
Sunday 16 June 2013

Sharing the Love #7: Interview with Christina from Beauty and More By Christina

Hey Everybody How are you all doing today :)
Happy Fathers day to all you Fathers and Grandfathers out there I hope you have a great day :) 
Today I have a new blogger to introduce.  She is new to me too and she is such a sweety.  I actually have the privilege to get to know her before even looking at her blog and its nice that way because usually its the opposite usually we come across blogs before even getting to know the person behind it.  Christina is from Greece she is 20 and is a nail stylist.  I have seen some of her work and love it.  She is studying Graphic Design.  Her blog offers lots of different things like makeup reviews, nail art and more Check out my interview with her.  Its very short but sweet :) 

1.  Hey Christina Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
So, my name is Christina. I'm 20years old . I'm a nailtech and a graphic designer/photographer.!!!
I love photography <3 and doggies!!

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
 My blog ( ) is about beauty!! From hair to toes!!! Hair , nail, makeup etc

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
The reason i started my blog is ... I love makeup & nails and wanted to write about them. I thought i would be a great idea to exchange ideas with other women (or men) and bloggers about  a subject we have in common !

4.  What is your dream job?
My dream job is being a wedding planner so i can combine everything i love and studied nails, beauty, photography, graphic design 

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
6.  Your favourite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
Hair care marrakesh KaHm
Makeup product: radiant matte finish makeup base

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Be original write about something you really love so you dont get tired of it in the end!!

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
 I cant Leave the house without my mobile phone and my ipad. I always have my wallet on me , house keys and car keys. Sunglasses! a pencil and a small notepad . Another thing that my bag never misses is my emergency beauty case ( mascara, eyeliner, powder,

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 
Twitter @christinaki93 / facebook page : /Instagram @ christina_beautyandmore

10  Any last words for us :) 
It's really great what you are doing ...Thank you Very much Lots of love to everyone!!
I Hope you check out her blog as she is one of those people who deserves more followers :) 
I hope you enjoyed this interview and if you are a blogger who would like to be interviewed on my blog let me know in the comments below :) the more the merrier :) 
Until next time Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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