
Thursday 2 May 2013

Day 2: Blog Everyday in May....... Spring is here

Hello everybody :) Today's Blog Everyday in May topic is ....Spring is here 
To be honest I actually had to wreck my brains to think of a blog post to write on this heading.  Its seems easy enough but when you put fingers to keypad for some reason you get typist block if thats such a thing so I decided I will point out a few thing and include picture of how I know when spring is here in Ireland because for many countries Spring time is different.  I suppose its basically my favourite things about Spring time :) 
Now in all honesty spring time did not start great here they weather was so bad that it felt like winter and some weeks we would be stuck inside because of the awful wind rain and even snow at some points.  All was not lost because at mid April the weather started to pick up the evenings started looking brighter and the mornings start off bright and crisp so much so I started seeing one of my favourites sites in my life....... The Sun Rise most morning :) :) 
What I also love is the sound of the birds chirping in the mornings and even during the day.  Its such a sweet beautiful sound so peaceful and you cant help but smile when you wake to a super bright morning and lots of birds chirping.  I have a big tree in my back garden with lots of nests full of old and new birds my garden does be filled with birds eating food that i have left out for them I love it :) 
Another thing I love about the spring time is the flowers blooming there is nothing more exciting and beautiful than seeing your garden brighter and fresher from the flowers you have planted the bright colours and the fresh scent from them is wonderful.  These are more flowers from my lovely sister I have to add to my garden I love them 
Another thing I love about Spring is getting out more with my family.  More family days out Its amazing how just getting out of the house more puts an amazing feeling in your bones :) Seeing the smiles on their beautiful little faces gives me such a rush its so hard to explain the warm feeling.  My heart is racing now even thinking of their little happy faces and the fact they are getting out into the fresh air soaking up some Vitamin D puts a beautiful flush to their cheeks.  When they are happy and content mammy is happy and content :) 
Lastly what I of course can think of the the change in colours when it comes to Beauty and fashion.  Your outfits change your makeup changes and of course out comes the tan :) We all start to thinking of bright colours wearing less wintery shades more Spring colours I love the bright shades of everything and most of all I love the brights in makeup and in nails It some how makes people look younger in so many different ways 
One of my favourite Spring looks :) 
Some of my favourite spring time nail polishes :) 
Rimmel Apocolips
Wet n Wild 
Catrice frozen rose 

Just a small sample of what i love for Spring time I have lots more but i would be going on forever and ever :) 
What is your favourite thing about Spring time :) 
Until tomorrows post 
Take Care and Mind yourselves :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Love that turquoise ELF polish! It's beautiful. Our Spring here is slowly creeping in but the weather is so erratic. It's ridiculous!


  2. Love those lipstick and polish colours :)

  3. Gorgeous springy photos, that sunshine is beautiful! And I also LOVE that makeup look for spring! <3

  4. Amazing eye look!
    Do you have a tutorial on it? I love spring too, it makes me happy! xxx

  5. Oh I love that turquoise polish! The flowers and the sunrise are gorgeous too and your little girl has such a lovely smile!
    My day 2 post is about flowers too, but tulips and vegetable seeds for me! Isn't Spring exciting?


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P