
Friday 14 September 2012

Human + Kind All-In-One Body Oil Review

Hey my beauties how are you all doing today?
Well I am just reviving from my beautiful twin's birthday party yesterday wow does these parties take alot out of you but hey its fun and so worth seeing the looks on their faces.  Thank goodness thats the last of the birthday parties in my house this year lol 
So you may remember I made a little packed with myself and I suppose with my country that at least once a month i will try and review products that are made in Ireland after all we do have to support our own and its such a shame to say it but when you are living in your own country you tend to forget about it in alot of ways and be more interested in what other countries has to offer.  I started this last month and incase you missed my last Irish brand review click here to check that out 
 So this months review and product rave is on this amazing Body Oil 
Human + Kind 
I never really heard about Human + Kind before so i was quite interested in finding out more about the company:
Human + Kind are based in Cork Ireland.  Rene Van Willigan was the man who was sitting in his kitchen one day listening to his wife and sister talking about their skincare products they used and the fact they had a cream for everything from wrinkle cream to body creams to hand cream and so on YES I HAVE TO ADMIT THATS WHAT MY PRESSES ARE FULL OF!!!  The one thing he did notice more about their conversation was the list of ingredients and harmful chemicals that were in each product.  Thats were he got the idea to do more research and see where he could change that.  
So Rene got down to working with Irish scientists to bring together his favourite chemical free ingredients to create his dream.  
That was 3 years ago and today Human + Kind is expanding not only in Ireland but in countries like Dubai, Hong Kong and the Netherlands :) 
The best thing about This company is they are 100% natural there is 
So does it do exactly what it says ?????? read on to find out 
The one thing i noticed was the packaging boy oh boy does it have alot of information on it :) :) Very fancy and informative :) 
Inside you get a plastic bottle of 75mls of product with yet more information on what this does :) 
This oil has hit top of my list for making my skin smoother, soft and looking more healthy and glowing for sure.  I mean i have never come across a product to work almost straight away and i can tell you now the moment you use this you will notice a difference straight away.  
This oil is 100% a multi-tasker.  I suffer terribly with dry skin on certain areas of my body for example my legs especially my knee cap (after all i am a mum and i do spend alot of my time on my knees either playing with my kids or washing floors) and My poor knees get the brunt of it.  It especially does not look attractive when applying tan as my knees always look dirty. 
Other area i suffer is my elbow and yes every time i moisturise my hand i always always apply to my elbows it doesnt matter when :) but nothing keeps my dried up elbows soft.  Well nothing until now LADIES I APPLIED THIS STRAIGHT AWAY TO MY ELBOWS AND WITHIN A HALF HOUR THEY WERE SOFT 
The next day i noticed my elbows were still soft so i applied more everyday and within a week i have new elbows :) My knees oh my goodness the same now i am using this on my feet as i have the same problem.  
This is also said to be amazing for expectant mothers and anyone who is on a diet who have already lost weight this little beauty is suppose to help with stretch marks and scars because of "The stimulating and antioxidant powers of the oil invigorate the skin, eliminating toxins with each and every application as well as strengthening and toning the skins connective tissue"
Now i am not fond with using oily products on my skin simply because i hate standing around waiting for it to dry, I simply dont have time for that been a mother of 5 as you know yourself.  I found that this oil quick absorbed into my skin after about 30 seconds of application.  There is a tiny tiny scent to it which i do like.  I cant even explain what the scent is like but if i had to i would say you would know it was a natural scent. 

So not only have i got one review i have 2. 
I gave a little of this to a 60 year old woman i know very well, a woman who has tried and is still trying alot of creams in her life time .  I was talking to her about it and showed her what it looked like she applied a little around her eye area and we had a chat.  About 20 minutes later she paused and commented on how soft her eye area was.  She was very impressed.  The next day she called me and asked me could she buy the bottle off me :) she could not believe how just her eye area felt so soft even the next morning.  She has since bought a bottle and is using it everyday she has replaced it with her 30 something jar of face cream she was using before it :) 
Now thats says alot doesnt it :) 
What I am impressed about also is the beautiful glow it gives to my skin :) Its not at all greasy looking but more healthy looking my legs never looked better 
Ladies i 100% recommend this oil to you all ITS AMAZING
For 14.99 euro for a 75ml bottle its worth every cent and more !!!!!!!!
This company also won an award this year of the Tatler Magazine 

Have you tried any of their products :) :) 
Until next time 
If you try it let me know what you think
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Aw I'm sure you gave the twins an amazing party and a birthday to remember Nina! I love this oil, too - it's fab stuff xo

  2. Fluff and Fripperies hun they had a ball and it doesnt matter if its only one or 2 friends there as longs as there is cake lol
    Yes i have to admit im hooked on the stuff now :)

  3. Wow this sounds amazing. Do you know if they ship internationally? I want to give the brand a try :)


  4. yes hunny they do ship internationally :) :) it is amazing :)

  5. Great post! I must check this out, I'm all about the body oils at the moment and am slowly converting all my pals :)

  6. Yes, my giveaway is international ;)


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