
Monday 15 July 2013

Places to Go in Ireland : Dun Na Ri Forest Park

Hello Everybody How are you all doing today :) 
Well I have finally got round to starting this series 
Places to go to in Ireland.  
Instead of bringing my children to a one week holiday down the country which will more that likely bore them after the 2nd day because its only one place, I decided to spread it out throughout the summer by bringing them on day trips to different places :) 
To be honest they are loving it that way and to be honest So Am I :) 
So far we have been to a couple of places and I would like to share the experience with you all so maybe one day if you are stuck to go somewhere this series might give you an idea of where to bring your family next :)  
So First up is a place Called Dun Na Ri 
This place I have to admit is amazing and we all had a brilliant day in it.  
All you pay is €5 in the gate and that's it for the day .  You can stay there all day long and it wont cost you any more money.  
Dun Na Ri is a huge forest park.  Dun Na Ri is situated in Kingscort Co. Cavan Ireland.  There is no driving involved and plenty of walking so if you want to get your family out for some long over due exercise which doesn't look or feel like hard work this is the place to go.  
The one thing I will tell you all is to make sure to bring some food with you a picnic and plenty of drinks because this walk does give you quite a thirsty and hunger.  
You will be amazed at what you will see in this forest its just beautiful even my kiddies loved it :)  Let me share with you some of the pictures of this fabulous place :) 
There is plenty to see along the way and they kiddies will never be bored.  We made a little treasure hunt game out of it by telling them to find the wooden animals that were placed along the trail.  They had so much fun.  There is plenty of streams going through the forest which is beautiful.  The best thing I found about this forest walk is that if you are there on a hot summers day you are complete shaded by the trees all the way.  We went on a hot day and it was very sunny but the forest was so so cooling we didnt even notice the heat.  There is plenty of benches and seating along the way so you can rest up and the best place is the lake in which you can not swim in but can sit by and enjoy the peace and quiet.  
After the lake you come to a big wide open space where children can play football or just lie around and relax.  The open space is huge and people were even having BBQ's there.  There is also a building called the cooling area which you will see in the above picture this place is perfect for those who are not able to sit out in the sun too long.  After a long earned rest we set off to find the famous wishing well there which has drinking water which tastes so cooling and fresh.  There is also streams there where you can drip your feet in.  In all this places is fun affordable and at the end of the day you will have very happy tired out children plus you will get some AMAZING photos for your collection.  I have about 200 lol.   I give this place a 10/10 especially for the fact its only €5 entry and you have a full day of fun and adventure :) 
I hope you enjoyed this let me know if you have every visited here and let me know if you would like to here more about places in Ireland 
Until next time 
Lots of Love, Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. hi Nina i love your blog ! i have been to dun a ri many times as i live near it and it still never gets old great post and blog keep up the good work :) x

  2. beautylover What a lovely message to wake up to hunny thanks so much :) :) xxxxxxxxxx


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