
Wednesday 7 March 2012

"Have Some Scents" Review & Shout out

Hey My Beautifuls 
I think this has to be the most exciting blog post i have done so far 
Why your wondering?
Well have you ever loved a perfume so much but find it so hard to get the money together to buy it.  Like it always seems to be that your most favourite perfumes are expensive believe me I KNOW.  I always find it hard to wear my perfume everyday as i know that if it runs out i will be waiting a while before i can buy it again 
What if i told you that 
1.  You dont have to worry about that anymore
2.  "You can get your favourite perfume without it been watered down and without alcohol been added". Water and alcohol have been added to this perfume but it is at much reduced rate than the high street etc. Their perfumes contain 20% scent oil making them PARFUM rather than the high streets 16-18% EDP.
3.  You can get it at a really really really cheap price 
Hard to believe isnt it?  Well i tell you i also found it hard to believe too.  I thought "yeah right this is just to get people to buy perfume and it will end up not been the actually real thing"  I have to admit i was very very sceptic.  
A new page has just started on facebook called "Have some Scents"  and the group contacted me asking me would i like to try some samples as they know people who be questioning why or how these perfumes are so cheap.  To be honest i told them i was one of them.  I also told them i would be happy to and that if im happy with them i will blog and let you all know about them.  So they agreed and t lheyet me choose 5 samples in which i did 
In one of those samples i made sure to include one of my favourite perfumes that i have been wearing for years Just to test and make sure it was real.  Believe me if it was fake i would know.
I also took advantage of getting some samples of perfumes that i have never tested before to see would i find a new love. 

These are the samples i received minus one as i gave that one to a friend.  This is a great way to test these perfumes if you were not sure of them.  To but these they cost 5 for £3.50 inc p/p or 10 for £6 this is very good as you get a good 4 or 5 applications out of each and to be honest a little of this perfume goes a long way.  
I was once told that a pure perfume will last 3 to 4 days on you and even after washing your clothes you will still get the scent of that perfume off them.  Well thats what happened with me while trying these samples.  I was totally amazed.  

The thing is to tell you a little of how this company works and try to explain to you why this company is selling high brand perfumes for such cheap prices.  I am not going to write a big story about it but here is the link to tell you the reason and maybe then you will understand 
so basically you are getting the pure perfume even purer than the actually perfume from the shops without paying for the name and the designed bottle HAPPY DAYS.  

Now there is a catch (not a big one) to me anyway 
You have to order the perfume by number which is right beside the list of scents that are available 
Plus if you order a bottle of perfume you will be getting it in the companies bottles not the actual brands bottle.  The actual scent oil is owned by Drom and it is because of this reason that FM can purchase it as their own.   Now this is 110% legal dont get me wrong as long as the company puts the scent in their own bottles but the scents are compatible to the perfume listed beside the number.  
I think this is great.  Its saving you money.  You are getting the highest branded perfumes which are pure for a cheaper price 
Like to me it doesnt make sense paying so much money just for the name and designed bottle as long as you smell gorgeous and it lasts for so so long what else matters :) 

I already have my family crazy interested in ordering and have about 5 different bottles to order.  :)
There is lists of perfumes and mens sprays available on the page so my advice is go over there and take a look.  I promise you wont regret it.  
Let me add i am in no no way getting paid for this review or anything this is 100% my honest review and you have no idea how excited i was to get on here to let you all know about this.  I got these samples free from Tracey as she really wanted someone who would give an honest 100% true review about these and she knew i would do that :) 
One thing i ask is if you do head over there and decide to buy tell them I sent you :) :) 

One advice for the ladies is if you are trying to decide which scent to buy for your man GIRLS I HAVE A SCENT TO RECOMMEND THAT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO SMELL HIM ALL DAY MMMMMMMM SEXY LOL 

If you like Classic Men  Bvlgari Aqua Pour Homme then you will love fm135 on that page 

This scent is amazing believe me you will love it.  This is the scent my brother wore the day he came home from Australia after 2 years and it was a huge surprise to see him but one thing i will remember about that day is the scent he had on him wow.  

So i hope this was helpful to you all and enjoy your fragrances at a cheaper price :) :) 
Until next time 
take care 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 
Nina C 


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