
Friday 23 December 2011

Irish Vloggers & Bloggers Meet up in Dublin 2011

Well hello there :) 
I hope you are all doing well.  Looking forward to Santa coming.  I know i am.  Well today I am finally getting to tell you all about my experience going to the Irish Vloggers & Bloggers Meet up in Dublin.  I was super super excited about this from the moment i heard it was happening.  Like the excitement of meeting the people you love watching and visiting their blogs everyday.  Wouldnt you???
Well with the excitement came the nerves believe me I was nervous!!!!!! 
Even though I felt I already knew them by following them for so long (stalker much lol) You know what i mean but yes even though i felt like i knew them i was meeting them for the first time arriving on my own and was nervous about clothes, makeup etc.  So anyways along with nerves and excitement I couldnt wait for the day to arrive.  
Well of course with having 5 kiddies 3 of them was sick so of course i was late to meet them and ended up missing out on lunch at the  Salamanca Tapas Bar and Restaurant on Dame Street :(, but i made sure to fill up before i arrived so at least i didnt miss out on food altogether eh?  

When i Arrived i Knew where to go straight away it was hard to miss all the fabulous woman sitting together and as i sat it was like as if we were all the best of mates IT FELT SO RIGHT.  I sat beside Leslie & Millie  and we got chatting straight away.  I asked them how they got on with lunch and they shared with me of how rude their waiter was but that the food was delish.  Just as they were telling me this it was time for everyone to have their tea which came with the lunch.  I was actually dying for a cuppa as i love my tea and Millie suggest i have hers as she wasnt going to have it, when she asked the waiter when was the tea coming around he answered with "sure you didnt order it" with a sarcastic tone on him.  Eh its with the Lunch special HELLO!!!! Anyways here is some photos of us all in the Restraunt :) 

So After about 10 minutes of arriving it was time to head to the Jervis Shopping Centre To Inglot  in which i was oh so excited about as ive never tried their products before :) Where Sarah had arranged with them for us to receive a goody bag in which i want to say a huge thanks to Inglot and Sarah for making this happen :) :) I was delighted with what i got.  I received a Complimentary Makeover voucher an pigment eyeshadow and a lovely compact mirror :) :) 

I just want to show you some of the beautiful decorations around Jervis Shopping Centre before i move on Its just fantastic that was also one of the things i was looking forward to that day......Seeing all the Christmas lights and decorations especially at night :) 

Beautiful eh?  Anyways we decided to take a little trip to Forever 21 while we were there.  I have not been in their in like Forever so i had a good little mozy but to be honest it was so crowded and warm we didnt spend too long there.  I did grab a couple of items while i was there i just couldnt resist i got some costume jewellery :)  Lovely 

So from there we took a little walk over to the Famous Brown Thomas store on Grafton Street where again it was overly packed with crowds so some of us including myself stood outside while some stayed in to browse.  Looking around Grafton street in the evening is beautiful and of course there was some lovely music playing on the street it was great.  I couldnt help but take a couple of photos while i was waiting 2 are of the Window Display of The Brown Thomas Store

At 5 o clock the streets were still crazy packed with people.  So we all decided to go somewhere to sit down and relax for a little while.  Then julie and the girls suggested going for cocktails, well as soon as that was said everyone raced to out destination which as Dandelions beside St Stevens Green shopping centre a beautiful Bar/Bisto so warm and cosy from the moment you walk in the door.  So while the girlies decided what cocktails to go for i was deciding between tea and coffee lol as i was driving (i know for a fact i will be taking the bus the next time lol) because when the cocktails arrived they looked amazing and they were cheap too at €5 each.  It was lovely to sit with the girls and chat about the day and other bits and bobs.  

So as we letf Dandelions the Group got quite small as everyone had to catch buses and trains.  So all there was left was mise, Laura, Sarah and the lovely Paula.  I was loving the scent of the Butlers coffee shop across the way so I just HAD to go over and grap a lovely Latte from there Laura decided she would have an Iced Frappe (bbrrrrrrrr) she put the chills on me even by ordering it lol.  The funniest thing was her face when she came out as she was left standing at the counter for ages and the woman came back to her saying "Sorry we have no straws left"  Like seriously how in the name of god were you suppose to drink an Iced Frappe without the straw lol Laura your cracked me up hahaha.  Anyways we headed into St Stevens green shopping centre for a browse and Sarah decided she wanted an Ice-cream cone with sprinkles of course again it made me wriggle with a chill lol but she was so happy with her ice-cream hahahahahaha.  
Im going on here i will have a book written if i dont stop.  So anyways it was time for me to go as i didnt want the roads getting to icey and said my goodbyes and headed on my 20 minute walk to the car park until a FANTASTIC Scent hit my nose and i couldnt help but follow it.  Yes i ended up walking into LUSH mmmmmmmmm.  Hard as it might be for you to believe but this was my first ever time stepping foot into LUSH.  So i had to buy something lol so IM NO LONGER A LUSH VIRGIN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

They Smell sooooo goooood :) especially the Lip scrub mmmmmmmmmm.  After saying goodbye to Sarah and Paula before that i ended up bumming into them again in Lush and Paula was in a high because she loves Lush lol she was so funny.  
Do that ended the Day brilliantly with my first purchase from Lush.  :) 

Take a look at Leannes Vlog of our meet up 

& Of course Leslie's Vlog :) 

In all i had a fab day.  I really enjoyed the break and meeting all the girls in person.  I am actually looking forward to meeting them again.  I want to say an extra special thank you to Sarah Kent and of course the lovely Sinead Cady for organising this great day only for them the day wouldnt have been such a hit but unfortunately Sinead nor her sister couldnt make the day as they fell sick :( but hopefully at our next meet up i will have the privilege along with everyone else who couldnt make it.  

Here is a list of the Girls Blogs & Channels for you to enjoy as much as i do!!

Leslie Annemarie:  Her Youtube 
Paula: Her blog
Caoimhe: Her Youtube
Aoife: Her blog & Her Youtube
Milli: Her Youtube 
Holly: Her blog 
Leanne: Her blog & Her Youtube 
Sarah Kent: Her blog .
Vicki: Her Youtube 
Elaine: Her blog 
Sarah (May): Her blog  & Her Youtube 
Laura:  Her blog 
Julie: Her blog & her Youtube .

So finishing up with the last photos of the Day :) :) Hope you enjoyed reading this :) :) and i hope you are all well.  
Until Next time 
Lots of Love, Luck & Laughter 
Nina C 



  1. I love this post Nina, it was a brilliant day.

    Teehee, being in Lush always makes me giddy.

  2. I LOVE IT. It was so nice meeting you all :)

  3. Looks like you had a fab time! Hope you had a lovely Christmas xx

  4. looks like you guys had a ball! Its nice seeing you all together

    great blog btw



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