
Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Beauty Blogger Tag 2014

Hello My beauties I Hope you are all well 
Today I have a Tag in which I came across this morning on someone else Blog ( Life of a Sweetaholic)  I just had to get involved she didn't tag me but I shall be tagging people dont you worry :)  I love tags and its a great way to take a break from what you normally blog about and get to know each blogger a little more :) :) So here is the questions :) :) 

Is your hair naturally curly or straight? 
I have always had naturally curly hair My hair was so so curly when I was younger and to be honest I hated it but now its just wavy and I wish I had the hair I had when I was younger.  Anyone out there that has incredible curly hair please love it as its so so beautiful 

What is your natural hair colour? 
My hair was actually mixed between light bright aurburn and dark brown  here is a picture of me behind my sister I have actually noticed both my daughters have the same colour hair as I used to :) 

Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? 
I used to get it dyed in a salon but having 5 kiddies that can be pricey so I dye it myself 

How often do you wash your hair? 
I wash my hair twice a week and use dry shampoo in between I am lucky not to suffer with greasy hair 

Do you wear the same style every day or change it? 
Ok its depending on my days and day after I wash it I have it down after that I have it up in what ever way suits sometimes messy bun sometimes just a pony tail but its quite hard been a full time mum to have my hair down as i cook clean and all of that.  When i go away for nights out or days out I have it down :) here is some hairstyles you will normally see me with :) 

Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon? 
I never got either done professionally I always just do it myself 

How often do you change your nail polish? 
Whenever I buy a new varnish or I am going out for the day or night other wise I dont bother again been a full time mum my hands are always in water so I see no point in it 

Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer? 
I like to polish my toe nails when I polish my nails it looks better I hate feet so having nail polish on my nails as it brightens up my feet haha 

How long does it take to put on your makeup? 
Awww anything from 5 minutes to a half hour its depending on what look i am doing for the day or night but I also like to take my time as I love playing with makeup 

What do you do first? Face or eyes? 
Its depending on what look I am doing.  If I am using shadows that are chalky or doing a dark smokey eye I will do my eyes first but most of the time I do face first and concealer after all is done 

Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it? 
Oh my goodness you are asking a Beauty Blogger this Question?? lol I collect I cant help myself I just keep buying and stocking up and then it gets to the stage I have to sort out my makeup stash and sell on blog sale or give it away to family and friends.  Its all for the sake of the blogging world i promise ;) 
This is only a little of what I have in my collection 

How often do you wear false eyelashes? 
Ok I am not a false lash wearer most of the time but I do love false lashes so I save them for going out.  After all the bigger and fuller the lashes the better it looks in photos ;)  I do love single lashes I think they are great for filling in lashes that are missing and making your lashes look fuller without looking obvious you put false lashes in 

Do you do a full face of makeup every day? 
Ok some days I will not wear makeup at all just to let my skin breath other days I will only wear foundation blush a little eyeshadow and mascara then I will have days I want to experiment with makeup and try out new products so I could apply a full face.  Its really depending on the day.  

Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)? 
As I said above its depending on the day I could feel I want to wear makeup even if I am not leaving the house or I could go a day or two without wearing makeup 

Will you leave the house without makeup? 
Of course I have nothing to hide Makeup does mask me so I still look the same (maybe a little improved wearing makeup but no different)  It would not bother me at all to leave the house not wearing makeup in fact i have often left the house not wearing makeup and not having my hair done lol Scary but true here is an example of my no makeup face hehe 

How many high end products do you have? 
I do have a few high end products but most of what I own is drugstore :) The one High End product i absolutely love and adore and will repurchase is the Lorac Pro Palette its amazing 

How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Ok I spot clean my brushes every time I use them and wash my brushes at least twice a month if not once a month depending on how often I have used them 

Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed? 
Not a word about it lol even on occasions I always leave it to the last minute before deciding on what to wear I was always like that.  I think its because i have to plan out 5 outfits before I even plan out my own so by the time I have my 5 kiddies dressed im pooped hahaha But on occasions I would have to plan a little I suppose as I probably end up going out to buy an outfit.  My sons communion is next Saturday and I havent even a clue what to wear yet 

How often do you change your handbag? 
Not very often I have started building up my handbag collection though so I may start changing up.  I always stick with black as it goes with everything.  Getting ready to go anywhere with 5 children is hard it takes at least two hours to get everyone dressed myself dressed makeup on and the last thing i think of is my handbag 

What time do you get up and go to sleep? 
Ok this is a bit random but sure hey.  I get up at whatever time my kids get up.  I could be lucky to get a lie on until 7.30 am.  Some mornings are at about 6 am and on school days I get up at 6 am every morning.  I go to bed at about 10 - 11 now as for 3 years solid all the sleep I did get was an hour to two hours a night because of the twins so im catching up 

How often and when do you work out? 
Never work out.  I dont need to I run around all day after my 5 kiddies they are work out enough.  Having young children is great as they keep your fit.  

Left-handed or Right-handed? 
Right handed

How tall are you? 
I am 5ft 4 i think 

Do you speak a foreign language? 
No A little Irish but im so bad 

How many pets do you have? 
I have none :( 

How often are you on Blogger? 
Every single day at some stage I am hooked lol 

Do you read the comments posted on blogs? 
Of course I love to see people interacting and I always always read comments on my blog and reply as much as I can 

Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts? 
Sometimes I do depending on how much I want to try what i have seen I do have a wishlist as long as the Atlantic ocean haha 

How did you come up with your blog name? 
It was actually hard to come up with a name to be honest as some of the names I did come up with were taken so I knew I wanted my name in the blog name and then I thought well what I will be mostly blogging about is all affordable products as I am a mum and find that high end products are all you really see on You Tube so why not find dupes and lower end products that do just the same or near the same job as high end products 

What kind of camera do you use for photographs? 
I use a Canon Power Shot SX220 HS Camera I am hoping to upgrade to a bigger and better one soon as I take pride in my photos for my blog and of my children 
I am obsessed with taking photos and I love to keep a track of everything in their lives I also take pride in photos for my blog if its not perfect i could take up to 30 photos of the same thing until I am satisfied lol 

How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other) 
Oh my goodness now having 5 kids i could be cleaning all day every day to be honest.  Its just mind blowing how kiddies can actually get into everything and dirty even the tidiest areas in the house 

What is your favourite colour? 
Anything bright and cheerful from peach to coral to purples to whites to creams I also love black as it goes with everything 

What is your favourite beauty/fashion magazine? 
Ok I used to buy alot of magazines but in all honesty I have no time to read anymore not with all the blogs I follow and I prefer to read them than magazines but if I was to buy some It would be U Magazine which is Irish 

Do you swear? 
Who doesnt lol I dont swear in front of my kiddies and if a swear word slips out I allow them to put mustard on my tongue as I would do to them if they swore.  I think Its horrible and especially when kids and girls swear it doesnt suit them call me old fashioned but thats what i think 

What are you doing with the rest of your day? 
I have the house to clean and pictures to take for the blog I also might get typing up a blog post today thats the plan anyway.  At the moment I have a the kettle on for a cuppa :) :) few im wrecked after this lol 

So thats all the questions i really hope you enjoyed :) :) 
I tag the following people and also anyone else who would like to do it :) 
Make up by Saz ;)  (yes I will kick you ass if you dont do it) 
The Makeup Chair 
Anyone involved in the Beauty Crowd 
Dolly Dowsie 
Glitter Mamas Blog
Ok my brain is dead now lol Anyone else who wants to do it please comment below with your links so I can see it 

Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

1 comment:

Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P