
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Shine on Blog Award

Hey my wonderful beautues How are you all doing.  
Today is suppose to be the hottest day yet reaching to a whopping 30oC so i bet there is going to be alot of you out there are going to be sunning yourselves.  Just make sure to use Sun Cream every 2 - 3 hours and go into the shade after 20 minutes each time :) 
Anyway the lovely and adorable Sarah from Adoreabubbles Gave me a lovely Blog Award.  The Shine on Blog award which is new to me :)  I havent received an award like this in such a long time and I was honoured when Sarah let me know she awarded me Thank you hunny :) xxxxxxx
So of course I am going to pass it on as thats what blog awards is all about :) 

Proudly display the award logo on your blog 
Link back to the person who nominated you and thank them. 
List 7 facts about yourself.
Nominate 15 other bloggers and let them know you’ve nominated them.
So here is my 7 facts :) 
  • I have never ever been on a plane actually I have never been on anything in the air :( 
  • I am addicted to bread.  I have to have bread every single day even if it is with potatoes :) 
  • I am not a big alcohol drinker I would go out and have a couple of drinks and be happy with that 
  • I am a Feminist !!!! Yeeeeeee
  • I have to have sweets in my handbag I think it came from a time when I was working and a customer who was diabetic came to my counter feeling very weak and unwell she told me she was a diabetic and I automatically ran to the fridge and got a bottle of Lucozade which is full of glucose and gave it to her she said i saved her life So since that I have to have something sweet in my bad as you never know do you 
  • Vin Diesel (Fast and Furious actor) Yummy has always gave be the chills (in a good way) ;) wow his voice i could listen to all day and them muscles mmmmmm anyway I kinda fancy him lol 
  • I suffered sun stroke stupidly when I was a teen.  I wore black, put baby oil on me and sat in front of a window (I know silly) I also fell asleep for 2 hours and woke up not been able to move I was as red as a tomato.  My arms and legs were triple the size they were due to how burnt I was The pain was horrible and I was so so sick after it i couldnt sleep for days and the only thing that relieved me a little was natural yogurt rubbed on the burning.  I learned my lesson the hard way and swore I would be more careful in the future because still to this day I have pigmentation on my face especially my forehead due to that day :) 

I Nominate :) 

I hope you all have a great day :) 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 
Nina :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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