
Saturday 15 March 2014

My Big Birthday Giveaway: Win Some Blank Canvas Cosmetics Products &Its Judy Time Palette

Hello Everyone :) 
I havent done a Giveaway in quite some time and I feel that now is the perfect time :) 
The reason I have called it My Big Birthday Giveaway is because A) The giveaway is big and B) Because this giveaway ends on my Birthday which is the 27th March 
So It will not only be me celebrating but also one of you :) :) 
Of course choosing the prizes wasnt hard at all 
I just went for some of my favourite products 
up for grabs is:

The Contour Queen Set which contains some of the top selling products of BCC in it is :
Blank Canvas Cosmetics 6 Pan Contour Palette which is amazing and a long time favourite of mine
Blank Canvas Cosmetics F14 Round Top Cheek Brush 
Blank Canvas Cosmetics F16 Large Tapered Contour Brush 
Blank Canvas Cosmetics F20 Flat Buffer Brush 
This kit retails at €54.99

Not only will you be winning this kit but you also receive one of my favourite palettes 
The Its Judy Time Palette :) 

All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below and make sure you are a follower of my blog :) 
This is open to everyone including international readers :) :) 
Rules and Regulations will be included in the Rafflecopter please read :) :) 
Good Luck and I shall see you on my Birthday the 27th March with the winner reveal :) :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I usually relax and watch good movies, keeping it lazy as much as possible and then getting ready to party with close friends :D

  2. It's your bday month Nina :) Hope you are having a good time so far!
    I have a little bday morning tradition when my dad always makes me pancakes and we have an amazing breakfast together. It's something that i remember from when i was a kid :)

  3. Great giveaway Nina! Every year on my birthday we visit my grandparents and have a cake! It's the little things! :)

  4. I tend to spend time with my family on my birthday =) We have a little tradition of going out to Dinner but nothing else really. I mainly spend my birthdays with family =) Hope you have a lovely birthday! x

  5. oh my gosh I love the look of these we don't get these in Australia and I actually only own drugstore products no high ends lol this would be a dream! happy Birthday Nina!

  6. I always make a cake (or my sisters do it for me) and my family and I celebrate. When I can I go out with my friends too :)
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  7. this year all I ask of myself is not to be so hungover on the day of my birthday that I couldn't enjoy it (I missed my own 40th last year) I might have been there in body but not in mind!

  8. Awesome giveaway, happy birthday Nina! Mine are at 31 of March and I will make a strawberry cake!!

  9. Great prize. I like to just relax and be with my kids.x

  10. As my birthday is close to my best friends' birthday we celebrate together in a nice resaturant with our closest friends from high-school, each year. Its a nice tradition and some of the people I see once a year exactly at this occasion, because we don't live near to each other anymore. I really like these gatherings, makes me feel younger again :)
    So happy B-day, celebrate it well!

  11. My son and partner treat me like royalty for the day. I never have to do anything. We usually go shopping and for something to eat and then I'd spend the rest of the day with my feet up.

  12. Happy Birthday!!

    I just enjoy spending my bdays at the beach just relaxing!

  13. For my birthday I usually go to have lunch with my family and then go out with my friends and my boyfriend. There's nothing really special I do, but sometimes I get to have surprise birthday parties, organised by my friends :)

  14. I just go to a nice restaurant with my family n friends...

  15. It's your birthday & you're giving away the presents! Love it! I like spending my birthday with friends & family enjoying a nice dinner and wine!

  16. That's a great giveaway-I've been lusting over the "Its Judy Time Palette" but you can't get it here in Germany.
    I have only one birthday tradition and I insist on keeping it: a friend of mine is a pastry cook so for my birthday I get to choose a fancy cake that she makes for me :)

  17. My birthday is on Christmas so there isn't much to do as everything is closed. I love nothing more than to spend time with my husband and daughter!!

  18. For my birthday I like to chill and have some food with my friends and family.. and then depending what day either cinema or a night out<3

  19. Happy Birthday Sweetie!! For my birthday I usually like to go out to dinner and maybe a movie. I certainly don't do big parties anymore but, if you do, rock on!! Thank-you for the generous giveaway too!

  20. Happy birthday Nina xx. I love my birthday and don't mind how I celebrate as long as I have my family around me. I do love to get Boots vouchers so I can stock up on makeup!!!

  21. I love going to restaurants with latin music with friends and family!
    Bloglovin&Youtube: Maria Pinto
    Facebook: Maria Marilaki
    Instagram: mariasbeautifulworld

  22. Happy birthday!For my birthday I treat my self with clothes and makeup shopping!

  23. Happy Birthday!! I always treat myself with a little more (makeup) than I usually do lol

  24. Happy birthday for the 27th!! As my birthday is Paddys Day I am always in work for long shifts. So the week after when the buzz has all calmed down I invite all my good friends out for dinner and drinks. When I was younger I was always bought to the parade and then the pub by the parents and they would always buy me a drink called the dressed orange which always made me feel special :-)

  25. I like to go out to eat on my birthday. This year the family and I went to an all you can eat buffet. The kids love it and so it makes me happy.

  26. Our china people usually eat noodles as a sign of longevity :)

  27. i just celebrate my birthday in the simplest way,a cake with candles is enough to make me happy!

  28. Happy Birthday! :D

    This is an awesome giveaway, thankyou for the opportunity :)

    My birthdays tend to be pretty similar each year, I have a sleepover with my friends (and possibly go out somewhere beforehand like a film) c: I'm not really one for big parties or alcohol-fuelled nights out :P

    (My name in the Rafflecopter is Becca T)

  29. Happy Birthday have a great day :) i like having surprise parties they are brilliant

  30. my family takes my out to eat

  31. Happy birthday Nina lady!! Usually go for a meal to my favourite restaurant for my birthday, simple but great to have catch ups ;) xx

  32. Great Giveaway and Happy Early Birthday! For my birthday I like to treat myself to a spa day.

  33. I like to spend my birthdays with friends and family and usually we go out to lunch or dinner (probably both :p) *

  34. I always like to do a nice pool party for my birthday since my bday is in august!

  35. I have been wanting a contouring palette for a while so would love to win this one

  36. There must be cake during my birthday!!!

  37. I use to celebrate my bday with cake and candles and my family singing me Happy Birthday song!

  38. I always go out to a restaurant with my boyfriend :)

  39. Happy B-Day. I don`t like my birthday...lots of people remind that they "love" you, so i spend time with my family with a home cooked meal.

  40. For my birthday I always have plans with my family and cake is always in those plans :)

  41. I always spend my birthday with my family :)

  42. I like to go for a meal with my OH

  43. I have no set traditions... I just make a wish, cut a cake and go out to dinner with my family and friends. :)

  44. I don't have any traditions...but i do make sure to do something nice for myself, maybe a pedicure xx

  45. I love to hangout with friends and family

  46. Happy Early Birthday Beautiful xx

  47. Awwww honey, i'm sooo happy your competition is open internationally this time! <3 I really would love to have the "It's Judy time" palette, but the German bh cosmetics site doesn't sell it :-(
    Blank canvas sounds really interesting as well, I always want to try it when you talk about them.

    For my last birthday I travelled to NYC and just got out ans spent some me-time. I am thinking to do exactly that again this year. I'm not much of a celebrating person on my birthday and am a bit annoyed by the people calling then that never contact me otherwise.

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway and I hope you will have an excellent birthday <3

  48. For my birthday I usually just have a nice relaxing day, not doing too much and maybe go out for dinner with my family! :)

  49. I just have a nice meal with friends :)

  50. I usually have some food and drinks at mine then head out for a night to remember, or not remember in some cases :P x

  51. I have no traditions, but i remember that few years ago for every birthday i went to the beach at night, bought a lot of hot dounats and ate them with my friends, maybe I should do that again this year! :)

  52. Hi Nina, well I'm living in Limerick the last 3 years an am originally from Cork so I head home and spend it there my 3 nieces,(soon to be 4 nieces tomorrow fingers crossed!!),and the rest of the family :) Me and my other half don't believe in buying cards, so he always makes me one (he is 34 by the way lol) Last year he made me ONE rice crispy cake and put a candle in it for me! Its the little things :) Hope you have a lovely birthday. Alicia x

  53. I've always been very lucky to get what I can for my birthdays - and I've never really taken them as seriously as other people. Most of the time, if a book or CD or movie's been weighing heavily on my mind, I usually ask for that.
    This year (or next year, I should say, in May) I'm not so sure what I want, but I'll probably come across something in a couple months to obsess over.
    At my home the tradition was that on a birthday the one having the birthday got to choose the menu for the meal that evening. (Even Mom got her turn.) My Mom also made a special birthday dessert that was made for that person. My sis always had a coconut cake, I had a special dark chocolate pie, and my brother always had jam cake (go figure) with chocolate icing. Birthdays were really big for us!

  54. I don't do anything big for my birthday but I never say no to a yummy chocolate birthday cake!! :D

  55. Amazing giveaway!! I just find your blog and it's really intresting!
    Happy birthday!! :D

  56. i'm a single mom, so my own birthday usually isn't much of a big deal, BUT if i have a bit of extra money, then i will "splurge" and buy myself something indulgent, something that i really want but won't spend the money on for myself - the birthday makes it "okay" ;)

  57. On my birthday, I first get the blessings from my mother & go to the church to thank god & receive his blessings. After that I cut a yummy cake and feed it to my parents. I feel very special, happy & satisfied on this day.
    GFC follower: Divya Asha

  58. After 28 I stopped celebrating. I just like to stay home, order pizza and watch a DVD :)

  59. I don't really have any traditions, but we always have a small family party, then I meet my friends :) x

  60. Happy Birthday and may your wishes come true :) Enjoy it to the full and take care dear

  61. Happy birthday Nina!! I hope you have a great one!
    Me? As birthdays get more, the mote I hide under the duvet!!! Lol!!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  62. For my birthday I like to spend the day with my family and the evening out with my friends :)

  63. I always treat myself to some fab new beauty buys and a good bottle of wine! Happy birthday hun xx


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