Saturday 26 October 2013

Sleek Vintage Romance Eyeshadow Palette & Antiques Blush Giveaway OVER

Hello My beauties how are you all today.  
Well at this stage you all know how much I love the New Sleek Vintage Romance Palette 
I love it so much I havent actually let it down since I got it which says alot 
If you missed my review about it check it out here 
So I have decided A giveaway is in store 
Some lucky winner is not only going to win this palette but they are also going to win the New Blush called Antique to go with it :) 

This is open to everyone even my wonderful International readers 
THE WINNER IS........................................

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please read Terms and conditions 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Saoirse Cassidy said...

Ooooooh yay! Thanks Nina <3

darkfayth said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is snuggling up on grey days with some soup and a good movie.

Unknown said...

Fav thing about Autumn is taking the kids out at night-time with a hot chocolate in the dark!

Unknown said...

I love the change in weather

whiterabbitIX said...

My fav thing about autumn is watching the leaves change to beautiful oranges and yellows!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about fall is the weather. I LOVE the cold.

B said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is walking over the leaves that have fallen off the trees, they make a nice rustling sound under my feet. Love Hallowe'en too, my kids love dressing up and my husband carves Jack O'Lanterns out of pumpkins :-)

Karen Hayes said...

The colours, I love the bronze, browns and oranges, in clothes, in trees and everywhere and I love listening to the rustle of the leaves blowing in the wind

Sidrah!!!! said...

I love wine-stained lips and hot cups of cocoa!

kati_kz said...

waterproof mascara

NiamhO said...

Love the crunch of Autumn leaves when it is occasionally dry!!

Unknown said...

I love colorful leaves on a warm *& sunny day. Unfortunately, this years "pretty" autumn is over now.

Unknown said...

Cosy nights in with a cup of hot chocolate:)

Anonymous said...

I love the soft and dark colors you see everywhere :D

Sadi said...

I really like the cozy nights :)

Mosse said...

i love the cosy weather. ideal for a cup of hot chocloate and a good movie! :)

Unknown said...

Dark red lippy c

Unknown said...

Cosy evenings by the fire!

silviabia said...

My favourite thing about autumn is the awesome colours of the leafs *-*

Anonymous said...

The way the leaves change colour & I love when your breath smokes in the cold morning air!

Unknown said...

Definitely the new trends, Especially this year! I cant wait to try some plum lippys!

Cint @ Makeup and Messes X

Ana Lopes said...

I love that you're doing a giveaway for all your readers!

myrna said...

i love crisp air in the morning and rain at night

Irina G. said...

My favourite thing about autumn is walking over the yellow and brown leaves.)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Sheri said...

I love the weather during fall

Anonymous said...

Rain+hot chocolate+watching movies on the sofa = LOVE

El said...

The weather and all the warm drinks that go with it. Also, Halloween candy :)

Beauty and others said...

Crisp fall air!

Unknown said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is the changing colors of the foliage and the crisp smell in the morning and evening

Winda - said...

Lipbalm with spf, some scarves, bold nail and boot of course <3

Unknown said...

Hi Nina,I finally found the leave a comment button lol!! My favourite thing about Autumn is the colour change, driving down country roads and the tunnel of trees with all the burnt orange colours are just so amazing...I also love to darken my hair in Autumn (just dyed it from blonde to brown yesterday) and I just love trying out new autumn coloured eyeshadows to match my new hair :) xxx

Unknown said...

Autumn is my favorite time off the year. I love the colder weather, hot drinks, big over sized sweaters and boots :-)

Thanks for this lovely giveaway, I'm a huge Sleek fan :-)

Love, Christine♥

Lulu said...

i don't like Autumn, but I like apple pies))

Vânia Vieira said...

I love to wear boots and cozy coats!

Meredith said...

The leaves

Alison said...

I like to break out the hot chocolate for fall.

Beezy_78 said...

The best part of the Fall season is that the cool weather makes it SOOO cozy to be indoors, sipping cocoa!:-) <3

moon said...

I love how the air feels and also the colours :)

Toothfairy said...

Drinking hot coffee :)

So Random Today said...

I love wearing so many layers of clothes. Being cosy by the fire with a big mug of tea :) And of course X Factor and the all important Toy Show!!! x

Unknown said...

My favorite part is the leaves changing colors.

Veselina Valkova said...

My favorite thing about autumn is golden colours everywhere and hot chocolate :))

Unknown said...

Favourite thing about Autumn are colors in the nature, leaves and rainy days :)

Laura Azevedo said...

In Brazil there's no diference between Autumn and Summer or any other season, it's really sad :( But I see the diferences in other countries and it seems amazing!

my tumblr:

Laura Azevedo xx

pegasus1975 said...

i love the autumn smell and being able to wear my chunky jumpers :)

Unknown said...

I love watching the leaves slowly change from green to all those gorgeous hues of orange, brown, red, yellow, etc :)

Jasmine Spiteri said...

love to try out some new sleek products :) my favourite thing about autumn is the morning chilly feeling and the rain :)

DIYMama said...

Hi sweetie, my favorite thing about fall is the lovely colours, the tree's, the toadstools. Watching the stormy weather from my cosy sofa with a hot cup of cocoa ;-)

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is watching my dog go crazy over the leaves when i walk though them.

Unknown said...

I may be one of few but i love the drop in temperature..the layering..the hot chocolate!!! All so good

Maria said...

I love the coziness of a rainy weather!

Elena said...

I love the colours of autumn and the quiet sunny days.

Unknown said...

i love cold win, crunchy leaves and scarves and coffee

Marian McCarthy said...

I love when it's cold outside while I'm wrapped up all snuggly in front of the fire! Plus I love that I can start wearing big boots, scarves and hats and layers of clothes again :)

Unknown said...

My favorite part is the leaves changing colors!! <3

Lisa Washington said...

Absolutely adore the new look blog Nina!

pinkshoes76 said...

I love the crisp mornings the way you get to wear layers like an onion, stews, big hearty meals, the beautiful autumal shades that appear in nail polishes

Cristina said...

My favorite part about Autumn is the weather cooling down so I can start to wear cozy/comfy sweaters

Basma said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is change in weather and having loads of chocolates, soups and hot chocolates at night, and having long walks in day time

Unknown said...

Wow :) What is my favourite thing with autumn? All those colorfull leaves falling down and a cold, fresh air. Best thing is a trip to a park, when sun is shinning, leaves slowly falling and you can just walk around watching squirrels everywhere :)

Ana Rita Marques said...

My favourite thing about Autumn is the leaves on the ground :)

Unknown said...

Apple pie and hot chocolate! :D

Chloe said...

My favourite thing is most definitely wrapping up warm in knits! x

Lu Gaspar said...

I love the colours

Unknown said...

my favourite thing about Autumn is the cosy nights in with a hot cocoa cuddled up with my little girl while watching disney films :D

Rachel Ox said...

The gorgeous autumn colours :)

Lara's Pint Of Style said...

Thanks for the giveaway :) quite a couple of fave things actually, my bday, autumn hues, cosy nights in and wearing cosy knitwear!

sophiecollierxo said...

i love the fall makeup , dark lips coppery eyes etc

Natasha K said...

the weather!

Marianna Bennici said...

cold days and hot chocolate! :)

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