
Sunday 13 January 2013

Korres Lip Butter in Wild Rose, Pomegranate & Quince

Hey my beauties how are you all doing today :) 
Were you ever in the situation that even though you have found your HG product be it your best lipstick, foundation, blush etc.  You still have to search for a better one ?  Well this is what got me purchasing these 3 products.  Even though I have plenty and I mean plenty of lip balms in my drawers I cant help myself  I just gotta buy more after all lip balms are one of the most used products everyday so I suppose in a way you really cant have too many of them can you?  Ok maybe I am trying to convince myself lol
I have seen so many good reviews on these and always wanted to try them but to be honest no matter how many good reviews i have seen up to date I couldnt bring myself to spend around 8 - 10 euro on one.  
Especially when there are cheaper ones out there.  Low and behold I came across another blog post on these which included a link to an ebay store who sell these for a very good price and I just had to buy.  The only difference between these and the ones you get here is the Language on the lid.  As these came from Greece their original home might I add :) ;)  And guess what I only paid 5 euro including shipping for each one I saved almost half so if you are interested in having a look here is the link to the ebay store 
To be honest I was more Fascinated with what alot of the ingredients do for your lips and I just had to buy the 3 as each one has a different ingredient which does different things but the key ingredient in each one is Shea Butter which is said to Be good for protecting your lips against hard climates such as Winter and Summer.  It also helps prevent wrinkles and soothes irritated and chapped lips.  They are petroleum freecruelty free and suitable for vegans.   
With saying that another plus about these lip butters are slightly tinted and has a slight scent added to them for an extra bonus.  They also come with a protective plastic covering in which you can take off each time you apply which is another bonus.   
There are 7 shades to choose from altogether 
Each Lip butter contains 6 mls of product which believe me when or if you get these you will think that there is less because its so lightweight and looks less in the package but you do get quite a bit of product.  
The First shade I chose was Wild rose:  This is probably the most pigmented out of the bunch.  This is a lovely Sheer Cherry shade. 
 The wild rose oil, rich in linoleic and linolenic acid, has significant healing, moisturising and softening properties. At the same time it forms a protective film on the skin that helps cell regeneration and improves the texture of the epidermis. Furthermore, the wild rose fruit is noted for its high vitamin C content that demonstrates significant repairing activity to fine lines and skin colour disorders. 
This shade is beautiful it gives a stunning reddish look to your lips and its perfect for any makeup look its even stunning on your no makeup days :)  i have to say this is one of my favourites 
The next one I got is Pomegranate:   This is a stunning sheer coral/red shade.  
This has a light fruity-ish scent sort of plasticy in my opinion. 
The Pomegranate extract is a rich source of tannins, anthocyanins, vitamins (A, C, E) and minerals and is widely used for its antioxidant properties. One pomegranate contains three times the antioxidant properties of red wine or green tea. This high level of antioxidants found in pomegranate is effective in combating free radicals that cause premature ageing of skin cells. Pomegranate extract has also significant astringent properties, due to the contained tannins. As a result, it tightens the pores and strengthens the skin epidermis, thus being ideal for oily and combination skin.
 Now just for the record I detest any lip products that has any sort of artificial scent or strong scented lip products.  I dont mind fruity or sweet scents at all but I have to say the scent is actually tolerable with this and once is on the lips you cant smell anything. 
Lastly is Quince:  This is the lightest out of the 3 for me.  Its a beautiful sheer pretty pink shade.  
The scent on this is a little stronger but still that fake fruity scent.  It does wear away after a while and I can bare it so that says alot 
The quince extract is proven to have moisturising properties, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. It is therefore ideal for stressed and damaged skin.
I am actually wearing this at the moment and most nights I apply this before bed.  Its quite sheer on my lips as I have naturally pigmented lips as it is but you still notice the slight tint which i like.  
So Whats My Overall Opinion?
To be honest I dont honestly think they are any good to heal lips especially if you have sore lips I found no comfort from this lip butter whatsoever.  As to them been moisturising Oh Yes they are 100% moisturising and feel amazingly soft on the lips.  I find instance hydration from the moment i apply these on my lips.  They are not one bit sticky and you dont have to fear you hair getting stuck to your lips when you are wearing these.  They surely feel like they put a protective coating to your lips for sure.  As a few time I had to go walking to the shop on the coldest days we have had lately and my lips felt very protected against the cold.  They also look amazing on the lips for sure.  They give a fantastic glossy look which also helps to make them look very healthy and hydrated.  They also look amazing over your favourite lipsticks of similar colours.  The lasting power of these i found are quite good without eating or drinking I dont feel like I have to reapply for a good 3 to 4 hours if eating and drinking of course within 2 hours im reapplying.  Overall I am delighted I finally got to try these and If i get them at a more affordable price I would repurchase as they are full of pue goodness but to be honest paying anymore than 5 euro for these is crazy.  
I since found more sites which sell Korres Lip Butters for cheaper than 10 euro for sure like  Are selling them for around 6-7 euro each and  are both selling them for 9.77 euro each  
And of course ebay is probably the cheapest to buy them and to be honest just make sure you are buying from either a top rated seller or someone who have 99.9% positive feedback :) 
Also Korres do these Lip butters in stick form for those of you who are not into the tubs 
Well thats its for today 
I hope you enjoyed my review :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. it's so pretty! I love these!

  2. They seem yummy. Pomegranate is very pretty x

  3. I just ordered my first one of these from Feel Unique yesterday. Got the Jasmine one on sale for €6.55 down from €9.19. Looking forward to trying it out now! :)

  4. Love the Pomegranate one! Maybe a Spring purchase for me! :)

  5. Love the look of these - I have a few of the, but can you believe it, I've not tried them! Might have to get them out for my #ALipADay!!! They look gorgeous on you :) xXx

    Ambarina ~ Beauty Passionista Beauty & Style Blog

  6. Oooh I ordered the wild rose version of this off feel unique last week! I hope i like it as much as you do:) xxx


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