Thursday 18 October 2012

BH Scents Perfume Decanter Review

Hey my beauties how are you all doing :) 
You all know i am very fond of BH Cosmetics at this stage as all i have done is boast about all their products that i have purchased so far.  So while i was shopping on their site the last time i spotted this little devise.  It reminded me so much of the Travalo in which i love having as its handy to fill with my favourite perfume and pop it into even my smallest handbag/purse and go about my business :) without having to bring the big awkward bottle but here in Ireland to buy a Travalo the small one it costs almost 10 euro which in my case is on the pricey side but is worth it if you do not own one already.  So when i seen this on BH Cosmetics for the price $6 (at the time) which was only about 4 euro i jumped to the chance to buy it :) 
I was so excited and thought wahoo instant bargain :) Or so I thought?!

I was well impressed with the fact that this came in a little black box first of all its a great way to protect it from been scratched.  
The Decanter is a nice skinny shape no longer than a pen which is even handy to fit into your pocket :) 
you get a little window to show how much perfume/spray is left in the decanter 
so basically it is the same idea as the Travalo :) 
There is no lids with this.  all you have to do is twist and the spray nozzle appears :)  Again like Travalo all you have to do is set the bottom of the Decanter on top of you favourite perfume and squirt the perfume into it until its full and thats it 
So now for my overall opinion....well im afraid im not that pleased with it to be honest :(
It worked for me for a couple of sprays but after that when i sprayed it nothing came out even though it was full.  I even went to the lengths of cleaning the nozzle with a needle to see was it jammed with dust and nothing.  I was quite disappointed as when it was working the spray was very good it wasn't too much or too little just the right amount but now i have a Decanter full of my favourite perfume and cant use it.  I do not know if i just got a dodgy one or not but i did look onto their site again and read the 2 reviews they have up and one of them was not good either. I don't think I will take the risk in buying another to see to be honest even though the price is very cheap.  In my eyes if its good it should work the first time and seeing as there is not a good review on the site about it as well as my own review im afraid for the first time I am actually giving a negative review on one of BH Cosmetics products 
That will not put me off continuing to buy from them as I love their products and i have had more positive than negative things to say about them 
So that is it for today my darlings 
I hope you found this review helpful 
Until next time 
Take Care 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Cristina said...

I've always wanted to try Travalo, but for some reason I don't consider it a necessary thing so I couldn't justify the money. I was looking for something cheaper but never found. Probably if I would have found this one from BH Cosmetics I would have probably bought it and share your disappointment :(

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