
Saturday 30 March 2013

Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello my beautifuls :) 
How are you all doing today :)
Well Guess what??? 
I have been in the mood to do a blog tag for ages now I dont know about you but I just love seeing tags been done on a blogs its a great way to get to know the writer of the blog more and its also a change from what the blogger normally does on their blog 
Anyways I googled tags and this was the first one I seen and thought hmmmmm I'll do it :) so here goes :) 

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Curly Naturally well sort of curly ok ok can be quite frizzy if I do not use anything to tame it but I then find it goes flat the next day with a little kink 

2. What is your natural hair colour?

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Well I used to dye it myself up until I had the cherry black in my hair and when i fancied a change   it was hard to cover the red so for the past 3 times I have got it dyed by a hairdresser 

4. How often do you wash your hair?
I wash it 3 times a week

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
I do try to change it up but most of the time I wear it down a few days then i wear it up depending on my mood i suppose :) 

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I only every got my nails done once in my life in a salon.  Pedi is difficult for me as i hate feet i hate anyone near my feet at all so I do it myself 

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
When nails are in good condition I will change my polish twice a week depending on the polish I use if my nails is in bad condition don't wear any until they are back to normal 

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
Truth ? I only ever polish my toes if I am planning on wearing shoes that shoe my nails if not I dont bother with them 

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
Depending on the look I am doing.....If I am going out on a night out about an hour...... Day time looks usually about a half hour..... or I could get away it a very quick 5 minutes :) 

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Face, Eyes, Lips

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
Of course I collect! I'm a makeup/beauty youtuber/blogger.  I also hoard a little which I know I shouldn't it took alot out of me to do my last blogsale lol I know i am due to have another blogsale soon but I just need time people :)  :) lol I love collecting especially palettes I think they are amazing oh and makeup brushes I have so many but I just keep buying more :) :) 

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
To be honest I am not a lover of them so not that often I am a huge fan of the Individual lashes they are amazing and you have control of how thick and full you want your lashes I also love that they give a natural finished look without the evidence of you adding to you lashes 

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
No I dont I am a mum of 5 so It is hard to find the time to do looks everyday plus I like to let my skin breath and have a break from the "hard stuff" 

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
No No not normally depending on my mood.  Some days I just get into the mood to do my makeup and go around the house in my pjs with a full face other days I like to be makeup free.  If there was a family occasion thats a different story I would of course wear makeup as there will be lots of photos :) 

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes I have no problem leaving the house makeup free.  Its nice to go out with makeup on of course but its not a great deal to me to walk out of the house looking 10 years older than say yesterday lol (only kidding) but I sure do look different without it 

16. How many high end products do you have?
Wow thats a tough one.  I do have some Mac, Urban Decay, Lorac, Inglot but most of my collection is Drugstore 

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
I spot clean everytime I use them and deep clean once a week if not once every 2 weeks depending how often i use them.  I am a bit of hygiene freak :) 

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
If i was going somewhere important yes I will plan the day before.... If not I will just root out something just before i get dressed.  

19. How often do you change your handbag?
Not often I use the same bag everyday....but it depends on occasions I will change my bag to suit my outfit of that day or night :) 

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
Oh Lordy now thats a question lol.  So mornings I could be up at 5 am some at 6 am some mornings I could be lucky to sleep until 7.30 why you ask my kiddies are early risers :) :) At night I would get about 5 hours sleep in total 

21. How often & when do you workout?
I dont work out bad as that sounds I feel I dont need to I am on the go every single day I dont have time to sit around all day with kiddies they are a great way to keep you fit and healthy I love it :) 

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?
Right handed!

23. How tall are you?
I am 163 cm tall which is about 5ft 4in I think 

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
No I am afraid not If i could turn back time I would have kept on a language in school I suppose its never too late to start learning (no there's an idea) 

25. How many pets do you have?
I have none :( My garden is too small to have pets and I like to think that any pet has plenty of space to run free thats why i gave away my 2 dogs last year it was just way too hard to see them grow and have so little space I still miss them but they are living in the country now with fields all around them 

26. How often are you on Blogger?
Every single day I love to read my favourite bloggers posts and I love to see whats new out :) 

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?
All time....... I love to read what people have to say its so important :) 

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Sometimes I write them down but most of the time I have them printed in brain :) 

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
I think it was because my main aim when starting up my blog is to show people that you do not have to spend an absolute fortune to have the best also I am a huge bargain hunter and I love beauty so it made sense to name my blog Nina's Bargain Beauty 

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
My baby the Canon PowerShot SX220 HS

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
Daily I have to lol with kids you are literally running around after them with brushes, clothes etc. 

32. What is your favorite colour?

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?
I love all of the Irish Magazines aka U magazine, Stellar, Tatler etc I also Like Glamour magazine and Cosmopolitan 

34. Do you swear?
Been a mum I am more aware not to swear or at least try to.  Like sometimes the odd Shite or F**k word will come out of my mouth but other than that no not really depending on my mood I could be really Pissed out and then the words will fly out but it will take alot for me to be like that 

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
At the moment it is 7.30pm so I am going to finish this, get my kiddies dressed and up to bed, cook dinner which is Enchiladas and watch a DVD :) nice !!!!

So that's the tag, please do it yourself and link me to it either in the comments .
I also have to do this......I TAG ALL THE IRISH BLOGGERS HEHEHE 
I hope you enjoyed this :) as a change of course :) 
I hope you are all well 
Take Care 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Famous X Spotlight Lipgloss in Bombshell & Babe

Hello my wonderful readers How are you all doing today :) 
I have another Famous X Review for you today :) 
This is not the first lip product from Famous X I have reviewed I have also tried and tested their Lip Addict Lipsticks  in which I like 
So I opted for they Spotlight Lipglosses to see what they were like :) 
I decided on 2 shades that would be perfect for the coming Spring/Summer season after all the brighter the better but looking out the window (sigh) in fact what i see in front of me is a blizzardy snow fall its not even flakes of snow its light the light fluffy beads you will see in a beaded play ball or something like that.  Ok i am verging away from what I should be talking about lol sorry everyone I am so like that though I just love to talk !!!!
There is 6 shades of these lip glosses to choose from.  They cost £4.99 each for 8mls of product which is quite alot I have to say.  They are available in selected Superdrug stores or you can buy direct from their site.
The packaging is cute and simple.  It remind me so much of the e.l.f Glossy glosses and the MUA Intense Kisses gloss where packaging is concerned only this gloss is half a size bigger.  
No only that but this lipgloss comes with a mirror on the side of the packaging which is quite handy if you want to top up are not near a mirror and forgot your compact.  Not ONLY That but it also comes with an extremely bright light when you open the lip gloss up to apply.  This light would be handy to apply your gloss if you esb went out or your stranded in the middle of no where in your broken down car and the AA man which could be good looking is on his way lol 
To me the light is just an additional thing that really doesnt excite me a whole lot but might to others :) Well my 11 year old daughter thinks its the best thing every when I bought her a couple of these glosses along with my own :) 
Whats more important to me is the glosses performance and of course the applicator.  
The applicator is a doe foot applicator which i love the most as it makes applying the gloss so easy even without a mirror.  
 So let me go ahead and talk about the glosses themselves :)
The shades I got I am very pleased with as I said above these shades are perfect for the Spring and Summer months.
Bombshell:  Is a beautiful dolly pink with tiny silver shimmers which dont really appear to be noticable on the lips.  This is sheer but buildable.  
Babe:  This is a nice orange nude shade it too has tiny silver shimmers in it.  This too is very sheer and adds a little bit or a tanned orange
The Consistency of these glosses is quite nice.  They are not thick nor too thin.  They are not sticky or gloopy they just feel like a balm like texture.  They do have a little scent to them a very faint vanilla scent you will notice it disappearing as soon as you apply it.  I found the lasting power a little disappointing to be honest.  I had to reapply about 1-2 hours later which is a little annoying on those dry lip days.  I like to apply these over lipsticks or when I use a lip pencils for a little extra boost and they work brilliantly for that purpose :) 
So if you are looking for a gloss that will give a little shine, a little tint, will not feel sticky and will do for an everyday wear lip gloss these are for you.  
I dont regret buying these glosses at all they are both beautiful shades that will do for my no lipstick days and for the days I just want something on my lips 
Have you tried these yet? 
What do you think of the shades :) 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

Disclaimer:  These glosses were purchased out of my own money 
I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 25 March 2013

Advice I'd give my teenage self

Hey my beautifuls how are you all doing today :)
I am super excited about this post today as its something different and something I suppose in a way personal 
Recently I have seen a few you tube videos titled somewhat like this and I absolutely loved every video.  They actually made me smile and made me think about what I would tell my teenage self if I had the chance. I even thought about doing a blog post at the time and decided mmmmm maybe not until I read one of my favourite magazines 
U Magazine and Irish Magazine I read Every 2 Weeks and this weeks Issue was about one piece of advice you would give your 16 year old self !!!
That was it.  It was like a sign that I had to do this blog post someone or something was telling me that I needed to do it so here goes :)  So instead of giving advice to my 16 year old self I am advising my teenage self as I feel my teenage life the whole way through was somewhat confusing to me and I feel I experienced alot through my whole teenage life.  
So let begin. 
  1. Cleanse, tone and moisturise as its so so important.  
  2. Wear SPF ALL THE TIME when you go out in the sun especially remember the time you wore baby oil on your skin wore black and sat in front of the window to get a tan but fell asleep and nearly got sun stroke learn your lesson from then on as you will experience some more bad burning aswell as damaging your skin !!!!! 
  3. Stop looking in the mirror and trying to find flaws.  Those flabby bits you see are not there !!!!! you are only trying to find them and if you work hard on finding them "you will" even though they are not there.  You are beautiful stop trying to say your not beauty is from the inside and outside you are just as beautiful Those people ont he telly and magazines are not perfect they are airbrushed.  They look just like us in real life trust me they too get spots, they too put up weight, they too hard times!!!!!
  4. Stop trying to please everyone !!!!!! You are only human your cant be anyone else but yourself and you know what THATS WHO YOU SHOULD BE.....YOURSELF!!!!!!! Stop wishing you are someone else after all people will still love you for who YOU are !!!!!
  5. You know the bullies who keep putting you down who keep talking about you and who keep making fun of you????  Well you know what they are actually envying you they are jealous of you because you are smart wise beautiful inside and out and nothing like them !!!!! They get a thrill out of hurting people which is wrong and it will hit them hard in the future because those followers they have at the moment will eventually turn against them AND THEY WILL END UP VERY LONELY AND IN ALOT OF TROUBLE IN THE FUTURE BELIEVE ME 
  6. Love food dont look at it as an enemy after all your body need fuel and without it your are going to get very ill in the future 
  7. TALK ABOUT YOUR TROUBLES you are blocking everyone out and not talking about what is on your mind STOP DOING THAT it will all build up and will make you very very down find someone you trust and talk to them believe me they will not judge you and TALKING DOES HELP
  8. Go with your gutt feeling if something inside tells you not to do this and to do that go with it dont go against it.  
  9. Listen to the sensible adults around you they know what they are talking about !!!!! After all they were teens themselves and they have made mistakes and learned from them so the best advise is from Adult who have learned and done alot in the past 
  10. BOYS!!!! awwww boy will definately come and go and dont rush into relationships have fun with boys but be careful not to make rash decisions for the sake of keeping them and your friends happy!! Remember your body is your own and your want your first time to be special 
  11. Relationships !! They can wait you need to find your path and been in relationships too soon will only get in the way.  Remember unless the man in your life makes your heart beat a thousand beats a minute, you cant sleep thinking about him,  you feel special by the way he treats you, he treats you like a princess, your feel happiest when you are with him you feel free, your feel trusted and your feel you trust him with your life, when you are apart from him your heart aches to be with him again, you want to live the rest of you life with him.   You have eyes for no one else but him and you feel complete with him Thats what real love is all about girlfriend and believe me the love you think you feel in your teens is not the love you will feel in the future and I mean the REAL LOVE 
  12. Dont pressure yourself too much into deciding what you want to do in the future because you are going to change your mind unless its something you feel oh so passionate about that you eat sleep and dream about this career then thats the career for you but dont be disappointed if a couple of years down the line you have a change of heart and want to do something else well then go with that change !!!
  13. Friends:  Always put them first over boys especially boys come and go but friends are there for life !!!!!! treat them as family not as friends and dont worry if you have to part for what ever reason you will see in the future them close family friends will be back in your life and you will feel like you never parted.  
  14. Friends are people who treat you right who treat you like they would want to be treated remember if a friend comes to you and says "dont tell this person i told you this........." well maybe think long and hard about telling them your deepest secrets because they are not to be trusted.  
  15. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! ALWAYS TRY AND CHANGE A NEGATIVE FEELING INTO A POSITIVE !! For instance when you are standing in front of that mirror and pointing out the flaws you have try to pick out the nice things you see even if its one a day.  I promise the more you do that the better you will feel about yourself !!!!! Try instead of saying "oh my goodness look at my tummy its wobbling" Say "Wow I really love the way my hair is today" concentrate on that for the rest of the day 
  17. You are not going to know what you want to do in the future until much later in your life but thats ok you do not have to decide when you are in school some people dont know what they want to do until they are in their late 20's you will be one of them and NO THATS NOT TOO LATE ITS NEVER TOO LATE !!!! 
  19. Dont make too many plans for the future Live in the now !!!! because making too many plans will only set you up for disappointment and there is no need for it
  20. Speak your mind you will end up doing it in the future and you will see its the best thing and be much happier!!!! you will see that you will get alot more respect for speaking your mind and going with your feelings rather than keeping your mouth shut.
  21. Remember you are beautiful !!!!!!! It doesnt matter what people say people say thing only to hurt you not because its true why you ask.........because they find putting people down subsides how they feel about themselves !!!!! they feel crappy about themselves so they take it out on you !!!!!!!
  22. Talk to people thats the only way you are going to meet people they are not going to bite and believe me you are the type of person people will love to talk to and will love having in their life so stop thinking they are bite you or something 
  23. Things that happen in your life IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!!! STOP BLAMING YOURSELF...................But the decisions you make weither they are good or bad are your decisions dont blame it on anyone else but yourself !!!! The only thing you can do is not dwell on it if they are bad decisions and just learn from them.  The bad experience you will experience LEARN FROM THEM BECAUSE THEY WILL MAKE YOU STRONGER TRUST ME !!!!!! 
  24. Wherever the path leads you in life take it and love it after all the days you have a so precious and this path is for you and you only sometime its not what you want but there is always a reason for it
  25. Remember you are just as important as anyone else in this world you can not change and do not change for anyone but yourself at the end of the do people will come and go in your life but you are with you forever 
  26. Oh and one last thing USE MAKEUP AS A BEAUTY ENHANCER NOT A MASK You are beautiful you dont need makeup but if you are to use makeup enjoy it experiment and use it only to enhance your beauty you already have LESS IS MORE

Ok I Think I will stop there before you all fall asleep lol I could go on forever with this one 
If you feel like doing something like this on your blog and end up doing it please leave a link in the comment box I would love to read yours.  
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 24 March 2013

Famous X The Big Cat Eye Palette

Hello my lovelies :) 
How are you all doing today :) :) 
Today I bring you a review on the Famous X Big Cat Eye Palette I purchased about 2 months ago.  
There are technically four types of ‘big cat’ in the wild. (Buy an eye shadow kit, get a biology lesson, good eh?) Anyway the relevance of this is that there are four different colour families inside this 16 shade palette from greens and blues to neutral browns and purples. We’ve also included two shades of black to finish each look – generous! 

Depending on your mood, there are loads of different looks you can rock with this palette. Why not try Jazz all over the lid and Hypnotize through the crease? Finish with Pinky in the inner corner and you’re ready to go party ‘til the sun comes up. You’re sexy and don’t Famous know it! Get ready to pounce in your wild habitat - grrrrrr!
Ok I have to admit I instantly fell in love with this little bundle of joy the moment I set my eyes on it on the site :) 
You have to admit Its the cutest thing since sliced bread isnt it :) 
When I purchased this palette It was half price as there was a half price sale on at the time but at full price it costs £8.99 
If you have never heard of Famous X before Click here and click here to see my previous reviews and you will soon be educated about it :) Put it this way its another amazing affordable brand ;) 
I absolutely love love love the packaging and anyone who is a leopard print gal will love it too just look at it isn't it funky.  So what you see in front of you is the prettiest leopard print makeup case with a zipper and inside you are getting (drumroll please)
Is a fabulous 16 shade eye-shadow palette :) along with that is a nice sized mirror and two applicators what I love about this case is that you know your eye-shadows are going to be safe and snug and if it gets a bang or two you have no fear of your eye-shadows been broken.  Its also handy for your handbag and you would be well proud to whip this little beauty out in front of your friends to get a little ohhhhh awwwwww reaction as they will think its a purse them when you open it up and they see its makeup well all the questions will be thrown at you lol 
I love how the palette also has this plastic flap over it for hygiene and protection.  On the plastic flap as you see you have the names of each eyeshadow :) :) I love names on my eyeshadows :) 
These eye-shadows are a nice sized eye-shadow which will last you a long time.  You are getting a nice mixture of shades which would be well suitable for everyone.  You are getting greens, blues, browns and purples.  You are getting some matte shades, some shimmery shade,  some shades with glitter chunks and satin shades :) 
All the eye-shadows are actually quite good.  The mattes of course are not as pigmented as the shimmery ones as you can see yourself.  I also have my favourites for instance 
Hypnotised which is a stunning shimmery black 
Peachy is a great blending shade 
Autumn is an absolute an amazing burgundy brown shade 
Cherub oh boy is this pigmented its a stunning bronzy brown 
Love Potion a lovely shimmery chocolate brown and 
Emerald City a stunning blackened green 
Some of the shades are a little on the chalky side and you will experience fall out with them but they are the most pigmented ones and blend brilliantly 
The mattes are harder to blend and will need a little more time but they work well and look great when you take the time to play with them 
With a good primer these eye-shadows last all day 
Do i think this palette is worth buying?  Of course it is especially for the price and this would make a great gift for teens and young adults :) 
Anyone who travels alot would love this palette too 
Have you tried this yet :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 23 March 2013

Jelly Pong Pong Lip Blush Review

Hey My beautifuls How are you all doing today :) 
Wow I can not believe it is Easter weekend already 
Its crazy how the time is flying by so quick 
The kiddies are off school for 2 full weeks so the house is already cray cray lol and that is before the Easter Bunny has entered the house lol 
Well you know what they say Crazy kids Crazy mummy lol 
Anyway todays review is on a product or should I say brand I have never tried before and that is thanks to the March Glossybox.  Now you may have noticed I do not do Glossybox posts anymore and the reason for that is to be honest I dont see much point in it by the time I get it here in Ireland all of your know from other bloggers what is in the box as most of the bloggers from England for example get their boxes before us so they get to post up what they got and most of the time there is always the same products in there so what i decided to do is if I find an unbelievable product that I just have to tell you about or a product I find I will purchase again I will blog about it What you Think?  Is that a better idea  :) 
So todays review is on the Jelly Pong Pong Lip Blush 
Now you may be thinking awwww not another chubby stick but to be honest I find chubby sticks brilliant they are handy and convenient and fun.  They are a lip liner lipstick and lip balm all in one I love it.  Now Straight away i wanted to compare there to the famous Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Balms which I absolutely love and adore :) 
Of course its great to expand your knowledge and experiences by not sticking to the one brand who makes near enough the same type of product after all there could be one better than the other.  
Jelly Pong Pong is a Company based in Taiwan.  They have a website in which you can purchase from anywhere in the world and of course they are Cruelty-Free.  
Check out their website for more information and to be honest I am liking what I am seeing and might treat myself to some more items on my birthday next week hehehe
A moisturising lip stain that tints your lips with just the right amount of juicy colour and hydrates like a balm. Apply liberally, purse and let the silky lightweight texture melt onto your lips. Bonus : Made with beeswax and ceresin wax for a sheer, smooth application
The packaging is the exact same as the Revlon Lip Balms.  They are a chubby stick with a twistable end and now sharpeners are involved which I absolutely love :)  
The lid is sturdy and that too I love as it wont be making a mess in your handbag :) 
The shade is so so pretty I absolutely love it.  I am not usually a red lipstick wearer but I am slowly getting over that red lipstick fear and wearing alot more brighter colours to verge my way there (you know what I am on about girlies !!! I can now say over 90% of women out there in the world has a red lipstick fear lol)
This is vibrant yet it can be as sheer as you want it to be.  With the first application you are literally getting a tint of red on your lips which looks so so beautiful on fair skinned women.  Upon the second layer you are getting a noticable red which would look fantastic on the lips on a date night or a night out or if you dare on everyday basics any other layers will just make the shade more intense :) 
The scent on these is lovely you get a nice minty scent which I dont mind you also get a slight cooling sensation which is handy for those sore lip days 
The texture is fantastic its soft creamy and feels smooth on the lips.  It doesn't soak into the lines of your lips even with sore lips you find this doesn't settle into the cracks. 
 This shade is called "Cranberry" I forgot to mention and this is 2 coats. Doesn't it look amazing I love it.  I feel kissable when I wear this :) I found literally lasted all day on my lips ok maybe after 5 hours it looked like I have a red tint more than colour on my lips but my lips stayed stained all day long.  
For £12 they are very very good and will last you for a very long time £12 is nothing to be honest as you would pay more for a lipstick you have to reapply all day where as this will last you all day.  To be honest if you asked me is there any difference between this and the Revlon Kissable Lip Balms I would say no there is no difference in my eye they bother perform the same look the same only Revlon has more shade to choose from and Revlon are a little more affordable.  Only a few pounds but a few pounds make a difference.
Bright eh? but beautiful :) 
Anyone else get this in their Glossy Box ?
What do you think of the Jelly Pong Pong Lip Blush ? (cute name lol)
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 
Oh P.S:  I have finally started up a Like page on Facebook as Too many people were getting friends request bans and messages bans trying to add and contact me so I have made life alot easier lol dont worry though I will still be on the other page but just using my new page to post up review etc be sure to check it out and maybe like the page :) :) 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 21 March 2013

MUA Lipsticks in Shades 2, 6, 9 & 14 Review

Hello my beauties :) 
How are you all doing today :) 
I am looking out the window as I type this in my fluffy pjs and fluffy socks feeling all meh!!! The weather is not exactly what you call Spring time weather its more Winter with rain pelting against the window and the birds bearly able to stand on the branches with the wind.  Awww I think a nice cuppa hot chocolate and a chocolate eclair is on the menu for me hold on .........
Now that I am in a chocco happy mood lets get started on the review :) 
So you may already know I am no stranger to MUA's (Makeup Academy) £1 Lipsticks I have a more recent review on a shade called "Juicy" which I love and I have also a great love the MUA's Lip Booms they are amazing.  So I decided to go ahead and order 4 more shades in a sort of lucky dip way.  I normally google the shades but this time I just chose 4 for fun :) after all it was on the 50% sale they had a couple of months ago so it worked out I only paid 50p for them :) :) Happy days
The fact I have reviewed these already leaves me with just basically showing you the shades I got and then me telling you my experiences with them 
but to cut a long story short you are getting 3.8g of lipstick for £1 each these lipsticks are one of the most popular product sold by MUA So far I have had good experiences with these lipstick that is mainly the reason I went back for more :) So lets show you the shades I got :) 
Shade 2:  This is a lovely plummy pink shade with a satin finish.  Its very very pigmented and you would get away it applying one coat for a perfect everyday colour.  The more coats you put on the more pigmented it gets.  Applying this is like a dream is soft cream and feels really moisturising on the lips.  This shade would suit everyone including us fair Irish gals :) :) I love it :) 
Next up is a shade I wouldnt normal choose and will maybe only ever wear on a night out 
Shade 6:  I am not normally a fan of shimmery or frosty lipsticks both of which is the finish of this lipstick.  Even though the shade is so so pretty and the shimmers in the lipstick does look good on the lips its a beautiful pinky shade and perfect for summer time but I only see myself ever reaching for this maybe on a night out its a bit much in my eyes but some of you might like the look of it on the lips.  The texture is lovely and creamy and you do not feel the shimmers on the lips but I found when this wears off the shimmers stay put 
As I said it does look pretty but not my cuppa tea at all 
next shade is another shade I am not really loving 
Shade 9:  This is really not a favourite and to be honest I would reach for Shade 6 quicker than this one.  This is a very shimmery frost coppery brown shade very creamy soft and pigment but just not my shade or liking whatsoever here is the swatch of it for you guys out there who do like that sort of lipstick 
And last but not least 
Shade 14 "Bare":  Well I know alot of you will like this one :)  At first I thought this shade was going to make me look like death warmed up but It surprised me when I swatched it :)  This is a lovely peachy nude shade and yes its semi-matte an extra bonus :)  This is smooth and creamy and very pigmented what I do find with this lipstick is that you surely have to ex-foliate and moisturise your lips before applying this as I have found it to slide a little if I don't.  as you will see in the photo a little of what I mean but its a stunning shade and lipstick for those smokey eye days/nights.  
The one thing I will advise you when shopping on the MUA Site for lipsticks is please google for swatches before hand so that you do not be disappointed with the shade.  You will not be disappointed with the lipstick itself but the shades are hard to judge from the site.  
Over all I got 2 shades I love and 2 shades I don't but I took a risk purposely and Its beneficial in some ways as I still get to show you all what the shades are like 
So I hope this was helpful to you all 
Have you tried these lipsticks before?
What are your favourite shades :) 
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Monday Makeup: Paddy's Day Look :)

First of all let me begin with showing you my kiddies St Patricks Day looks lol
They were so so cute that day as they alway are :) :) 
As You all know St Patricks Day (paddy's day not Pattys) is a huge thing in Ireland :) 
Especially with kids :) 
The more done up they are they better so they had their hair sprayed 
Tatto's (not real ones of course) on their faces 
Cool T-shirts and hats for the day :) 
Now of Course mammy has to take part too :) 
So here is my look for the day :) 
Of course my hair had to be a little on the messy I had just washed it and it went a little cray cray while getting the kiddies ready the joys of motherhood eh?
So I have decided to take part in this new thing called Makeup Monday where everyone shares a look they have created in the week and share what they created :) 
I really want to get involved in this one because to be honest its giving me a kick in the ass to start showing looks (even if they are not professional) as some of you might actually like them plus I have been asked so so so many time when I am going to start doing tutorials as you are liking the looks I post up on my facebook page.  I suppose in some sense its sort a confidence thing as I am self teaching and have learned alot and got a little more confident in creating looks but feel I am just not 100% confident enough to do tutorials yet so maybe this might be what will get me started :) 
Now Makeup Monday doesnt have to be just on looks created it can be about anything even reviews but I have taken it into my head its for looks created so that it will give me the inspiration to share looks I have tried out :)   If you want to get involved click the Makeup Monday picture on my side bar or click here 
So the look of the day is of course consisting of greens :) 
I love greens but find it hard sometimes to wear them as some greens do clash with my eye colour which is hazel 
So the eyeshadows I used are from two different palettes 
After Priming my lid 
  • I applied the top left shade which is a matte cream shade all over lid up to the brow bone 
  • Then I mixed the top right shade which is a frosty champagne and the bottom 3rd shade which is a stunning gold together and applied that to the first inner 1/3 of the lid 
  • and lastly from this coastal scents palette I took that stunning minty green shade with golden shimmers the first shade on the 2nd row and applied it to the centre of the lid and to the bottom lash line 
  • For blending out any harsh lines i simply used the matte cream shade on the top row
  • Going to my Unii Palette which i filled with my the body needs crush pot eyeshadows 

  • I applied the Last shade "Blackened Emerald" which is a sunning emerald green with black undertones I applied most of the shade to the outer corner and blended out into the crease this is an absolute stunning shade :) 
  • lastly I applied the 2nd shade "Blackened Teal" to the outer V and outer 1/3 of my bottom lash line 
  • And I blended altogether :) 

I applied my current favourite gel liner by Catrice cosmetics and then decided the shadows were not shimmery enough ;) so I got my NYX Candy glitter Eyeliners out and chose the obvious one for this look :) "Jade Green" and applied that over the eyeliner on my top lash line ;) 
My camera really doesnt do this look justice but its to give you an idea of what it looked like as the lighting was so dull due to typical Irish weather its the best i could do :) plus i had 4 kiddies pulling out of me to hurry up so we could go to the parade while i was taking the photos lol 
So thats my paddy's day look
If you want to check out some more Monday Makeup Click below :) 
Makeup Monday
Until next time 
Lots of Love Luck Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx