
Thursday 24 October 2013

Villimey Organic Foot Charm Salve

Hey My Beauties How are you all today :) :) :) 
This is a first for me I tell you :) 
Today I have a review on a Foot Product (shivers) 
I was one of the lucky people to be picked by Beauty Crowd to try this product out for free.  
I have never in my life heard of this brand name but once I seen the word Organic I was intrigued.  I love trying anything Organic as I know its pure and full of goodness.  
To give you a little information about Villimey to what I have learned:
Villmey (“Wild Maiden”) the organic herbal company, offers a wide range of 100 percent organic Icelandic salves. Choose from products that treat everything from baby rash to sore joints and itchy feet, as well as those that beautify skin and heal wounds.
The power behind the products are the ingredients – Icelandic herbs that are hand-picked from the pure, untainted environment of the West Fjords. Villimey’s passion for purity has been recognized with an international organic certification.
Adalbjorg Thorsteindottir, the founder of Villimey, and her team take great care to gather only the healthiest herbs in peak condition, herbs that grow in good soil that is blessed with plenty of clean water and unpolluted air. The knowledge of the usage of herbs for medicinal purposes descends from age old traditions and Icelandic wisdom, passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation over hundreds of years.
Now to be honest I am not a foot friendly person, meaning I cant stand feet.  I am sure alot of you out there know where I am coming from here.  I even hate my own feet, thats why you probably have noticed I dont do many reviews on foot products lol.  I also have to admit I do neglect my feet alot.  Which means I do suffer with hard skin on my heels and on the soles of my feet plus I have never even went for a pedicure just the thoughts of someone near my feet gets me the chills brrrrrrr.  So because of that I do not go around bearing my feet which is totally wrong I even go to bed with socks on awwwwww.  Well Over the summer I promised myself I was going to start to over come this craze and try to get my feet out there but of course my feet look about 10 years older than I do.  I have tried foot creams, moisturiser everything I can think of to sort my feet out but all has failed so far.  Well most of my time is spent on my feet looking after my 5 beautiful kiddies after all so I can honestly expect that it will take time.    
When I received this foot charm in the post I thought hmmmm This might work miracles on my poor old feet.  
I know on the packaging It says that it helps soothe and alleviate fungal infections and itchy feet. This salve is known to be effective for cracked heals, infected wounds and warts.
Ancient herbalists used a blend of herbs including lady’s mantle and calendula to cure fungal attacks, as well as easing prickly itching.  I dont have fungal infections but I do have extremely cracked heels.  So I was excited to give this a go.  
As you have noticed the foot charm comes in a nice handy tin.  You are getting 50mls of product from each tin and the cost is £18 from Beauty Crowd website.   I know I got a shock too much I gave the price the benefit of the doubt and gave this baby a good 2 month try out.  
The Salve itself looks green in the tin but when you applys clear.  The texture feels like vaseline and looks like vaseline.  Like Vaseline in a tin you have to warm the product up with your fingers to apply.   The scent is lovely it smells a little like T3 oil a sort of antiseptic scent put I reassure you it disappears shortly after application 
I found applying this to my feet after having a bath or shower a dream.  It feels smooth and soft and instantly soaks in to my feet without leaving them feeling wet or oily.  Some days when i have had sore feet days where my feet would feel like i have ran over hot coal I would apply this to them and instantly feel relieved.  The one thing I did look out for was my cracked feet and hard skin as I sort of felt like this light weight salve wouldnt break through my horrible feet but it did it actually did.  I could not believe after 2 weeks of non stop use, this little beauty worked its miracle on me.  I have the most softest baby soft feet at the moment and that makes nina wants to show off her feet more (well slowly anyways)   I will surely be trying out more foot products in the future after this experience I amm telling you and maybe next time I might have the courage to actually show you all my feet lol 
The only fault I would have with this product is the price :)  I do think it is a little over priced for the quantity you are getting.  Apart from that its certainly worth a try if you suffer with feet problems.  
Have you tried anything from this brand yet ?
Let me know what you think 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love luck and Laughter 

Disclaimer:  Please note that I did receive this product for reviewing for free but I am in no way sponsored or getting paid for this review.  I have and always will be honest with my readers.  I always give my honest opinion on  products I buy or get for free Thank you :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. I love organics products as well, but I've never herd of this brand!!I am always looking for smart "foot" solutions!
    kisses doll


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