
Saturday 31 May 2014


Well hello there all you fabulous people 
I can guess that you are curious about the title if you have clicked to read ;) ;) 
Well its true what you are reading believe me 
I am still pinching myself to be honest I am amazed 
One of my all time favourite brands is finally going to be available to purchase here in Ireland 
No more 2nd guessing shades no more paying high postage prices and no more missing out on Limited Editions   I will actually be able to see the products in front of me in person 
ARRRRGHHHHHHHH So Excited I am in Beauty Heaven right now :) :) 

For all you beauty geeks out there this is a dream come through but for some of you who have not heard about NYX Before here is a little information about them for you 
NYX is orginated in LA in America. The cosmetics line was founded in 1999 by a young entrepreneur named Toni K. Toni has been involved in colour cosmetics since she was a teenager and has always desired to create and share a line of cosmetics that provided quality products at approachable prices.  NYX Cosmetics is one of the fastest growing companies in the United States of America because of it best quality makeup for such affordable prices 

NYX Cosmetics offers over 1,500 shades in its extensive collection, catering to all skin types and colour favourites. Advocated by makeup artists and celebrities including Nicole Richie, Lucy Liu, Stacy Keibler and Kate Beckinsale NYX has become a firm favourite and makeup bag essential. The collection includes everything from foundations and lip glosses to illuminators and primers, crayons and pens to shine controllers and a further wealth of design innovations. Cult-favourite includes The Curve, €15.99 the ergonomic shaped liner that makes applying liquid liner mistake-proof, precise, secure and best of all...effortless!  Conquer 3 critical make-up tasks with The Wonder Pencil, €5.99: CONCEAL flaws and blemishes with creamy precision; LINE your lips against lipstick bleeding and fading; and BRIGHTEN your eyes along the water line. The ultimate weapon on the war on shine The Shine Killer, €15.99,gives a fresh, marvellously matte look that lasts and lasts.

NYX Cosmetics will be available In Ireland in Pharmacies Nationwide as of yet there is no list made but keep an eye out for updates on my blog or on facebook or even on your favourite Irish bloggers blogs for reviews as I can tell all the stalls will well and truly be raided by us all hahaha

If you cant wait for reviews and havent checked out my reviews so far on so NYX Product check them all out here and start making your wishlists as I know you too will become hooked once they go on sale ;) 
So are you going to be trying some NYX Cosmetics now that they are here 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 30 May 2014

Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well :) :) 
I know im very late with this post as this little beauty is out a while now but to be honest I totally took this product for granted again and basically forgot to blog about it until this morning as I was using it on my normal quick shower quickly getting dressed routine and thought to myself "Gosh I love this product" Then it dawned on me that I have never shared this with you all 
We have our lazy days and we also have our days where we are so busy we tend to neglect the important things like protecting our skin when getting ready or feeding our skin moisture when running out the door.  I have my favourite moisturisers for when I jump out of the shower on a non busy day and I also have my favourites for prepping my skin for Tanning.  I now have a favourite for those busy and lazy days anything quick and that works for me marks my top of the list anyday 

I am a massive fan of Nivea for a long time now as you will see on my blog that I have reviewed alot of their products especially facial products.  I love how gentle their products are to the skin and their scent is amazing.  
Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser Has just won many awards including An Award on the Irish Tatler Magazine Beauty Awards 2014/2015
Nivea Claim:  Discover this easy way to moisturse: This Body Moisturiser is designed to be used in the shower straight after your  normal cleanser. The wet skin quickly absorbs the soothing formula with sea minerals.
Result: A silky, soft skin feeling when stepping out of the shower
I tend to reach for this on my lazy days and on my in the hurry days when I just have time for a quick shower and run and I do suffer with dry skin especially on my legs and arms.  I literally wash myself like normal Apply this all over my body and rinse off.  I then dab my skin dry and feel beautifully moisturiser and smelling yummy.  My skin feels like silk and very very smooth I love it.  The scent lingers all day long and throughout the day I still feel like my skin is moisturised.  
I also find I reach for this when I all of a sudden need to prep my skin for tanning.  Those days where you get an invite to go somewhere and you are thinking "Oh no I havent prepped my skin for tanning"  You know the deal with prepping your skin you have to ex foliated and moisturise but also have no moisturiser and also nothing on your skin before you tan.  Well I just hate having showers and not moisturising after as my legs are very flaky so I use this as I have to rinse off anyway so it gives me that moisturised feeling just before tanning.  Does it interfere or mess up my tan ??? Not one bit :) I love it :) :) 

It does feel a little oily when you apply this in the shower but once you rinse it off all you feel is smoothness and softness and relief after your nice hot shower.  I have went through 3 bottles of this beauty so far and still love it.  I even use this on my children and they love smelling it on their skin.  There are 2 different types you can get of this In Shower Body Moisturiser one for normal skin (which is in a white bottle) and this one for dry skin.  The price range is about €4 euro for a 250ml bottle which is an amazing price :) :) 
If you have super super dry skin you might want to add a little extra of your own moisturiser to your skin after using this as you might find it will not be moisturising enough throughout the day but for everyone else this will be right up your street especially for those who want a simple life haha

In all as you can guess I love this product and it has become part of my busy and lazy shower days routine.  It has also become part of my children's shower routine too as they always ask for some of mammy's blue bottle cream ( as they call it)  I highly recommend this to you all.  Have you tried this yet?  What's your thoughts on it :) 
You can purchase this in any supermarket who sells it and any pharmacy also available in Boots :) :) 
I really hope you enjoyed this review and until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 29 May 2014

Benefits "They're Real" Push Up Gel Liner Event

Oh my gosh ladies and gents just take a moment to read the invitation I received last week......... If you got an invitation like that wouldn't you be extra excited and dying for the day to arrive :) :)  This is my first ever invitation I got to go to a Bloggers Event hosted by Benefit which made me all goose pimply and extremely excited :) 
Well Sure I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas day to come and when it finally arrived I was in the clouds for the day until the time came to go to the event.  We were told nothing apart from what was in the invite but we did know of course that Benefit was launching something new :) 
Of course our destination was to go to The Dundrum Shopping centre in Dublin and to meet up at the customer services desk and that's what we did.  I had the lovely company of Sarah aka Adoreabubbles all the way there and back.  She is so funny and great to chat with :)   We bumped into our fellow blogger beauties some we have met on numerous occasions and some new faces.

As we arrived we were greeted by the lovely staff of Benefit including The lovely Sofia who invited us.  To our surprise there was also an officer to greet us too, who then ordered us to go with him (in his rough and ready voice) haha ;)  we had to follow him of course :)  Well would you refuse a man in uniform ;) Yummy !!! oops did I just type that lol 

Anyways huh hum .  As we were ordered outside we were amazed to see a huge truck and were ordered to get our butts inside we were "Under Arrest!" :) :) As we Entered our "Prison" We were greeted by the Fabulous and very handsome Mark Rogers (Starstruck!!!!) I love this guy and his work :) :) 

As we all marched into the truck we had no idea what to expect and of course we were "ordered" to put on our new outfits.  As I heard laughter in the air I pulled on my overalls and stared at the set up of inside the truck/prison lol AMAZING
Of course as we sat and listened to the wonderful Mark tell us why we were there everything fell into place :)  He started by showing us this amazing ad and to be honest I cant stop watching it Its amazing and so unexpected 
Its basically about a Woman who is a robber, the cops are after her, they catch her, put her into the back of the car, and as they are driving along she (in handcuffs) reaches for her bag and pulls out this New They're Real Push Up Gel Liner Pen, she applies it creating a beautiful cat eye look and it ends with her looking fabulous for her mug shots.  LOL Priceless and so typical of us women (even on the way to prison we gotta look our best ;) Check it out I know you will love it :) 

So Mark gave us a lovely insight to why They're Real Push Up Gel Liner Pen was created and showing us literally how this product works.  Put it this way we bloggers are super dooper excited as this is been released next month here but already highly talked about on YouTube.  I do believe this is going to make best seller as its one of a kind and no company has thought of this.
Ok enough chit chat and let me show you more pictures of course you may spot another New product which will be released at the same time Can you see it :) :) :) Plus do not worry you will not be waiting long for my reviews on these products as I am already playing around with them ;) 

 The Lovely Leanne Woodfull :) 

With the Fabulous Mark Rogers Love this guy xxxxxx our nice picture 
Our bold picture He is hilarious !!! :) 

Sarah aka Adoreabubbles wanted this truck for herself :) 

Here is our lovely goodies we got to take home with us thanks to Benefit.  As you can see we had the best fun ever and thanks so much to Benefit Ireland for hosting what can be said an unforgettable time :)  Are you as excited as we are about the new products ??? :)  
Keep your eyes well and truly peeled For some Benefit Reviews here on my blog very very soon :) 
Until Next Time 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Bia Beauty Stop the Clock Natural Eye Gel Review

Hey everyone I hope you are all well.  Todays Review is a requested one of course and I would not blame you all for bee curious about this product in particular.  We all have to face reality that fine lines and crows feet are going to appear in time under and around our eyes.  I for one am living proof When I hit my late 20's I started thinking long and hard about the fact I'm not getting younger and started to venture into eye creams.  Seeking out what would be best for me.  Its hard as there is so many eye creams out there to suit different ages and different purposes.  
To be honest you are never too young to start using eye creams even though it is not going to stop you from getting fine lines and crows feet but it will delay them in time.  Plus our eye area is very very sensitive and of course only covered by the thinnest of skin so we really have to be careful.  
I think any eye cream is going to do a good job in my eyes but as I said there are different eye creams for different purposes.  
Most of the time we worry about bags under the eye, puffiness and of course dark circles aswell as fine lines and wrinkles but not all eye creams sort out all of our eye troubles in one.  
Well thats where Bia Beauty comes in with their Stop the Clock Natural Eye Gel 
I got this product in my last PowderPocket Box and I have been using it everyday since. 

 Bia Beauty is an Irish Company who work with only natural ingredients to make their products which is even better for our skin.  Bia Beauty has become more popular and known since they started and I believe will be more popular throughout the years 
I was absolutely thrilled to get this and couldnt wait to try it out.  In fact it has become an everyday staple in my life 

Stop the Clock Natural Eye Gel as I state is for everyone 
as Bia Beauty claims its for healing and cooling the eye area aswell as brighten up tired eyes :)  This is one product I need in my life been a mum of 5 I look tired all the time.  

The special ingredients in this gel are: 
Aloe vera which cools the eye area 
Arnica de-puffs after those rough nights out 
Immortelle renews the eye area 
Rose pampers the eyes when they are sore and tired
Myrrh firms so our fines lines are less noticable 
I have to admit I loved this gel from the word go.  From the moment I first applied this to my eyes I instantly felt that cooling feeling and it felt like heaven.  I have to warn you the pump gives you a little too much so be careful as a little is enough for your eyes.  I apply this all over my lid and under eye area.  It feels a little tacky at first but dries in perfectly.  There is a beautiful light scent to it but soon disappears after use.  
Everytime I apply this especially on my more tired days where I feel my eyes are heavier than my head I instantly feel awake.  I store this in the fridge and it feels even more cooling and refreshings.  The bags under my eyes feel lifted and I instant look more awake.  To be honest I didnt like the feeling at first as i was not used to it but the only way I can describe the feeling after applying the gel is that someone is pulling my eyes up with a piece of string slightly if that makes sense :) 
I love that feeling now as I know the product is working for me 
If you are a new mum and are up all night with your baby, you are going to love this little beauty as it does make a difference.  As for improving fine lines I am not sure about that to be honest as I am not using it long enough but what better product to use for that than a natural product.  

I am definitely going to repurchase this when it runs out.  Even though I know its going to take some time to used this us as there is 15mls per bottle and that might not seem like alot but all you need is a tiny pea sized amount each time you use it.  
Have you tried this little beauty out.  Is it something you think you would try.  You can find this on the Bia Beauty site for only €16.95 which is a pretty amazing price in my eyes 
I hope you enjoyed this review 
Until Next Time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 25 May 2014

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder in Transparent

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well 
Today's review is on the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder in Transparent 
I have been looking for a transparent powder for a while now and of course its hard to find a good one.  Why Transparent I hear you ask?!  Well I think everyone should have a transparent powder in their kit especially you beauty lovers who have alot of makeup.  
We all tend to go for powders that match out foundations (which can be a pain as it is hard to find) or even powders that are lighter or darker than or foundations but sometimes or most of the time the only reason we need a powder is to set out makeup or to touch up out oily t-zones.  
That is where a transparent Powder comes in.  It adds no colour only sets our makeup and gets rid of that dreaded shine we tend to get.  It doesn't add that texture we end up getting especially when using powders after a few hours.  Or it doesn't give you that cakey look that some powders can end up giving you.  Also when we powder after a few hours we tend to notice after powdering that it has soaked into our fine lines and enlarged pores.  Not a pretty sight at all eh? 
Well with Summer in and The weather getting warmer (well not here but maybe where you are Typical Irish weather huh)  this is the time we need our compacts more as we tend to get very oily and shiny in heated weather 
I had to go for Rimmel Stay Matte as I've heard it is pretty good, in fact i have heard no bad reviews so far about it 

So let me begin by telling you what skin type I am.  I have combination to dry skin and I thought at first that this little beauty might me a no no for me because its Called Stay Matte but it is depending on what foundation I use I do get oily on my t-zone and sometimes on my cheeks as I suffer with enlarged pores.  My enlarged pores are more noticeable when the weather is warm and I hate it.  So basically I got this for that reason 
The packaging is very lightweight.  The lid is twist able but be careful when carrying this around in your bag as it can break if your bag is stood on or thrown.  Apart from that the packaging is no that important as its to be expected with such an affordable price.  

The Powder will well compacted and has the rimmel design printed on it.  Rimmel Claim that this powder will giving up to 5 hours natural shine control and helps minimise the appearance of pores.  As this shade is Transparent some people have said that there is a tint of colour to it.  I find its more on the white side than colour side

Do not worry though as this white shade will not lighten your foundation it blends out into a transparent finish.  
Overall i have had a great experience with this powder I have used it to set my makeup and noticed my foundation has stayed matte throughout the day.  I have also used this powder to set my concealer under my eyes and its perfect and does not settle into my fine lines.  As for minimising my pore it surely does that :)  I found this powder is not chalky and while using a large powder brush it picks us just the right amount of product to do my face.  Which mean no wastage of product.  My face does not feel dry after using it which is also a bonus as I hate that dry feeling you do get from some powders.  I have put this to the test by wearing a BB cream which has a dewy finish on a day that I knew I was going to be cooking alot :)  

So picture this:  A full face of Makeup,  Cooking in a medium side kitchen, all kitchen windows and doors shut cooking for 2 hours straight, lots of steam, and of course the range fire lit.  Yes you can imagine my face after that if I did not set my makeup.  Well Surprisingly My face stayed matte I was shocked and happy all at the same time :)  Delighted with this product and highly recommend this to anyone who has oily problems :) 
This picture was taken 2 hours after that engorged heat in the kitchen as you can see I am a little shiny under the eyes but nothing cray cray apart from that I stayed shine free LOVE IT !!!!!

 Anyone with dry skin will not benefit from this of course :) as it is a mattifying product.  I did find this powder did me throughout the day even after 10 hours of wear but if you are extra oily you will probably need to touch up after about 7 hours wear .  I even used this powder on my younger sister as she is oily and acne prone and as I applied a BB Cream on her she needed something to set that into place to last her for the night as BB creams can be quite shiny especially on oily skin.  I also had to use this to set her concealer for her blemishes and it did not cake up once.  here is her finished look as you can see she is naturally shine in the first photo and with wearing a BB cream made her look extra shiny but thanks to the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder in Transparent it made her look more natural and shine free without the heaviness of foundation and coloured powders.  Just to show you how matte and natural this powder is I used the flash of my camera to take the 2nd photo

I hope you enjoyed this review and let me know if you have tried this out yet :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 1 vs The Naked Palette

Hey my beauties How are you all 
Today I have a new brand to review and be warned you are going to see alot of reviews of this brand.  Now If you do not know what Makeup Revolution is they are a new company starting up and already are very popular in the blogging world.  They are yet another very affordable brand.  They are not linked with any other company including MUA which they state on their facebook page but they are just as affordable.  Well of course me been a beauty guru and up for finding amazing value I just had to just to the chance of trying this brand out and to be honest I went a little cray cray adding stuff into my basket.  Well the fact that it is super affordable I felt i was allowed Right?!.  This is why i am warning you about future reviews lol 

Well now here comes the next part as you all know The Urban Decay Naked Palettes 1,2 & 3 are a huge hit everywhere in fact most beauty bloggers if not all has at least one of these palettes or have them on their wishlist.  Also alot of makeup artist Well the ones I know here in Ireland reach for their Naked palettes for eye makeup looks on their clients especially brides as the eyeshadows are super pigmented and last all day plus look amazing on camera.  Of course alot of brands are now trying their best to create dupes of the palettes and in all honesty I must have about 3 dupe palettes of the Naked Palette 1 by now and any I have tried so far have been pretty impressive.  We are all looking for the dupes because in all fairness the price tag on these Naked Palettes are crazy.  

Makeup Revolution is the first company who have come up with dupe palettes for every one of the Naked Palettes and I just had to get them as I have been wishing since the first day I heard that the Naked 3 palette was out to get it I needed it in my life :) 
Anyways today I am going to review the Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette 1 for you as I have been using it quite alot and to be honest I wanted to do a comparision to the MUA Undress palette which is also a dupe.  Alot of people of course will be wondering is there any difference as alot of people will have by now purchased the MUA Undressed Palette and to be honest if this palette is near the same well there is really no point in buying it once you have MUA eh?
Ok So Here Goes :) 
Ok Here you have it the Iconic Number 1 aka Dupe of Naked Palette 1.  As mentioned before I did a Review on the MUA Undressed Palette and compared it to the Naked Palette also.  At the end of this post I shall be comparing all 3 of these palettes via swatches to show you all how close each palette is to the real thing but first let me talk about this palette.  
As you can see the packaging is pretty straight forward and has a good sturdy lid to it.  You are getting 14g of eyeshadows and there are 12 eyeshadows in total.  What I love about this is that its designed the exact same way as the Naked palette and the colours go in the same order 

Unbelieveable right?? They look the exact same in the pan :) 
In the Redemption Palette you are getting a double ended sponge applicator which in fact I used to throw away but now keep them as they are good to pack on colour. 

The shades as you can see are warmed neutrals and perfect for everyday and night time looks Exactly like the Urban Decay Palette 
As you can see there are 2 matte shades.  I have found the shade slightly sheer but of course they are more like skin colours and of course perfect for blending out harsh lines.  The rest of the shades are shimmery and satin.  They feel smooth soft and buttery.  They also blend out beautifully :) 

With a primer these eyeshadow last all day long with any fading which is amazing quality for a £4.  Amazing quality for sure 

Here are my swatches to prove it without primer underneath 

To be honest If you do not have this palette I tell you go get it you will not be disappointed :)  Now for the ultimate question for all of you out there who have the MUA Undressed palette.  Is there any difference between the MUA Undressed Palette and the Makeup Revolution Iconic 1 Palette?  
The answer is not really They both have the same pigmentation.  The Formula of the shadows between the two is somewhat different.   Makeup Revolution have a couple of shade that match exactly to Urban decay Naked Palette compared to MUA's Copy.  Also I noticed in a few shades Makeup Revolutions palette is a little more powdery than the ones on the MUA palette :)  So in all if you have the MUA palette stick with it and leave it at that but if you dont I recommend the Makeup Revolution Iconic 1 as I do find I like the formula of the shadows a little better 
I Have a little treat for you all I have swatches all 3 palettes against each other to show you the comparison so you can make your own minds up I hope its helpful :) :) 

First up is the dupes of Virgin (keep in mind I swatched these without primer)

 The dupes of Sin 

The Dupes of Naked 

 The Dupe of Side Car 

The Dupe of Buck 

The Dupe of  Half Baked 

The Dupe of Smog 

 The Dupe of Dark Horse 

 The Dupe of Toasted 

The Dupe of Hustle 

The Dupe of Creep 

 The Dupe of Gunmetal 

Apologies for the low lighting it was horrible weather actually flood type weather when I took these photos but you get the idea :) :)  Absolutely amazing how close they are right?  In fact as you can see by the Iconic Palette some of the shades are the exact match to Urban Decay :) :)  
Here is a look I created with the Makeup Revolution Palette using: 
1st Shade in the inner corner 
2nd Shade all over the lid 
9th shade on the outer corner of the lid blending it inwards and into the crease
I took a little of the 8th Shade into the crease to define the crease 
lastly I applied the 1st 2nd and 8th shade to my lower lash line.  For blending I used the 3rd shade :) 

So What do you think Which Palette would you go for first :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx