
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Day 01 :Blog Everyday in May........ 5 Lines

Blog Every Day in May
Hey my beauties :) 
As you know today is the 1st of May (time is flying by too fast) and I am sure you all know at this stage I love challenges and tags.  I have done a few challenges like the 28 kisses challenge and the Instagram challenge A Photo a Day on Instagram Last month which I totally enjoyed :) 
So Last night I was kinda sad because it was over and I was wondering if there was going to be any other appealing challenges for this month and low and behold Nykki for Nykki Talks Beauty posted up a link to a challenge she is taking part in and I really like the sound of it :) So I decided YES I am sooooo doing this challenge and here we go.  
I wont write up a massive intro on it simply click this link to Elizabeths blog to check out the challenge and if you want to sign up to it all the information is there 
So basically she has posted up a calender of the month of May and each day has a blog post idea for you to do each day of course you can think of your own but this is a guideline to what you can do :)
I am excited and I cant wait to try this out as it will definately be a challenge to get a blog post up every single day including my own blog post but hey it would be called a CHALLENGE otherwise eh?
So Day 1 is 5 lines........ and I decided I would write 5 facts you do not know about me :) 
  1. When i was a teenager my favourite boy band of all time were the backstreet boys and still to this day I love singing their songs :) 
  2. I never swim in the sea because i have a serious phobia of jellyfish oh my goodness if i seen one now I would cringe I literally cant even look at pictures of them ahhhhhhhhhh
  3. I suffer with IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is absolutely horrible especially if I eat the wrong foods like white bread or pasta or too much chocolate.  I tell you when IBS plays up on my I look about 3 months pregnant its horrible 
  4. When I was pregnant with my 2nd baby I suffered very badly with pre-natal and post natal depression .  It was a very dark part of my life and I am hoping one day soon I will do a write up about it (if you would like me to do that let me know in the comments below) 
  5. My first pet was a dog called Toby which was actually my nana's dog and he used to follow us home everyday when we visited nana.  He was so clever and used to always escape from nanas to get to our house which was able a half mile away from nanas and wanting to stay with us so we ended up just keeping him at ours :) 

So that is 5 lines (well sort of lines) 5 facts about me you didnt know about me 
Are you taking part in this challenge ??
If so please let me know and add your link under every challenge day of mine so I can see yours 
I hope you all have a lovely day 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Aw I only just saw this today! I've missed the first day, but I've signed up anyway and am starting on day two. I've never done a challenge like this before and I'm not used to posting more than about once a week so it's going to be hard! But hopefully it'll be fun too. Looking forward to seeing what you write!


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P