
Monday 18 June 2012

The Body Shop Moringa Beautifying Oil Review

Hey my beauties I hope you are all well :) 
Little story for you all to begin my review today :) :) (you know how much i love chatting )
Well last month (May) i was invited to my first ever event "The Body Shop Event".  I was extremely excited but due personal reasons i ended up not been able to go at the end :( you can imagine how disappointed i was.  I was never asked to anything like this before and the one time i am asked to go i cant go ah well i wrote them an email apologising that i could not make it and how much i was looking forward to it.  I got an email back telling me that even though i couldnt make it they will sent me out some of the products the other blogger/vloggers got.  I was absolutely amazed and was not expecting that at all.  Thanks Body Shop :) :) 
I recieved 3 different items in which i will review separately as they all deserve a separate review in my eyes :) Now i must point out (shocking as this may be for you all) This is my 1st time trying anything from The Body Shop :O I know I know its bad but the the nearest Body Shop to me is 40-50 miles away from me.  I have read so many blog post by different people about products from the Body Shop and all of what i read was and sounded amazing which made me even more determined to go crazing in their store whenever i get to one.  So enough with the babbling :) 

One of the products i received was The Body Shop Moringa Beautifying Oil 
The New Beautifying Oil costs about 15 euro for 100ml :) There is 11 scents available and i recieved the Moringa scent.  The oil dry oil can be used on the body, face and hair.  Now at first i thought wowzer thats a little on the expensive side but i eventually changed my mind read on to find out more.....
The Body shop brought out this range only this summer and me been nosey had to do more research about this and what exactly was it going to do for me :) This is a little of what i found :) 
“First used in Ayurvedic medicine some 4,000 years ago, Moringa seed oil comes from the Moringa tree, which is also known as the “miracle tree” due to its wide variety of beneficial uses. The Moringa tree provides 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges, 4 times the calcium and 2 times the protein in milk, 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots and 3 times the potassium as bananas. Moringa seed oil contains high levels of oleic acid, which is a fatty acid that helps to restore the skin’s moisture levels, protects against drying and keeps the skin feeling soft and smooth. The oil was highly treasured by the ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian civilizations for use in protecting skin and making perfume. It was so good, that they even used it to create their own skin-smoothing product.”
Well now when i read this you can imagine the excitement coming out of me to the thought that all of this goodness was coming from one bottle :) :) 
Now as it says on the bottle that this can be used on the body, face and hair, i put it to the test straight away
HAIR:  Lately i have noticed my hair and scalp is drier than normal probably due to hair dye, hair products and blow drying and also the change of weather so thats where i put it to the test first.  Now after washing my hair instead of using my normal leaving in conditioner i put a little of the oil into my damp hair, let it dry naturally and without a shadow of doubt my hair looked like i had dipped it in a chip pan oh lordy it was flatter than flat and i just could not do a thing with it.  I actually tried it again and again just to give it a chance and the same thing happened my hair was lifeless (proof in my latest video you will see how boring my hair looked)
**** Since this review i was given a tip by someone who works with The Body Shop and they stated " if you put one or two drops through the ends of damp hair and blow dry you get a lovely sheen on the hair - it is very heavy when you put it in the root."  
BODY:  Now this is a different story altogether it works absolutely fine on my body.  I like to apply this just after jumping out of the shower when my skin is still damp.  Certain areas of my body has too been suffering with dryness especially my elbow joints and knee's.  My skin instantly felt smooth and soft and the aroma against my warm showered body was amazing :) :) Not only that my skin was glowing i instantly loved it and still do :)  Now obviously as its an oil it will take a little longer to dry but just do a little run around or dance to your favourite song by the time the song is over it will be dry hahaha
FACE:   I have normal to combination skin so in certain areas i do suffer a little dryness like around my mouth and nose area but i also suffer a little oiliness on my t-zone and the fact i have a fairly high forehead i wasnt really pushed about applying this to my whole face or you would end up seeing a reflection of you face from my forehead lol.  So i tried it only in the areas i was dry and it did work well .  I actually applied my makeup over this when it dried and my makeup did not budge so thumbs up for that :) 

I was amazed by this oil and the fact that it leaves my skin glowing is and extra bonus.  When this bottle runs out i will certainly buy more and will try it in a different scent 
I want to try the Coconut, shea, oh and the strawberry scent next :)   15 euro at the start seemed a bit steep to me but to be honest i have been using this constantly since i got it and there is only a small bit gone out of the bottle.  I see this lasting me a long time :) 

Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

Disclaimer:  Body Shop sent me this product to test as part of their new launch.  I am in no way getting paid for this review and i am not obliged in any way to give a good review about it.  This is my utmost and honest opinion about it and i would never give a false review about any product.   I have no reason to do so. :) Thank you so much for reading.  I really hope you enjoyed it :) 


  1. Sounds great!!
    Will def check it out, next time I go shopping!!

  2. I love it, the product, the scent, everything!

  3. Love this, the body shop are bringing out some amazing products lately!


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