
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day 22: Blog Everyday In May.............. 13 Year old you

Hello my beauties how are you all doing today 
I have been a Naughty girl with the Blog Everyday in May Challenge 
I think I have missed about 4 days of it now in the month so far but life took over and by the time i got down to settle it was too late to do the post 
I hope that you can forgive me :) :) :) 
But I am back on track again and today the Topic is 13 year old me 
Now to be honest its not too long ago I did a Blog post on something like this 
Called Advice I'd Give my teenage self so I thought instead of typing it all out again 
I at 13 grew up way too fast and had alot of responsibilities my mum was sick at the time and I had to take on the role of big sister/acting mum sooner than i wanted to even though it was natural to me.  If there was one thing I could add to the big list of things I would tell to the 13 year old me would be things will get better and talk to someone more that you trust.  Teens always seem to keep things to themselves and either end up rebelling in ways that get them into trouble or end up worse Talk Talk Talk its the best way to relieve those frustrations and confusions about life 
Hope you enjoy :) 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nina, glad you participated in our Friendly Bunch Blog Hop. Hope you find some great new reads.
    Stop by next week as well, since it's a fun weekly event. :)
    XoXo, Luchessa.


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P