Wednesday 17 April 2013

Celebrating 2 years on Nina's Bargain Beauty & Your Questions Answered ;)

Hellooooooooo My beautiful fantastic incredible Readers 
How are you all :) 
OMG I can not even believe I am writing this blog post 
Celebrating 2 Years Blogging 
Nina's Bargain Beauty is 2 Years old today 
I have all of you to thank for this because only for you dedicated readers out there I would not be celerating this amazing day 
Yes its amazing 
I never ever imagined I would be here with almost 1000 followers and still loving every moment of the blogging world.  
This is my life and my journey and I love that you are all part of it. 
When I first started blogging I never thought I would get the response I get everyday from you all.  I just started up blogging mainly for the love of what i talk about but mostly because there was no one really around me that understood my passion for what I do like you guys.  Not only that but I have met the most Amazing people through the blogging world.  I am amazed at how many people I have met and staying in contact with and still to this day I am meeting amazing people I love it.  
Not only that my confidence has changed so much since starting my blog up and I am sure some of you long time followers would have noticed that through-out the 2 years.  Things can only get better the more I blog.  
So to celebrate today I decided to do my very first official Questions & Answers blog post 
(which sort of had me nervous dont ask why lol) 
So without further ado I am going to go ahead and Answer as much as i can :)   If I do not answer your question this time around I promise I will make this a regular thing and your question will surely be the first to be answered :) 

Question 1 from Ave :  What is your personal favourite daily skin routine? What products do you use to cleanse and care for your skin, and when/how do you apply them? 

I am obsessed when it comes to taking care of my skin but I presume this is about my face.  So on my no makeup days I basically wash my face in the mornings with a gentle daily face wash pat it dry and use a day cream prefarably one with SPF to protect me for the day :)  If I am not wearing makeup I still want my face looking a little lively so I apply my newest moisturiser the Garnier moisture match for dull skin..... It leave a nice dewy fresh look on my bare face I love it :)
I do plan on doing a whole blog post on my daily skin care routine very very soon So i will keep you guessing the rest until then hehehehe (so bold aint I) 
Well to be honest by the time im finished the skin care routine for my makeup days there wont be enough space for the rest of the photos but thank you Ave for that question hunny I have certainly moved this blog post idea up the list ;) 

Question 2 from Wendy:  What are your 3 all time favourite beauty products that you go back to time and time again?
  1. Moisturiser for sure I could not live without it I mean if I didnt have moisturiser in the house I would literally walk in the hail rain snow sleak to get some honestly I would I like my skin to feel moisturised I hate that tight dry feeling its just awful.  The brands I am loving is Nivea I think it smells amazing feels amazing and keeps me moisturised all day long but that is my current favourite..... after all I am always trying out new products :) 
  2. My smellys!!!!  Come on ladies serious this has to be included I mean smellys as in deodorant  perfume and of course my wipes for the area I wish not talk about but needs it a certain time of the month yes I cant live without them EVER!!!!!!!!
  3. Lipstick/Lipglosses:  Once you have a little something on your lips you are on the ball lipsticks are always noticed and 80% of the time when you are talking to someone they are looking at your eyes but they are always watching your mouth while you talk.  This is why we carry 5-10 different lip products in our bags Right?? :) 
Its a real pity i could only choose 3 but they are the 3 once you look refreshed (moisturiser) smell great and have the most kissable lips girls you are getting noticed thats without the rest aka outfit hair and the rest of your makeup :) 

Question 3 from Niamh :)  What so far for you has been the highest point of your blogging career? (what was it that you put the most work into and feel it paid off?)

First of all this is in no way a career more like a massive hobbie in my life.  Which I hope one day It will become a career.  
The highest point I have to say is my confidence and finding my feet meaning when i started blogging i think alot of people thought "awwww this is just another phase she is going through"  in all fairness it took me alot longer to find out what i wanted to do with my life and i have finally found it I love it and my confidence has grown since I started blogging.  Another high point is I have met some absolutely amazing people through blogging and some have become my BFF's I would have never found some amazing friends if I hadnt started to blog.  Anothe high point ( promise this is the last even though there is loads) is that I have learned so so so much not only about beauty makeup etc but about myself some things I didnt know about myself until now and that makes me smile.  I have put alot and still do put alot of work into my photos I must take about 50 photos of the same thing and then go through them and pick the one I am happy with I believe a blog post if possible should have very detailed pictures and as true the the shade as possible I think thats what attracted alot of people to check out my blog :) 

Question 4 from Nicole:   If you could have one of each product in your make up bag what products would you choose? ie one blusher, one foundation etc.

Wow such a hard question because of the fact I am a beauty blogger I change my mind about alot of products so I suppose I could answer this question with what is my current favourites hmmmmm
Foundation:  Has to be the Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation its just amazing !!!!! I love it 
Blusher:  (this I really had to think about)  It would have to be....... Any of Catrice's blushes I think they are brilliant and I always seem to reach for them on an everyday basis but if I was going away for the day and I needed something I didnt have to top up I would apply my Daniel Sandler water colour blush (which I have to review)  Its amazing amazing amazing :) 
Bronzer:  Has to be my Sleek Contour kit I absolutely love it and recommend it to anyone its matte and its brilliant :) :) 
Mascara:  Avon Super Shock Mascara All the way but sadly I might never get my hands on that again :( If that is the case The next current best mascara would be MUA Extreme Volume Mascara Its actually really good for the price 
Eyeliner:  Has to be either Avon super shock Gel pencil liner (all time fav) :( 
Catrice Gel Eyeliner in 010 "Black Jack with Jack Black" Amazing !!!!
Lipsticks/LipGloss:  I figured I would just tell you whats in my handbag at the moment lol as that would be my current favs
Starting with Lip Liners:  ELF Mineral Lip Liner in "Rose" & Catrice Precision Lip Liner in "Lost in the Rose Wood"  Two amazing shades for everyday or nightime looks :) 
Lipstick:  Loreals Color Riche 235 "Nude" This is a perfect lipstick for any look :) 
Gloss:  NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss in "French Kiss" 
Rimmels Apocalips Lip Lacquer in "Celestial" 
MUA Intense Kisses Gloss in "Sealed with a Kiss" 
Balm:  Elemis Loving Lips Lip Balm (recent sample in a magazine) 
The Handmade Soap Co Lip Balm in "Calendula & Orange" 
awwwwww just so many likes and not enough space to talk about them lol but they are what I currently reach for.  I could swap all of them this time next week we will see :) :) 
Eyeshadows:  Would have to be at the moment my Lorac Pro Palette or any of my Sleek Eyeshadow Palettes they are amazing :) 
I really could go on and on lol so I think I will Stop At that 

Question 5 from Laura:  What advise would you give someone who is thinking of starting up their own blog?
Well Firstly I would say is be yourself do not try to be anyone else only yourself,  be true and honest after all you need to gain the trust of your readers and you as a reader of blogs would like to know that the writer is true to you !!!!
If your heart is not 100% into blogging maybe think of something else to do because you need to have the passion for blogging if you have that your blog will shine !!!!!
Please Do not over load your blog with ads its so so annoying when you click into a blog and all you see is ads and your literally searching for the blog post. 
Have clear pictures The clearer the pictures the better I dont mean go out there and buy an expensive camera now :) I mean try to take photos in the brightest place of your home try to get them as clear as you can
Share the love!!!!! Visit other bloggers if you like their blogs follow them let them know you are there and that you love their blogs and that you are their new follower 9 time out of 10 that blogger will pay a visit back and follow you if they like your blog :) :) There is nothing better than seeing bloggers sharing the love as we are not in this for competition we are in this because we share the same passion be it for makeup for fashion etc we still share the same passion in what we do.
Enjoy what you do and pay no attention to those who will try to bring you down after all they are only jealous of who your are and what you have become and basically they just dont have the confidence you have to follow their dreams which is a big pity :) 

Ok I think I have answered enough for today If I didnt answer your question do not fear I have written them down and will answer them in my next Q&A post.  Thank you so much for all your questions and I hope you enjoyed and got some tips :) 
Thanks again to all of you for all the support 
Love you all 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Unknown said...

Aw lovely post Nina and congratulations on your two year bloggy birthday! xo

Unknown said...

Emma Thanks hunny It feels amazing to be this far and still love it like the day I started :) Thanks for your long time support hun xxxxxxxxxx

Beautiful Living said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blog birthday!!!! I LOVE your blog, keep up the good work :)

Eva-Lynn said...

Congrats! You're doing a great job! x

Barbie's Beauty Bits said...

Congrats,love your hair up it looks great on you!


Unknown said...

Congratulations! Great post, and good wishes for the future! x

Anonymous said...

Well Done Nina!!!

Marian McCarthy said...

Congrats Nina! so delighted for you and Happy Bloggy birthday :) You deserve all them followers and all the success you've had :D

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