
Thursday 22 August 2013

Sharing the Love #19: Interview with Niamh from Anonymous Melon

Hey everyone how are you all today.  Well its that time again Sharing the Lurrvvveee :) :) 
This time I am introducing Niamh from Anonymous Melon :)  She is a newby and its also my first time getting to know her I have really enjoyed reading her answers to my interview I hope you enjoy too :) 

1.  Hey Barbie Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
 Hi Nina! Thanks so much for having me. 

I'm a 23 year old Media Officer with a passion for all things beauty and fashion. I'm from Belfast and studied at both Queen's University and the University of Ulster. I'm a qualified journalist currently working in Marketing and I'm loving it. I do graphic and web design as part of my job which is awesome. (I'm a multi-purpose employee!)

My passion is make-up! I love it. I love buying it, wearing it and writing about it. It's amazing that since I've started my friends have been asking me for make-up advice. It's lovely to know that people trust my opinion. 

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
My blog is called Anonymous Melon  - bit of a strange name I know - but hey, it's unique right? As my tagline says it's just a little beauty blog. I throw in the odd rambling or fashion piece but really I just write about products I like, or dislike. I'm by no means a make-up artist so I rarely do tutorials but occasionally I show some of the looks I've created. (Pic attached)

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
I'd been feeling quite down at the start of this year so I decided to give myself a hobby to keep my mind off things. In Feburary I bought the domain but it wasn't until April that I wrote my first blog post. I was a little nervous at first but I've kept going and now I feel great whenever someone likes a post or leaves me a comment. 

4.  What is your dream job?
 I love make-up (I think I've mentioned that...) so I'd love to do marketing for a big brand like Benefit Cosmetics. I think their packaging is so quirky and fun so to be able to be involved in the design would be fabulous.

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
Well, apart from yours Nina, I love Makeup by Saz (, Dazzledust08 ( Miss Budget Beauty ( These girls give really down to earth and honest opinions. That's what I'm looking for whenever I'm on the hunt for a new product.

6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
Oh it's so hard to pick favorites! I am loving the Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm at the minute ( My skin is so dry and sensitive that this works a treat as it's not too harsh.

For haircare - I am enjoying the L'Oréal Professionnel Potionizer Bi-Phase Leave In Spray Conditioner. It's great to make my hair shiny between washes :)

My favourite make-up company is Benefit Cosmetics! It's actually impossible for me to pick a definite favourite - but I do love Brow-Zings. Can't leave the house without it! (

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Just go for it! It's amazing once you start and you won't regret it. 

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
 Oh goodness! It's so so messy - I'm too embarrassed for a picture. But I can tell you I've loads of make-up and my Slimming World manual. Always keep these in my bag.

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 
   I have a Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Follow, like and subscribe :) It's free and I'll be super happy.  

10  Any last words for us :) 
 I'd just love to say thanks so much for having me on your blog and to anyone who's reading this thinking 'my goodness, I could never start a blog' - just go for it! It's one of the best things I've ever done. I've met so many amazing people. It's so worth it!
Isnt she sweeeeet !!!! :) I hope you enjoyed and show Niamh some Love by clicking those follow buttons :) ;) 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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