
Monday 27 May 2013

Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Self Tanner

Hey My beauties How are you all doing :) 
I hope you are all enjoying your Summer no matter where you are.  Ireland hasnt got off to a goo start for the Summer in fact our Spring and Summer so far has been rain, hail storms bladdy blah 
So you can imagine us Irish ladies walking around in jumpers and trousers and not getting even the look of the sun.  So you can imagine our skin been as white as snow and that infact is what most of us look like without the help of sun beds (which I have never experienced and will not ) or getting the tanned look from the bottle.  
Now I am not the palest as I am sallow skinned but im close to pale especially if I get no sun.  But my legs????? oh my goodness to be honest I have a very weird shaded body.  The top part is not too pale but pale and the bottom half is like snow white the same with the inside of my arms.  
Because I have a sort of messed up shaded body any fake tan that I have tried so far has been a total FAIL 
My legs will only get the slightest tint of tan and the rest of my body would be orange.  With that or my body would take to the tan but my dry patches would be muddy and dirty looking.  Its very hard also as a mum to keep reapplying tan and too be honest turns me off tanning altogether .  
Thats until I heard some great things about Cocoa Brown 

Cocoa Brown Promises: a revolutionary, express, self-tan mousse that develops into a beautiful, natural-looking tan in just 1 hour! After just one hour, Cocoa Brown by Marissa Carter – 1 Hour Tan can be rinsed off and the tan will continue to develop for up to three hours, giving a gorgeous authentic, golden-brown tan lasting up to 5 days.
There is mountains of reviews about this tan all over the net and it is raved about by many Irish Gals especially as it was created by An Irish Gal Marissa Carter and she knows that us Irish gals are pale so she thought long and hard about how to create a tan for us pales girls and not have us looking like we went on a Carrot Juice diet for a week 
With all the great reviews I have been reading and hearing about I just had to try it out myself but to be honest I was sceptic because of my messed up shading lol 
I am going to show you just what I mean about messed up This is a picture of what my arm and legs looks like all year round

See what I mean 
Anyways the tan comes in a mousse like form.  Which means no mess or fuss while applying I love it.  Another thing I love is the scent I cant pin point what it smells like but its would remind you of flowers :) nice ones BTW.  

I love that this does not feel freezing cold on the skin at first contact oh my goodness the amount of tans I have tried that made me all goose pimply is unreal.  
This is best applied of course with a mitt in which Cocoa Brown also has for sale and I love how soft and smooth it is the two work great together.  
The way the tan works is if you are looking for a nice golden brown tan for 1 hour and rinse off for medium leave it for 2 hours and a deep 3 hours 
This tan is even suitable for anyone with sensitive skin.  Its so light weight easy to apply and streak free.  Even if you are one who has never applied tan to yourself you will find applying this tan a dream 
So I decided that the 2 hours is just right for me to leave on for a natural and noticable looking tan and this is result on my leg 
A seriously brilliant result I fell in love with my own legs honestly beautiful in fact my whole body looked even glowing and had the most natural tan I have ever seen I AM EVENLY SHADED YEEEEEEEEEEEEE.  
Wow I am so so so so impressed.  I was checking for dark patches on my knees elbows and even under my arms the next day as they are the areas that always mess up for me oh and my hands and no darker patches apart from one of my knees which in all fairness is bound to happen when im on my knees washing floors and playing with babies.  Even washing dishes everyday didnt fade the tan off my hands as you can see in this picture I posts up on facebook on day 3 of wearing the tan 

The tan lasted 5 days before I noticed and fading and to be honest even at that it wasnt patchy :)  I am totally in love I actually feel a little more confident in myself because I can wear literally anything without worrying about applying instant tan that day.  
My daughter even said to me yesterday when the heavens opened and we got soaked "mam run in under the tree your tan will run"  I replied "Its find darlin" the first time I didnt have to worry about my tan getting messed up I LOVE IT :) 

I highly recommend this tan to everyone I mean everyone Even ones who suffer with dry skin as Marissa Gives some very helpful tips online on how to prep your skin before applying and believe me it works.  

I love it that much I bought her newest creation Cocoa Brown Night & Day Tan which I will of course review with pictures also :) :) 
The tan only costs €7.99 for 150mls in which you will get more than enough for 3 applications :) 
Here is a picture of the tan on day 3 of wearing :) as you will see I still had a lovely colour 
So thats is it for the day 
Have you tried this tan yet?  
Check out Cocoa Browns Website for more information and helpful tips of getting the best out of your self tan if you follow the tips you will get the most beautiful looking tan for 5 - 7 days :)  
Until next time Lots of Love Luck and Lots of Tanning 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. WOW! Impressed. I live in Greece and even if it is so sunny here, I don't expect to sunbathe this summer. You see, this year I'm gonna go to the beach with my little baby boy, so we're gonna stay just for a while. That's why I want a good self tan.
    Have you tried Lierac's Sunific autobronzant?

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love cocoa brown, by far the best tan! I am a new follower. Please check out my blog if you get a chance, xxx

  3. this looks seriously impressive! I am much like you, my legs are always completely white, however brown the rest of my body goes! And this sounds like the perfect way to bronze up my pins for a night out! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool

  4. This looks great! I must try it :)
    Adela x


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