
Thursday 31 October 2013

Inglot Duraline Review

Hello everyone I hope you are all well :) 
Wow I cant believe how short the days are now that the time has changed back an hour.  There is no time to do anything with the darkness coming in and the weather as bad as it is I miss the sunlight desperately.  I have soooo much to share with you and the fact the weather is so dull means my pictures is not turning out the way I want them I really need to sort out some lighting for my pictures.  If any bloggers out there who are sorted in that department is reading this I would love some tips please 
Anyway Back to my review today I have a major product rave :) :)  I honestly do not know how I lived without this product for so long and now that I have it in my life It will never leave.  
Its the Inglot Duraline

I am telling you ladies this is the most amazing little product any beauty addict or make-up artist could have in their possession.  
Duraline is a silicone polymer that forms a breathable film while this waterless clear liquid transforms any powder into an intense easy to apply liquid.
Duraline costs €10 for a 9ml bottle.  Now believe me a 9ml bottle is more than enough to do you for almost a life time :)  This is a massive bargain 

The duraline comes in a small glass bottle and as you can see it also comes with a glass dropper so if you are bringing this on travel please be careful with it.  There is a button on top of the dropper in which you press to get the product out of the bottle 

The consistency of the duraline is a tad oily which helps the mixing of any loose or pressed eye-shadows   This helps the eye-shadows transform into a liquid form which you can use as a cream eye-shadow or a liquid liner.  The answer to everyone's prayers in my eyes.  I am not exactly great when it comes to using pigment eye shadows and I have some amazing pigment eye-shadows in my collection.  Having Duraline allows me to play around with my pigments and create some amazing liners.  Not only does it do this but it also makes the shadows longlasting and waterproof so I have no fear of them wearing off throughout the day.  If you have some eye-shadows that are not exactly pigmented a tiny drop of this gives them more intensity.  I have used this on the worst pigmented eye-shadows I have and its amazing how well the shadows turn out.  

Just to show you how amazing this product is I have taken a random Pigment I own and placed the tiniest amount of duraline to the back of my hand.  Tiniest I mean a half a pea sized amount.  I them placed a little of the pigment on top of that and used a q tip to mix it up.  Instantly I have a creamy textured eye shadow which dries very quickly.  I also placed a pea sized amount of duraline into a lid and mixed the pigment to make a creamy consistency I had more than enough to use for eyeliner.  I let them settle for about 5 minutes and ran water over them there was no budge whatsoever in fact it took a good bit of scrubbing to take them off my hand 

The next photo I will show is of one of my less pigmented eyeshadows I have in my collection to the left you will see there is very little pigmentation to the right is the eye shadow with the help of Duraline 

Another amazing thing about this Duraline is if you have any dried up gel eye-liners lying around or your favourite get eye-liner is starting to look like its drying out simply mix a little of the Duraline in with them and they come back to life.  They literally look like the day you first bought them.  Plus they look as pigmented as ever and work like they have never worked before :) :) 
Unfortunately I have no eye-liners that have dried out yet but I was shown by one of Inglots finest Staff members how it works and I could not believe my eyes.    This is also amazing for glitters which is perfect for me as some how I always have fallout and look like a disco ball by the time I am finished my make-up :)  Another (yes another) amazing thing about this is that you can make your own lip glosses with this.  If you own any pigments that can be used on your lips simply mix a little of this to some of the pigment and apply to your lips and to your cheeks whatever you wish :) 

This is a must have product for anyone who loves make-up   For one little bottle this does so many amazing things.  A Miracle in a bottle and it will last for a very very long time 
Have you tried this yet 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 26 October 2013

Sleek Vintage Romance Eyeshadow Palette & Antiques Blush Giveaway OVER

Hello My beauties how are you all today.  
Well at this stage you all know how much I love the New Sleek Vintage Romance Palette 
I love it so much I havent actually let it down since I got it which says alot 
If you missed my review about it check it out here 
So I have decided A giveaway is in store 
Some lucky winner is not only going to win this palette but they are also going to win the New Blush called Antique to go with it :) 

This is open to everyone even my wonderful International readers 
THE WINNER IS........................................

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please read Terms and conditions 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 24 October 2013

Villimey Organic Foot Charm Salve

Hey My Beauties How are you all today :) :) :) 
This is a first for me I tell you :) 
Today I have a review on a Foot Product (shivers) 
I was one of the lucky people to be picked by Beauty Crowd to try this product out for free.  
I have never in my life heard of this brand name but once I seen the word Organic I was intrigued.  I love trying anything Organic as I know its pure and full of goodness.  
To give you a little information about Villimey to what I have learned:
Villmey (“Wild Maiden”) the organic herbal company, offers a wide range of 100 percent organic Icelandic salves. Choose from products that treat everything from baby rash to sore joints and itchy feet, as well as those that beautify skin and heal wounds.
The power behind the products are the ingredients – Icelandic herbs that are hand-picked from the pure, untainted environment of the West Fjords. Villimey’s passion for purity has been recognized with an international organic certification.
Adalbjorg Thorsteindottir, the founder of Villimey, and her team take great care to gather only the healthiest herbs in peak condition, herbs that grow in good soil that is blessed with plenty of clean water and unpolluted air. The knowledge of the usage of herbs for medicinal purposes descends from age old traditions and Icelandic wisdom, passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation over hundreds of years.
Now to be honest I am not a foot friendly person, meaning I cant stand feet.  I am sure alot of you out there know where I am coming from here.  I even hate my own feet, thats why you probably have noticed I dont do many reviews on foot products lol.  I also have to admit I do neglect my feet alot.  Which means I do suffer with hard skin on my heels and on the soles of my feet plus I have never even went for a pedicure just the thoughts of someone near my feet gets me the chills brrrrrrr.  So because of that I do not go around bearing my feet which is totally wrong I even go to bed with socks on awwwwww.  Well Over the summer I promised myself I was going to start to over come this craze and try to get my feet out there but of course my feet look about 10 years older than I do.  I have tried foot creams, moisturiser everything I can think of to sort my feet out but all has failed so far.  Well most of my time is spent on my feet looking after my 5 beautiful kiddies after all so I can honestly expect that it will take time.    
When I received this foot charm in the post I thought hmmmm This might work miracles on my poor old feet.  
I know on the packaging It says that it helps soothe and alleviate fungal infections and itchy feet. This salve is known to be effective for cracked heals, infected wounds and warts.
Ancient herbalists used a blend of herbs including lady’s mantle and calendula to cure fungal attacks, as well as easing prickly itching.  I dont have fungal infections but I do have extremely cracked heels.  So I was excited to give this a go.  
As you have noticed the foot charm comes in a nice handy tin.  You are getting 50mls of product from each tin and the cost is £18 from Beauty Crowd website.   I know I got a shock too much I gave the price the benefit of the doubt and gave this baby a good 2 month try out.  
The Salve itself looks green in the tin but when you applys clear.  The texture feels like vaseline and looks like vaseline.  Like Vaseline in a tin you have to warm the product up with your fingers to apply.   The scent is lovely it smells a little like T3 oil a sort of antiseptic scent put I reassure you it disappears shortly after application 
I found applying this to my feet after having a bath or shower a dream.  It feels smooth and soft and instantly soaks in to my feet without leaving them feeling wet or oily.  Some days when i have had sore feet days where my feet would feel like i have ran over hot coal I would apply this to them and instantly feel relieved.  The one thing I did look out for was my cracked feet and hard skin as I sort of felt like this light weight salve wouldnt break through my horrible feet but it did it actually did.  I could not believe after 2 weeks of non stop use, this little beauty worked its miracle on me.  I have the most softest baby soft feet at the moment and that makes nina wants to show off her feet more (well slowly anyways)   I will surely be trying out more foot products in the future after this experience I amm telling you and maybe next time I might have the courage to actually show you all my feet lol 
The only fault I would have with this product is the price :)  I do think it is a little over priced for the quantity you are getting.  Apart from that its certainly worth a try if you suffer with feet problems.  
Have you tried anything from this brand yet ?
Let me know what you think 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love luck and Laughter 

Disclaimer:  Please note that I did receive this product for reviewing for free but I am in no way sponsored or getting paid for this review.  I have and always will be honest with my readers.  I always give my honest opinion on  products I buy or get for free Thank you :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 23 October 2013

7 Deadly Sins Link Party!

Hello My beauties How are you all today :)  Well I was doing my daily reading of some of my favourite blogs and I came across this Link Up on Whispering Sweet Nothings Blog.  She has started up a new link-up for Halloween and to be honest it looks like fun So if you are interested in taking part here is what you have to do 
All you need to do is copy & paste this list, (if you are having problems with copying and paste let me know)  link-up, and have fun finding out others' guilty pleasures! 
So Here Goes :) :) :) 

seven great things in your life.
1. Having the most amazing 5 children in my life.
2. Having my healthy I count myself lucky every single day that I am healthy and here to watch my children grow.
3.  Having a roof over my head and food on the table everything else is a bonus.
4.  For having the most amazing readers of my blog without them I would not be doing what I love.  I am so grateful.  Not only that I am learning something new everyday 
5.  That I got an amazing email last week and I still cant believe it but it will soon be told to you all what it is soon but for now its all hush hush haha   
6.  I have finally found decent friends ones who support me and understand me ones who will never betray me.  I feel so lucky.  
7.  That I have finally grown up and realised alot of things that has happened in my life are all lessons that I have learned and that it has made me a better person.  Dwelling on the past is nothing to me anymore.  

seven things you lack and covet.
1. Time (been a full time mum and a beauty blogger there isnt enough hours in the day) 
2.  Money (We in Ireland are all the same I hear the word "Recession" at lease once a day by the public 
3. Tan (its fading :( Thank goodness we have Tanning products hehehe 
4.  Have to 2nd Shane on this one "Boobies"  But I have accepted that they are well and truly disappeared and that's ok as the men in Ireland say "Anymore than a handful is a waste" lol 
5.  Eyebrows ( After I allowed my cousin to shave instead of pluck when I was 12) I have been left with horrible eyebrows but I have been working hard on them and at least I have a little now and more of a shape NEVER SHAVE YOUR EYEBROWS!!!!
6.  Fashion
7.  Shoes 

seven things that make you angry.
1.  Cruelty to Animals 
2.  People who are never happy with what they have and always want more 
3.  Recession !!!! 
4.  Child Abuser its just sick!!!! They should be locked up and put away forever and ever 
5.  Politics.
6.  Ignorant people (who died and made you king eh??) 
7.  Gossipers 

seven things that you neglect to do.
1.  Put my phone back on loud after knocking it on silent at night oopppsss!!!!
2.  Not drink too much tea 
3. Eat breakfast every single day (I do eat it but some mornings I fail to do so due to school rushes) 
4. Exercise (well I think running around after 5 kiddies is enough exercise to be honest)
5.  Visit friends more.
6. Worry what people think ( i have got better but still cant help myself sometimes) 
7. Iron (I hate it) 

seven worldly material desires.
1. A bigger house with proper storage and at least 2 bathrooms lol 
2.  A day or weekend trip to a  SPA (I have never been) 
3.  A trip to New York at Christmas Its one of my dreams 
4.  A Proper Profession Camera for filming and amazing pictures 
5.  For anyone in my family who are unwell to get better
6.  A room where I can film, do peoples make and call my own :) 
 7.  A new wardrobe as I have clothes in there that I wore from when I was 18 lol 

seven guilty pleasures.
1.  My Pj's  I love them with a passion 
2.  Shopping (what woman doesnt) 
3.  Sweets (I have an awful sweet tooth)
4. Online Shopping for sure 
5. Caffeine.
6. My Laptop 
7.  Makeup/Beauty Products 

seven things you love about love.
1.  Cuddles Its beautiful and peaceful and makes you feel warm and loved 
2.  Reliance 
3.  Having at least one best friend in your life
   4.  Recognition in every way   
5.  Chemistry 
6.  Trust  
7.  Smiles and laughter all the time 
How long will this linky remain open? Til Halloween, you guessed it!  Happy trails!

I really really enjoyed this and I hope you all take part Please Let me know if you do and dont forget to add your link below xxxxxx 

Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 21 October 2013

Sleek Vintage Romance Eyeshadow Palette

Hello my beauties How are you all doing today :)  
I have to admit I was sorry to see Summer fly by and feeling the cold weather coming in.  The fact we had such an amazing Summer left it even harder for us to say goodbye but to be honest I loved the fact that Autumn was coming in because one of my favourite things about Autumn is the change up of makeup looks.  I love the Autumn shades The Neutrals, Oranges, Reds etc........ 
This is why the moment Sleek released their new palette & Blush I didnt waste any time in going online to Cloud10 Beauty and buying it.  You can also purchase this many other sites such as Sleek Makeup website where at the moment they are doing a 10% off 11.59pm tonight and also Beauty Emporium 
I knew just by seeing the shades in the palette on the website I would love it.  
As you all know at this stage I am a huge fan of Sleeks Eyeshadow Palette.  Golly I cant even tell you how many I have at the moment but I know its more than 5 or 6 or even 7 hahahaha 
If you missed any of my reviews about the palettes I own already click here to see the reviews I have done so far.  
The Packaging is the same as usually.  The perfect black palette with a perfect sized mirror and a double ended sponge applicator along with it.  The palette contains 12 eyeshadows which are 1.1g each all for €9.99 or £7.99 Absolutely amazing price for what you are getting :) 

Sleek Cosmetics has this palette well thought out honestly from the Name of the palette to the names of each shade to the shades it contains all relate to Romance :) ;) 
The shades as you can see are names after some of the worlds romantic places plus the shade created the most romantic looks you can to make your eyes look fantastic and irresistible.  
Oh ladies before I go on I am totally and madly in love with this palette every last shade is amazing Talking about shade let me show you a close up of these beauties :) 
Starting from the top left :) 
Pretty in Paris:   A soft buttery pigmented metallic silver.  The pigmentation of this shade is amazing.  A perfect inner corner highlight or lid colour.  This may give a little fallout but nothing too cray cray 
Meet in Madrid:   This is another amazingly pigmented metallic shade this time a light golden shade.  A perfect highlight or lid shade or a simple pop of colour shade.  

Court in Cannes:   Another Metallic shade this time in bronze I love this shade as I use it alot in the day time for a day time smokey eye.  It makes my hazel eyes pop.  Another very pigmented shade I love it 

Lust in L.A:   Another Bronze shade with a tint of green through it a stunning pigmented shade with a metallic finish 

Romance in Rome:   A deep Navy shade with blue shimmers and when worn gives the illusion of purple.  This I have to say was less pigmented than I thought especially with it been a darker shade I have tried this shade over a black base and it looks AMAZING for night time looks :) :) 

Propose in Prague:  The one and only matte shade of the palette a perfect blending shade.  This is a beautiful medium berry brown perfect pigment and very pigmented 
2nd row left to right :

A Vow in Venice:   I love this shade Its a beautiful cranberry shade with a slight metallic finish very pigment.  I did experience a little fall out with this shade but nothing too dramatic 

Marry in Monte Carlo:   oh I love love love this shade with its beautiful metallic finish this deeper cranberry shade has a purply hue to it also hugely pigmented and a fun colour to play with 

Honeymoon in Hollywood:   A Stunning berry shade that has a satin finish this shade contains silver particles than can be blended away.  I did find fall out with this shade again nothing too dramatic :) 

Bliss in Barcelona:   Love is in the air in ninas house with this shade boy oh boy this shade is AMAZING!!!!! an absolute Stunning shade of purple with a metallic finish my favourite out of the lot.  Very pigment very soft and creamy and a joy to work with :) 

Forever in Florence - A Deep Blackcurrant purple shade with silver particles this shade is BEAUTIFUL again the silver particle can be blended away and you get an almost matte finish to it.  Very pigment with a little fallout.  

Love in London - Of course a black as sleek never lets us down when it comes to adding black to their palettes.  This black is not matte.  It has silver particles in it but when blended is in between a satin and matte finish.  Hugely pigmented I love it :) 

The swatches above is taken in normal light with no primer underneath below the swatches are taken in direct sunlight again with no primer 

Overall this is one amazing palette to have in your collection not only can you create the most amazing day and night looks from this but you are getting 12 amazingly pigmented shades for Autumn and Winter.  For the price this is more than your moneys worth :) :) I love it :) :) 
Here is a look I tried out using this palette with the following shades:
With Catrice Made to stay highligher pen as a base
Court in Cannes all over the lid 
Honeymoon in Hollywood in the crease 
Propose in Prague for blending 
Romance in Rome & Love in London also in the outer V

I hope you found this review helpful and let me know if you decide to get it or already have it .  I would love to hear your thoughts on it :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 17 October 2013

Inglot 10 Pan Freedom Palette & Swatches

Hello my beautiful Readers How are you all today :) :) 
The weather here has taken a dramatic change once again pouring no bucketing rain all you have to do is look outside and you would get soaked !! ah well it could be worse (some how) 
Today I am going to show you another Freedom Palette I built up from Inglot.  I just cant resist this brand honestly from the time I got my First 5 pan freedom palette I have made a wishlist of eyeshadows that could go on forever.  These shadows are absolutely amazing and I do plan to get them all Really I do !!! :) :) Eventually of course :) 
Today I have ten more shades to share with you all and hopefully I will help you add more to your wishlist hahaha 
These shades I chose carefully.  I wanted to go with shades that are suitable for my shading of eyes and also can be wearable for both day and night.  I also wanted to go with shades that would compliment each other.  

First let me begin by talking about these wonderful palettes.  They are the most secure sturdy palettes I own.  I feel so safe in bringing these palette in my bag for travelling and trust that my eyeshadows are going to be intact when I open them.  The lid is held my 4 magnets that are on each corner of the palette and let me tell you it needs a good tug before it comes off.  The palette is available to buy empty and then you can choose whatever shadows you want to place in it.  The eyeshadows come individually wrapped.  
The 5 Pan palette with 5 Shadows costs:  €38
The 10 Pan Palette with 10 Shadows costs:  €68 
 What I love most of all is the size of these shadows They are amazingly big for the price and half the price of a Mac eyeshadow which in my eyes are the perfect if not better dupe of Mac.  
One piece of advice before you even enter the Inglot store is to google as many shades of eyeshadows as you can to have an idea what you would like because let me tell you, you are going to be overwhelmed with the amount of shades you can choose from the store.  
The one thing I will have to say is a pity that these amazing shades are not named and only numbered so if you have a list make sure you have the number correct.  
So without further ado let me show you the shades I chose: 

AMC Shine 30:  This shade is absolutely beautiful and the perfect highlight shade.  Its also perfect for a lid shade too.  This beautiful shimmery goldy champagne shade will certain go a long way if you are choosing a more neutral palette I love this shade :) :) 

AMC Shine 11:  Another amazing shade and perfect for a neutral palette.  This shade is also perfect for Autumn looks.  A Beautiful Shiny shimmery gold simple but fantastic as a lid or highlight shade.  I have also used this as a highlight on my face in the summer :) :) Love it.  

Matte 341:  This shade a a perfect blending shade it can also be used as a transition shade or even all over the lid.  Because its matte you can use it for everything really even a subtle highlight shade.  Its a beautiful pinky peach shade light but very pigmented :) 

Pearl 446:  Well it wouldnt be a palette of mine if there wasnt a shade of purple in it now would it.  Purple been my utmost favourite colour and a perfect shade to make my hazel eyes pop.  I just could resist this shade.  A stunning Plum shade with a pearl finish a perfect lid colour for a dark purple smokey eye I have worn this numerous times out in the town and it really makes a statement.  Beautiful just beautiful !!!

Matte 321:  Now years ago i would have ran away from any blue shade.  I always believed because I have hazel eyes that blues would clash with my eyes and they have in the past but only because I never used them properly.  This is a stunning deep matte navy shade that worked well as a crease shade and for using on the outter V this is also perfect to use as a liner :) I have learned that some blues really can suit me once I get the hang of using them in the right places :) 

Next row is also amazingly stunning Starting with 
Matte 356:  This is another beautifully pigmented Pink shade.  A perfect shade for blending, highlight and lid.  I cant believe the pigmentation from this colour a little goes a long way and its extremely easy to blend :) 

Pearl 452:  From the moment I set my eyes on this shade I had to have it.  Its a stunning burgundy shade with a pearl finish and its extremely pigmented.  Its feels very smooth and very easy to apply.  A little goes a long long way with this shade and its a perfect Autumn colour.  What I love more about this shade is that it really brings out the green in my hazel eyes I love it !!!

Pearl 421:  Another of my favourites I have to say.  This is a stunning coppery brown with a pearl finish again hugely pigmented and very easy to work with.  I found no fall out using this shade and it applies like a dream.  Love it !!!

Matte 335:  Another shade for the Autumn time :)  This shade again I would not normally go for as its a type of shade some people find hard to work with.  A beautiful rusty matte orange and boy oh boy its stunning when applied.  So far I have used this shade as a transition colour and I love it.  Very pigmented and very easy to blend Gorgeous shade 

Matte 391:  A matte black plain and simple :)  The shade is far from plain let me tell you.  This is not the blackest of black for instance if you are one who likes black as soot black this is not the one to get as its verying towards charcoal black but its the perfect black for daytime smokey eyes and every night time I also love to set my liner with this shadow I love it and the fact that its matte and black makes no difference to its performance as its so easy to work with :) :) 

To buy these eyeshadows separately they are only €6 each for approximately 2.7g of product which is absolutely amazing for the quality that they are.  Even without a primer they last all day long but with a primer the intensity and lasting powder is out of this world.  

Overall as you can tell I love these eyeshadows and and the palettes.  They are ideal for everyone even makeup artists plus they have the quality of high end brands but not the prices of high end.  
I am determined to get whats on my wishlist which so far is over 30 more shadows hehehe :) 
Have you tried Inglots Eyeshadows yet ?
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 14 October 2013

My Empties #2

Hello My Beauties How are you all today?
I decided to do another Empties Post, alot of you liked the last one I did so I have been stashing my empties especially for you :) :) 
Let me tell you its great to finally throw them into the bin lol
I love these sort of posts and videos because you surely get a full insight to how the blogger/youtubers got on with the products and see if they would repurchase them again :) 
So without further ado I shall start on mine :) 

Starting from the left 
Lancomes Softening Hydrating Toner:  I got 2 very decent sampled sized bottle of this product from the Lancome Event I went to.  I was super excited to try this out partly because Its not often I get the chance to try something from a high end brand like Lancome plus I wanted to see just why it costs so much.  To be honest I don't see why this product costs as much as it Smells good, Refreshes the skin like it claims and also is alcohol free I felt it didnt do anything different to what a drugstore toner did for me.  Dont get me wrong I loved using it but to be honest I would not go out there and pay around €30 for a toner not on your nelly :) :) 

Elemis Softly Softly Daily Moisturiser:  I got this in one of my glossyboxes and was super excited to try it out.  If I am not mistaking this Full Sized costs about £20 to buy which again is high end in my eyes.  I have also heard that "Freshskin" range by Elemis is for teens and twenty year old's .  I didnt find any fault with this product it did hydrate my skin well and I found I used very little to cover my face and neck.  This sample lasted me for quite some time.  The scent from this moisturiser is mild and smells a little like almonds I actually liked it alot.  Would I go out and buy it again hmmmm no to be honest It didnt do anything different to what some drugstore moisturisers did to my face and for £20 per bottle I was expecting a little more from it 

St Ives Daily Microdermabrasion:  I absolutely love love love this product its one of my favourite daily defoliators out there.  I mean this is amazing it smells amazing it feels amazing and the out come is amazing my skin feels smooth and soft and ready for the day :)  You can purchase this from boots and costs as little as €6.69 for 125ml I will surely be giving this a separate review soon :) :) Love it 

Garnier Simply Essentials 2 in 1 makeup-remover:  (still a favourite ) This is a favourite of mine for sure and for a long time.  Its so so affordable in fact it only sets me back about 3 to 4 euro.  This contains 2 layers the top layer (blue) is the eye makeup remover the bottom layer is suppose to be for the face.  It contains no perfume or alcohol.  The reason I love this so much is that its absolutely amazing to take of my eye makeup literally one swipe and bam gone.  I find If i use the blue layer before shaking it for the rest of my face the blue layer is more effective for the most stubborn waterproof mascaras and liners.  The only fault........ its feels quite oily and I dont particularly like oily products on my face.  The fact it does such a great job, its affordable and its brilliant even for anyone with sensitive skin I can tolerate a little oiliness.  

Nivea Refreshing Toner:   This has to be the most affordable toner I have tried and loved.  This feels amazing against the skin and I find no stingy feeling while using it.  Its that gentle on the skin I have even used this around the eye area and found it had no effect on me.  I feel refreshed and I find it works great taking whatever dirt and grime thats left on my face.  It smells amazing too :) :) I will certainly be repurchasing :) 

Docteur Renaud Raspberry Soft Cream Review:  I received this moisturiser in my glossybox (in which I do not get anymore)  I think this was a limited edition moisturiser For 50mls of moisturiser this would set you back a whopping £25 which is quite steep to be honest especially for just an everyday moisturiser.  Yes it smells amazing and feels really nice against the skin leaving you hydrated for the day but with that price I was expecting more even spf or something I was certainly not going to go out of my way to repurchase.  If it was cheaper I would but I think the price is a bit much 

Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes:  I know alot of people are against face wipes but to be honest in my opinion if you find the right facial wipes you are doing no harm to your skin I have been using them for years.  These wipes were recommended to me because I was going through a little bit of a rough time with my face and using my normal face wipes were irritating it more so I gave these a try and loved them.  They are ideal for anyone with sensitive skin and did not feel one bit scratchy which I love.  There is no oils, no alcohol, no perfume and no colouring in these but what is in them is  Pro-Votamin B5 which actively restores, softens and smoothes.  They are even gentle on the eyes.  I will be repurchasing these again for sure :) 

Lush Vanilla See-Lite Body Lotion:  Oh dont even get me started on this little beauty.  Ladies if you are a vanilla scent fan or even if you are not you will love this body lotion.  Oh my goodness I got this sample sized (as big as it is) in one of their boxes and loved it from day one so much so I went back and bought the full sized bottle.  This smells out of this world even when I apply this all over people can smell the vanilla all the way downstairs.  Plus the scent lingers literally all day long on me.  My skin feels smooth and soft and leaves a beautiful healthy glow on there too.  I loved this all over the summer as it made my tan look amazing.  I highly recommend this to everyone you will love it :) 

Cocoa Brown 1 hour tan:  I absolutely love this tan Check out my blog post on it to see what difference this makes.  I love how natural it makes me look and lasts up to 5 days without having to worry about patches etc.  Its amazing and for under €8 its well worth it.  Marissa Carter has done an amazing job with this product for sure and she has lots more to try out too I cant wait to try her Moisturiser which is coming out very very soon.  Plus Marissa made an announcement that Cocoa Brown will be available to purchase on all Aer Lingus flights from Dec 1st!  Happy days :) 

Batiste Dry Shampoo For Brunettes:  Wow I love this product.  It has been my saviour in more ways than one.  Been a busy mum and blogger its sometimes hard to get the time to wash my hair everyday.  To be honest I wash my hair only 3 times a week because my hair lasts that long before looking in any way greasy but some days I do find I need a little pick me up so I spray a little of this in and it livens up my hair more than it does if i washed it.  Honestly the volume that I get from this is amazing and my hair looks amazing plus it smells booti-ful :) I love it 

Elizabeth Ardens 5th Avenue Perfume:  This has been a favourite for many years.  I have been through many bottles of this beautiful perfume and I really hope it never goes off market.  I like to wear this scent in the winter time I dont know why but I always seem to reach for it more around that time.  The perfume has a floral scent with a spicy edge to it but its not over powering.  I think it will always be one of my favourites once you buy a bottle of it and finish it, you will find you will buy another :) 

2 of my favourite foundations ever !!!!
NYX HD Studio Photogenic Foundation:  I have a review done about this foundation already which you can check out here but this foundation is amazing full stop I find it brilliant for coverage for lasting powder for photos for everything.  It gives medium coverage and feels very lightweight.  My skin looks flawless and you use very little to cover the entire face.  The only fault I find is you have to purchase it online which means finding your perfect match can be hard but if you check out as many reviews as you can you will surely end up finding your match just make sure you do not go by the shades the website gives you as it will be wrong.  Love it !!!!!!

Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation:  Do you know what?? The beauty blogger that I am im only realising I have never done a blog post on this tut tut tut shame on me If you would like me to review this let me know :)  This is another long time favourite of mine.  Sineady Cady from themakechair and Lisa Eldridge are also fans of this foundation.  Seeing as I am around NC20-25 I find number 52 a perfect match for me.  The formula is very light and takes very little effort to apply.  I like to use a stippling brush like my Favourite foundation brush the Blank Canvas Cosmetics F20 Brush.  The finish is light to medium coverage and leaves my skin looking flawless.  I just love how natural it makes my skin look without giving away the fact I am wearing a foundation I love it !!!!!  The one thing I will have to say is that I would love if they would bring out more shades as there is only 5 shades to choose from but this is a perfect foundation for anyone with pale skin 

Mally Volumising Mascara:  I have to say I fell into the you-tube hype on this mascara.  After hearing Itsjudystime and Emily Noels raving reviews about this I just had to see what the hype was about.  I did a full review on this mascara in which you can check out here .  I loved it but to be honest I found it dried out too quick And paying £17.50 per mascara is way too much for it to dry out after 2 months. 

MUA Extreme Volume Mascara:  I have already reviewed this mascara and included photos of course but I just have to say for a £2 mascara this works pretty darn well !!! I was well impressed with the formula, with its performance and most of all with the wand.  For a super affordable product this is definitely worth a try.  I have even bought back ups of this I love it :) 

Maxfactor 2000 Calorie Mascara:  There was one day I was reading through Fluff & Flipperies blog and Emma had a post up about Maxfactors Mascara's and the fact that they are 20 years old I thought that was amazing.  I was curious to find out what the formula was like especially what it was like 20 years ago.  So I searched online to see if I could get my hands on it.  I finally found it on Fragrance Direct for £4.50.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this.  The formula is not too wet, its jet black and also easy to apply what i love is the brush its curved and grabs every lash.  The finish result is nice full curled lashes.  It wouldnt be the type of lashes for night time but its certainly a during the day mascara :) 

Avon SuperShock Mascara:  I absolutely love love love this mascara.  This has always been a favourite of mine for as long as I can remember.  Its amazing the brush is brilliant it grabs every lash, the formula is amazing its not too wet or dry its just right.  The finish is what you call perfect I have fuller longer lashes and it lasts until i take it off.  Its just such a pity Ireland do not have Avon anymore I miss it so so much :( 

Before i begin my apologies for this been so grubby but i suppose thats what happens with brow gels with clear packaging :(
e.l.f Wet Gloss Lash & Brow Mascara:  I have loved this product since I first tried it 2 years ago.  For a £1.50 products this holds my brows into place literally all day long.  I love it.  You have one side for brows and one side for lashes.  I use both sides for my brows to make the product last longer :) :) I highly recommend you all to try it out if you havent already :) 

Mac Eyebrow Pencil in Lingering:  I won this in a competition.  I have to admit I used it every single day I used it.  It was the perfect shade for my brows and the finish was as natural as you could get it.  I never had to set it and it lasted all day long without smudging one little bit.  I nearly cried when I ran out of this as I loved it that much but to be honest I cant bring myself to repurchase because of the price of it and the fact you only get 0.09gs of product for it.  There are plenty of dupes for this brow pencil out there that is a fraction of the price.  

Wow Finally I am finished haha I hope I didnt bore you with this extra long post :)  Is there anything in this bunch that is your favourites or that isnt?  Let me know what are your thoughts on these :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx