
Saturday 15 December 2012

Bloggers Digest #1

Hey my beauties How are you all doing today.  Well my goodness I am so excited about this post as its going to be a once a week post I will have on my blog for you all and its DIFFERENT.  Thanks to Nykki from Nykki Talks Beauty who thought of this idea she is amazing I absolutely love the way she puts herself out there to help everyone in the blogging world and I absolutely love her blog.  Check out her blog by clicking the picture above :) 
The whole idea of this is absolutely genius.  Every week I will post up a "Bloggers Digest" post which contains everything i have done on my blog that week and a little catch up chat incase you missed out on any of them :) 
So lets get started shall we :) 
Well this week as been CRAZZZZYYYY!!! I actually only got my Christmas tree up 2 days ago.  I normally have it up sooner because i have 5 kiddies but I have been painting all the rooms trying to brighten up my written walls by my lovely twins.  They really do love to use crayons which is extra hard to wash off but not anymore hehehe rules have been set !!!!! 
Wanna see a little of my Christmas decorations ?? 
That just a couple of pictures of my Decorations its nothing much but the kiddies love it :)  I also got the last of my Christmas shopping done before the final crazy rush so im content now :)  
I had less time to blog this week because it was so crazy and I actually missed that I actually felt I had forgotten to do something but in fact it was just that I hadnt blogged as much this week as I normally would but all this week I got my items I purchased from the Black Friday sales and I have been playing away with them plus I got myself a new foundation to try out so lots and lots and lots of review coming this way soon 
So I blogged twice this week both reviews were about makeup brushes 
The first one was 
BCC Blank Canvas Cosmetics Face Brushes Review 
The Second Was 
BCC Blank Canvas Cosmetics Eye Brushes Review 
You just gotta check out these brushes they are amazing and I am actually quite proud to say they are Irish made yeeeeeeee :) They do ship world wide BTW :) 
I also announced my Christmas Giveaway Winner 
That was about it for this week :) 
I have been planning alot for my next giveaway which I am not going to spoil it just yet but I am really looking forward to it as its going to be fun exciting and so different. 
I have been testing out a few products this week so look out for reviews on them this coming week.  
I hope you are all well and thank you all for the continued support you have been giving me 
Until my next Bloggers Digest I hope you all stay healthy happy and not stress too much with preparing for Christmas 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment, i always love to read my comments and love getting feedback and without doubt will always write back to you :P