
Friday 8 March 2013

Garnier Moisture Match Wake Me Up for Dull skin

Hey my beauties how are you all doing today :) 
My review of the day is on the New Garnier Moisture Match Moisturiser which were release early this year :) 
Now to be honest When i seen these displayed in my local pharmacy I wanted to buy all of them because of their cute and colourful packaging but to be honest that would be a waste of time as they would not all be suitable for my skin type.  
Talking about skin types how many of you out there actually KNOW YOUR OWN SKIN TYPE???
I can be sure that most of you out there do not actually know well i didnt even know up until a few years back and to be honest I along with alot of you out there wasnt exactly strict on the whole moisturise twice a day routine.
I really only started properly looking after my face when I hit 25 because to be honest in my teens and early 20's I was carefree and thought awww what do I need to be using SPF or using eye creams for sure im young.  Well let me tell you know since doing alot of research and listening to alot of people and their experiences I am now teaching my 11 year old that she too needs to look after her skin I have shared with her what i have learned and the results to how your skin will look if you do not look after it and let me tell you now she too has a routine even at 11 and I dont even have to remind her to do so.  
To be honest since i started been strict with myself i have noticed a change in a good way to my skin and I love it !!!!
Choosing a moisturiser can be hard especially when your skin has certain requirement and this is where Garnier has made it easier by creating 5 different moisturisers for 5 different and more popular skin types 
They have made it so so easy for everyone 
Shine be gone - is literally for those of you out there who suffer with oily skin 
Start AFresh - is for anyone who has normal to dry skin 
Protect & Glow - I think everyone should have this and i know I will surely be getting this the next time I am in my pharmacy This has SPF 20 (you should always wear SPF even in the Winter month literally all year round as your skin needs protection from everything) 
Goodbye Dry - For dry to very dry skin This too I shall be getting as sometimes my skin can suffer with very dry spells 
Wake Me up - For people who just want that extra glow to their skin or find their skin dull 
So the one I choose was ................
I am quite happy with my normal moisturiser but there is days I look at my face and realise it need something else it needs an extra oomph. 
Each moisturiser costs about 9-10 euro each I got this at its releasing price of 6 euro 
you are getting 50mls of product which is a nice amount of product for the price :) 
At first I was expecting this to be a cream type moisturiser but in fact it comes in a gel form.  
The gel with sort of water based and what I also noticed about the gel is that it has tiny little particles in it which look like glitter (but do not worry its not glitter and you do not notice it when you apply to your face)  I presume the particles is what helps make your skin look revitalised 
I have to say one thing you only need a small amount of this to do your whole face and neck.  Even this amount in the photo is way too much.  The gel feels thick but not too thick.  It also feels water based not oily which i love.  The scent is just gorgeous I love the scent of it as its very refreshing.  Some people might not like the strong scent of it but I find it beautiful.   
The gel feels really really refreshing on the skin it also feels very cooling which i love especially after ex foliating. 
Does it make my skin look Revitalised   It sure does my skin looks and feels like i have just went for some pampering in a spa that's the truth.  It looks fresh, clean and has a beautiful glow that lasts a long long time.  I love using this on my no make-up days and people have actually said to me wow your skin is glowing.  I have also used this under my foundation and it helps give my foundation a dewy finish.  When you do apply it at first it feels like you have applied a mask which means you automatically feel like your face is protected but that mask like feeling doesn't last too long.  
I love using this on days I have barely had any sleep because with kiddies you lose out on a load of sleep.  If you are a busy mum this product will be well suitable for you :) for sure :) 
This will also be great in the summer when you need that refreshing gel on the hot (well not so hot in Ireland) weather 
I will surely be going back to buy the other moisturisers i want to try from this range so watch out for more reviews :) 
Have you tried any of the Garnier Moisture Match Range ?
Until next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I've actually never head of this product... It sounds great though.

    Confessions Of A City Girl / Check out my eyewear line Enerjiee

  2. These both sound like great products! I tend to only use Kiehls & La Roche Posay on my skin though because it's so darn sensitive!

  3. These look fab!


  4. I actually applied for a free sample of this foundation. I took FOREVER deciding which one to get, reading your post makes me realise I made a good choice.
    Do you think (since it is water based) it would be good for somewhat oily skin?


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P