
Thursday 27 June 2013

Sharing the Love #9: Interview with Marian from The High Life of Mars

Hello my beauties How are you all doing today :) 
You probably all noticed that I did not post up a Share the Love on Sunday Well reason been is that the week before I was busy organising my dads surprise 50th and it was cray cray I didnt even get much blog posts done in the past couple of weeks because of it 
The Party was a hit and my dad was so shocked it was brilliant 
The party was Saturday night and Sunday well you know yourself after a good night of partying ;)
My next Share the Love guest Is the lovely Marian :) from The High Life of Mars :) 
Marian is another Brilliant Irish Blogger who I also have had the privilege of meeting :) she is beautiful inside and out :) You will love her.  Lets get on with the interview so you can get to know her more :) 

1.  Hey Marian Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
Hi I’m Marian. I’m 25 years old, living in Cork. I’m a makeup artist and nail tech. I’m also trained as a general nurse. I come from a huge family and I love animals

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
My blog was something I started about 2 years ago or so. It’s a beauty blog with loads of reviews, swatches and pictures. I often have a FOTD or NOTD too. It was something I started as a hobby and it has just grown over that time. 

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
       The reason I started my blog is because I love makeup. Like to an insane amount! I also really like writing so I figured I would combine the two. It was a nervous decision on my part but I’m really glad I did now. 

4.  What is your dream job?
 My dream job is what I am doing, makeup artistry. I love doing makeup on people for occasions and especially weddings. I love a really natural look and I think bridal makeup should be natural enough to let that happy wedding day glow shine through J I love people’s reactions after I have done a transformation. I also really enjoy the fashion and photography makeup side of things. 
5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
 I have so many blogs that I like to read!! I don’t think I could narrow it down really. Some of my faves are Dancing with Disaster, A Pretty Obsession,  Not Just Inside, Girl with the Skew Earring, Dolly Rouge, Nurse Fancy Pants, Lovely Girlie Bits, Misseblog , Cuti-CLUE-Les and of course yours!! J But honestly I read and love loads!! I especially love Irish beauty blogs. 

6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
  My favourite skin care at the moment is the Olay 7 Effects and Regenerist range.  They are doing great things for my fine lines! My fave hair care is the Aussie Color Mate range. It really does help keep my blonde hair from going brassy. My fave makeup product is a tough one. If I had to pick one thing I love it would be Urban Decay eyeshadows. I’ve always had a soft spot for them and they are what got me interested in makeup in the first place. 

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?

The one piece of advice I'd give to people who want to start a blog is do it because it interests you and you want it as a hobby. It is hard work but don't let it take over your life. I've often gone weeks without blogging cause life has gotten in the way. There's nothing wrong with that!
Other than that you need to spell check everything you do. Also take nice photos. Try get them as clear and true to colour as possible. You don't need a fancy camera but just do the best with what you have. Try to have a nice background. It doesn't have to a plain white background but just make sure there's no mess or clothes strewn all over the place in the background 

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
   Ok so in my handbag right now I have my wallet, my diary, two pens, a mirror, some sanitary towels, a lip balm, three ELF Matte Lip Colours, a Bourjois lip gloss, a Benefit lip gloss, a Tarte lip tint, a Barry M green lipstick, a bottle of my IBS meds, some antacids and Tylenol. I just realised that is a total of 8 lip products. I have a problem!! 

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 

10  Any last words for us :) 
 Thanks so much for having me and for doing these Share the Love posts. I really enjoy reading them and finding out some new blogs :) 

There you go That was the Lovely Marian I am surely you will all agree that she is so sweet and worth visiting :) :) ;)
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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