
Sunday 30 June 2013

Sharing the Love #10: Interview with Marie from I am the Makeup Junkie

Hey everybody How you are all doing today :) 
Well I have a very excited house this morning as we are heading to the zoo for a treat.  The twins have never been to the zoo.  Today is another share the love visitor and She is also a new blogger I am following :) So this is going to be nice to get to know her more for myself as well as for you :) Introducing Maria from I am the Makeup Junkie :) 

1.  Hey Maria Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :)
Sure! I am 42 year old esthetician and makeup artist. I am currently disabled due to some crappy things. I have been in the industry for 20 years. I love skincare and makeup more than anything. I claim to have the largest makeup collection in the North American hemisphere? World maybe? Seriously, I have A LOT of makeup. I have a wonderful Greek husband who I met in Paris and two wonderful daughters, 13 and 12. My blog is called I am the Makeup Junkie 

2.  Tell us a little about your blog:
Called "I Am THE Makeup Junkie", it is about makeup and skincare reviews with educational essays on skincare too. I love to review products and let people know my opinions on them, but I also want to hear from others to know their opinions. I never hear from others yet, I am not that well know. My feedback is good though. It seems as if I am building myself up to be a foundation expert, since a lot of my reviews are on foundation. I also used to treat acne, so I would love to really get in the thick of acne skincare and be an expert!

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog
 I wanted to do it years ago but I had kids so I had to wait. I finally said that since I am disabled I had the time now.

4.  What is your dream job?
My dream job would be to be an artist for Illamasqua. I love their makeup. And Alex Box, their creative director is amazing. 

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ? 
I like Temptalia of course and Hairspray and High Heels, I also like Nina's Page, Glamorous Mama and more but it is very hard for me to find time to read blogs. I wish I could read more. Really I would love to spend all day reading!

6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
Lately I love Korres, Ole Henrisken and MitoQ skincare. Makeup: Illamasqua, MAC and Inglot of course! Haircare: Rock Your Hair, Crack, L'Oreal and Kerastase.

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be? 
Read some blogs first. Comment on them. I never did. You need to get to know the community. I lagged behind because of it.

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ? 
Crap!I have a gigantic Vera Bradley wallet that takes up most of my purse right now. The rest is receipts, medicine and junk.

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc

10  Any last words for us :)  
Thank you for doing this. I think it will be great to get to know everyone!

:) I hope you all enjoyed My interview with Marie :) She is one busy lady I tell you :) 
If you are interested in Been part of Nina's World and been amongst these lovely ladies in my share the love roll comment below with you email address and I will contact you :) xxxx
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 28 June 2013

Lancome Hypnose Star Eyes Palette in Terre D'Ivoire

Hey my Fabulous beautiful readers :) 
I hope you are all well :) 
Well today is official the start of the summer in my house as the kiddies is finally off school for the holidays so they are hoping they get some of that fabulous sun we had a couple of weeks ago, mind you so am I !!!!
So do you all remember about 2 weeks ago or so I posted up a blog post about a launch I went to ?
The Lancome & Jenny Packham Fashion Meets Beauty Launch 
Where Jenny Packham teamed up with Lancome for the second time to launch her designer cosmetics bag.  There was so many deals that day and you got 20% off any Lancome product plus you got 5 nice sized samples in your designer bag to take home ;) I just couldnt resist :) 
I have to add I never in my life ever owned anything from Lancome for the simple reason its a high end product and costs a BOMB.  But for this day I had saved up especially to treat myself at the event.  
Not only that I dont really ever get the chance to splurge so spurging and getting cash off is a bargain to me hehehe 
It was extremely hard to choose what to get I had a limit and I wanted to really take advantage with this limit.  Barbara the Lancome Rep who works with Cara Pharmacy in Cavan, filled me in on almost everything Lancome had to offer She was absolutely brilliant and very patient with me as I had alot of questions to ask.  
But with all the products she put out there for me there was one in particular that kept catching my eye and that I kept going back to which is this Fabulous eyeshadow palette :) 
 The new  Lancome Hypnose Eye Palettes are broken into three styles, Doll Eyes, Drama Eyes and Star Eyes
There are 12 palette to choose from in this range and all 12 look absolutely amazing and suitable to anyone.  
Each style has 4 palettes to choose from 
Doll eyes is the Fresh & Natural 
Drama Eyes is the Chic and Elegant 
Star Eyes is the Deep and Intense palettes 
Unveil chic and elegant eyes with Lancôme's Hypnôse Star Eyes palette.

Create a range of sophisticated eye makeup looks with ease using our versatile palette,professionally inspired applicators and step-by-step techniques. 
Apply the eye shadow dry for blendable, buildable colour, or use wet for deeper colour intensity. Our innovative “wet” eye shadow technology allows for a range of effects and intensities with a multi-dimensional, even texture.

Benefits: Elegant Eyes, Intense Colour, Endless Finishes by Lancome 
With great difficulty simply because I could not choose straight away been so undecisive I chose the Star Eyes Palette in Terre D'Ivoire with is from the Deep and Intense Selection :) 
This was the one I knew I would used alot :) 
Each palette cost a sturdy €48 WOWZER!!!!!!
But to be honest how many palette have bought and have you wasted just for the sake of having a few nice shades.  I know so many people who own palettes and don't even use the half of the shades because they are not suitable for them where as these palettes are well thought out and the shades all 5 of them work brilliantly together 
The packaging is plain and simply the way I like it.  Its very light weight and fits the palm of my hand.  Inside you are getting your 5 shadows one of which can be used as an eyeliner, a nice sized mirror and 2 applicators one is sponge the other is a brush.  Usually I would roll my eyes up to heaven and throw them in the bin but this time I shall be keeping them because they are actually quite good.  The extra bonus to this palette is that it must have some sort of magnetic hold for the applicators because when you turn the palette in any way the applicators do not budge :) happy days :) :) 
As you can see I have the palette standing up and the applicators are staying put :) 
 The main reason I chose this palette is because i knew by the shades that they would be well suitable for my hazel eyes.  Any sort of neutral shade suits my eyes plus pinks and purples they really make my eyes pop.  
The palette comes with detailed instructions on how to use each eyeshadow they ever broke it down into 3 different guides 
Soft, Medium and Deep intensity which is brilliant for anyone who is new to makeup.  This guide will help you achieve a day time and night time look from the one palette and you will have eyes that look like they were done by a professional not only that but there is also a video tutorial on youtube done by Lancome to show you a look you can do from these palettes.  
The pigmentation is absolutely amazing.  The shadows feel soft and creamy and just by swatching these you know you are getting what your paying for.  Swatching these shadows dry you will see they look nothing better than any normal eyeshadow but wearing them dry is a total different story.  They lasted all day on my eyes and I found no fading until about 8 hours into wear 
Wearing the shadows wet ?? Oh my goodness the intensity is absolutely amazing I couldnt believe it even seeing it with my own eyes and wearing them applied wet they lasted on my eye from 8 in the morning until 9 at night.  Looking in the mirror at 9 o clock at night it looked like I just applied my makeup AMAZING The swatches below are literally only one swipe no building up of colour :) 
Of course with habit i used a primer each time I wore these shadow but I would well believe without a primer they would wear well :) 
Overall I am extremely happy I purchased this especially with the discount.  Yes it is a bit on the pricey side but if you are one who treats yourself now and again I would recommend even owning one of these palettes.  I can safely say this will be the only palette I will own from this range because of the price but if you got the money to slurge go ahead and get at least one of these palette you wont regret it :) 
Here is a look i created from this palette (Click on the photos for a closer look)
This picture was taken with flash and the next picture is taken in normal light as you will see in the next photo the eyeshadows have really made my eyes pop :) :) 
Have you tried the Lancome Hypnose Eyeshadow Palettes yet 
If you were to buy one which one would you get 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 27 June 2013

Sharing the Love #9: Interview with Marian from The High Life of Mars

Hello my beauties How are you all doing today :) 
You probably all noticed that I did not post up a Share the Love on Sunday Well reason been is that the week before I was busy organising my dads surprise 50th and it was cray cray I didnt even get much blog posts done in the past couple of weeks because of it 
The Party was a hit and my dad was so shocked it was brilliant 
The party was Saturday night and Sunday well you know yourself after a good night of partying ;)
My next Share the Love guest Is the lovely Marian :) from The High Life of Mars :) 
Marian is another Brilliant Irish Blogger who I also have had the privilege of meeting :) she is beautiful inside and out :) You will love her.  Lets get on with the interview so you can get to know her more :) 

1.  Hey Marian Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 
Hi I’m Marian. I’m 25 years old, living in Cork. I’m a makeup artist and nail tech. I’m also trained as a general nurse. I come from a huge family and I love animals

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
My blog was something I started about 2 years ago or so. It’s a beauty blog with loads of reviews, swatches and pictures. I often have a FOTD or NOTD too. It was something I started as a hobby and it has just grown over that time. 

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
       The reason I started my blog is because I love makeup. Like to an insane amount! I also really like writing so I figured I would combine the two. It was a nervous decision on my part but I’m really glad I did now. 

4.  What is your dream job?
 My dream job is what I am doing, makeup artistry. I love doing makeup on people for occasions and especially weddings. I love a really natural look and I think bridal makeup should be natural enough to let that happy wedding day glow shine through J I love people’s reactions after I have done a transformation. I also really enjoy the fashion and photography makeup side of things. 
5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
 I have so many blogs that I like to read!! I don’t think I could narrow it down really. Some of my faves are Dancing with Disaster, A Pretty Obsession,  Not Just Inside, Girl with the Skew Earring, Dolly Rouge, Nurse Fancy Pants, Lovely Girlie Bits, Misseblog , Cuti-CLUE-Les and of course yours!! J But honestly I read and love loads!! I especially love Irish beauty blogs. 

6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
  My favourite skin care at the moment is the Olay 7 Effects and Regenerist range.  They are doing great things for my fine lines! My fave hair care is the Aussie Color Mate range. It really does help keep my blonde hair from going brassy. My fave makeup product is a tough one. If I had to pick one thing I love it would be Urban Decay eyeshadows. I’ve always had a soft spot for them and they are what got me interested in makeup in the first place. 

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?

The one piece of advice I'd give to people who want to start a blog is do it because it interests you and you want it as a hobby. It is hard work but don't let it take over your life. I've often gone weeks without blogging cause life has gotten in the way. There's nothing wrong with that!
Other than that you need to spell check everything you do. Also take nice photos. Try get them as clear and true to colour as possible. You don't need a fancy camera but just do the best with what you have. Try to have a nice background. It doesn't have to a plain white background but just make sure there's no mess or clothes strewn all over the place in the background 

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
   Ok so in my handbag right now I have my wallet, my diary, two pens, a mirror, some sanitary towels, a lip balm, three ELF Matte Lip Colours, a Bourjois lip gloss, a Benefit lip gloss, a Tarte lip tint, a Barry M green lipstick, a bottle of my IBS meds, some antacids and Tylenol. I just realised that is a total of 8 lip products. I have a problem!! 

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 

10  Any last words for us :) 
 Thanks so much for having me and for doing these Share the Love posts. I really enjoy reading them and finding out some new blogs :) 

There you go That was the Lovely Marian I am surely you will all agree that she is so sweet and worth visiting :) :) ;)
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 24 June 2013

No More "Ronnie" : Metime Facial Waxing Strips review

Hey my beauties how are you all doing today :) 
There comes a time in our lives where we stand infront of the mirror and get that close to the mirror that our noses end up touching it, trying to pick out something that has changed.  Be it another fine line to the collection or your nose needs a serious case on pore strips or maybe you have been having break outs and you looking for yet more blemishes that sometimes are not there.  In my case there was one day I noticed I was getting a little hairy above my top lip ok ok maybe a little might be too kind to say, put it this way I didnt have to put my nose to the mirror to notice.  HORRIFIC!!!!!
I have never in my life ever had to get that area waxed or even have to worry about it.  To be honest the reason I looked in the mirror for this was because i was sitting having lunch with my kiddies and my 7 year old boy says " mammy you have a moustache"  MORTIFIED!!!!
I know he is only a child but kids speak out the truth without thinking most of the time they dont give it a second thought lol 
Since that I have been checking out my "moustache" to see if it got worse but it didnt.  Not until i started getting a little bit of a tan due to our good weather and it seemed that my "moustache" started getting a little more noticable the darker I got even foundation was not covering it up :( 
Not only that other people aka my family aka my sisters and brothers started to notice I was a little of the darker side around that area and of course they had no problem "Slagging" me about it (slagging mean making harmless smart remarks and fun at my expense) like one popular remark would be "Have you not shaved that Ronnie off you yet" LOL
I was going to make an appointment in a salon to get it done but then I came across these Facial Waxing Strips and decided to try them out first to see if they would do the job. 
I bought these Strips in my local cheap store called "Choice" for only €1.99 
To be honest I didnt think they would be any good because they were so cheap but as the saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover".  You are getting 12x2 strips per pack.  
The moment I got home I put these bad boys to the test nervously.  
I followed the instructions very very carefully because to be honest there was quite alot of things not working out for me last week and I couldnt afford this going wrong because I had a very important outing to go to at the weekend
Well I am telling you now the next door neighbour heard me yelp when I eventually used this holy moly did this strip make me shout.  Which is a good thing because it ment it pulled every last hair off.  The stickier the better I say .  The result was brilliant.  I found I had to use 2 strips one for under my nose and the other for each side of my top lip.  It did leave me red and a few little bumps appeared after I used it but it calmed down after a half hour I could not believe how well these strips worked.  The only tip i will need to share with you is to measure the strip against your top lip beforehand because i found the strip a little too big for the space between my nose and my top lip and if you pull this bad boy off you are going to do damage to the very top of you lip so be careful.  
I was that impressed with these strips I just had to show my sister the result she was amazed and even asked me to do hers.  She too was shocked and did not realise she had a "ronnie" lol 
My brother put these strips to the test on the top of his leg for the laugh as he could not understand my my sister yelped that much and (you know men and their hairy legs) the max strip took all the hair clean off that spot and left him hairless lol.  So they are good for short and long hairs.  It even brought a tear to his eye hahahahahaha
Now to be honest I tried my very best to take a before picture but it was not coming out the way I was seeing in person for some reason my camera was washing out my "Ronnie" which for the first time was very annoying but the closest picture to showing you what it looked like before is the on below which was about 2 weeks ago on a day trip you will see the darkness around my top lip which is horrifying but this is what i do for my lovely readers :) xxxxx
I have to say I am very impressed with the result of these strips.  My top lip area is hairless and smooth and I love it.  No More "Ronnie".  Haha the slagging stops :) 
You can purchase these strips in selected cheap stores like Choice or pound city 
or if there is a cheap store in your area you could suggest to them to get them in they can order them in bulk from this website :
Another point I would like to make out the the saying "Never Judge a book by its cover" surely proved me wrong again with this product and I will surely be stocking up on these the next time I go to that store :) 
So that its my review for you today.  Pain surely can have the best result lol plus saves on the cash too :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 20 June 2013

Sharing the Love #8: Interview with Lauren from Makeup By Lauren Marie

Hey My Lovelies How are you all doing today :)  Wow I am loving this share the love series on my blog.  I have met 2 new bloggers through doing this series and I am delighted to get to know them before I even get to their blogs or channels etc.  If you are a blogger, youtuber etc who is interested in taking part comment below :) :) 
My next interviewee (if thats even a word) is Lauren she is another Irish blogger/youtuber and I had the privilege of meeting her in Cork at the Cork Meetup, it was only for about 5 minutes but I instantly liked her as she is just that sort of person everyone will love here is my Interview with Lauren Hope you enjoy :) 

1.  Hey..... Welcome to my blog :) :) Can you tell us a little about yourself :) 

My name is lauren, I was born in Wales and moved to Ireland when I was 10. Having an irish dad it was only a matter of time before we moved to Ireland really. I work as a freelance makeup artist, for just over 3 years. I love my job as I get to make people happy and make them feel great about themselves. 

2.  Tell us a little about your blog 
I set up makeupbylaurenmarie, way back in 2008, at first I rarely posted on there. I had no idea what to post or how to word things. After my makeup course I started to blog full time, along with my YouTube channel I found it a great way to post makeup looks I had done on YouTube and then I got more into writing reviews.

3.  What inspired you to start up your blog 
It was mainly my love of makeup. I had a blog years ago when I was 15 it was the cheesiest blog ever. It had pics of Justin timberlake on there lol. So not cool. So when I was around 17 I noticed people like fleur de force. She mainly gave me the idea to create my own blog. 

4.  What is your dream job?
I love my job as a makeup artist, however I would love to be an actress. I love acting. Since i know that will never happen I would also love to do special effects makeup for films like Harry potter where you would have to create blood and cool special effects. 

5.  Can you share with us some of your favourite blogs to read ?
I love reading makeup over mind, lovelyjubby, fleurdeforce, milkbubbletea, icoveetthee, fitzandbitz. I love discovering new blogs all the time so never be afraid to just randomly tweet me your link. 
6.  Your favorite skin care, hair care and makeup products?
Ooh, I love questions like these. At the moment I'm loving Bioderma, cannot believe it took me this long to try it, I am also loving caudalie beauty elixir. As for haircare I love anything from Lee Stafford. Makeup products I'm loving at the moment, would be bourjois healthy mix serum foundation, revlon Creme blush in coral reef and the maybelline color sensational lipsticks the colours are amazing for the summer.

7   If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog what would it be?
Start a blog for the right reasons. I say this because I once got an email asking me how long and how to you get free samples to try. They told me they set up a blog to get free samples. I was shocked really. So I think you should start for the right reasons. I also think when you are starting out, blog about everything you have in your makeup collection don't feel the need to go out and buy new things just to blog about them. 

8.  Can You tell us what is in you handbag?? (hehehe I like been nosey?  Include a picture ?
My handbag gets changed around all the time, since we now have some sun I switched it to this bright neon pink one from penny's. Inside you will always find my phone, purse, umbrella (this is Ireland). I got some lip products in there, my contacts and my sunglasses. I also carry some medication for ibs and some headphones, I love my music.

9.  Where else apart from your blog can we find you aka twitter facebook etc. 
I have a twitter @laurenmariemua my Facebook is and my YouTube channel is 

10  Any last words for us :) 
Thanks so much for including me in this sharing the love project, it was so much fun. 
Aint she the sweetest :) Make sure to check out her links and let her know you stopped by :) 
I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing and I shall see you soon :) 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 19 June 2013

My Beauty Addiction Lipsticks in "Passionfruit" & "Candy Baby"

Hello my beauties How are you all doing today :) 
The sun is shining again in Ireland happy days :)
There is a little story behind my review today dont worry I wont bore you to death with a huge intro. ;)
One day I was reading a blog post on Marias blog called Apage Love Designs (love her blog) This blog post was on a look she created even though her look was stunning I couldnt help but notice her lips more .  They looked absolutely amazing.  The shade was to die for and I just had to find out what it was.  I was presuming it was a high end product to be honest as it looked like one but when I found out it wasnt I was over joyed and went straight to the sight she got it from to buy it.  
The store is an etsy store which I never bought from before so I was even more excited to get purchasing.  
The store I purchased these products from is called My Beauty Addiction and to be honest the prices are very very affordable mind you if you order alot of products it will cost you on shipping outside of the US.  So be careful.  
Instead of getting one lipstick I opted for 2 as there is so much to choose from and I just could pass up getting the 2 that I picked.  
I absolutely love love love the packaging.  Its so girlie and exciting I have already been asked by many where i got my lipstick from just by the look of the packaging.  Looking at the photo they also look like they are heavy but they are not one bit in fact they are extremely light weight :) 
I am just in love.  
The price of these lipsticks are only €5.74/$7.50 each which in my eyes is a bargain price :) :) 
Maximum color payoff! Our Color Rich Lipstick is loaded with Vitamin E and Shea Butter for a nourishing lipstick that delivers maximum color. This is not a sheer color, or a lip tint. If you are looking for intense color rich lipstick this is for you
As i mentioned above I picked 2 lipsticks out of the lot, the one I seen on Maria's blog post which was "Passion Fruit" and the other I chose especially for the summer months which was "Candy Baby"
Passion fruit I instantly fell in love with before I got my hands on it but I was hoping it would suit me and my skintone.  Passion Fruit is surely a very vibrant lipstick and takes very little to cover you entire lips.  The Shade is a stunning Coral Pink and has a slight frosty finish in which I was a little worried as I am not a fan of frosty lipsticks but I love the finish of this one.  It compliments my skintone so much and When I posted up a "Messing" photo on facebook of my wearing it I was instantly asked what lipstick I was wearing So now you know :) here is a little reminder of the photo I am Talking about hahaha
I am in love with this shade and If you are like me and have a nice tan from the sun this lipstick will look even nicer on you I have to say Maria if you are reading the shade looks incredible on you hunny :) 
Next up is the shade I chose which is "Candy Baby" 
Candy Baby is a more lighter shade and actually has more of a frosty finish.  This is a light baby pink shade with silvery shimmers to it.  To be honest its not a favourite as its more frosty but looks stunning for night time looks.  You will surely get noticed wearing this shade for sure.  This would suit anyone of any skin tone.  It is a little sheerer than "passionfruit" which is perfect for me as that would be the only way I would wear this shade unless I am out on a night out but let me tell you if you are kissing anyone with this lippy on you will surely leave behind a little shimmer to remind them ;) 
The Consistency of these lipsticks are really nice.  They are more along the thicker than thinner side which means they last longer on the lips.  There is no scent off them so all of you lovely ladies out there who dont like the scented cosmetic lipsticks will love these.  They lasted about 4 hours on my lips before I felt I needed to top up a little but it is all depending on how many layers you apply too.  I love them and have had a few nice compliments while wearing them.  They are worth trying out especially "Passionfruit" its stunning 
Here is a photo of me wearing Passion Fruit 
I hope you enjoyed this review and Let me know if you have every tried these lipsticks before :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Catrice Camouflage Cream Concealer

Hey My beauties How are you all today :) 
I dont know about you but I have noticed my skin changing a huge amount since the great weather we HAD !!! emphasizing the HAD 
With the heat and getting a bit of colour to my face I also noticed the heat dried out my face quite a bit.  Then the bad weather came and bam !!! Blemishes go lor.  I mean I never come out in blemishes maybe one or two around the time of the month but nothing like the past 2 weeks I have been breaking out like crazy around the mouth and chin area :(  So this product I am about to review I have ended up really putting to the test the past 2 weeks :) 
Its the New Catrice Camouflage Cream Concealer :) 
A true must-have for a flawless complexion. The Camouflage Cream with a long-lasting texture blends perfectly with the skin for invisible correction. It reliably covers irregularities of the skin, pigmentation stains and red veins. The efficient Camouflage Cream offers a high coverage and can be kept in place with powder for a waterproof effect.
Available in three different shades.
This concealer only costs less than €4 for .3g of product.  There was only one shade available when i went in to buy it which was a little disappointing because usually I got for the lightest shade in concealers.  The shade is Rosy Beige which is actually the darkest shade in the collection.  I wouldnt usually go for the darkest colour but I thought this would suit my "Going out" foundation rather than everyday one plus I had no patience to wait for restock to see what this was like.  Now I am glad I bought this shade because since getting a nice little tan from our good spell of weather its actually the right match for my foundation.  
The consistency of this concealer is light yet thick based.  I used my fingers to apply this concealer as it need the warmth of your finger tips to get the product out of the pan.  With the warmth of you fingers the concealer melts a little to allow an easy and even application.  This concealer is by far full coverage and its the first drugstore concealer I have bought to be true to what it claims to be as in coverage.  I have also tried applying the concealer with a brush but it still needs the warmth of you fingers to even out.  
As you can see by the photo which was just one swatch how thick and creamy the concealer is and the fact it gives a nice dewy finish.  Which means one thing ....... It does not soak into your dry skin, fine lines and dry up on blemishes and thats true to word.  I have even put this concealer to the under eye test in which I have quite the darkest shadows at time and suffer dryness around my under eye area.  I have to say I am well impressed with this concealer it covers my dark circles amazingly plus covers up my blemishes without any effort.  
You know its done a great job when you take your makeup off at the end of the day and see your pure red blemishes reappear and release "oh yeah You nasty beasts are there"  
I found the concealer to last literally all day long under my eyes and it sorts of fades off blemishes after about 8 hours so if you wear your makeup longer than that simply bring this little beauty with you for top ups.  
Here is a before and after picture of me you will see my dark circles and few blemishes around my mouth area too and see how well the concealer looks under the eyes and in fact it has brightened up under there too :) 
The photo was taken the same day only I had no plans to go anywhere until a friend called and said hey fancy going somewhere so panic stations set in lol :) 
So over all I have to say the Catrice Camouflage Cream Concealer has been and will be at the moment my HG Product I love it and I know you will too LOVE IT Its Full Coverage and covers up everything that needs to be covered brilliantly 
Have you tried it yet :) 
Until Next time  Lots of Love Luck And Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx