
Monday 9 July 2012

A Perfect Family Day Out :)

Hey my beauties how are you all? I hope you had a brilliant weekend where-ever or whatever you were doing.  My weekend was super the best in a long time.  I went shopping for the day with my sister on friday which was brilliant and exhausting wow i forgot how much shopping takes out of you and driving!!!  You see my dad gave me his car to carsit for him for the weekend (i dont own a car anymore as its way to expensive but i am insured funny eh?) 
So i took advantage of having it :) Even if the weather wasnt exactly great for anything outdoors that doesnt stop us leaving the house :) 
Then i decided to take even more advantage to gather my BIG Little Family (if you dont already know i have 5 kiddies) and take them on a little adventure (we dont get to leave town too much as everything thats exciting is too far away and having no car we dont get far :( but still doesnt stop us making up our own fun 
Anyways i decided to take them to Tayto Park in Ashbourne 
Its basically where Tayto Crisps Factory is and they have a huge fun themed park beside it :) :) 
Well i decided to write this blog post telling you all especially my Irish followers and whoever is thinking of coming to Ireland on holidays and taking their family along about our experience at Tayto Park. 
Just look at my babies faces They tell the story :) 
They each got a little map in which i gave them and i told them they were boss in where to go to next it was a little adventure after all :) :) 
We first went to visit the animal yes they even have a mini zoo :) Loved it :) 
Even with the weather been dull, misty and drizzly it didnt stop us venturing the park we then came across and "Indian Park" in which had 6 Indian Tents is that what you call them ? anyways each tent had different fun things going on in them for instance one had face painting another had balloons and so on the boys in particular loved that
We then took a further adventure to see the park and i have to say everywhere we went we were in awww it started to rain at this stage but we didnt even notice we just had to keep going it was so much fun an of course the boys spotted this big hill they had to climb 
We then noticed that we could have a tour of the factory itself well now that was something i definately wanted to see and found really interesting but i love the way they done it they made it into a sort of tunnel thing with lots of lights and pictures and information and you could also peep into the factory itself where you could see them making the crisps the warehouse where the crisps were stored was huge i just wanted to break in and eat those crisps lol 
Well after seeing this we started to feel the hunger pangs so we decided to set off to have our picnic plus it was raining a little heavier so it was perfect timing :) There was outside picnic areas and also (which i was well impressed with) there was big tents about 4 set up with picnic tables inside to have something to eat :) not only that but there was a puppet show about to start which lasted about 30 mins and that seeminly happened every hour so if you had kiddies you could get them fed then allow them to sit and watch the puppet show while the adults ate their food :) 
My twinnies loved the puppet show that much they couldnt sit they had to run up to the man lol it was so funny their little faces was priceless to them it was their tv programmes in real life :) 
The rain eased off just in time and we headed on to the big playground to let them run round and have some more fun :) to be honest i wanted to join the boys on the bigger one it looked like so much fun but i couldnt :( as i had the little ones with me :( everybody say awwwwwwwww :) 
Please excuse the state of my hair by the way as i got caught in the rain one to many times lol 
I didnt get half the photos i wanted to of the whole playground there was one part that was free and then another part that you paid for and even at that it was cheap but it was more for the older ones :) :) there is so many activities to do you would be busy for hours :) 
another bonus is photos.  You can get some beautiful photos with beautiful backrounds theres little fountains and everything there 
Well time was flying so much it was nearly time to go home so we made one last stop into the shop/store/restraunt etc and it was lovely :) :) 
Along the way we met the famous Mr Tayto :) 
Well now i wont bore you anymore with photos lol as i always get finger happy when it comes to my camera i just cant help but capture every single moment.  As you can tell we all had an amazing day at Tayto park and i highly highly recommend you go there especially if you have a little family absolutely amazing and they have great deals for admission in to it you can actually purchase a yearly family ticket for only 140 euro which is amazing as you can bring 2 adults and 2 children on that ticket :) 
If you want more information about Tayto Park check out their website 
I hope you enjoyed my blog post today it was something a little different 
Have you been to Tayto Park yet 
I hope you are all well 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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