
Sunday 9 June 2013

Sharing the Love #5: Interview with Nicola Stylish but Skint

Hey everyone Oh my good the weather is actually to die for here :) Im in heaven and looking forward to a brilliant day with my family today we are going to a place that has about 565 acres of land (some walking has to be done) I shall be doing a blog post about it as I will be doing something new very soon :) So on with my 5th interview and let me introduce the lovely Nicola. Nicola owns the blog Stylish but Skint and she is from the UK :)  She has the most beautiful red hair you would actually mistake her as an Irish Gal :) Here is her interview :) 

1.  Hey..... Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
My name is Nicola and I'm a student teacher but I love to blog on the side. I'm 24 years old and I live with my boyfriend in the North East of England.

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
I mainly blog about beauty products. It annoys me so much when you see other beauty bloggers raving about how great a concealer or lipstick is but they don't actually show you it on their face. For all beauty products I review I always include a picture of the product in action.

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
I started my blog in 2008 when I was doing my undergrad degree. It started off as a fashion blog but slowly evolved into beauty.

4.  What is your dream job?
My dream job would actually be a wedding planner. I love weddings! However I think I'd have to relocate to New York to even have a chance at that

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
I love dizzybrunette3, milkteef, Sprinkle of Glitter, Fleur de Force, gh0stparties... the list goes on!

6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
I'm really lucky with my skin as it's not at all oily and I generally don't get blemishes, nor is it particularly dry. I can get away with using skin care products that are very kind to my skin such as the Simple range. For hair care I tend to reach for Tresemme as I feel it doesn't weigh my hair down and as for make up I own a lot of Rimmel products.

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Don't be scared - just go for it! But also don't expect it to be an overnight success. My blog is very new and I don't have many followers. I try not to let is dishearten me and just keep at it. Hopefully one day people will value what I have to say about beauty.
8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
Despite the rain, I always keep a pair of sunglasses handy. I also have mints, various lipsticks and chapstick, my purse, hair grips and a notebook.
9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc.
 twitter: @stylishbutskint
instagram: nicolab267
YouTube: niknak267

10  Any last words for us :) 
I really hope you liked that interview guys. I love reading about bloggers and getting to know more about them. Please visit my blog and let me know what you think :)

So now that you know the lovely Nicola a little better maybe have a little visit to her blog, youtube channel etc :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck sun-factor and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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