
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Lush "Hello Gorgeous" Gift Box

Well Hello Gorgeous :) 
Yes you :) 
How are you today :) 
One day I got a phone call from my friend saying he was passing by Lush did I want anything I was like "Eh Hell Ye" you see Lush is about 40+ miles away from me and i find it very hard to get up there to try anything so basically Lush is like a luxury pleasure for me to even get walking in to smell their amazing product and to try out.  
The thing is when I got the call I was put on the spot and had no idea what to try out.  So I told my friend I wanted to try out a few things up on a budget and to surprise me 
So He ended up getting advice from the lovely ladies who work there at Lush just off Grafton Street Dublin.  They were that helpful they even put on a display on how to use bath bombs etc :) He was actually very interested.  So he ended up bringing me home this lovely gift box which I instantly fell in love with because the box is sooooooooo girlie :)  
Isnt it so girlie :) and Reusable :)  I love it I love the colours I love the design everything :) 
Not only that but the ribbon is so cute and I can use it on my daughters hair :) 
Oh my goodness when I got this box into my hands I could hear a choir singing in the backround AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :) :) 
Not only was i excited about the box but i was even more excited to realise that I had 5 products to try 5 of them 
So this little box of joy cost €27.50 altogether and what you are getting for that is the following :
  • Think Pink Bath Ballistic
  • The Comforter Bubble Bar 200g
  • Vanilla Deelite 100g
  • Rub Rub Rub shower scrub (140g)
  • Gorgeous moisturiser (10g trial size)
So as the song goes "Hi ho Hi Ho its off to the bath I go" I just couldnt wait to try these babies out :) :) 
So How did and do I get on with these read on to find out :) 
So after my 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th bath I have come to a decision about these products and here is what I think and thought :) 
Think Pink Bath Ballistic on its own costs €3.75 

This is actually one of the best selling Bath Bombs sold by Lush.  The scent of this from the moment you take it out of the box is incredible.  Ladies this bath ballistic is definitely thought out for us for sure.  With the pink colour, the flowers and then the surprise love heart confetti inside this is all OURS :)  Not only is this bursting with the scent of Tonka and Vanilla but its also suitable for Vegans.  The scent of this is absolutely amazing it floated all thought the house I could smell it in my hall, in my kitchen everywhere.  The pleasure of watching this bath bomb while I smelled the sweet aroma was amazing and then been surprised with the confetti put a smile on my face before I even jumped in.  

Just soaking in the bath was heaven and I will certainly be repurchasing this again for sure :) :) 
Next up is
Next up is :) 
The Comforter :) on its own this is €5.60 for a 200g bar

This is not a new product to me as I have tried it before :) :)   And I absolutely love this especially on my stress days or days I feel alot of tension.  You can use the whole bar in one bath or break it in 2 like I do.  This is literally what it says "A big Bubbly duvet" You just feel nothing but softness against your skin and the scent is to die for.  Try not to have a bath with this bar if you are feeling very tired because I can safely say you will fall asleep ( I know because I did once) I highly recommend this to all of you busy stressed out mums, workers etc :)  
Next up is the shower :) 

Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub on its own it costs €9.95 for 330g

I was super excited to see this in the box as I have never tried anything like this from Lush ok ok I havent tried alot but im getting there slowly haha.  Even though this is not full sized the amount I have got will do me a while believe me when I say a little goes a long way.  This is basically your everyday shower gel only better :)  Not only are you getting a shower gel but you are getting a gentle exfoliator for everyday use.  With one of the main ingredient been fine sea salt when you wash with this bad boy you feel so so so clean but without the harshness of a normal exfoiliator.  I love how Lush has made this in the colour blue setting the scene of the ocean ;) sea  salt + blue = ocean :) Love it.  
Other ingredients such as lemon juice, lemon oil Orange flower and Jasmine help make you feel refreshed and ready for the day 
The scent is very hard to explain but believe me its beautiful you get the scent of the lemon oil and lemon juice while you are washing which is also brilliant for taking away that dead skin but then when its on your skin a while you get a floral scent I absolutely love how I feel after using this and my skin has actually improved alot I dont suffer with as much dryness and you certain dont see the dry flakes I have been suffering with for a while now 
This will definitely be a big part of my life for sure :) 
Next up (is an absolute favourite of mine now)
Vanilla Dee-Lite Body Lotion normal size 250g for €16.75
I have to admit the moment I set eyes on this bottle of body lotion I kind of had my mind set on me not liking it.  I am not a huge fan of strong vanilla scents never was I dont mind a little vanilla but not full blown pure vanilla scents as the sweetness of it gives me headache for some reason.  I opened it up and instantly got the strong scent of vanilla but I decided i would try it out anyway as the scent says nothing about what the product can actually do does it? :)  Well now I am glad I tried it out because I AM IN LOVE with this product.  Oh my goodness Its amazing.  
This little bottle of joy is jammed with amazing ingredients such as extra virgin coconut oil and coconut but also it has kiwi which is full of vitamins and antioxidants.  This also helps to  dissolve dead cells.  This I found has rescued my skin so so much since i started to use it.  You know those areas such as your knees elbows around you hip area and feet that gets extra dryness I suffer so bad in them areas and since using this I found I have less dry flaky skin and more softness and moisture.  Another thing i love about this body lotion is that it soaks right into the skin but you feel completely moisturised all day and all night long and the scent??? I love it.  I love how the moment it hits your warm skin it smells like cupcakes when they are cooking in the oven mmmmmmm and it lingers a full day and night too I actually smell like vanilla cupcakes my kiddies are forever smelling me and it also lingers on your clothes until you wash them again :) BEAUTIFUL :) 
Lastly is 
Gorgeous Facial Moisturiser normal size 45g for €49.95
Wow this is one pricey package this is actually the most expensive moisturiser available in Lush.  I was afraid to try it incase I ended up loving it to be honest But they threw in a sample of their new moisturiser to try out.  I am actually going to quote some facts from the lush store to explain why this is the most expensive.  

  • A loose emulsion, rather than a thick heavy one, means that the ingredients are available to the skin and free to sink in, rather than locked together.The oils are a combination that are rich enough to soften and moisturise the skin whilst leaving it feeling light and soft.
  • The pineapple has enzymes which act on the skin whilst the lemon and orange will help the skin stay matte and naturally contain alpha hydroxy acids.
  • Orange blossom honey soothes and moisturises the skin.Combine all of these benefits with the fact that we have the absolute minimum amount of preservative in here – just enough to keep the product pure but not too much to damage the natural micro-flora of your skin.We make this fresh, in small batches, and get it to our shops quickly – so you can buy it fresh and use it whilst it is still vital and active.Plant oils can be extracted by heat extraction or by cold pressing.  
  • We have chosen expensive cold-pressed oils for this cream, so none of their natural properties have been damaged by the heat.

Using this cream I did find it effective and very moisturising not only that but my face looked amazing refreshed and moisturised and more awake.  I dont think to be honest I would go to the extent of wanting to buy it on a full time basis as i feel there are more affordable moisturiser out there that do the same thing but if you can afford this I would recommend trying it out :)  After all the history of this cream is going back to royalty :) 
So that is it phew that was alot to go through but overall I am super happy with everything I got from this box.  Its really great that I got to try out different products and got full sized and good sized samples of them all.  I have a couple of favourites that I do intend on buying again and that Vanilla Body Moisturiser is going to be a staple in my life for sure :) 
If you want something amazing a sort of self pampering kit for yourself "Hello Gorgeous" is the one for you.  Any men out there wondering what to bring home to you lovely ladies next get this box she will love it from the box itself to the contents in it.  She will smell amazing, feel amazing and thank you in alot of ways ;) maybe even treat you to a "Comforter" bath of your own sharing is caring ladies ;) Ok now shoo (in a nice way) Nina is in need for a bit a relaxation just me and my "Hello Gorgeous" Box :) 
not a pretty site lol ok stop laughing its not that funny hahahahaha 
Until next time (believe me there will be a next Lush time)
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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