
Sunday 13 July 2014

Makeup Revolution Finally Sold Out Collection

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well :) 
First of all let me explain why I have been a bit slow with posts for you 
I at the moment have 4 kiddies who have broken out in chicken pox but before they broke out they were all in bad form for a few days and this is why I have not been posting as much.  Obviously mummy duties comes first and I know they will need alot of TLC for the next 2 weeks so forgive me if I continue to be a bit slow.  I will try my best to keep you entertained with posts as much as I can as i have so much to share with you 
Todays post is on the Makeup Revolution Collection" Finally Sold Out".  I have already shared with you a single eyeshadow collection called Out of this World Merged Eyeshadows which are amazing :) 

Just to let you know there are originally 6 eyeshadows with this collection but one of them broke in postage (I got fully refunded for the shadow but never got round to repurchasing) 
If you buy this collection (all 6 eyeshadows) you are only paying for 5 of them which is £5 for the lot.  You can of course purchase them separately so if you spot one you like but dont want the rest of them you can easily opt to buying them single which cost only £1 each 

As you can see by the photo above this collection is more on the neutral side which might interest alot of you out there.  So let me give you a closer look :) 

First on the list is 

Base:  This is the perfect wake me up eyeshadow you could literally get away with wearing only this on the lid and throw on a bit of mascara and out you go.  This beautiful Satin Champagne shade is a multi-use eyeshadow and I love it.  I use this as a high light for the inner corners for my brow bone, cupids bow and even my cheek bones :) :) This is amazingly pigmented and so soft and creamy I love it :) 

Next up is 

Adore Moi:  Another stunning shade even though looking at the pan it looks like a simple medium brown shade its more than that.  Its a stunning bronzed brown and looks amazing on the lid also.  This shade is the perfect companion for "Base" hugely pigmented , soft and creamy 
Another amazing colour to have in your neutral collection 

Next is 

Good Life:  Awww one of my favourites for sure.  This shade is especially beautiful for anyone with hazel or green eyes as it makes your eye pop.  A stunning satin pinky purple shade I have nothing like this in any of my eyeshadow collection I absolutely adore it.  Its so highly pigmented, soft and creamy.  I just love it 

 Next we have 

Sold Out:  Another Bronzed Brown this time a shade darker and has slight tint of purple in it.  This shade works beautifully with "Good Life" and to be honest I have been wearing this and "Good life" mostly this week along with the next shade I will be taking about.  This shadow verges more to the shimmery rather than the satin side but still as pigmented as the rest 

Last but not least 

Make It Happen:  A Perfect crease and outer corner shade for a day time look.  This is a deep bronzey brown and just finishes off the collection perfectly.  This has more of a shimmery finish than a satin finish but highly pigmented . 

 Here is the swatches altogether arent they fabulous and I would also like to add that I did these swatches with no primer underneath (ye I know amazing :) 

Overall these eyeshadows are beautiful and I cant fault them what so ever.  They are amazingly pigmented and with a primer underneath last all day long until you take off your makeup.  The longest I have worn these eyeshadows was 12 hours and with only the tiniest fading in which I literally only noticed due to looking at my magnifying mirror I can safely say they last just as long as high end eyeshadows.  
This collection is definitely worth getting especially if you have hazel or green eyes as I find each shade brings out the colour of my eyes more :)  Thats not saying they will not suit everybody as they are neutral shade so they are made to suit all.  
Here is a look I created using Base in the inner corner and brow,  Goodlife all over the lid, Sold out in the crease and outer lid and Make it Happen in the outer V mixed with a little black from a palette.  I also used a skin tone colour to blend out all the harsh lines.  On the bottom lash line I only used a mixture of Goodlife and sold out all along the bottom lash line and a little black along the outer bottom lash line.

So there you have it yet another thumbs up for Makeup Revolution and in-case you were wondering what the missing shade is its "Finally" which is a shade darker than "Base" :) 
Check out the collection on Makeup Revolution Website :) :) Have you tried these yet? 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I'm abaolutely in love with this look!!!!😍😍😍😍 this is sooooo me!!! I love colorful looks but for everyday look this eyeshadows are amazing!!! Love the shades!!! I need to add them to my wish list!!! Thank you gorgeous!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  2. These products look lovely and the colours really suit you.

    Hope the children are better soon :)


  3. These all look beautiful, I especially love the look of Base & Sold Out!
    Hope your wee ones are feeling better soon <3

    Jess xo

  4. OMG, I fell in love with all of them! I want to try some MUR products for quite a long time and now you made me want them more!

  5. These look amazing! especially for the price! also, i was wondering what you are using on your eyebrows?they look fab!

  6. Thank you everyone :)

    Everyday Unicorn I am currently using NYX Bro kit I love it

  7. You said if I buy all 6, i pay only £5 and get 1 eyeshadow free? How do I do that or where do I buy to get that? I wen to make up revolution website and add all of them and the total shows £6. Please alive, thank you.

  8. Susan Parker Hey hunny there is only certain ones that are on the offer if you click this link it will take you straight to the website where they are xxxx


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