
Thursday 6 June 2013

Share the Love #4: Interview with Orla from Makeup over Mind

Hello my beauties How are you all doing today :) 
Well I am totally enjoying the Summer we are having lately its so so beautiful and HOT 22 degrees yesterday LOVING IT.  
Its that time again Sharing the Love on Nina's Blog yeeeeeeeee 
Today I have the Beautiful Orla from Makeup Over Mind 
This Woman is an absolutely darling I still have not met her in person but I will in the future I know it.  Just look at her eyes they are stunning.  Orla is from Ireland and She has both a blog and youtube channel where she does reviews and tutorials.  I love her tutorial she explains them to a T and you dont get an confusion from her whatsoever.  I have been following her for so long now that I cant wait until her next post or video is she is brilliant anyways I am rambling here is Orla 

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Orla, I'm from Galway. I'm just about to turn 24 (eek...quarter life crisis) and I'm currently finishing my Masters in Health Psychology! 
((((Orla Hunny try hitting my age then you will be eekking lol 24 is so young))))
2. Tell us a little about your blog…
I started ‘Makeup Over Mind’ a year and a half ago and (as the title would suggest) it’s jam-packed with makeup obsession! I do a mixture of reviews, comparisons, hauls, and makeup looks. I especially love writing reviews as I try and treat each one with detail and objectivity...but I guess that's the psychology training coming out in me! I also do some YouTube videos to compliment the blog, although not as much recently due to mountains of college work…

3. What inspired you to start up your blog?
I've always had an interest in makeup artistry and I did a weekend-long course when I was 16-years-old. None of my friends were ever as obsessively into makeup as I always was, so I guess I was also looking for an outlet for my makeup love! I had been an observer of the online makeup community for so long I decided to finally dip my toe in the water. It was the wonderful Simone ( who gave me the final push after I did a guest review of MAC’s Matchmaster foundation for her blog!

4. What is your dream job?
A clinical psychologist!

5. Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read?
There are literally hundreds! We’re especially lucky to have a high caliber of Irish blogs but you can view a full list of the blogs I currently follow on my Bloglovin’ profile (!

6. Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
I'm far from a skin care expert, but I do love my Clarisonic which I've been using since Christmas! Again, hair isn’t quite my area of expertise, but I’d have to say my Tangle Teezer. Makeupwise….so, so difficult to choose! But if we’re talking about what I could not be without, it would have to be Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation and my Real Techniques brushes. I could go on forever though…

7.  If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Firstly, I think it’s also well worth brainstorming a blog name that captures what your blog is all about!
So much of what you learn is trial and error; so allow yourself time to find your feet! Although it’s fun, it’s also a lot of hard work once you get started and you really need to be self-motivated to grow and develop your own blogging style! But most importantly, start it for the right reasons – a love of your chosen topic!

8.  Can you tell us what is in you handbag?
It’s a bit of a mess currently and having poured out its contents, it contains…
An obscene amount of stationery: 2 notebooks, 5 pens (one bubblegum scented), a mini Sudoku book, record cards, & a 2013 planner; My makeup bag; A nail file; My purse; Tangle Teezer; Glasses case; Nerdy makeup notes from an Estée Lauder event; A Diet Coke invite for the Marc Jacobs event I didn’t get to attend (sad face); Business cards; TWO Indian takeaway menus, and; THREE crazy straws (because you never know…!). Well, you did ask….

9. Where else can we find you apart from your blog?
You can find me at all the links below, but I’m most active on Facebook and Instagram so you’ll find me there most days!

10. Any last words for us?
Thanks for having me Nina and if anyone has any pressing unanswered questions (*doubtful*) feel free to let me know!

You just have to check this girl out she is amazing :) You wont be disappointed :) 
Until Next time Make sure your wearing lots of SPF 
Lots of Love Luck Sunshine and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. i love her blog <3

  2. Aww as lovely as Orla is anyways this makes her seem even lovlier! Really enjoying this whole series, good on ya for doing it.


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P