
Monday 3 September 2012

40 Beauty Questions Tag

Hey my beauties how are you all doing today :) 
Well today as you can see by the title I am doing the 40 Beauty Questions Tag.  Something different :)  I love tags and i love reading them as you get to know people more through them :) :) Get to know the person behind the blog ;)  Ok i know there is no need for pictures in this post but i just had to put one in even at the start i cant stand doing blog post without pictures even just one and im happy lol hope you dont mind hehehe I wasnt exactly tagged to do this one but i seen Hannah from Beginners Beauty done it so i had to join in :) 
Anyways as this is a 40 questions tag I'd better get down to it and start answering :) 

-How many times do you wash your face daily?
I was my face twice a day.  In the morning I wash lightly as at night time i do my routine so i know my face is spik and span 

-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
I have normal to combination skin.  Sometimes i suffer from dryness around my nose and mouth are and sometimes i can get oily on my T-zone 

-What is your current facial wash?
At the moment I am using St Ives Apricot Face Wash 3 times a week and then Nivea face wash every other day 

-Do you exfoliate?
Yes i have to or i feel my face is Still Dirty :) 

-What brand do you use?
I like to swap and change every so often and of course try out new products but i do love St Ives and Nivea alot.  I would love to get the Dermalogica range but find its too expensive 

-What moisturizer do you use?
Oh Nivea is my baby as you all know :) 

-Do you have freckles?
Yes I do :) 

-Do you use eye cream?
No I am so bad as i really should start I am not getting any younger :) 

-Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No I dont thank goodness but i do tend to breakout if i have a reaction to a certain product or I break out around my chin and mouth are at certain times of the month 

-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No i didnt :) 


-What foundation do you use?
Oh i have been changing alot lately especially from the start of the summer.  I used to religiously use Catrice 18hr Foundation non stop but then i switched to MUA BB Cream and now I am using Bourjois Healthy mix for the past 2 weeks (which i have to review very soon) 

-How about concealer?
I have been using the Catrice All round Concealer lately  It has been so handy during the summer as it has 3 different shades to choose from and you can mix to suit you skin tone with the little bit of sun we did have I did get a little colour so i found it great that i didnt have to go out and buy another concealer.  

-Do you know your undertone color?
I am more on the neutral side 

-What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I think they are great but i prefer wearing individual lashes as you have control of how much lash you want :) But in General they are all great can be annoying sometimes but they are a great confidence boost 

-Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Oh yes definitely and I am so careful when it does come to mascara for instance when I am buying i pick from the back as i know people open the mascaras to look at the brushes and that is a no no for me 

-What brand of mascara do you use?
Oh wow this one is a tough question again it varies i have tried so many different mascara's i have lost track haha my current one is a Mini sized Clinique Mascara i got free in a magazine :)  

-Sephora or MAC?
Sephora i have never used to be honest....Mac is good i like their eyeshadows and lippies :) 

-Do you have a MAC Pro-card?

-What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
Oh wow brushes mainly ( I dont know what i would do without them ) but i do use my fingers too :) oh and sponges :) 

-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
e.l.f eye primer.....Catrice eyeshadow primer..... cream eyeshadows as base :) 

-For the face?
Moisturiser and Catrice Prime and Fine :) :) 

-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
Oh why oh why the difficult questions.....I cant choose......I suppose i could tell you my current favourite my go to palette would be Avons Quad in Mocha Latte its such a great palette for brown smokey eye looks and also reminds me of some of the shades out of the Naked Palette I also use it to colour in my brows :) 

-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I use both :) 

-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
A good bit i think the more careful i am the more i poke myself lol 

-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
Oh i love them but do find them messy i do prefer Pressed eyeshadows for handiness sake.... It doesnt mean i dont like pigment eyeshadow as there is some amazing shades out there i have quite a few of them myself. 

-Do you use mineral makeup?
Sometimes as I know its pure goodness.... I love e.l.f's Mineral Lipsticks and their Mineral Blush

-What is your favorite lipstick?
Again this is only going to be current favourite as i love to swap and change but e.l.f Mineral Lipsticks, Catrice Ultimate Colour Lipsticks, Loreal Fairest Nude Lipstick 

-How about lipgloss?
Oh goodness me I do find myself always running for Sleeks High shine Lipgloss or Nyx Megashine lipgloss 

-What is your favorite blush to use?
Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush in Pop Love Love Love it :) (I have yet to review it but you know the way you get using something so often you tend to forget oh god i havent reviewed this...why havent i reviewed i use it almost everyday shame on you Nina) Review will be up this week thats a promise :) 

-Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
Yes my last 3 posts are on makeup i have bought from ebay but i am very careful very very careful I only buy from top rated sellers and i ask mountains of question before i purchase (I can be a nightmare sometimes lol) 

-Do you like drugstore makeup?
Hell yeah I do there is some of the best makeup products out there from drugstores.

-Do you go to CCO’s? (cosmetic company outlets)
I have never been to any :( 

-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I would love to and do intend to once my twins start school as they are they last ones in the house to start school :) I cant wait 

-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Well to be honest is anyone perfect at putting on makeup i am sure event the toppest makeup artists in the world make boo boo's sometimes but yes i have been clumsy especially when applying eyeliner and Mascara :) Mascara can be a nightmare especially if you are in a hurry and it ends up on your browbone or under your eyes :) 

-Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Oh now you you've got me started hmmmmm....I have to agree with Hannah fake tan but the fake orange slop is the worst and some women actually think it looks great oh god no hate it.............Orange foundation thats not even blended in right all you see is white neck and white ears staring at you...... Oh and the Aunt Sally cheeks oh i love me a bitta blush but there is blush and there is looking like Bosco :O  Oh and over exaggerated eyebrows :) Ok think im done lol 

-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I Love all shade that go with the seasons :) :) I love both 100% :) 

-Which celebrity always has great make up?
Oh I Love demi lovato, mila kunis, Taylor Swift oh there is loads :) 

-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
Yeah definitely foundation :) 

-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Yes of course.  I have had to a good few times and it never really bothered me but prefer if i did have at least my foundation brows and mascara on 

-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
Hmmmm i do believe beauty is skin deep but i have more confidence when i wear makeup i feel better about myself.  If i didnt have dark circles, dark lids and the bit of pigmentation on my forehead id be happy to go without :) 

-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
Awwww now i couldn possible pick just one to be honest It would be more of what I Love at the moment as i do like to try different lines.  Is there even a BEST.......I believe there is better than but not the BEST 

-What do you think of Makeup?
At the moment I am teaching my 10 year old daughter (who is getting into makeup big time and loves to wear it around) Not to use makeup to cover herself up but to use it to enhance her beauty.  Thats exactly what i believe makeup is for.  Its great to experiment with great to play with and great to have fun with.  I think people sometime look to makeup as a cover up as something to change the way they look but to be honest unless you are happy with yourself on the outside, no matter how much makeup, fake tan etc you put on it will not change how you feel deep down.  
Have fun with makeup thats what its there for.  Just dont use it for anything else but that because your naturally beautiful the way you are 

Phew that what some amount of questions but i had fun answering them 
Now time for tagging hehehehehehe 
Ok Ok I tag anyone who wants to do this :) 
Please Please Put your links under this blog post if you do end up doing it as I would love to read yours :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. I've answered the questions on my blog :3


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