to put my head down which is when I started the Glamour Nazi. Giving up my hopes of being a makeup artist, I knew the passion wouldn't die so it was a way of keeping it going while starting college. I have been writing novels and stories since I was eleven so it was also an extension of that. I love writing in-depth, honest product reviews whether I like a product or not. I think people deserve to know what to avoid as well as what to buy!

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
I have a YouTube channel ( which I have been filming for for years and I discovered that a lot of YouTubers have accompanying blogs. I started reading some and decided that it was a great way to review products as it isn't possible to film an indepth review video for EVERY product you like. I have become quite disillusioned by the negativity on YouTube and found the blogging world so much friendlier so gave up on my channel a little. I am hoping to get back into filming in September though after I move house. 

4.  What is your dream job?
I love writing and believe my dream job would have to be in some way related. I would love to publish some novels and maybe have a really successful beauty website that could be my day job. 

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
There are so many blogs that inspire me. I am obsessed with reading them all! I have the BlogLovin' app on my phone and always stay up to date when I'm on the bus. My favourites include Viva Adonis, Not Just Inside, Dancing With Disaster, Make Up Monster, A Pretty Obsession, Fluff and Fripperies, Lovely Girlie Bits, Dolly Rouge... aah the list is endless!  I read so many!

6.  Your favourite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
These change all the time! Currently my favourite skin care product is the La Roche Posay Anthelios. It is a sun screen with SPF50 but is in an oil form. It feels like applying a nourishing serum to your face but you know you're keeping it protected too! 

 My favourite hair products are from Rich Hair Care. Their DeFrizz and Shine Mist instantly nourishes the ends of your hair and it smells DIVINE.

 I left the make up products until the end as I knew they would be hardest! My favourite foundation has to be my Vichy Dermablend which is incredible if you have problem skin like mine. It makes you look flawless. When it comes to eyeshadows, it has got to be Inglot. Their freedom palettes give you the *ahem* freedom to choose your own colours and as somebody who worked for the brand, I can assure you that the quality of every shade is out of this world. Finally, I recently discovered budget brand NYC's Liquid Lipshines. They are super cheap but some of the nicest glosses I have ever worn. I will definitely be collecting all shades! 

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Give it your all and SPELLCHECK! Only get into it if you are really passionate about it and enjoy it, not because of some perks you heard it has. 

 While I love discovering new blogs, nothing upsets me more than ones that are obviously half-assed. If you're doing a product review, tell me EVERYTHING about it. I hate one line reviews "This is a nice pink lipstick". How long does it last? Is it matte or cream? Was it expensive? Did it dry out your lips? Put some effort in and don't just copy and paste celebrity stories from gossip websites! 
 I know not everyone is good at spelling but simple things like rereading your blog post before publishing will help you spot any mistakes you've made. Spell check doesn't pick up on silly mistakes that rereading will catch! One or two mistakes are perfectly human but a whole blog of errors just looks careless. 

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? 
My handbag is so boring which is why I have never done the 'what's in my bag' tag! I have my Paul's Boutique studded wallet, keys and a tube of Carmex at all times. Usually I will pop in whatever lip colour I'm wearing that day for top-ups and if I know I will be out all day, I'll bring my Vichy Dermablend Setting Powder to control shine. 

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 
Instagram: @GlamourNazi 

Twitter: @GlamourNazi

10  Any last words for us :) 
Thank you for having me over here. I love discovering new blogs to read so I think this is a great idea! 
So there you have it ladies and gents the beautiful Dani
I hope you visit her sites and sure if you are feeling extra nice hitting those follow and subscribe buttons for her :)
Until the next Share the Love
Lots of Love from me Luck for you all and of course Laughter as thats what keeps us healthy and happy

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P