
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Ziaja Manuka Tree Purifying Range Review

Hello Beauties I hope you are all well :) 
Today I come to you with a review but in a different style :)  
My daughter is part of this review thats why its different :) 
You may remember me mentioning before about having a teenage daughter who is going through a hard time with acne :)  Its hard for a mum to see her daughter been so down and so insecure about the way she looks and no matter how much you tell her she is beautiful she still looks in the mirror and is greeted by acne on her face.  So I made it my mission to got out there and find a skin care that is suitable for her and her skin type.  She had a very different skin type to me where I am normal to combination skin she is more oily to combination.  She suffers with alot of acne on her forehead which worsens at a certain time of the month.  Her acne at times can be very sore and very red 
I am sure alot of you out there know what its like :( 

I am sure you all know that I have tried some products from Ziaja and was never disappointed.  I like the fact that this brand is very affordable and the products are very good quality.  I love how effective their products are without using any harmful chemicals.  I trusted them that much I decided to buy their Manuka Tree Purifying Range for my daughter to try out :) As its perfect for people who have oily & Combination skin :)  not only that but Manuka is suppose to Used to solve oily and combination skin problems. Has antibacterial properties. Reduces infections and soothes irritation. Deeply cleanses the skin, eliminates the bacteria causing acne.
So Becky has been using these for the past 3 months and can safely tell you all what she thinks :) and what I think as a mum who has been keep a very close eye on her ;) 
First up is 

The Deeply Cleansing Peeling Paste retails at only €4.99 and you get 75mls which is quite alot for the price.  Ziaja states:  Deeply cleansing peeling paste with astringent and exfoliating properties. 
Effectively reduces skin imperfections. 
Prevents blackheads formation. 
Unblocks pores and prepares the skin for further cosmetic treatments.
To be honest when i got this first I thought it was a peeling mask but its in fact no way a mask.  The directions to use this is very simple and straight forward.  You spread the paste on your hands apply massage in circular motions onto your dampened face and rinse with luke warm water.  My daughter loves this and finds it very effective.  She picked this to be her top favourite out of the 5 and loves how her skin feels after using it :)  So much so she uses it every single day :)  She feels that this is more like a gentle exfoliator as there are tiny little beads mixed in with the past and feels her face is squeaky clean.  She also found even when her skin is at its worst been red and sore to touch that her skin can tolerate this peeling paste and finds it does not flare her acne up any more than it is :)  Thumbs up for the peeling paste and I will surely be repurchasing this for her as it does seem to help her alot.  Its been a month since I seen her acnes been red and sore and I know that its this product that's helping :) 

The Normalising Cleansing Gel retails at €4.49 and contains 200mls of product :)  Ziaja state:  Purifying cleansing gel. 
Perfectly cleanses the skin. 
Soothes irritations and skin redness. 
Moisturises and softens the epidermis. 
Prepares the skin for further cosmetic treatments.
Basically there is a mixed review when it comes to this Cleansing Gel I am afraid.  My daughter has literally used this every single day up until a month ago because she decided she needed to leave it out for a while.  She found using this when her acne was at its worst been sore and very red was a little painful.  It stung her and made her spots redder which I have seen for myself.  I told her to take a break from it.  When her acne started to calm down and become less red and sore I told her to maybe try it again and this time it was a different result.  It did not sting or flare her acne up.  She still uses it maybe 3 to 4 times a week and her spots are still calm.  So I think if you have bad flare ups this might annoy you more but if you have normal dead spots you will be fine to us this for sure.  Her skin still feels soft and clean after using it :) 

Normalising Day Cream retails at €6.99 for 50mls of product :)  Ziaja states:  Light, moisturising-normalising cream for everyday care of oily and combination skin.
Deeply purifying active ingredients: antibacterial manuka leaves extract astringent - soothing zinc gluconate normalising oleanolic acid. Deeply moisturising active ingredients: bioavailable hyaluronic acid salt brown algae Laminaria ochloreuca.
Protective and corrective active ingredients: photostable UVA / UVB filters smoothing balance pigment
• Effectively reduces skin imperfections.
• Regulates the sebaceous glands activity.
• Reduces oily skin and provides matifying effect.
• Reduces blackheads and prevents their formation.
• Moisturises and soothes irritations.
• Evens out the skin tone.
This is another of Beckys favourites :)  She finds this cream does keep her skin especially her forehead mattified without making the rest of her skin feeling too dry.  
She finds her skin feeling smooth and soft and relieved when first applied to the skin.  She even feels at times when she first applies the cream that it cools and soothes her.  This is definitely a repurchase :) 

Gently Exfoliating Night Cream with Almond Acid retails at €6.99 for 50mls of product.  Ziaja state:  Gently exfoliating, moisturising night cream with 3% almond acid.
Deeply purifying active ingredients: anti-acne, exfoliating almond acid antibacterial manuka leaves extract astringent, soothing zinc gluconate.
• Exfoliates and regenerates the skin without causing irritation. 
• Reduces acne lesions.
• Brightens skin discoloration caused by sun and inflammation.
• Reduces blackheads and dilated pores.
• Moisturises, improves skin firmness and elasticity.
• Evens out the skin tone.
Becky did try this every night for the most part of 2 weeks and we came to realise it was a bit much as it wasnt helping are already irritated skin.  She found it alot easier to use this 3 nights a week and instantly seen a difference.  I do advise if you have very sore red spots using this every night will be alot of your skin to take.  
She uses this 3 nights a week and in between uses the Cleansing gel above for the rest of the nights.  This routine has made a huge difference to her skin so much so that even on her time of the month her spots do not flare up at all like they used to :)  


Astringent Face Toner Retails at €4.49 for 200mls.  Ziaja states:  Astringent face toner.
Cleanses the skin and completes make-up removal. 
Reduces dilated pores. 
Contains organic acids with gently exfoliating activity. 
Helps soothe acne lesions. 
Prepares the skin for further cosmetic treatments.
Use in the morning and night 
The directions state to spritz the toner onto a cotton pad in which my daughter personally prefers as she likes to see if there is any dirty left on her face and to test herself to see if she is cleaning her face properly but she also likes to spray this directly to her face as it has at times helped her feel cool and soothed :)  either way she has found this did do its job and in fact relieved her at the beginning when her face felt sore.  
She experienced no stinging, no redness after use nothing but nice clean face :)  

Overall Becky has really enjoyed using these products and ended up having some favourites out of the 5 products :)  What more she has found a huge difference in her skin since using these and Her acne has calmed down so so much.  It hasnt got rid of all her spots but it sure has calmed down all the redness all the soreness and she hasnt broke out anymore than what she has before she started using these.  Which means her face is not so oily and is alot cleaner.  I am amazing in the space of 3 months her mood has completely changed.  She hasnt even asked me could she wear makeup to cover up as she feels more comfortable in herself and the very few spots she has on her face :)  
That makes me one happy mum :) :)  What's more is she is now in a set routine in looking after her skin which is more than what I was doing at her age :)  Lastly what's more is the fact that these products has made a huge difference to my daughters skin and I can repurchase often because they are so affordable :)  

Have you tried this range yet ?  
If you want to know where I purchased these Click here 
I really hope you enjoyed this review 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. These sound great, I've never heard of the brand before.x

  2. These sound like great products! It's a shame some of them seem to be a little harsh for active acne skin - but I'm glad most of the range worked for her & it's such a good habit to get into a young age, having good skin care routine :)

  3. Wow it is great Becky has seen some improvement in her skin especially with having acne bless her x

  4. Not really for my skin type, but it is good to read that there was some improvements.

  5. It sounds like these products have made a massive difference for your daughter and her confidence, she's a lucky girl having a mum as clued up as you! I've not heard of the brand before but I can't believe how affordable the products are, I'll definitely be looking into the range!

    Jess xo

  6. this would definitely suit my skin type well! the paste sounds great

  7. looks like a lovely range, nice and moisturizing!

  8. It's great to hear these products have worked for your daughter! xxx

  9. lovel post, as usual:) these products remind me of the T-Zone skincare products

    I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award! good luck, the rules and all the details are up on my blog

    Love & Hugs
    Frances xoxo

  10. Ooh another new brand I haven't seen before. Shame that they seem a little too harsh, i think that would make me worry about trying them xxx


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