
Monday 6 May 2013

Day 6: Blog Everyday In May............ Bank Holiday Fun

Hey Everybody Its Monday Bank Holiday once again Wow these days I fine Bank Holiday creeping up on me like no mans business.  Its mad Years ago I found Bank Holidays would never come :) Especially when you would be looking forward to a good weekend out :)  In Ireland Bank Holidays 90% of the time is a weekend to look forward to going out in the town with your friends and having a good knees up :) aka plenty of drinking and craic :) 
When I had My first baby Them weekends Reduced to maybe one or two weekends out 
Now with 5 kiddies going out on a Bank Holiday Weekend exists no more :) 
I actually can not even remember the Last Bank Holiday Weekend I was out in the town but to be honest I dont miss it either especially when I look on Facebook Monday Mornings and see the sayings "Oh my poor head" or "I am never drinking again" or the good auld saying in Ireland "Anyone coming for a cure" lol 
It doesnt mean I will never go out on a Bank Holiday again but at the moment they are on hold and I dont mind it one little bit.  
Now onto how I spend my Bank Holidays :) 
Well like every other day that varies but I do like to make sure that I do Something with the kiddies after all they are off school and when its either raining, snowing or the sun is shining its nice to get out and about 
So As I said weekend differ in my house so I will share with you what happened so far this weekend 
Well for the first time ever 3 out of my 5 kiddies were asked to stay over either in their friends houses or in their grandparents which in deed has been a treat for both them and me :) :) 
They are having an absolute ball 
So that leaves me with the twins now in all honesty the twins felt a little out of place because the house felt so empty poor little mites.  It showed me more than anything this weekend how close each one of my kiddies are with each other which I love :) 
So I decided yesterday to bring the twins to their favourite playcentre in which they had a ball :) 
They were so excited and we had our lunch out and got sweeties after it.  Today they will be coming away with me to visit my aunty who they have only met once since they were born I am excited about that.  I am hoping it will perk her up as she is not feeling too good but she adores kids and it will be lovely for her to see them.  The rest of my gang is coming home later today so I have a movie night planned out for them.  Popcorn the lot and they have no idea I am doing it :) Its these moments I treasure more than spending alot of money going out in the town (dont get me wrong I love to go out its nice to get a break too) but seeing huge smiles on your childrens faces and making beautiful childhood memories for you children is worth everything
They going out on the Bank Holiday Weekend will happen again but im in no rush to get back to it yet.  This is the time to make amazing memories for your children after all when we are adults most of or memories go back to our childhood some of us have had really crappy childhoods some of us have had a brilliant childhood but at the end of the day Its worth seeing a child smile :) :) 
Another thing I really got to enjoy for the first time in god knows how long was the MOST AMAZING LONGEST LUSH BATH EVER without been disturbed in anyway oh my goodness its was a night to remember because normally when i have a bath I literally get about 10 minutes before someone calls out "Mammy......" but after the twins went to bed I was literally in the bath like a shot and spent a full hour in it awwwwww bliss 
So thats my weekend so far :) 
How have you spent your weekend :) 
I hope you have had a good one no matter how you spent it :) 
Until next time Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Your twins are gorgeous! Sounds like you - and all the children - had a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day :)


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