
Thursday 7 March 2013

Just a short note to say ...............

Hey my beauties How are you all doing today ?
Lordy I have had a busy busy morning Ringing around schools for my babies (well theyare not babies anymore which is so hard to even say but I like to call them my babies as they are technically still the babies of the house) Ok Ok I am in denial some of you might not understand until your are mammies yourselves but its hard even though great to see your babies grow up and the babies of the house is turning 4 in September and starting playschool.  Once they start playschool the years start to fly by and next thing you know they are choosing their own clothes going to junior discos taking interest in the opposite sex or the same sex whatever way goes but at the end of the day it happens so fast and your cant do anything about it 
ok I am rambling i think its just hit me today when I took my twins to the school they might be going to in September and they actually liking it and watching them play they are growing up too fast but its so so great to be here to see that happening and i am grateful for that :) 

Anyway Sorry you can wake up again lol on to the real reason i am writing the "Short note" 
I just want to take this oppurtunity to Thank each and everyone of you for the massive amount of support you have been giving me and I feel oh so blessed that all you of are such nice amazing people and alway have something great to say.  I honest honest appreciate it and you have no idea how much each and every comment, each and every page view and each and every new follower who clicks that follow button means to me.  Everytime I see a new comment or see someone has read a blog post or even that I have a new reader/follower my tummy does flips with excitement.  Its amazing how many of you actually like to read what I have to say and I love it.  THANK YOU WILL ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing is I would like to welcome all my new recent followers.  Yes I notice every single day when i get a new follower and I really appreciate you all clicking that follow button.  I must have about 100 new followers in the past week and half and I am absolutely amazed and in cloud nine Its an honour that you have taken the time to read my blog posts and thank you 


I am also planning a giveaway soon but this time I am determined to get a good prize I have a prize in my head that I am going to do everything in my power to get but it might take some time if not well im sure any prize you will all be happy with so watch out for that ;)

I have more plans up my sleeve for this blog and I am so glad to have you all with me on this amazing journey :) 
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart 
I am getting all mushy I am sorry but thats just who I am and If I dont stop now I will still be writing until tonight 
Thank you all again 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. You deserve every nice comment and follower you get Nina, you're a star * Continued success, and I can't believe the babies will be starting school either! :)

  2. Aishling wow girl you have been there from day one and thank you so much your amazing :) yes its still hard to believe they are getting so big but thats what happens when you have kiddies :)

  3. Hugs and kisses back;-) I know what you mean, my oldest one is turning 4 in may, and starts trial mornings at primary school in April ieks! Its good though, but just as exiting for mommy haha.


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P