
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Guest Post #8: Battle: SPF Face Moisturisers by Sarah from The Yellow Sunflower Blog

The Yellow Sunflower

It been some time since I had a Guest Blogger appear on my blog and I am absolutely delighted that Sarah from The yellow Sunflower Blog contacted me asking me could she take part.  Sarah is Irish and Has a great blog that I visit on a regular basis and I hope you pop over to her to see it for yourself :) :) If anyone out there wants to take part in a Guest Blog Post on my Blog your can Contact me by emailing me @ 

So without further ado heres Sarahs Post 

Hey guys! It's so lovely to be writing a blogpost on Nina's blog! I have been following Nina for years now and love her honest blogposts and reviews and I am thrilled to be writing a guest post for you all here on Nina's blog! Most of you probably don't know who I am, but I am Sarah, from The Yellow Sunflower blog ( and I've been blogging for 2 years now. I love to blog about all things beauty, skincare and cosmetic related and why not throw in some fashion also!?

I'm going to be reviewing and comparing two products I like and discussing a topic that I think everyone needs to be aware of! I hope you enjoy reading it. 

As I've said on numerous occasions on my blog- The Yellow Sunflower it is so important to wear a Sun Protectant Factor (SPF) every day, especially on your face. Your face is always exposed to the sun (even if you don't see it, the rays do come through the clouds), where as the rest of your body may not be (clothes etc.) As a result of this, I feel it is so important to wear an SPF (be it in a moisturiser or your favourite foundation) every single day. There may be clouds in the sky or it may be raining, but the sun is always still in the sky (you may not be able to see it) and the harmful rays do penetrate through the clouds too! Meaning your skin is at risk and is exposed to the rays, so you must wear some protection on your face!

You may be wondering what harm or damage the sun does to your skin? Well, it can do a lot of damage over time, damage that is irreversible!

Some of the main dangers of the sun, to your skin, especially your face include:

* Damaging your skin causing sunburn or redness
* Aging- the sun's harmful rays cause your skin to age and cause premature aging and wrinkles (BIG NO NO!)
* Hyperpigmentation- pigmentation in your skin. Meaning you could have certain areas of your face (cheeks, neck, upper lip) a darker shade than the rest of your face
So because of this, you need to wear an SPF on your face every day. Enter, Nivea's Daily Essentials Light Moisturising Day Cream SPF 15 and Elave's Daily Skin Defence SPF45. I've been using both these products for some time now and I wanted to review them and let you know what I thought about them!

Nivea¦ Light Moisturising Day Cream SPF 15

This moisturiser can be used on a daily basis as it is so light and absorbs into the skin in super quick time! It's a great moisturiser and I've been using it daily under my foundation in the past recent months (Oct-April). It's great to put this on in the morning and I know I'm covered and my face is protected with SPF15. It's for Normal/Combination skin types and it works well for me as I have mainly Normal/Dehydrated skin. You can also get one suited to Oily and Dry skin with a lower SPF of 8, so they're worth checking out if your skin is mainly dry or oily.

The reason I've been using this particular product recently is because during the Winter months and early Spring I feel the lower SPF of 15 is substantial, and then when we come into Summer and warmer weather, where the sun is stronger I opt for the higher SPF of 45, from Elave! On to that in a minute!!

The benefits of this product is that it's so compact and small (easy to throw into your handbag), fast absorption into your skin (ideal for when you're in a rush in the mornings and putting on your makeup) and really lightweight which makes it easy put on.

Elave¦ Daily Skin Defence SPF45

Elave Skincare are an Irish skincare company and one which I only discovered when I got this product. I've actually done a giveaway with the company recently and it had a great response, many people seem to love the company! On to the product, as you can probably tell this has a higher SPF and one which I use in the warmer months (May-Sept). Again, I follow the same routine as above, each morning I apply this under my foundation and then I'm protected and covered for the day. If I'm not wearing foundation on that particular day, I'll use this on its own. If I apply it in the morning, it saves me as I easily forget if I don't!!

This again works well for me and my skin type and provides a much higher SPF rate, which I love! SPF45, it's rare to find a product with this high of SPF. Also both products are really affordable (Nivea: RRP €10 approx. and Elave: RRP €22 approx.). As this has a higher SPF content, it is a richer consistency and is a thicker product, meaning it does take longer to soak into your skin. So be careful not to put too much on your face, or you'll be left with a white residue on your face! This is brilliant for the warmer months and is a great product to bring on your sun holidays as you've got your face protected from the sun with a really high factor!

This product is also handy and ideal for travelling due to it's size (50ml) and can be thrown into your handbag or on the plane (less than 100ml). It does take longer to
absorb into the skin but it's worth it for the higher protection you get with this product.

I like to feel that I'm doing what I can, from a young age, to protect my skin from the harmful rays from the sun. It is beautiful to look at, but the sun does and will cause irreversible damage to your skin if you don't protect it and wear SPF on your face daily. It's never too late to start so why not go out any buy one of these day moisturisers to make sure you're covered and protected. Use under your foundation or if you have a foundation that has an SPF (it'll say on the bottle) be sure to use that!

That's it for today's blog post. I really hope you've found it useful and thank you Nina for this opportunity! I would really appreciate if you checked out my blog The Yellow Sunflower and my Twitter and Instagram pages (@SarahWhelehan). 
My contact details are as follows:

Blog- The Yellow Sunflower (
Twitter- @SarahWhelehan (
Instagram- @SarahWhelehan
Sarah x

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. The Nivea cream is like the best moisturizer that I have ever tried! Love it (:

  2. Nivea sounds promising. i would love to try that.

  3. These both sound like great products. Wearing SPF all year round had never really occurred to me before, but it definitely makes sense! Great post :)

  4. Hey guys!

    Thank you for the lovely compliments. Yes I agree the NIVEA cream is a great product and you definitely check it out and buy it!

    And Nicola, I'm so glad you found this helpful, I'm glad it has helped.
    Sarah x


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P