
Thursday 27 December 2012

Santa's Been :) :) Christmas 2012

Hey My Beauties 
How are you all doing?
I hope you had an amazing Christmas :) 
Today Is a sort of different post for you all :) 
As Requested by some of my lovely readers I am doing a little Christmas Post 
The reason its different is because some of you asked me to do a blog post of how Christmas day went in my house with all my kiddies and also some of you requested I make a video like I did last year so I am putting the 2 in one :) 
Christmas morning as you can imagine was crazy in my house lol but I wouldn't have had it any other way.  You see up until Christmas day I found it hard to feel the Christmas Spirit and when I was on facebook Christmas Eve I found I wasnt the only on.  I think it was the fact Christmas came way to quick this year or maybe it was the fact it wasnt even frosty never mind no snow.  Once Christmas morning came that all changed for me thanks to my lovely kiddies :)  There was so much excitement it was priceless.  To see my kiddies face light up was all I needed to get in the mood :) 
So without further ado Here i a little video of just the start of the day :) 
So as you can see there was plenty of excitement and plenty to play with.  Following that amazingly crazy day we had a great dinner and of course plenty of family visits.  Even though at one stage there was about 13 people in the one room it was lovely to have family together and enjoying the the moments :) 
There was plenty of presents handed out too :) 

With Plenty of mess and fun we had a great day and I really hope you all had a great day too 
What did you all get up to on Christmas day tell me all :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Great post! I really don't get how you look so perfect with 5 kids! Wow! And how you even have time for a blog! It's amazing, you're very inspiring! I hope you had a great holiday! x

  2. Eva-Lynn Thanks so much hunny Lol i dont at all look perfect chic I have my flaws the same as everyone else :) but I have learned to love them instead of hating them :) I have two passions in life well main ones anyway my kiddies and blogging So i will do everything in my power to raise my kiddies as best i can and also blog if you have a passion in life dont let anything stand in your way :)

  3. Wow I can only imagine how busy Christmas is in your house, looks like so much fun though! Must be amazing to have a big family at Christmas time.

    Happy New Year!
    Ellie xo
    MisseBlog | MisseDesign


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