
Friday 10 May 2013

Day 10: Blog Everyday in May........ Travel Dreams :)

Hey my beauties :)  How are you all doing today :) 
Wow Day 10 and still going strong :) 
Let me know what you think of the challenge I have been taking part in so far 
Do you like the posts 
I think its a sort of way for you all to get to know me a little more :)  The nina beyond the makeup lol 
Well todays topic is not going to be a hard one to do :) 
Travel Dreams............ If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would it be?
Awwwww I have always wanted to travel it has been my dream for a very long time but of course been put on hold since I had my first baby. In fact I have never even been on an aeroplane :O
Ok i am going to tell you about a few places I want to visit before I leave this earth :) Place i have always wanted to visit and hope some day I will :)
The first place and this place has always been a dream from when I was knee high to a grass hopper is of course
My heart is even pounding looking at this photo. New York City its always on top of my places to visit. I want to see everything.
I want to see The Statue of Liberty
Times Square
Brooklyn Bridge
Empire State Building (King Kong)
Central Park
Oh I want to visit 5th avenue which is suppose to be one of the most expensive streets in New York. I may not have the cash to shop but I just want to walk through and look around. 5th Avenue also has some amazing Museums I would love to go see
And most of all I would love to see the biggest Christmas tree in the world which is situated in Times Square Oh how I have dreams to be there in person and then spend a full weekend Christmas shopping Its suppose to be the most amazing experience :)
The next place I would love to visit would be of course 
Paris oh wow the most romantic country in the world 
Why would any woman not want to visit it :) 
Of course the first place i would go would be Disney Land come on after all the years of watching nothing but Disney movies and still after so many years I watch them you cant tell me you would not like to visit it too be a child for one day lol 
Then there is the food France is know for having the most amazing foods (mouth watering while I type) mmmmmmmmmm 
And of course the shopping :) :) 
The next place I would love to visit would be 
Italy :) 
Just everything about it looks amazing the food the people everything but the most places I would love to see in Italy is 
Venice for the canals and the whole romantic experience how more romantic can it get sitting in a little boat going through the town 
I would also love to visit the Cinque Terre, Rio Maggiore the 5 land of colourful houses by the sea wow 
As you can probably tell I love scenic places and to be honest if I could I would go to every scenic place I know about to see them for myself all over the world 
for instance 
The grand Canyon in USA
awwww or the Glow worm Caves in New Zealand 
The marble caves in Chile 
The list goes on and on and on 
Wow you would seriously want to be a billionaire to visit every amazing scenic place in the world but you can always dream eh :) 
What are your travel dreams :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Great list, and I hope you get to visit these places!

  2. I really want to go to Venice and the Cinque Terre too, oh and New York! But also Cambodia - Angkor Wat looks so beautiful. x x


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