
Saturday 28 June 2014

Benefits They're Real Push Up Gel Liner & They're Real Remover Review and Giveaway !!!!

Hello my beauties :) I hope you are all well :) 
Today I come to you with 2 reviews in the one Ok Maybe Stick on the Kettle make a cuppa and relax because this is a fair read as you know I like to go into alot lol.  Plus it will be worth it in the end ;) 

This is long over due but I really wanted to get the feel of these before I gave my utmost honest opinion as I always do.  I like to use the product well as there is so many ways to use a product some at the beginning might not suit you but once you use it a few times and get comfortable with it your first impressions might change.  Well thats what happened with me at the beginning I was well impressed with the promises and performance of this product.  Then I changed my mind then changed my mind again, there has been alot of mind changing but now I have my final verdict.  First let me tell you a little about the products before I give you my final verdict :) :) 

We all no matter how long we have been applying makeup have always wanted an easy life when it comes to applying makeup.  Some makeup we find easy to apply some we find hard and the main one is eyeliner.  Yes even makeup artists make mistakes applying the perfect flick or getting the eyeliner perfect on both eyes.  I to this day find it hard and only just catching on to getting at least a normal look flick.  
There are many eyeliners out there and some we find easier than others 

There is for example
Pencil which is easy enough but can be a pain when you have to sharpen it all the time 
There is liquid which comes with either a flimzy brush or too hard of a brush and sometimes liquid can look too glossy for certain looks 
We have Gel (my favourite at the moment) which is great matte finish long lasting and jet black!!!!  but again you have to apply with a brush and its hard to find the right brush suitable for us to apply.  Not only that the gel dries out over a period of time 
Then you have The felt tip eyeliner which in my opinion is a pain in the butt to be honest as I find they dry out way too fast (I have never had a great relationship with them as you can tell) 
As you can tell there is alot of liners out there and to be honest there is also alot of problems we run into from each one 
This is where Benefit Thought long and hard about these difficulties and it took them over 5 years to come up with an answer to all of those problems in one product :) :) 
Well of course this as you can tell is either going to be a hit or a miss but one things for sure It has certainly got the attention of all us beauty geeks and thats for sure :) :)  This is the First every Gel liner to come in a pen.  

So Benefit Believe they have the answer So much so that They went all out with creating a theme of this :)  Remember I told you all I went to the Launch Event of this liner ?? Heres a link to refresh your memories :) :)  Genius Right!!! Well according to Benefit this liner is so easy to apply that you can apply it with handcuffs on !!!!!

They're Real Push up Liner comes in a pen with a twistable lid and that twistable lid is there for a reason of course.  As this liner is gel.  The twist able lid will guarantee to keep the gel from drying out :) 

So what makes this liner so special and why did Benefit spend so long creating this product?
Well first of all we have to talk about the applicator.  
The special Accuflex tip is flexible and rubbery for a precise line that can hug the lash line, also while applying the guard pushes the lashes down so that product gets right between each lash leaving you no spaces to fill in or tight line.  We all know that too can be a pain.  The Tip also helps to create that perfect flick we all dream about getting right but 90% of time fail on at least one eye

Of course starting of you have the twist the bottom about 10 times before the product appears at the tip.  Let me tell you all now that this is in fact a gel liner.  The one you get in the pot in which most of us love and would love to be able to use.  I currently have a favourite gel liner myself and to be honest when im in a hurry it can be a pain too apply but I like to get that jet black matte look at the same time.  I was delighted to see that this has the same finish and that matte finish I love.  Also I was delighted to see that this is JET JET Black and totally noticable.  

In the above picture I twisted the product enough for you to see what it looks like but you do not need this amount of product to do your eyes 
My goodness me Ladies and gents this is literally full proof Waterproof smudge proof and aint gonna move until you move it.  I kid you not I actually did put this beauty to the test I put this on at 7 in the morning on a hot day and wore it to bed (removing the rest of my makeup of course)  I woke up the next morning to find this never budged one little bit in fact I would have got away with wearing it the following day all day if I didnt remove it.  
You need very little of this to do the two eyes and the less you twist up the less you waste as you will waste alot of it I assure you Here is the swatches I could make with the pump in the above photo and whats more I was still able to do my eyes with the bit left after swatching 

The tip allows you to apply thin or thick strokes depending on what you desire also you can apply with a light hand for a light to medium coverage or heavy hand with more product for a more intense full coverage look here is a closer look at the swatches 

I have to admit This too takes practice to use.  You are literally not going to become a genius from the moment you buy it I am sure of that.  I have had some difficultly with this to begin with on more than one occasion.  The reason?  Well you first of all have to get used to the feel of the pen and also the tip even though it looks easy it can be tricky so even before you apply the gel start off with nothing on the tip to get used to it.  Also the product can dry pretty quick if you are one who likes to take their time at their liner.  If that happens you are going to find that if you build this up it will flake on you.  So that is just a little word of warning before you commence or before you think that this is not working out for you.  You will have about 10 seconds before this completely dries on yours eyes so work fast.  

I do also find that the gel from this liner is a little thicker than normal gel liners I have worked with and I have worked with both high end and affordable gel liners.  I think maybe thats one fault I do find with this product and maybe thats why when it does dry and you do build it up it flakes.  Also if you build it up I find it very heavy on the eye and feel it looks crusty or wrinkly which is not attractive.  

Please excuse the next photo as its the only good photo I have at the moment from my phone of the liner on my eyes as I said I have been playing  around with this for a while now and randomly took photos from my phone instead of my camera lol Just look how black and beautiful it does look :) 

Now you do not have apply the liner this thick either as stated above you can do a simple thin line for every day wear such as the following 

As you can see its super super black and intense and when close to the lashes makes you lashes look super thick and full.  Having this in my possession is a god send in my opinion and once you get the hang of using it you are going to love love love it.  I would like if benefit did make the gel a little less thick as I think that is the only fault with it.  Also they have not as of yet tested it on the bottom lash line there for they have not stated that its suitable for that area but of course I been oh too curious have in fact tested that out for you.  
Yes it worked out brilliant for me but I do have to point out that if you suffer with super sensitive eyes you might find this a little heavy for that area.  I do not suffer with super sensitive eyes but I do from time to time suffer with sensitive eyes.  It did not effect me at all and stayed put all day long.  

Here is another photo I want to share with you with my lovely model Sarah.  I found the liner really suited her and was so noticable in the photo I did a simple smokey eye look and finished with a cat eye flick using this liner as you will see it elongated her eyes and the camera really caught that I also want to point out that she is not wearing any lashes they are her own but they look so so full with this liner on her and yes she too has the liner on the lower lash line and found it did not annoy her or remove the whole nigh in fact she stated she felt out of place when her friends needed to touch up their makeup that night she had nothing to do her makeup was still perfect  :) :) 

So thats my thoughts on this and you will be able to get you hands on this from today in stores near you and online soon after I have actually found a site already selling the They're Real Push Up Gel Liner and its for €25 :) 
Now for my next review I promise this is going to be short but very sweet :) 

Benefit also surprised us with another new release.  This is especially for all you ladies who love the They're Real Mascara ;) aswell as this liner.  I know how difficult the They're Real Mascara is and boy oh boy there is nothing budging this baby even with baby oil this doesnt come off easily.  Well that was until now !!!! :) 

Benefit claims:  This little beauty is Specially formulated to remove our bestselling they're real! mascara and they're real! push-up liner, this creamy gel is gentle-yet-powerful. It completely lifts away waterproof eye makeup without tugging the delicate eye area. Suitable for sensitive eyes & contact lens wearers.
It states to saturate a Cotton Pad and gently wipe away the makeup 
Hmmmmm Sceptic are we? 
Yes I was too 

As you can see it comes in a lovely squeezable tube.  The product itself is like a cream and looks like a cleanser 
It feels light and scent free.  

So tried this beauty on the liner marks I did on my arm letting the liner completely dry in fact I left the liner on my arm for a full hour before applying this pea sized amount over the strokes 
and the result? 

Well let me tell you this shocked me I couldnt believe how fast this removed the lines and not only that it was a pleasure watching the liner dissolve in front of me and disappear with a swipe of a cotton pad.  So what about the eyes did it work there too.  
Well the way I like to use this is to squirt a little on my finger tips and massage the product onto my eyes the pleasurable feeling my They're Real Mascara and They're Real Push Up Liner dissolving as I massage the product in is amazing.  Even though you do not look too attractive when you stop massaging and look in the mirror haha here is an example (picture taken with phone again lol) as you can see no effect on the eyes even when I have them open and wow this product is amazing even on the most waterproof mascara made :) 

This is also available now and costs €19.50 so worth it :) :) 
So there you have it my very long review but its 2 in one and now for the best part.  One of you luck readers are in with a chance of owning these two products YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Check out the Rafflecopter below to see what you have to do xxxxxxx and please read Terms & Conditions and YES ITS INTERNATIONAL :) 

Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

P.S  If you fancy winning £30 worth of Makeup Revolution Products where you can choose the products your want I buy and Send them to you Enter my Instagram Giveaway @missninasworld :) :) 

Terms and Conditions :
  1. Please do not enter with accounts set up only for giveaways as you will automatically be disqualified. I do check !!!!
  2. You must be over 18 to enter if you are not over 18 you must get full consent from your parent/guardian to enter
  3. Please follow all the rules because its only fair :)
  4. I will infact wrap up the prize well when sending it out but if it came to the item been damaged or lost after i have posted it, It is not my responsibly after i send it. There will be no replacements etc sent out
  5. Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Good luck :)

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Makeup Revolution Salvation Intense Lip Lacquer

Hello my beauties :) I hope you are all well 
Today I bring you another Lip Product review 
I am sure alot of you who read my last review are thinking "Did she not just do this review?"  No I didnt I promise This is the Makeup Revolution Salvation Intense Lip Lacquers.  The last review I did was on the Salvation Velvet Matte Lip Lacquers and yes there is a difference :) :) 
The Packaging of course is no different and neither is the price.  They cost £3 each and there is 7 shades to choose from.  Like the Velvet Lip Lacquers I chose 2 shades to begin with to see what they were like :) :) 

Makeup Revolution claims:  For the most colour intense lips!
 A high shine colour to give the lips a full, bold and glossy look This is the intensive colour salvation for your lips. A high shine colour to give the lips a full, bold and glossy look available in a wide range of shades. Non sticky formula with a smooth texture for long lasting vivid colour.

First let me show you the shade I got :) 
Gave You All My Love:   The perfect first date shade :) :) This fabulous shade is perfect to draw attention to the lips but not over doing it.  You want the most attractive looking kissable lips?  you got it with this.  A Stunning blue toned baby Pink shade with silver shimmer.  Blue toned lip products always look better on me and I think it is done to me having a warm complextion.  I found this Lip Lacquer makes my lips look a little bigger than normal and I think its down to the shine and shimmer :)  This is a perfect shade for the Summer months for sure :) I am in love with this shade and will be wearing it alot this Summer 

Next Shade is 

Didn't I tell you?:  Well this is the perfect everyday shade for everyone.  A lovely rosey pink shade with golden shimmer.  If you have naturally pigmented lips this shade will be more of a MLBB lip product.  

Well now that I have you well filled in on these shades let me tell you about my experiences with them. 

These Lip Lacquers come with a doe foot applicator which makes application a dream.  The fact that these are not a stain means you wont even need a mirror to apply.  Perfect for travelling :) :) 

I have to admit these are not as pigmented as the Velvet Matte Lip Lacquers but they are more pigmented than a gloss in which to be honest this product would remind you more of a gloss than a lipstick.  The fact that these are listed as a Lip Lacquer kind of disappoints me just a tad as I was expecting them to maybe be a little more pigmented than they are But I suppose we cant all have our cake and eat it especially at that price :) :) 

How it feels 
This feels amazing on the lips from the moment you apply.  My lips feel smooth and soft and infact moisturised while wearing them.  Alot of people who do not like shimmer in their lips products might fear you will feel the shimmer in this, dont you worry you dont feel it at all infact you bearly see the shimmer on your lips after applying.  Even after the Intense Lip Lacquer wears off your lips still feel like you have it on which is brilliant 

Lasting Power?
Quite shocked with this one to be honest.  As they feel like a gloss you would think they would last as long as most glosses which is usually only and hour or a little more.  These last for about 2-3 hours depending on the shade you buy and according to eating and drinking of course :)  

While applying these I noticed a vanilla scent.  The scent is not strong and wears off after a little while so if you are not fond of the scent dont worry you will not notice it.  I would highly recommend this to people who are not fond of matte lip products.  
Whats great about these is you are getting a lipstick and lip gloss in one tube 
So If you are someone who tends to reach for lipstick and likes to add some gloss over it these little beauties are going to save you a job by giving you the 2 in 1 :) 

Well I hope these two reviews were helpful to you and maybe helped you decided which one if not the two you would prefer.  Let me know in the comment below which you prefer 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

P.S  If you fancy winning £30 worth of Makeup Revolution Products where you can choose the products your want I buy and Send them to you Enter my Instagram Giveaway @missninasworld in which I have posted up today :) :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 23 June 2014

Makeup Revolution Salvation Velvet Matte Lip Lacquers

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well 
Today I bring you another Makeup Revolution review this time on the Velvet Matte Lip Lacquers 
I have 2 shades of these to show you but there are 7 shades to choose from 
So grab a cuppa sit back and I hope you enjoy my review :) :) 
They cost £3 each which is a great bargain for these If i do say so myself 
Makeup Revolution claims:  This is your salvation to get perfect matte lips that are touch proof. A long lasting lip gloss that goes on as a liquid and dries to a highly pigmented, bold matte finish which stays in place for hours! Easy to apply with the applicator to completely cover the lips. Completely touch proof! Revolution tip: Even lasts all night when you are eating and drinkin

I have to say I am impressed with the outer packaging of these beauties I love the rose gold packaging which makes look like you have paid more than what you did for them.  
The Lacquers themselves come in a lipgloss type tube with a doe foot applicator.  As mentioned above there are 7 shades to choose from I of course went for one safe shade and one crazy shade haha 

The first shade is 

What I believe:  This is a beautiful peachy nude with a slight pink undertone a very warm shade that is perfect for a smokey eye look :) :) I have to admit this is alot brighter than some peachy nude lip products I have but its stunning :) :) 

Next up is 
I fall in Love :  Oh yes this is the shade I posted on facebook yesterday for all of you who are wondering :)  So bright So beautiful and Sooooooo Noticeable.  This bright cool toned cerise pink is perfect for a no makeup look day when you are not bothered about eye makeup just apply this little beauty to your lips and no one will notice you are not wearing anything on your eyes 

Well now that I have you well filled in on these shades let me tell you about my experiences with them. 

 Well as I am not one to wear matte lip products often simply leaving the matte lip wearing for special occasions etc.   I did all I was supposed to do in the sense of prepping my lips my ex-foliating them and wearing plenty of balm prior to application.  Of course dabbing off the excess oils from the balm and applying.  Applying the Lip Lacquers were a dream thanks to its lovely sized doe foot applicator you have more of a chance of not making a mistake.  Even though the Lip Lacquers dry matte they do give you time to tidy up before they dry completely on your lips 

I have to say the product is very pigmented and you would not need one layer to do get the shade you see in the tube 
You can build up the intensity which is more of a bonus but in my eyes its perfect with one layer 

How it feels 
You have to allow your lips to dry before you smack your lips together or the product will become patchy.  When you apply it first it feels smooth and soft like a moisturising lip cream.  Then after about 7 seconds you will feel the Lacquers starting to dry and become sticky.  Another few seconds and yours lips are completely dry.  Apart from that you are left with the most irresistible lips ever :)  
If you cant stand the dryness of these simply apply a layer of gloss over the lip product and it looks amazing :) :) 

Lasting Power?
The Matte Lip Lacquers do last a long time and I find the brighter the shade is the longer they last.  I found I still had some colour on my lips after about 6 hours of wear without touching up.  Mind you if you do not top up you will find patchiness.  If you eat anything oily while wearing this I would advise to check you lippy after as the oils from the food can remove the colour a little.  Apart from oily foods drinking and eating will not disturb your lips.  I have also tried these with gloss over it and the lasting power is a little lessened because of the gloss.  With gloss over the lip lacquers they will last about 3 hours before you feel the need to top up.   Now for some lip swatches :) These pictures were taken in direct sunlight :) 

In the photo below I am wearing a gloss the NYX Mega Shine Gloss in shade Perfect (which has a slight pinky shade with gold specks of shimmer)  over What I believe to be honest I have been wearing this alot lately :) 

Would I recommend these?
Yes 100% to those you do not mind matte lip products :) you will love them no doubt.  Those of you who does not like that dry feeling on your lips im afraid you will not enjoy these as your lips will feel dry the whole time you wear these.  Try to stay away from these when you are suffering with dry cracked lips as this product will soak into your dry patches and lines on your lips making your lips not look so great.  In other words you have to have good conditioned lips to pull these off.  
  I for one am 50/50 when it comes to matte lip products as I have in my time tried out so many matte lip products alot has not impressed me but I have to say Makeup Revolutions Velvet Matte Lip Lacquers have :)  
Well I hope you enjoyed this review Let me know what you think.  Have you tried these yet 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 19 June 2014

Tanorganic Self Tanning Oil Review

Ok its that time of year where we all have to talk tan 
Summertime especially we all feel the pressure to get a little colour.  Its the time of year where we take that summer clothing box out and crindge at the fact that our pasty bodies are going to look horrible against our bright skirts, shorts and tops.  We feel pressured to sit out in the sun and damage our skins especially us Irish gals.  In all honesty I was blessed with having sallow skin and even if I get a days sun I am sorted tan wise but I would prefer not to be sitting out damaging my skin I hate it.  I used to be stupid when I was in my teens and sit out for hours wearing no spf and baking myself until I could not stick it any longer WRONG DECISION and to tell you the truth the result of those years of tanning has left me with pigmentation on my face and plenty of moles to cover up :(  
So how can we get out natural tanned look without damaging our skin.......... Of course with a bottle :) :) 
There is alot of self tanners out there promising amazing tan thats long lasting and effortless.  Some I have come across and hated.  Others I am loving especially Cocoa Brown Its one of the best but that does not stop me trying out other tans to see how they work and how they are especially for you all out there 
Today I bring you Tanorganic Self Tanning Oil 
Of course I have to mention Tanorganic is also Irish Owner and Created by a woman called Noelle O'Connor.  To find out the full story behind Tanorganic Click here 

Ok let me tell you a little about this tan before I get down to my thoughts shall I.  First of all lets cover the promises that comes with this tan :) 
TanOrganic’s Self-tanning Oil is ideal for those who wish to achieve a natural looking alluring glow. It will light up your skin leaving you feeling confident and sexy and is the perfect choice for this who prefer a sun kissed look to a full on tan.
The tanning oil is made with a unique blend of 8 different plant oils including Borage seed oil, Argan oil and Orange peel oil. TanOrganic’s Self-Tanning Oil has a subtle citrus fragrance with a hint of rose. It adds a natural bronzed effect to the skin and is lighter than our Original Self-tan but darker than a gradual tanner.
  • The world’s first self tanning oil
  • Super easy to apply, no gloves required for a streak free, even tan
  • Natural looking professional finish
  • Skin nourishing and hydrating for silky skin and a perfect fade
  • No synthetic colours, preservatives or parabens.
  • Beautiful subtle citrus fragrance
This Tanning Oil costs €24.99 for a 100mls bottle :)  This is going to give you at least and I mean at least 20 applications for the entire body :) :) 

First of all I know what you are all thinking €24.99 is a little pricey but it is 100% organic and of course organic can be pricey.  Not only that you are getting a beautifully packaged bottle a heavy glass bottle might I add with a wooden twisty top.  Something I wouldnt mind showing off on my dresser :) :) 

The instructions are fairly simple to follow
You literally prepare your skin before tanning by ex foliating and applying moisturiser a couple of days prior.  Then on the morning of tanning have a quick shower to ensure there is no dead skin cells or oils on your skin.  Also apply clear nail polish to your toe and finger nails to prevent staining your nails.  If you are applying to you face apply Vaseline to your brows to stop staining too.  
According to the instructions all you need to do is apply the Oil with your bare hands like you would with any other body oil making sure to blend evenly and to get all areas to avoid patches.  Its as simply as that.  Afterwards it states to use a baby wipe to remove excess tanning oil from the palms of your hands.  To be honest I found it scary at first applying this as the oil is clear, I thought to myself I was going to miss spots because its clear and I am so used to applying tan that already has colour in it.  

Well I did all of that to perfection.  I have to say the zesty scent was lovely while applying.  I found the oil very moisturising on my skin and to be honest took a while to soak into my skin of course to be expected with applying oil to your skin but to be honest it was good as I could see where I was applying the oil and which parts I missed.   I forgot to mention that I applied this straight after my early morning shower.  I wore loose fitted clothing for the entire day.  I noticed my skin starting to tan within 4 hours of wear which was impressive as I knew It was only the beginning.  After 7 hours my skin looked beautifully tanned. I was definitely 2 shades darker than my natural colour which is amazing :)   Not only had I the loveliest natural tan I had it for a full 7 days before I noticed it becoming patchy It became patchy .  I found it only becoming patchy on my feet and it wore off everywhere else evenly.  A lot of people commented on my tan thinking it was natural and could not believe it was from a bottle :) :) NICE!!!!!!

Of course with good points I have to come to you with some bad points :( :( 
I only have 2 bad points one of which is something that was quite embarrassing to me to be honest.  That is the scent !!!!! Yes I mentioned earlier applying the oil it smelled zesty and lovely but though out the day I could get this awful stench I mean the only way I can explain the scent (sorry in advance to anyone who has a light tummy) but it reminded me of stale pee.  Keep in mind I am a mum of 5 kiddies and do know only by kiddies nappies what stale pee smells like.  I actually had no idea where the stench was coming from and I was going round like a sniffer dog smelling everywhere to see where this stench was coming from It was only when I went to get dressed for bed and took off my top that I realised it was me MORTIFIED !!! But I can reassure you that the scent does go away, you just have to stick it out for about 7 - 8 hours or so.  
The other fault is ORANGE HANDS and believe me I did exactly what it said on the bottle I scrubbed my palms with a wipe and I still ended up with orange palms and the more I touched water the more orange my hands looked for a good 4 days I palms remained orange I even used the Cocoa Brown Tough Stuff to try and remove the orange and it was hard to get rid of.  My advise is to use rubber gloves that fit perfectly on your hands to apply the oil.  The picture below is after I scrubbed my palms with tough stuff and you can still make out how orange they looked 

Apart from them two faults which can easily be fixed I really like the tan.   Its so natural looking and if you wanted to go darker all you have to do is apply another layer the next day.  I am well impressed with how easy this comes off after wearing it for a week.  You are not scrubbing vigorously trying to get all the tan off just a simple ex foliating shower takes it all right off 
So I think its worth trying and worth the money?  Yes definitely the only thing I would advise is to apply in the evening time where you will not be around anyone who will sniff you lol by morning simply take off your clothing have a nice light shower and that scent will disappear :)   Its also worth trying if you suffer with sensitive skin or very dry skin as this is full of organic ingredients and very moisturising so it will not effect you whatsoever.  
I really hope you enjoyed my review 
Let me know your thoughts 
Have you tried this yet :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx